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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Threads are not people, Mr. Gorsuch. Sandy Larsen is. And not only that, Sandy's not even crazy, as you seem to be insinuating he is. Nor are corporations "people," or money "speech." (In case you're wondering "Wherein lies the implied analogy, above?") -- Tommy
  2. Dear Paul, I haven't even read your full list yet. Just the first one: "[F]rom the Lopez Report, if the KGB was involved with Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City in 1963, then it is 100% certain that the KGB killed JFK." Let me stop you right there and ask you a question, if I may. Why did you start with that question instead of finishing with it? The fact that you did suggests to me that you, like most researchers, have a hard time thinking outside of "the box," and that you are quite "agenda-driven" in your research. Which precludes y'all from even considering the possibility that the assassination was a joint CIA - KGB operation, involving "rogues" in at least one of those agencies, and / or that somebody's (possibly already internally co-opted) "op" was co-opted or "piggybacked, again, by somebody else, maybe even in an ostensible "mole hunt" of their own. -- Tommy PS Wouldn't it be something if the missing photos showed Morales and Leonov together in Mexico City. Mind-blowing. Absolutely mind-blowing. PPS No, I don't have the answers. But at least I'm thinking outside of "the box," by which I mean to say, "I'm working on it." PPS Did you notice Azcue's saying that the blond "Oswald" he dealt with on 9/27/63 was "thin, (and) "very thin-faced." ? [emphasis added]
  3. Michael, Give it up already. You don't have to stoop to the level of a Bill Miller to make your "points". -- Tommy PS Would you be behaving like this if Sandy hadn't prooved you to be sadly mistaken about "Neck Scratcher" and "Gangly Guy" in that Black Op Radio video? You weren't like this before that.
  4. Dear Sandy, Try not to overthink it, or to ask too many questions too fast. Just kinda take it easy, read Chapter 5 of State Secret (before you read the whole thing), let your subconscious "work" on it, and maybe some of those yet-to-be-revealed answers will come to you as you're stepping onto a bus, like the molecular structure of benzine, or something. -- Tommy And for heaven's sake, try to get off your counter-productive, wheel-spinning, Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites fixation. (lol) PS Because it kinda explains or makes sense out of the apparent fact that Morales was monitoring / mentoring Oswald on 8/09/63 in New Orleans, that Morales' was spotted with Oswald in Ruby's club on November 10, 1963, the implausibility of the official CIA stance that no photos were taken of Oswald in Mexico City, the fact that Morales and David Atlee Phillips worked closely together, and, in retrospect (because Garrison couldn't have known it at the time), that Phillips and Oswald were seen together by Antonio Veciana in late September, 1963, right before Oswald went to Mexico City? ... Just a wild guess on my part.
  5. Paul, Sorry, but what do you mean by "He was close"? Close to naming Morales as "the shepherd"? How could he have done that if he didn't even know Morales' name? Did I read Harvey Wade's "testimony" (statement, actually) before I copied and pasted it here? Of course I did. Yes, I actually noticed the bit about the "white male" (who looked Mexican or "Latin" or something) who looked to be 30 to 32 years-of-age and was about 5' 10" tall and muscularly-built and had some bumps on his head and a scar on his left eyebrow and who was with someone who looked like Oswald in Jack Ruby's Carousel Club on Saturday November 10, 1963. Why do you ask? What's your "take" on it, btw? Do you think it might lend a little credence to my silly "'Neck Scratcher' was Morales" theory? -- Tommy PS Did you not see my posts below yours on that "Did Ruby Know Oswald?" thread?
