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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Chris, I think you've just solved the case. Kinda like I did when I showed that Neck Scratcher was probably Morales, and basically only Trejo agreed. Simpich too a quick look at the video and ended up looking at the wrong guy (the guy wearing a grayish suit and carrying some kind of package) instead! Frustrating, I know. So I commiserate with you. But congratulations! That dirty rat Ruthie done the deed! -- Tommy Thomas Tom Toomy
  2. Dude (lol), Why then this thread? Sounds like you've already made your mind up. (lol) Your buddy, -- Tommy Thomas Tom tommyomochain@gmail.com PS Still waiting for Bill Simpich's response to my latest PM to him ...
  3. Bumped, because it seems to be kind of a "timely subject" in our nation, and you know, if the KGB's Department 13 really would have automatically interviewed Marine Oswald in the old U.S.S.R. (as Golitsyn claimed), then maybe, just maybe it somehow kinda ties in with the subject of this forum??? -- Tommy
  4. Dude, (lol) That wooden-looking door in the photo could be be the door to the kitchen if you consider the possibility that the photographer was about where the "M" in "LIVING ROOM" is when he took the photo. -- Tommy
  5. I think it's along the north wall. Maybe placed there so people sitting on it would have a nice view of the front yard and street through the big window in the south wall. Sorry dude. You asked. -- Tommy
  6. Edited and bumped. Please note that on the google "hit list" for those three search terms, it's apparent that Peter Dale Scott has written about the alleged SUNDAY Leonov - Oswald meeting in one of his books that, luckily for us, is a free, ready-to-read (at least the page I'm talking about) GOOGLE BOOK.
  7. Dear John, RT is a Putin-controlled news source. (As is Sputnik.) -- Tommy PS If you really want to see what's going on in Donbas (and in Syria), go to https://bellingcat.com . When you get there, for Ukraine news, click on the section called "U.K. & Europe" ( BELLINGCAT is a "Least Biased" news source with "High" factual reporting according to mediabiasfactcheck. com , Whereas RT is a "Right-Center" news source with "Mixed" factual reporting, The same as Fox News. LOL )
  8. I agree. Interested readers should google "The Ghosts Of Spy Wars" by Tennent H. Bagley and download his free 37-page essay, or better yet, go to the library and check out his book Spy Wars - Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games. In his book, Bagley insists that Nosenko’s first contact with CIA in 1962 was designed to conceal the presence of Soviet penetration agents who, operating in US intelligence since at least the late 1950's, had betrayed double agent GRU Colonel Pyotr Popov to the KGB, and that Nosenko's reappearance barely two months after the JFK murder was a risky change in that concealment operation. Bagley challenges those who believe Nosenko was a genuine defector to answer 20 questions about the case, claiming that a “no” to any one of them would be enough to discredit Nosenko and substantiate Angleton’s view that the defector was dispatched. Shall I list the 20 questions here or would you rather read the book? LOL -- Tommy
  9. Bill Simpich has recently pointed out to me in a PM that ("Blond Oswald") Leonov was thrice a TARBRUSH target. Simpich believes Leonov played the same role for the KGB as Dave Phillips did for the CIA, and, rather cryptically, that "Leonov saw someone upset." -- Tommy Interested readers should google: leonov tarbrush farrell .
  10. Dear Members, I've noticed that James DiEugenio, Douglas Caddy, and a few others post stuff here from time to time that doesn't relate directly to the assassination, so I thought I'd give it a shot, too. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html?_r=1 The linked article "Dukes" (Cozy Bear) is quite technical, but interesting. -- Tommy PS My e-mail address is tommyomochain@gmail.com in case anyone would like to contact me. If I don't respond, it's probably because I got suckered into drinking some glowing-in-the-dark tea with the Ruskies. (Google "Alexander Litvinenko")
  11. Putin's main "useful idiot". That why Putin got him elected. To oversee the complete collapse of our nation. The KGB=Mafia won the Cold War, folks.
  12. Like Michael Clark said about himself somewhere, I don't have much to add but I do like to "bump" old threads.
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