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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Tom, Wouldn't be surprised if some walls and "doorways" weren't radically changed over the years. Nice-looking kitchen, though. Looks pretty darn new-ish to me. -- Toomby
  2. Dear Paul, Nice try. As I keep saying, it was Duran's and Azcuce combined description of the guy who was (or more likely was-not) there that's significant, because their combined decsription describes Leonov to a "T", imho. But fwiw and just to cajole you: 1 ) Duran described herself as being 5' 3.5" tall. 2 ) Common consensus is that LHO was 5' 9.5" or 5' 10" tall. 3 ) Duran described "the blond-haired guy" as being "short", "about the same height" as her. Now, in all honesty do you really think that Duran would have said that a guy who was 5' 9.5" or maybe even 5' 10" tall as being about the same height as her 5' 3.5"? (And yes, in her testimony, she did say that the dude was blond-haired.) I've read two documents that mention Leonov's height. One (which I can't seem to find) says he was 5' 6" , and the other says he was about 5' 7.5" (170 cm.) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=48495#relPageId=2&tab=page -- Toomby PS Azcue described the guy who was either there-or-not-there as being "blond or dark blond," " thin (skinny)," and as having a "very thin face." I can hear it coming. "But but but ... how blond or dark blond .... and how skinny .......... and exactly how ... uh ... very thin-faced, Tommy?" LOL Leonov is the "hunk" in the middle.
  3. Michael, It would appear that Chris is more comfortable with numbers than he is with words. IMHO, and no malice intended. -- Tommy
  4. Why you always be so crypto, Bro? So, we be talkin' about the sofa, the wall, the door, or the "dresser" or the ... the ... the ..... "thingy", now? Or 'bout that dirty, no-good CIA rat, Ruthie Paine? Gotta help me out here, Brah. Heck, I still be lookin' for Hume's "door on the right". -- Toomby PS "I doubt it." -- Chris Newton You don't think I'm (approx) 67.6666666666 years old? You be gettin' paranoid on me, Brah?
  5. Is this the one you're talkin' about, Bill? -- Toomby
  6. Thanks Mark. Question: How realistic is it? (IDK, myself.) -- Toomby
  7. Cache? In anticipation of the ATMs and banks's computers freezing up in the near future, I've already withdrawn most of my money, so right now I have plenty of cache in my pocket. That's what you're talking about, right? -- Toomby Windows 10, Google Chrome (I think) browser, and other than that ........... I don't have a clue. Oh yeah, I'm almost 68. Think that might have something to do with it?
  8. Dear Tom, I apologized? How could I possibly apologize if I can't even see the photo or drawing or whatever you're talking about because I can't get that little DROPBOX thingy to stop spinning around and round and round and actually see what you're talking about? Or do you think I'm "pulling your leg" to keep from having to "apologize" to you? Huh? -- Toomby Regardless, apologize for what? Your not being clear as to which photo or drawing you were referring to in the post that I responded to?
  9. Sorry Tom, I don't use DROPBOX and so the little "loading thingy" jus' a-keeps on spinnin' 'round 'n round ......... -- Toomby
  10. Dear Chris, "A wonderful archive"? Kinda like the Library of Alexandria? Full of Pythagorean-like calculations? Mysteries to be slowly revealed to the initiates? Or more like Kepler and that guy with the golden nose in Prague back-in-the-day? Did I say I'm not interested in numbers, or did you infer that? (You're right. I did enjoy using your incredible (and usually-accurate) numbers to approximate the time it took Baker from the fatal head shot or something like that to get to within six feet or so of the curb, you know, as being around 22.3 seconds, IIRC. Or was it 23.2? Dang.) Honest question: How many films do you figure, so far, were altered by the CIA? All of them? Or just a couple? One? None? Or do I need to join up, take the holy vow, and ..... wait for the revelations to come ...... to find out? Why can't you cut to the chase? Oh, I see. It's a work-in-progress. Carry on, -- Toombas (Hey, that might be an ancient Greek name!)
  11. Question for TOM HUME: "Doorway on the right" ???
  12. Gee thanks Bro but I was trying to see what Tom Hume was talking about and that's why I tried to ask Tom Hume to clarify which image Tom Hume was referring to when Tom Hume asked, "Is that doorway on the right a sliding pocket door?" or words to that effect. Thanks anyway, Bro. -- Toomby
  13. "Could the doorway on the right be a sliding pocket door?" -- Tom Hume Dear Tom, Which photo (upper or lower) or drawing are you looking at? Very confusing post, IMHO. -- Toomby
  14. Chris, Don't mean to hurt your feelings, but ... ... who cares? I hope you don't mind my asking "Where are you 'going' with this?" You don't happen to "be into" numbers, by any chance, do you? Very few of us are. -- Toomby PS How many films and photos do you figure were altered by the CIA?
  16. Dude Bro, Which wall are you saying the couch is next to -- the east wall, the west wall, the north wall, or the south wall? -- Tommy NEVER MIND. MY BAD.
  17. David, I agree. -- Tommy PS But let's not be too hard on James, David. After all, he is kinda right about 85% of the time. (IMHO.) It's fact-checking it all to weed out that 15% that's so gosh-darned time consuming.
  18. Huh? Did I say that Chris thinks the sofa is on the west wall? Nope. I said Chris thinks the sofa is on the east wall. So what's with your "Yes"? I'm confused. -- Toomy
  19. And throw in Tennent H. Bagley's Spy Wars while you're at it, guys. IMHO -- Tommy
  20. bumped PS "Now that's what I call a 'nice bump,' Tommy."
  21. Ty, The living room has four walls. A north wall, a south wall, a west wall, and an east wall. I guess you're saying the couch is on the east wall, which is what Chris believes, if I'm not mistaken. -- Tommy
  22. "I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean ....." (I'm sorry. I couldn't help it.) -- Tommy Thomas Tom Toomy
  23. "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her ......." -- Tommy Thomas Tom Toomy (that last one was a "typo", I swear) Edit: tommyomochain@gmail.com
  24. Thank God you're jumping in here, Bro! -- Tommy, Thomas, Tom, Toomy , Tomb-Raider, ........ tommyomochain@gmail.com
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