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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. How about San Diego Naval Hospital, where my Dad (born in 1923; R.I.P.) did his opthamology (sp?) internship? -- Tommy I have never been able to spell that word, and figured I might as well make a joke about it. (lol) Seems to me he did tell me something about helping to change the eye color or something on a spy who was going to be inserted into a dark-eyed country back in the day.
  2. Dear Paul, I may have correctly perceived it, but I certainly haven't endorsed it, nor the agenda-driven "interpretations" and "explanations" and rationalizations you have tried to frame it in. -- Tommy
  3. I threw a base runner out at home plate on a one-bounce throw from deep in left field in Little League, once. -- Tommy
  4. Let me start with Gloria Calvery. 1 ) From her high school and wedding photographs, we have a good idea what Gloria Calvery looked like. We know she was a full-faced, always glasses-wearing, large-framed gal, and that she was almost as tall as her husband. 2 ) We know from Calvery's FBI statement (and from those of the people mentioned in her statement, and from their statements) that she was standing, with four other ladies, "on the north side of Elm Street" "about half-way between Houston Street and the Triple Underpass." (Open the document, press "ctrl" and "F" at the same time, type calvery into the drop-down search box) https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/pdf/WH22_CE_1381.pdf 3 ) Having eliminated the mislabeled "Gloria Calvary," "Karan Hicks," and Carol Reed" from consideration in the labeled Z-Frame below, and believing that the real Calvery, Hicks, and Reed must, due to what they'd said in their FBI statements, be fairly near "Calvary, Hicks, and Reed" in said Z-Frame, Sandy Larsen and I started to focus our attention on the four headscarf-wearing ladies standing together ten-to-twenty feet up the sidewalk from the CalvAry Group, (not realizing at the time that there is a fifth head-scarf wearing lady -- whom I believe to be "June" Inez Juanita Hart Dishong -- standing in front of the woman labeled "Jane Berry") because we noticed that of the twenty or-so women who are visible on the north side of Elm Street in that frame, only five of them are wearing headscarves (one of whom is my recently-identified, light-blue-scarf wearing Sharron Simmons at the far right of the frame). I had a hunch that co-workers Calvery, Hicks, Reed, and Westbrook might all be wearing them as an unconscious example of "group bonding" or "conformity". The tall, black headscarf-wearing woman standing to the right of "Peggy Burney" was of particular interest to me because no one seemed to know enough about her as to even hazard a guess about her identity! 4 ) I found a photograph, taken during the motorcade by Hugh Betzner, which shows the same tall, black headscarf-wearing Mystery Woman standing in the background, on the other side of the "Queen Mary" follow-up car, and Sandy and I agreed that not only was she wearing her dark hair like the documented Gloria Calvery wore hers, but that she also appears to be wearing glasses. Here she is, standing next to a "short" guy, John Templin, between the second and third Secret Service agents from the left. She's wearing a dark-colored blouse and headscarf. Betzner 3 The "short" guy she's standing "next to" is John Templin (who goes to Dealey Plaza every year on 11/22 with his friend, Ernest Brandt. Both of them are labeled correctly in the Z-Frame, below). 5 ) Then Sandy and I started looking at the famous Couch-Darnell film (whom Robert Prudhomme and others were convinced showed Lovelady rising from a squat or leaning-over position to full heigh to the TSBD steps), in which we believed we had previously spotted Billy Lovelady talking with a woman, dressed in a dark-colored blouse and headscarf, in front of him on the steps about 30 seconds after the assassination. I noticed that this woman was being physically "urged" to walk up the steps by the woman to her right, and Sandy noticed that the woman doing the "urging" was wearing a white dress and a white headscarf, just like the woman labeled "Betty Thornton" in the aforementioned Z-Frame. Finally, I noticed that the woman "being urged" by this woman in white was not only wearing a dark-colored blouse and headscarf like the largish "Mystery Woman" on Elm Street, but that she was wearing a lighter-colored, boldly-patterned skirt like her, as well. 6 ) Bearing in mind that William Shelley said that he'd walked from the TSBD steps to the concrete "Island" immediately after the assassination and encountered a crying Gloria Calvery there, Sandy and I believe that the woman Lovelady is talking to on the front steps is Gloria Calvery, and that after Shelley left her to run inside the TSBD to call his wife, Gloria walked across Elm Street Extension to enter her workplace, the TSBD, and encountered Lovelady there on the steps and started talking with him there, as "captured" in Couch-Darnell. Please note that a bit of Calvery's patterned, lighter-colored skirt can be glimpsed to the right of the dark-suited Turning Man's shoulder, and that although her dressed-in-white friend / colleague is walking up the steps while pulling on Clavery's right arm, Calvery remains stationary, talking to a man who looks an awful lot like Billy Nolan Lovelady. -- Tommy [to be continued]
  5. Dear Paul, Perhaps you haven't noticed, but the title of this thread is "The Blond Oswald In Mexico." As regards your question, "Where is all your research pointing, then?," I guess if you were to look at it scientifically, like a mathematician, the you'd be forced to say that it's more like "a random man walk" than anything so grandiose as "a direction". If you can handle a flippant answer, "It's what ever my handler tells me to say." If you want an honest answer, it's whatever I find my sizable nose pointed at at any given moment. I would think that my gadfly-ish areas of interest and the results of my scattered "research projects" would be of interest to various people who do have their own "CT" to push. Like you, for example. My discovery that David Sanchez Morales was very likely "caught" on Jim Doyles' film while monitoring or lending "moral support" to Lee Harvey Oswald on August 9, 1963, would be of great interest to you, and that you would somehow twist it into somehow supporting your "CT". -- Tommy PS You're statement "There was no Blond Oswald in Mexico City" is a suggestion I refuse to accept.
