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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Paul, I choose to believe Catholic foster-homed, Catholic school girl and one-time prospective Catholic nun (and college-educated) Viki Adams' recollections, but not all of her (according-to-her) altered WC testimony, over the self-contradicting statements and testimonies of William Hoyt Shelley (convicted of petty theft after the assassination, best man, FWIW, at Gloria Calvery's July wedding) and Billy Nolan Lovelady (an enlisted Air Force dude who is convicted in Maryland, while he's still in the Air Force, of the felony trying to sell two stolen Air Force pistols and then becomes, uhh ... a fugitive because he, uhhh ... can't afford to make $25 (I assume) a-month payments on his suspended-sentence fine (what's up with that?), and is financially "bailed out" by the stout anti-Integrationist Ochus V. Campbell after Lovelady, uhhh ... moves all the way from Maryland to Texas and goes to work at, uhhh ... the "Spider's Web" TSBD? (My favorite line from Lovelady's WC testimony is when he, in so many words, voluntarily states, "We entered the TSBD about 5(?) minutes after the assassination and I saw a girl on the first floor at the rear of the building, but I couldn't swear to it's being Viki Adams.") LOL Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, was ol' Billy? A question for you, now: Do you have a hard time accepting the possibility that Shelley and / or Lovelady were somehow involved with the assassination of JFK, or with the cover-up thereof? -- Tommy Some background on Billy Nolan Lovelady from a 2012 article by Larry Rivera: "There still remains much to be investigated about Billy Nolan Lovelady: What exactly were his activities and assignments at Andrews Air Force Base as a member of the Base Supply Squadron, and was he proficient in the handling of guns and rifles, and was he ever considered to be AWOL on 12/7/62? [When he was arrested for trying to sell two stolen Air Force pistols.] How was he discharged from the service after his troubles with the law between 4/11/61 and 12/7/62? Why did he literally run from Maryland the way he did? How did he end up working in the TSBD as a running felon? How did he manage to convince O.V.Campbell (VP of the TSBD) to advance him $75.00 so he could pay off his fine in Maryland? If he could not pay the $75.00, how did he secure the $1,000 personal recognizance bond in Dallas? Why was he not fired for being arrested at his place of employment? Did Campbell ever find out about the details of his felony? Was there a prior relationship there? And, how was he able to start his trucking business in Denver after the assassination given the background and notoriety he then possessed? And where did this former warehouse worker get the money to do start a business and hire employees? Could Lee Harvey Oswald, Billy Nolan Lovelady, and perhaps even Thomas Arthur Valle (the designated patsy in Chicago who lucked out when the Chicago plot to kill Kennedy dissolved) have been steered and influenced because of the threats of dishonorable discharge? Was this some kind of a patsy club from which the conspirators could draw from at will? [...] Was Billy Nolan Lovelady an alternate patsy in case something went wrong with framing Oswald?"
  2. Dear James, I'll make a deal with you. I'll stop playing "the fool," as you so delicately put it, if you'll stop plating the jerk. You say that's impossible? LOL Regardless, maybe you missed this? Blond-haired Nikolai Leonov, interpreting for Fidel Castro in Moscow. Leonov was often in Mexico City. -- Tommy PS Your washed-out (and therefore face "flattening") 1958 image on the far left looks like 17 or 18 year-old Oswald to me, complete with "jarhead" haircut and extra bulk an' muscles due to havin' to do all them pushups an' pull ups, and from havin' to eat all them meat an' tatters, too. And hey! You don't suppose that third photo from the left could be of Soviet spy / "scientist" Yuri Moskalev, do you?
  3. My reply to Paul Trejo's question, "When did Shelley and Lovelady look back and watch Baker and Truly run into the TSBD?" : How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? I.e., does it really matter? Why? Why is it important? So we can timestamp Baker's and Trulys entrance into the TSBD, or so we can somehow timestamp Shelley's and Lovelady's little adventure in the railway yard / parking lot and their alleged encountering "though I wouldn't swear to it" of Viki Adams on the first floor? Or both? Other than their testimonies and statements, how do we know that Shelley and Lovelady ever left the TSBD (except for Shelley's immediate little jaunt across the street to confer with Gloria Calvery)? Since I now believe that Lovelady can be seen talking to Gloria Calvery in Couch-Darnell, I no longer believe that Lovelady was "captured" on film while walking down Elm Street Extension. Shelley maybe, .... but not Lovelady. To bring this response to a (temporary?) end, I can only make a blanket statement -- I gotta believe intelligent, honest-"looking" Vicki Adams (and her sidekick, to a large extent), and I gotta disbelieve anything that contradicts her. OK? The second-floor lunch room encounter (if it happened) doesn't have any bearing on Oswald's (probable) innocence or (possible) guilt, imho. OK? -- Tommy
  4. Dear Sandy. The fact that there is a slight resemblance between Bat Man (despite his bat-like ears, combed-straight-back very longish hair, and probable more-athletic physique) and Lee Oswald (aka Harvey Oswald) lends credence to the idea that, after the assassination, people thought they'd seen Oswald at Ruby's joint. But that's just not conspiratorial enough of a scenario for you, huh? Way too innocent an explanation. LOL -- Tommy
  5. Dear Sandy, Then why was it so hard getting you to admit that Bat Man has long hair? Regardless, are you going to disagree with DAVID JOSEPHS? OMG. LOL -- Tommy
  6. You're crackin' me up, Sandy! Bat Man = Long-haired LHO, the same guy that's in the insert photo? Or is that Harvey? Henry?? -- Tommy
  7. LOL! -- Tommy I got a sneakin' hunch the reason you FINALLY admitted that Bat Man has longer hair that LHO in the inset photo is because, according to Dear James, Dear David told him the guy in Jack's joint ain't him. LOL
  8. Dear Sandy, Getting you to admit stuff that you've "already noticed" (but which happens to contradict your belief system) is like pulling teeth. "I'm trying but I can't see it. I'm trying but I can't see it. I'm trying but I can't see it. OK, I admit that I noticed it at the very beginning." -- Tommy
  9. Dear Michael, I didn't mean to suggest that Gloria Calvery Woman In Black actually needed assistance, but that her co-worker Carol Reed or Karan Hicks Woman In White was trying to force her to cut off her conversation with Billy Nolan Lovelady and come up the steps (and probably go up to their office) with her. -- Tommy
  10. Sandy, Do you see the sailor boy (singular) sitting facing the camera and near the camera? Look at his hair. Do you see the spectral highlight on the left side of his hair? You can see the same kind of spectral highlight (look it up if you have to) on the left side of Bat Man's hair. That not the background curtain that's reflecting the artificial light (photographer's flashbulb?) like that, it's Bat Man's (probably Brylcreamed-up) long, pompadour-styled hair. (Look up Brylcream if you have to. It was very popular back in the late 50's and early 60's.) -- Tommy PS Why the heck did you adjust the contrast on your computer? I have never done that. I Didn't Need To!