  6. That's an excellent article by Parker, IMHO. Hope Sandy reads it. -- Tommy
  7. Paul, I just did a "ctrl" + "F" (drop-down "search" box) check on all of Billings' Journal's pages, and the name Morales does not appear in any of them. Why do you ask? Would you expect Garrison to have heard of Morales by 1967? If Garrison did know Morales, would that somehow make Morales more of a "usual suspect" in your opinion? -- Tommy
  8. Paul, Escalante must be talking about the other time Oswald was "caught" on film (by TV News cameras) handing out FPCC flyers in front of the International Trade Mart, during which no one was arrested. That incident was exactly one week after the one we've been talking about. The one we're talking about regarding "Neck Scratcher" was on 8/09/63. IIRC, google "PIZZO EXHIBIT" The thin Hispanic-looking guy wearing a white shirt and tie and handing out flyers is the guy Escalante is talking about, but he's wrong. That's not Borja. And it isn't Ted Cruz's father either, as far as I know. (lol) -- Tommy
  9. Here it is, Paul. I remember commenting about it now, back in the day. Thanks. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh25/html/WC_Vol25_0190a.htm
  10. Humor? LOL! Good one! PS You left out this punchline: It's interesting to note that Eusebio Azcue's and Sylvia Duran's combined description of the "Oswald" they dealt with on 9/27/63 matches to a "T" the thirty-five-year-old, blond, very thin-faced, 5'6", Mexico City-based KGB officer Nikolai Leonov, who as far as I know is still a pro-Putin member of the Russian parliament.
  11. Sandy. IDK. What do you make of it? BTW, Have you had enough free time to take a peek at Chapter 5 and 6 of State Secret yet? -- Tommy PS Maybe Morales had disingenuously "involved" himself in the joint FBI-CIA anti-FPPC operation, and volunteered to chaperone Oswald to the Mexico City Cuban Consulate? Or REALLY went "rogue" and just got Oswald to believe that that was what Morales was doing with him?
  12. Is this it, Paul? "Garrison says Oswald can almost definitely be placed in the Carousel. ... Check statement of Harvey [sic] Wade (Vol XXV, CE 2370) ... Wade says Oswald was sitting with a white male, 30 t0 32, stocky, dark, 200 pounds, etc ... The Spanish trace continued ... Wade made his statement on Nov. 26 ... Said he saw Oswald in club Nov. 10 ... Furthermore, the mind reading MC Bill de Mar ... Also in CE 2370 ... He says a photographer snapped picture of table, whereupon Ruby grabbed film and tore it up. " Or is it somewhere else? -- Tommy n be placed in the Caroustore it up . . .
  13. Dear James, You are? Really? Gosh, I've always wanted to be a great author like you, Mr. DiEugenio, even though you do tend to synthesize and quote and borrow from and "spin" the writings of other "researchers" rather than anything you, yourself, have discovered. IIRC. IMHO. -- Tommy
  14. Uhh, Did you really think I thought you were looking for evidence of Dulles' being in New Orleans? LOL! "I mean the identifications of Morales at the Ambassador [Hotel in Los Angeles in June, 1968] were wrong, but there was more to go on there than in this ["Back Scratcher"-Morales @ 03:55 mark in the 50 Reasons For 50 Years -- Episode #4 Black Op Radio video]. Question: Really? How so, Jim? -- Tommy PS I did not let you finish?
  15. I'm sorry. I forgot that you already know everything. Oh well, it's the thought that counts. Right, James? Carry on. -- Tommy PS How do you know that Dave And The Boys didn't go to Houston to check out that ice-skating rink, you know, to see if it might be a viable business for them to open in New Orleans?
  16. Rogers had mob-connections? News to me. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKrogersC.htm -- Tommy
  17. Dear Michael, No, there isn't. Nothing even approaching that Holy Grail. My "theory" is kinda like my so-called mind -- scattered all over the frickin' place. (Pardon my German.) Not to sound rude, but am I required to have a coherent theory? If not required, expected, then? In other words, what does it matter? Am I really all that "influential" here? Gosh. I'm flattered! Or is it that I'm just so gosh-darned ... suspicious? Would you rather that I leave? -- Tommy
  18. Dear Paul, I cannot speak for Paul Trejo. We do not secretly correspond. I know only what you should know from Trejo's ad nauseum posts. -- Tommy PS Why don't you get a computer and do a little digging around, yourself? PPS The theory that I seem to be gravitating towards is that Mexico City CIA did know who impersonated Oswald, but for some reason (and not necessarily for some evil, JFK Assassination reason) chose not to reveal it. Problem being, the bad guys somehow knew why MC was withholding that hot "intell," and used that knowledge to their advantage in the assassination and / or its cover up. In other words, don't ask me to explain, because just like you, .... I haven't got a clue.
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