  6. Dear Paul, Did Lee Harvey Oswald (the one and only Oswald) have a "very thin face," as was described by Eusebio Azcue? Or did he look "about 35 years old"? Or was he "about the same height" as Sylvia Duran, who was 5' 3.5" herself, said he was ? (Leonov was 5' 6" ; LHO was at least 5' 9") And did he really have blond hair? -- Tommy Dear Paul, Should I dismiss certain evidence because it appears to lead in an uncomfortable direction? Kinda like an ostrich, sticking his head in the sand and later asking, "Where'd everybody go?" And by the way, Word Twister, unlike you, I don't even have a "CT". (lol)
  7. Bumped, and I'll keep doing it, if necessary, just to keep this thread on topic. Because this post is, after all, about a "Blond Oswald In Mexico [City]"
  8. Dear Paul, Okay, in that case I'll start a new thread for you guys. What do you want me to title it? Larry Hancock has already agreed to cease and desist (lol), so I'm afraid this discussion, if it continues on this thread, will be of fairly low quality, since it will be without him. Or would you rather do that, Paul? -- Tommy
  9. Dear Michael, Has it ever dawned on you that I'm not "getting at" anything on this forum, except trying to figure out who killed JFK and sharing what I think are my own "insights," no matter how popular or unpopular they might be with the other members? In other words, that I'm just mucking along like most of the other serious students and true researchers of the assassination? That I don't have some kind of grand theory like "Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites" or "Walker and Bannister and the Far Right Did It" ? That I'm not pushing an "agenda"? Hell, I'm even open to the unlikely idea that LHO or the Ruskies did it! I tend to look at verifiable evidence and try to see if it cross-references with any other evidence, alleged or otherwise, in this picture-puzzle of a case. For example, small and inconsequential as it may seem to you, I believe the fact that "Neck Scratcher" had a camera strap around his neck that looks very similar to the one around Morales' neck (in a similar-looking suit, btw) in a documented photo of him is significant. Why? Because Jim Doyle said he saw a suit-wearing man taking photos of Oswald with an expensive-looking camera that day. Now, as regards the PM I sent you to explain why you might have been unable to see what I was trying to show you (i.e. that had unintentionally misled you by being off by one second on the video) and to egg you into responding (and hopefully admitting that I was right, after all) -- do you wish I had posted that "message" on the thread, itself? Finally, regarding you assertion that Morales wouldn't have allowed himself to be "captured" on film like that, isn't it true that we don't see his face (probably because he didn't want us to, and therefore kept the camera man behind him), that he wasn't well-known at the time, anyway, and that, if he was pretending to help or encourage or sponsor Oswald in Oswald's (probably anti-) FPCC activity (with an eye to piggy-backing it for the JFK assassination), Morales had no choice but to be there where Oswald could see him ostensibly giving him (Oswald) his "moral support"? After all, Larry Hancock did say some time ago that Morales had the reputation of being a "hands on" kind of case officer on his "ops". -- Tommy
  10. Dear Michael, Don't you remember insinuating I was a Lone Nutter T-R-O-L-L right after you'd joined the forum? As regards "the truth," does that apply to my proposition that "Neck Scratcher" and "Gangly Man" were two different people, something you adamantly and rather insultingly denied about a day ago on this thread? Regardless, why are you bringing up Sandy's few mistakes now on this thread, given the fact that they have absolutely nothing to do with David Morales? Just a "playground" defensive mechanism of yours, reasserting itself? -- Tommy PS As regards my "insulting" personal message, what was so insulting about it? After all, I did point out in it that I'd made a one-second mistake as to when "Neck Scratcher" and "Gangly Man" were both visible, didn't I? And wasn't I right that the whole issue had become embarrassing for you? And didn't I, nice guy that I am, try to make you feel better by comparing you to Bill Simpich, a researcher whom I truly do admire?
