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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Sandy, That's interesting. Thanks. I think this 11/22/63 FBI report is probably the most accurate description of what Lovelady and Shelley really did. In my words: "Upon hearing people screaming after the last shot, Shelley and Lovelady ran across Elm Street Extension as far as the concrete 'Island' to get a better view of the limo as it continued down Elm Street and disappeared through the Triple Underpass. On said 'Island' they encountered a running, crying, Gloria Calvery, who told them what she'd seen about 45 yards down Elm Street. Shelley immediately left them and ran back across Elm Street Extension and inside the TSBD to call his wife, while Calvery and a dressed-in-white colleague accompanied Lovelady back to the TSBD steps where his partially-eaten lunch and soda pop were still waiting for him, and in the Couch-Darnell clip he was "caught" talking to Calvery there on the steps as she continued describing to him what she and her dressed-in-white colleague had seen." -- Tommy edited and bumped
  2. Torcedor De Palabras, Una broma? Is that a joke? -- Tommy PS Did Sylvia Duran say "Oswald" had blue eyes? Nikolai Leonov
  3. Michael, You're obviously wrong. That's clearly either Harold or Henry. They looked very much alike at times. -- Tommy
  4. Dear Word Twister, And you consider yourself to be an expert on the Spanish language? LOL Okay, maybe so. "Como sea, caballero." (What ever, dude.) But if so, why do you twist it so? Answer: To support your "CT". But now you've you've met your match, haven't you, "Torcedor De Palabras"? (Word Player; i.e. Word Twister) -- Tommy
  5. George. Dear. I don't disagree that these sightings occurred on 11/22/63, but I gotta ask ya: Do you believe that it somehow bolsters the theory that a Russian-speaking Hungarian boy was brought to the U.S. in the late 1940's,, learned some English, joined the Marines, etc, and was the guy who was killed by Jack Ruby on 11/24/63? -- Tommy
  6. Word Twister Do us a big favor. Disappear. -- Tommy You and Kelleyanne Conway. I'm not necessarily asking about Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City. What I AM asking is whether or not the "Oswald" that Duran and Azcue dealt with face-to-face on 9/027/63 should be interpreted by us as having been blond (rubio)- haired, or brown (castaño, castaña)-haired. We do know that Duran said that he was about the same height (5' 3.5") as her, and that he had "blond" (or "rubio") hair. We also know that Azcue said "Oswald" was "blond, dark blond" ("rubio" or "rubio oscuro"), thin-bodied, and had a very thin face. The blond or dark blond hair, the short stature, the thin body, and the very thin face tell me that Duran and Azcue had dealt face-to-face with Nikolai Leonov, not David Sanchez Morales, one of his AMOTs, Lee Harvey Oswald, or even HARVEY Oswald for that matter (lol). -- Tommy
  7. Michael, They believe that the "Oswald" you reference in the above films was "Harvey", a guy who was born in Hungary, learned Hungarian language from his parents, then learned Russian while still in Hungary, who finally started learning English when he moved to the U.S., with his parents as a young boy, who eventually joined the Marines, "defected" to Russia, married Marina, returned to the U.S. with her and their infant daughter, and was killed by Jack Ruby on 11/24/63. http://harveyandlee.net/NID97.htm -- Tommy
  8. Jim, What Michael is calling the "so-called neck scratching film" is viewable in this video starting around 03:50 and lasting, with different segments, until around 03:45. It was filmed by 16-year-old James Doyle, from Portland, Oregon, on 8/09/63 in the 700 block of Canal Street. (Not in front of the International Trade Mart; that was filmed exactly one week later on 9/16/63.) -- Tommy
  9. Very clever non-answer, Word Twister. Verbal Smoke and Mirrors is what you're all about. Regards, -- Tommy
  10. Not for me, thanks. Putin-influenced Alt-Left "news source" imho. Just as bad as the Putin-influenced Alt-Right. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/palmer-report/ -- Tommy
  11. bumped Hmmm. Unless the bank was acting as a "cut out". -- Tommy
  12. We've been over this about three times now, Jim. I'm not trying to impress anyone with my intellectual "chops". I'm trying to show you how a Russian-born (and 32-year-resident of Russia!), rootin'-tootin' "Ivy Tower" instructor of Slavic languages could be relatively weak at speaking and writing proper English, himself, and how that would explain his obvious-to-me incorrect analysis of Lee Harvey Oswald's letters, which mistaken impression led the Ivy Tower Instructor to conclude, erroneously, that Oswald must have been a Russian-language-speaking person who had "an imperfect understanding of English". LOL -- Tommy Just out of curiosity: Did you learn any foreign languages in high school or college, Jim? If so, what? Have you ever lived in a foreign country, without having any native English speaking friends to hang out with? If so, which country, Jim?