  11. Dear James, Is this the teenager you think was photographically "captured" in Ruby's strip joint? -- Tommy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I still don't know how to use the stupid "quote" function on this so-called "improved" website...] Dear James rhetorically asked me if I didn't want to take into consideration all of the "evidence". My reply: No, not all 600-plus mish-mashed pages. I'm interested in quality, not misinterpreted and mish-mashed ... uh ... quantity. -- Tommy
  12. Thanks, Michael. Apparently you agree that Woman In White is trying to pull Woman In Black up the steps while the latter is talking with Billy Lovelady. -- Tommy
  13. Dear James, Is this the teenager you think was photographically "captured" in Ruby's strip joint? -- Tommy PS What does this have to do with the three or four Marguerites?
  14. Sandy, (soon to be "Dear Sandy") Are you really trying? Look at the left side of his head (his right side) and the hair directly above it. See the spectral highlight (the shiny spot) on his hair way up high on the left edge, indicating just how thick it is? -- Tommy
  15. Well, Sandy, we agree to disagree, don't we. I don't care how far Bat Man's head is turned and / or tilted. Why? Because it doesn't explain why his bat-like ear is sticking so far out. -- Tommy
  16. Looks like Bat Man's hairline indentation above his bat-like ear has receded more than Oswald's. Is Bat Man combing his longish hair straight back into a mini-pompadour, or is he wearing a toupee or something? It sure looks thick-ish on the left side (his right side). Bat Man looks pretty husky to me, btw. -- Tommy
  17. Thanks for the input, Sandy. So, that makes it Tommy Graves and Sandy Larsen -- Yes Billy Miller -- No Who else would like to vote? Don't be shy. Afterthought Poll: Who thinks Woman In Black is talking to Billy Lovelady on the steps in Couch-Darnell?? Tommy Graves, Sandy Larsen, and Bob Prudhomme say Yes (I presume) Billy Miller and Bart Kamp say No (I presume) WHO ELSE WOULD LIKE TO VOTE?
  18. Different ears, dude. The guy at Ruby's strip club has ears that stick out like a bat's. LOL -- Tommy
  19. It couldn't have been "immediately" since there were no police officers that close to the steps during the assassination, so it must have been a few seconds, at least. I believe Shelley did immediately run over to that part of the Island that's closest to the steps and encountered a running / crying Gloria Calvery there (she'd been standing only about 1/3 of the way down Elm Street). I think that Shelley, after conferring with Calvery for a few seconds, ran into the TSBD to call his wife (and was therefore out of view while Couch-Darnell were filming the steps). By the time Couch-Darnell started filming the steps some thirty seconds after the assassination, Calvery (and a co-worker) had run across the street and started talking with Billy Lovelady on the steps (and were "captured" doing so in Couch-Darnell). Shelley and Lovelady may have started following some police officers to the railway yard at some point after all of that, imho. -- Tommy Sandy Larsen responded before had I edited the post, and I took the liberty of moving his reply here: That's what I believe too. The presence of All White Woman (light-colored clothing & white scarf) at the stairway in Darnell/Couch is the key, IMO. It tells us that enough time had passed for Gloria Calvery to reach the stairway (since Gloria Calvery and All White Woman were standing together during the procession and shooting). I believe they were coached to say that they waited 3 minutes for Calvery to arrive at the steps. (All White Woman is the key because she is easily identifiable.)
  20. Dear James, You don't seem to understand. If you're saying that the dude in Ruby's joint is the same as the guy in the passport photo, I'm saying you're wrong. THE EARS ARE DIFFERENT. -- Tommy
  21. Acne? The evil, evil, omniscient and all-powerful CIA? -- Tommy
  22. Dear James, That's not the Oswald in your photo inset at Rubys joint. Different ears, Unless of course you're talking about some different Oswald. LOL -- Tommy
  23. So why spend so much time and effort trying to convince others of your lame Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites theory? Does it somehow implicate Ruby and McLendon and Phillips a direct kind of way, or do we kinda hafta "connect the dots"? -- Tommy
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