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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Paul, How many minutes or seconds after the last shot do you think Baker entered the front entrance? How many minutes after the assassination do you think Shelley and Lovelady entered the side or rear door of the TSBD? -- Tommy
  2. Dear Word Twister, What if at least one TSBD employee was involved, and certain other employees' testimonies and statements to the Warren Commission, the FBI, and / or the DPD were altered or fabricated in order to obscure that fact? -- Tommy PS What kind of "spin" can you come up with to explain why Shelley's and Lovelady's statements and testimonies varied so much, not only from each other's, but even from their own over time?
  3. Dear James Baby, I guess my mistake was reading that particular un-annotated statement of yours in that The Assassinations book, huh? My bad. -- Tommy PS The reason I'm wearing those cheap sunglasses is to hide the fact that I've had fifteen lobotomies.
  4. Dear Paul "Word Twister" Trejo, You seem to have forgotten that Vicki's sidekick that day, Sandra Styles, (who, btw, was not asked to give testimony to the WC), also told Ernest that they had descended the wooden stairs much sooner that the WC implied they did, and that she (Styles) didn't see Shelley or Lovelady on the first floor, either. And that their supervisor at Scotts-Foreman, a Mrs Gardner, claimed that she walked with the girls to the stairs' fourth floor landing, and watched Adams and Styles descend those stairs about a minute after the assassination, much too early for Shelley and Lovelady to have arrived there if they indeed did what they claimed in their WC testimony, to have done after the assassination. -- Tommy
  5. Yes, Because he said he thought the shots had come from up there, didn't he? -- Tommy
  6. Thank you, Robin. Darn, I guess that means everyone else strongly disagrees with me on this, huh, and they must still think that your (and Roberdeau's and Speth's) dark-complected Calvary (sic) is somehow the same person as the light-complected Gloria Jean Little (Calvery's maiden name) in those Grand Prarie High School year book photos, huh? Even though the difference in skin color and facial features have been giving students and researchers "fits" for quite a while, now. And what about those high school photos of blond Gloria Jeanne Holt who said she was with (presumably dark-skinned) Native American Stella Jacob during the motorcade, and the pretty darn amazing resemblance between her (Holt) and your (and Roberdeau's and Speth's) blond "Karan Hicks" right next to your so-called (but incongruously dark-skinned) Gloria Calvary (sic)? Oh well, I guess I might as well concede. Seein' as how everyone but Sandy Larsen and I think that you, and Roberdeau, and Thiery "Fake News" Speth must be right. Because, after all, you guys are experts on this stuff, aren't you, and you exercised your expertise on Gloria CalvAry (sic) a long, long time ago, and it's too late to change it now, because you've "set it in concrete" with your nice big photos and graphics and labels and all. Congratulations to you, sir. -- Tommy
  7. Dear Paul, Why? Well, since you asked, because he doesn't think very critically for a so-called "JFK assassination expert," in my humble opinion. And he jumps to unwarranted conclusions way too often, in my humble opinion. And he doesn't do a very good job of "sourcing," in my humble opinion. And .... Okay? "Do you seriously think there's nothing suspicious about Angleton (sic) racing racing to MC after Scott's death?" Did I seriously say that, Paul? Of course I think it's suspicious. "or suspicious about Goodpasture's actions?" Which actions are you referring to, Paul? Sending cables with "marked card" false information in them, and with physical-descriptions and references to wrong-day photos of a possible but-unnamed-in-the-cable KGB spy (Moskalev) in them? Answer: No. Can they not be read as following orders by Phillips and/or Angleton for some purpose other than finding an impersonator? Yes! Please elaborate. That sounds fascinating! Seriously! -- Tommy PS Did you know that Duran's and Azcue's "Short, Blond.Thin-Faced,Thirty-Something 'Oswald'" was probably KGB officer Nikolai Leonov, and that many years later, Leonov claimed that the real Oswald had met with him in the Soviet Embassy on Sunday, September 29, 1963? And fwiw, did you know that Leonov was "captured" by the LILYRIC camera near the Soviet Embassy just 11 minutes before the infamous "Mexico City Mystery Man" (Moskalev?) was "captured" by the same camera on October 2, 1963?
