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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear George, Since the Mexico City Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Embassy were both allegedly closed (as usual) on Saturday, September 28, and since the CIA recorded a phone call allegedly from the Cuban Consulate to the Soviet Embassy on Saturday, September 28, 1963, one is forced to conclude that not only was Oswald impersonated on that phone call, but also Sylvia Duran and the Russian dude who answered the phone in that (allegedly) closed-for-business Soviet Embassy. Given the above, how are we to know where said phone call really originated from? And in view of that, how could we reasonably expect that whoever impersonated Oswald in that call would have been observed while making that call? Regarding the Tuesday, October 1 call to the Soviet Embassy (in which the impostor identified himself as "Lee Oswald ; O-S-W-A-L-D" and the name "Kostikov" popped up in the conversation), that call was not made from the Cuban Consulate, so, for all we know, it was made from a hotel telephone, or a phone booth, or from Juarez Mexico, for that matter. -- Tommy PS Have you read Simpich's State Secret or Newman's Oswald and the CIA yet?
  2. Bill Simpich believes that FBI agent John Tilton and CIA's Lambert Anderson incorporated Oswald into their joint FBI-CIA anti-FPCC project immediately after Anderson was tipped off by Hosty's memo on September, 1963 (the first one he'd sent in quite a while), which said Oswald had subscribed to The Worker in Dallas and had distributed FPCC literature in New Orleans. Said memo also made it's way to CIA, where it first went to Jane Roman. Simpich writes, "The Hosty memo was received by the CIA’s Jane Roman on the 23rd. As the liaison to CIA counterintelligence, it was Roman’s job to pass it on to the person who needed to know about it. She gave it to [Bill] Harvey’s man CI/OPS Will Potocki on the 25th, the very day that Oswald left for Mexico City. Potocki in turn passed it on to Cal Tenney at the CI/International Communism desk – unfortunately, it’s not dated, so we don’t know when Tenney actually received it. John Newman suggests that the Tilton/Anderson anti-FPCC operation was “CI/OPS-inspired”. [ 6 ] Whether or not Potocki was working with Tilton is not the end of it for me. I think that someone got wind of the anti-FPCC operation and piggy-backed a new operation on top of it that included the impersonation of Oswald. The piggy-backers could have obtained access to the Oswald information from Potocki, Roman, Egerter, Anderson, or anyone else who could provide access to the file, or knew about the plans to fabricate documents to make the FPCC lose credibility. This kind of deception was known as a counter-intelligence program or “COINTELPRO”. Richard Cotter at the FBI, a Cuban specialist, knew about the Tilton/Anderson operation.[ 7 ] Cotter said that they had successfully run a COINTELPRO operation against the FPCC in the past. The Hosty memo did not go into Oswald’s 201 file. Instead, it went into file 100-300-011, the CIA’s FPCC file. As the custodian of the 201 file, Egerter probably removed it based on her own volition or the request of her bosses Angleton and CI-SIG chief Birch O’Neal. But, in any case, Potocki had access to it." Note: Interestingly, Will Potocki had worked with Bill Bright in CIA's Soviet Russia Division in 1960, and shows up working at CIA Mexico City during the period of time that the real Oswald was (or was not) there. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Chapter5.html -- Tommy
  3. Dear Michael, You've made the same mistake that Bill Simpich did (so at least you're in good company!) -- you're looking at the wrong guy at 4:00. It's true that the guy with the bald spot and white package at 4:00 can also be seen at 3:55, but he isn't the "Neck Scratcher" who quickly comes in from the left at 3:55. The guy with the bald spot and the now-invisible white package is standing directly in front of "Neck Scratcher's" raised right elbow, and to the left of the guy wearing the light-colored hat and the white, short-sleeve shirt at 3:55. In other words, the photographer, Jim Doyle, changes his own position between 3:55 and 4:00. -- Tommy
  4. I have shown in another identification thread that, in the Z-Frame below and in the Darnell clip shot on the Elm Street sidewalk, the group comprised of dark-complected Native American Stella Jacob and her two light-skinned colleagues, Gloria Holt and Sharron Simmons, were mislabeled as Gloria Calvery, Karan Hicks, and Carol Reed, respectively. Having done that, I felt it was incumbent upon me to try to locate the real Calvery, the real Hicks, and the real Reed in the photos and films that were taken of the motorcade. Over the next couple of days I'll explain why Sandy Larsen and I feel that we have done just that (with input from Robin Unger and Robert Prudhomme), and why we believe Calvery, Hicks, and Reed (plus Karen Westbrook and June Dishong) were standing ten-to-twenty feet up the north-side Elm Street sidewalk from Jacob, Holt, and Simmons when JFK was assassinated. As such, they would have been among the very nearest witnesses to the first shot that hit JFK, and Gloria Calvery would have been even more within "dashing distance" to the concrete "Island" across Elm Street Extension from the TSBD, where allegedly, a few seconds after the assassination, she relayed what she'd seen to William Shelley (a supervisor at the TSBD who had, ironically, been Best Man at Gloria's wedding a few months earlier). -- Tommy [continued below]
  5. Also, when a "pinned" thread stops getting new posts, maybe it, too, can be moved to a special place. The reason it think the Harvey and Lee - related threads should be moved somewhere else is because it's a controversial theory that's been around for a long time now that most students and "researchers" are pretty familiar with by now, and have already made up their minds on. Maybe a "Newbie Section" should be created, and it could be put there.