  11. Dear James, The subject of this thread is "The Blond Oswald in Mexico." Right? So, why are you guys derailing it? -- Tommy PS The inherent hazards of photo comparison is one thing, but when certain things (blond hair, thin body, thin - angular face, straight nose) are noticed in those photos which match up not only with with verbal descriptions given by primary witnesses of the person at issue, but with photographic and / or written, historical evidence (Leonov was 5' 6", very thin-faced, blond, Mexico-City based, 35 years old at the time, the name LEON was written on the CIA's contact sheet and photo log, Leonov was weak-chinned just like the blond guy in said LEON photos) as well, then those "iffy" photo identifications gain much more weight and credence, imho.
  12. Dear Michael, Given your ever-present arrogant attitude (e.g., your use of the word "crazy" to describe some of Sandy's past work, your statement 'there's nothing more to talk about' on an earlier post in this thread, and your insinuating, when we first met that I was a T-R-O-L-L), why should anyone on this forum go to the trouble of explaining anything to you? As to whether or not Oswald looks at "Neck Scratcher," if you were able to go "click-click" "click click" real fast several times while Oswald is walking past "Neck Scratcher," you'd see that he does cast him what looks (to me) like a quick, sneaky glance. -- Tommy
  13. Dear James, What does any of this have to do with trying to figure out who the "Blond Oswald" in Mexico City was? You know, Eusebio Azcue's "thin, blonde-haired, very thin-faced 'Oswald'," whom Sylvia Duran said was about the same height as her? (She was 5' 3 1/2") Does it make you uncomfortable to think that it might have been the blond, thin-faced, 5' 6" KGB officer Nikolai Leonov? Thanks, -- Tommy
  14. Dear Michael, I am unable to upload to this forum the screenshot I just took which shows "Neck Scratcher" and "Gangly Man" in the same frame. I keep getting a nice forum "error message". Any ideas? Try watching the video bearing the following in mind: The photographer re-starts filming three times between 3:50 (or so) and 4:05 (or so), and he has changed his own position each time. 1 ) First re-start is at 3:53, at which time we can see "Gangly Man" coming in at the left and joining the guy wearing the white shirt and light-colored hat. "Neck Scratcher" is not visible yet. 2 ) Second re-start is at 3:55 at which time "Neck Scratcher" starts entering from the left, already scratching his neck. His raised right arm partially blocks our view of "Gangly Man," who is still standing to the left of the guy in the white shirt in front of "Neck Scratcher." "Neck Scratcher" is visible for only about two seconds. 3 ) Third re-start is at 3:59.99 The photographer has moved towards "the action" (i.e. Oswald, Bringuier, and the policeman) quite a bit and is now standing close to "Gangly Man," who fills up the right side of the frame. "Neck Scratcher" can not be seen now. -- Tommy
  15. Bumped for Mister DiEugenio. Who seems to be trying to ignore it after having "chipped in" his confused comment.
  16. Edited and bumped for Mister DiEugenio PS Aren't you capable of "freeze-framing it at 3:56 ?
  17. Dear James, You are yet another person who is evidently incapable of reading and understanding the instructions I've given in different ways on different posts on this thread as regards how to go about finding and studying the person ("Neck Scratcher") I'm talking about, and not confusing him with grey-suit-wearing "Gangly Bald Spot White Package Guy". It's like you guys are suffering from cognitive dissonance so badly that you can't even understand my instructions and implement them correctly. -- Tommy But don't feel bad. Bill Simpich gave it a shot and apparently couldn't do it either. LOL EDIT: I probably should have said "at 3:55.75 instead. LOL Try 3:56 instead, OKAY?
  18. Dear Michael, The Agency told me to tell you I'm 67.5 years old, technically-challenged, and that I'm incapable of doing arrows. -- Tommy Can't you go "click-click, "click-click" real fast with your mouse to freeze-frame it, yourself ? That's what I did when I was analyzing this youtube "Black Op Radio" video.
  19. Dear Michael, What we have here is a failure to communicate. My bad, I'm sure. (lol) -- Tommy In other words, you simply don't understand what I'm saying. The photographer stopped filming for a few seconds and changed his own position between 3:55 and 4:00, and that's throwing you off on keeping "Gangly Guy" (with the white package and the bald spot) and the other guy ... "Neck Scratcher" ... straight in your mind.
  20. Dear George, It would depend on which call to the Soviet Embassy you're talking about, wouldn't it. Saturday, September 28 (allegedly from the Cuban Consulate), or Tuesday, October 1 (from God-know-where). What makes you think that anyone knows for sure that the person who impersonated Oswald in those calls was David Sanchez Morales? -- Tommy
  21. Paul, Even though I don't share your view that the Radical Right plotted and carried out the assassination of JFK, I must say that I find it interesting that Mr. DiEugenio apparently doesn't believe Morales was involved in any way. -- Tommy
  22. Barto, Please be patient. It takes a lot of time to manipulate photographic images in such a way as to make them look both accurate and convincing. (lol) -- Tommy
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