  8. Robin, I believe Sandy Larsen agrees with me, but maybe I'm wrong. Why don't you ask him? -- Tommy PS Do you still believe Gloria Jeanne Holt, Sharon Simmons (Nelson) and Native American Stella Mae Jacob were standing on the south side of Elm Street, about half-way between Houston Street and the Triple Underpass, just like their FBI statements have them saying where they were standing during the motorcade? If so, could you please try to find them standing on the south side of Elm Street for us? Thanks in advance, Robin. -- Tommy
  9. Nope. Sorry, dude. Those two guys are just used car salesman goin' back to work after havin' themselves a couple of Lone Star beers, but first they're gonna run down to the railway yard to take a whizz before their respective bladders eggsplodes on 'em. See, my open, analytical, detail-oriented, and highly-observant mind dictates that I "push" this (below) semi-detail from the same film, Sandy. I'm just hoping I can figure out a way to rationalize how Shelley and / or Lovelady did, or did not, see Baker or not-Baker, and Truly, or not truly Truly, run into, or not run into the TSBD, so that the Critically-Important 2nd Floor Lunchroom Encounter With Oswald, or not with Oswald, could, or could not possibly have, occurred the way Baker or not Baker and Truly or not truly Truly, said or didn't really say that it happened, or did not .....really ....... happen. -- Tommy
  10. Yeah, Paul. Barto's gonna have to "move" Lovelady from Elm Street Extension to the TSBD steps, where Sandy and I have recently proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he can be seen there, talking with Gloria Calvery in Couch-Darnell. So, I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait awhile for that "update". LOL -- Tommy :sun
  11. Dear James, OMG. Goodpasture told JJA about the contents of Winn's safe? How do you know that, James? Did Jim or Anne tell you, or are you just kinda guessing? You mean, you mean, you mean, you mean .... the Saturday, 9/28/63, photos of LHO trying to hide his face from the LILYRIC camera with his jacket while leaving the Soviet Embassy, and everything? (Can't say I really blame LHO for doing that. After all, I don't like to be photographed right after crying my eyes out, either!) Did Goodpasture get caught doing something bad, you know, like you intimated when you rhetorically stated that she "got caught with her hand in the cookie jar"?Was helping JJA trying to figure out who had been manipulating LHO and / or impersonating him in Mexico City a bad thing? By the way, did you know that Mexico City Soviet Embassy-based KGB officer Nikolai Leonov (whom I personally believe might have been Azcue's "blond, thin-faced Oswald" and Duran's "short, blond Oswald" (blond, thin-faced Leonov is still alive, btw. and was known to be only 5' 6" tall in 1963) claimed a few years ago that the real Oswald had an impromptu meeting with him at the Soviet Embassy, but on Sunday, September 29, instead of the more widely-alleged "meet and greet" with Kostikov and Nxxxxxxx and that other Ruskie dude on Saturday, September 28? Interesting, da? -- Tommy PS You wrote on page 220 of The Assassinations that some CIA cables and Kostikov himself said that "the real Oswald" did meet with Kostikov in Mexico City(!), but you gave no "sources". Bummer, dude. Could you please give us a clue or two as to where we can read the pertinent documents about that, ourselves? Thank you in advance. -- Tommy
  12. Maybe. But I kinda like the idea of a rogue mid-level insider or two (like Morales, Phillips, Bill Bright and / or the Potockis, maybe even the Potocki's boss -- ZRRIFLE / Staff D's Bill Harvey) piggy-backing Angleton's projects and making it look like if anyone in the CIA killed JFK, it was he. So how will we ever know? Find a hand-written deathbed confession or two?
  13. I just read the one, the one about the clock, and the last line brought tears to my eyes. That's what a good poem's supposed to do, right? -- Tommy
  14. Thanks, Tracy. I didn't realize that a person's height could vary over the period of one day. -- Tommy (aka "Tommy San") Graves
  15. I can only conjecture that one of the things "a master manipulator" like Angleton hates most is realizing that what he has been manipulating is suddenly being (or has been being) manipulated by someone else. The feeling of being "out foxed" or "out played" or "piggy-backed," if you will.
  16. Dear Paul, Doesn't your recent realization (compliments of Sandy and I) that Lovelady can be seen talking with Calvery on the TSBD steps about 30 seconds after the assassination throw a "spanner" into your "CT"? Please explain why, or why not. -- Tommy
  17. If you read this here article 'bout Vicki Adams, you'll realize just how weak, an' confused, an' mixed up she really was, boy! 'Specially there near the end of her life! https://thegirlonthestairs.wordpress.com/
  18. Edited and a-bumped for Word Twister Trejo, who I can see is a-readin' his little ol' pea pickin' bum (British English) off on the earlier version (probably tryin' his a-darn-dest to figure out a clever, word-twisty response, you know with his traditional little 5-page repetitive lecture about his so-called CT in it, too) as I type this here little note at the bottom of this here new 'un!
  19. No, no, no. You don't understand, Barto. Like Vladimir Putin, Billy Nolan Lovelady was a very, very honorable man! Even though he was a deadbeat felon and a former fugitive from The Law. An' he had hisself a real job with a future there in that there TSBD, a-packin' books an' a-layin' down plywood flooring! But hey!, what's a guy who was caught tryin' to sell two pistols that he an' his two equally-honorable Air Force buddies had stolen while on the job at Andrews Air Force Base gonna do when he can't find hisself no good-payin' job no more? And so was William Hoyt Shelley a very honorable man, too, by the way, even though he was just the so-called supervisor of the so-called Miscellaneous Department for like 15 years, and he was convicted of petty theft a year or two after the assassination. Aw shucks, he was probably just desperate for a little drug money, seein' as how he wasn't able to hook up with that "I'll pay you big money to tell lies in my book," Barry Ernest so-called author dude! And Marina Oswald Porter(!), who was apparently suspected of embezzling 390 bucks from the convenience store she worked at in 1974, iirc, she's a very nice person, too, and I'm sure she told nothing but the truth "once she was under oath" there in front of Allen Dulles and the boys! https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339400/m1/1/ And that Paine woman(!} Didn't she have some kind of problem in a Latin or South American country back in the day? Suspected of being a CIA agent or something? I'm sure she told nothing but the truth, too! And that's the gosh-darned truth because I say it is! Shoot, this case is just chock-a-block full of honorable witnesses! An' all of 'em much more reliable and trustworthy than that "dazed and confused" little orphan girl, Vicki Adams! Especially the very honorable William Hoyt Shelley and his lackey, Billy Nolan Lovelady! It's ju' too bad they couldn't keep their stories straight after the assassination! I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean.......... "Shoot fire," son! -- Tommy
  20. Dear Word-Twister Trejo, In my humble opinion, you're full of beans. Where did you get your medical degree with the psychiatric emphasis, anyway? Are you still trying to cure hysterical women with hypnotism and magnets, Herr Doktor? Didn't Vicki Adams become a school teacher after the assassination? How "weak" and "unstable" and "confused" could she have been if she was able to do that? Is the fact that I was adopted at 4 1/2 months of age the reason I'm so "weak" and "confused" and "unstable"? (What's YOUR excuse, by the way?) -- Thomas W. Graves -- originally Thomas Michael Mahon It's an Irish name
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