  13. "Dear James" I already have. Perhaps you missed it? Regardless, let me expound a bit, if I may. Your Precious Professor Petrov (R.I.P.) was born in Russia, and lived there until he was 32 years of age, at which time he moved to the U.S. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Nikolayevich_Petrov Although he was undoubtedly an expert on Slavic languages (like Russian, Czech, Polish, etc), I would bet you $1,000 that I, not knowing in advance who he was, could tell you he was from a Slavic country if I could hear him speak. I would quickly intuit that he was from a Slavic country not only by his probably very-strong dialect or "accent", but also because of his difficulty in using correctly 100% of the time, some basic English grammar which is so ingrained in us that we never make mistakes on -- the proper use of the indefinite and definite "articles" a, an, and the, which Russian and other Slavic languages simply do not have. The problem obviously becomes "How could a Russian man like Petrov, genius though he may be, possibly be able to analyze American English syntax, grammar, and vocabulary so well as to be able to make pronouncements on Oswald's linguistic background when he can't speak it all that well, himself?" Huh? -- Tommy
  14. "Dear James" You don't seem to realize that we're not arguing about Oswald's proficiency with Russian (or perhaps you do, and you're just trying to change the subject), we're arguing as to whether or not he spoke and wrote American English well enough (if you discount his horrendous spelling, and occasional punctuation mistakes) as to suggest that he must have learned American English from such an early age as to preclude the possibility he was born in Hungary, learned that (easy to learn for a baby) non-Indo-European language from his parents, then somehow mastered the difficult-to-learn (Indo-European) Slavic language, Russian, in a few years' time, and then and only then started to learn difficult-to-learn (Indo-European) American English, somehow ending up able to speak it as well as he did (better than most Americans, imho) in his radio debate with Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler, for example. And to be able write is as well as he did in those two letters of his I posted (as just two examples, one of which you had actually posted because you thought it "proved" he couldn't possibly have been a native English speaker!) and analyzed earlier on this thread, btw. I say "yes", and you and your (evidently) Russian-born "Ivory Tower Professor" say "no". Fine. Intelligent, discerning, critical-minded members can make up their own minds, and will hopefully do so after they've read, on this thread, what I've written about the issue. -- Tommy
  15. bumped for Word Twister Trejo EDIT: Since this guy's hair isn't jet black, do you think Duran would have described him as being "rubio" (blond), or "castaño" (chestnut)? edited and bumped
  16. Michael, I didn't watch that video, but you're probably right. I just listened to the tape recording of his radio debate with Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler. -- Tommy
  17. Michael, I hear a little Southern twang or drawl creep in from time to time. Nothing suspicious about that at all, in fact it is so different-sounding from Hungarian or a Slavic language (e.g. Russian) as to make him appear (to me at least) to be even less capable of being the boy who learned Hungarian, then Russian, and finally a little English, i.e., "Harvey" in the "Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites" theory. The U.S.-born Lee Harvey Oswald not only sounds like a "Born In The U.S.A" guy (putting stress on the proper syllables, inflecting his voice as we do, etc.), but also exhibits mastery of English grammar, e.g. the proper use of the "articles" a, an, and the, something that is nearly impossible for a native Slavic language-speaker (like Russian) to master. Etc. He sounds 100% American to me, although a slightly affected, overly "intellectual" and "mature" for a 23-year-old who's just tryin' to get some respect from the Big Boys and the listenin' audience, I reken'. -- Tommy
  18. bumped for Word Twister Trejo EDIT: Since this guy's hair isn't jet black, do you think Duran would have described him as being "rubio" or "castaño"?
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