  6. I don't want to get into trouble with James Gordon, but if he could create a special section for most of the official announcements, it would free up some space on the home page. More room for Harvey and Lee - based stuff! (lol) -- Tommy
  7. I'm lurking. Oops, I just flooded the home page with another post. I think all Harvey and Lee and the two Marguerites long-term doppelganger stuff should be somewhere else altogether.
  8. Dear James, Do you believe Morales might have impersonated Oswald over the phone, or that it was impossible? If you think it was impossible, do you think that simply because Trejo is pushing it, or do you have your own reasons? -- Tommy
  9. Oswald's Intell and State Department files were intentionally bifurcated (split into ever branching-out branches) and made different from each other within those organizations over four years, by selectively putting false information about him into them -- false information that would "stick out like a sore thumb" if the wrong person (i.e. a mole) got them and unwittingly forwarded them to someone who happened to know the difference, That's it in a nutshell. Haven't you read Oswald And The CIA by John Newman, or Deep Politics And The Death Of JFK by Peter Dale Scott, or State Secret by Bill Simpich? -- Tommy
  10. It's bifurcating, isn't it? Not unlike the-one-and-only Oswald's Intell files did over the years, with more and more "marked cards" in them each time, and sent to different other Intell branches each time, in a couple of "mole hunts", which ended up making some gullible JFK assassination "researchers" think there MUST have been a long-term doppelganger project! -- Tommy
  11. I meant to say the rubber ducky. -- Tommy But wait a second. "Rub" is a slang word for "murder," isn't it, like JFK's murder, for example? So I like that turn of phrase, after all.
  12. Dear James, Good point. Since the Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Embassy were supposedly closed on Saturdays, Sylvia Duran and the Russian on the other end of the line may have been impersonated, too. And in my opinion, the guy who impersonated the on-duty Ruskie in the Soviet Embassy that day might have been my boy, the blond, short, thin-faced KGB officer, Nikolai Leonov! Who may have sneaked into work that day so he could "take" the phone call! -- Tommy
  13. Dear James, I don't support Trejo's Walker and Bannister did it theory, but I gotta ask -- What makes you think that it couldn't have been Morales who impersonated Oswald on the phone. Was he capable of speaking broken Russian? Did he have a reason for impersonating Oswald? -- Tommy
  14. Paul, Excellent points, all. And I've only read your first sentence so far! (lol) -- Tommy PS What makes you think that Morales was working within the chain of command? Because he might have been monitoring / guiding Oswald in the anti-FPCC op?
  15. Dear Paul, How do you know how long Vicki and Sandra lingered on the fourth floor before going down? From Vicki's WC testimony (which she said, when she read it for the first time many years later, had been altered to make it look like she and Sandra had seen Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor)? Because Vicki's "testimony" jibed so well with some of "Future Petty Theft" Shelley's and "Convicted Felon" Lovelady's statements and testimonies? It's too bad that Sandra wasn't called upon to give testimony to the Warren Commission. I wonder why that was? After all, if she had been, they could have had the fun of changing hers, too! -- Tommy
  16. Dear David, You're right. For example, I'll never learn that the moon is made of green cheese. After all, to learn that, ya gotta be a real true believer, and I just don't have the "appetite" for it. Whereas you seem to eat that xxxx up. LOL -- Tommy
  17. Dear Paul, How many girls were they gabbing with? Hadn't most of the gals gone outside to see what Jackie was wearing that day, and to catch a glimpse of her handsome husband? Who did that leave? Mrs Gardner? -- Tommy
  18. Dear David, My "vast knowledge"? LOL You gotta be kidding. I can't hold a candle to your infinite, spaghettified database and fractured wisdom! -- Tommy PS What? No "convincing" graphics or documents this time?
  19. Sandy, What makes you think Tracy isn't some kind of CTer? (Maybe he isn't -- IDK.) Regardless, CT'er (like me, for example) NEVER engage in "character assassination". LOL -- Tommy
  20. Paul, Thanks for the feedback. First of all, do you think that's Morales scratching his neck in the Jim Doyle film? Or that that's impossible because they couldn't have been sheep-dipping Oswald at that point (August 9, 1963) ? (lol) -- Tommy
  21. I was hoping Bill Simpich would notice the guy I'm talking about. He looked at the clip a year or so ago, but was looking at the other guy in a suit who walks in front of the camera instead of "Neck Scratcher" who comes in a little later.
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