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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Michael, Fine. Question: Have you read any of State Secret yet? How about Oswald and the CIA? Deep Politics and the Death of JFK? -- Tommy
  2. Sandy, Why don't you use the "search" function for this forum and research it? And if that doesn't work, maybe you could try Google? 'greg parker' 'school records' Or Something Like That. (Some of us are tired of constantly explaining things to newbies and relative newbies like yourself. It's kinda like reinventing the wheel over and over, ... again.) -- Tommy
  3. Sandy, I guess you've missed all my posts on that counterintelligence subject over the years. Amazing. Steep learning curve, eh? -- Tommy PS If the schools' records weren't altered or fabricated in the first place, but simply reflect sloppy record-keeping in conjunction with hooky-playing Lee's (singular) and his devious Mommy's (singular) moving around so gosh-darned much, then your question / point becomes moot, doesn't it. PPS Therefore, my answer to your question is "NO."
  4. It's a question Bill Simpich poses at the beginning of Chapter 5: The Mexico City Solution. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Chapter5.html Excerpts: "Why did the Mexico City Station create a paper trail that made them look suspicious and incompetent at the same time?" "[... T]he September 28th conversation [ostensibly from the Cuban Consulate to the Soviet Embassy, in which phone call both Oswald and Duran were impersonated] was in Spanish, broken Russian, and probably broken English. The September 28th call was probably made by two Spanish speakers, and it wouldn't surprise me if one or both of them were [David Morales Sanchez's] AMOTs from the CIA's Miami station [JM/WAVE]. CIA officer William Sturbitts testified that AMOTs often worked inside the listening posts of audio intercept stations. Whoever made the calls knew that the Mexico City station would be surprised by the call, and that a paper-driven molehunt was the logical response." "Someone wanted to use the Oswald tapes and the ensuing paper trail to blackmail the leading players in US intelligence after JFK was shot. They wanted a cover-up, and they got one." "Hosty’s observations about Oswald got clever minds thinking about how to use this redefector." -- Tommy
  5. Thanks, Douglas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Rybolovlev -- Tommy
  6. Paul, Isn't that the testimony Vicki Adams allegedly told author Barry Ernest had been altered? http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/girl-on-the-stairs-refutes-p-c-jfk-narrative/ -- Tommy
  7. Paul, 1 ) To see what the Sov's response (or that of a Soviet mole in U.S. Intell) would be if they thought Moskalev had imitated re-defector LHO in M.C.? 2 ) Because LHO was on a CIA or FBI-sanctioned mission? 3 ) ..... Thinking out loud. -- Tommy
  8. Paul, They're probably just afraid, due to general ignorance and / or not having read State Secret, that that Simpich somehow let's the whole CIA "off the hook" regarding the assassination. Like Steve Bannon and Alexander Dugin, they're against Whole Institutions and Agencies. IMHO. -- Tommy
  9. Paul, That's far-and-away too rational and reasonable an explanation for why Hardaway and Lopez didn't say anything about the M.C. mole hunt. You should be ashamed of yourself. -- Tommy
  10. Tracy, I'm gonna try to talk him out of it. Offer him rumors of a seven-figure "hit" job just-a waitin' for him at The Agency. -- Tommy
  11. BTW, I suggest that everyone read the entire 3-page 1977 CIA document regarding Moskalev. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=6502#relPageId=2&tab=page -- Tommy
  12. Dear Jim, Maybe because the Moskalev-looking guy was the only American-appearing dude, casual clothes-wise, to be photographically captured while entering / leaving the Embassy / Consulate around October 1, 1963? Or, in the interest of the ongoing "mole hunt," he looked closer to the 5'10", 165 lb. John Fain-Bill Bright "Oswald [Robert E. Webster] in Russia" than the real, one-and-only 5' 9.5", maybe 140 lb. Oswald ever would / could? Hmmm. -- Tommy PS In my humble opinion, Mystery Man - Moskalev can not be "made to look like Oswald" no matter how hard David Josephs tries. But of course my statement could be interpreted in such a way as to clearly prove that my rejecting of Harvey & Lee in toto is simply due to the fact that I am, well ... I AM just notorious CIA-paid t-r-o-l-l. Aren't I? LOL
  13. Bernice, one of the revelations of the Lopez Report is that Anne Goodpasture not only knew this guy in the Mystery Man photo was not Oswald, but she very likely knew who he really was. He was a KGB agent named Yuri Moskalev. Now Goodpasture is also the person who delivered the tape to the Texas border the night of the assassination, of a voice that was not Oswald's. She was in on the cover up to her neck. As she worked not just for Win Scott, but David Phillips. Phillips sent some of the transcripts to himself at CIA HQ under an alias "Michael CHoaden". And RIchard Sprague strongly suspected that these transcripts were altered since the Tarasoffs did not recognize them when he showed them to the translating couple. 104-10428-10010 THEORY RE MOSKALEV, YURIY IVANOVICH AND UNIDENTIFIED MAN http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=6502 very short excerpt was identified by [ ]1PSTREAM as a KGB type by name of “Yuri” whom he knew in Moscow in 1964 1. Can we find hoto that Penkovsky identified of Moskalevskiy. 2. May I see Penkovskiy’s 201 file for period of 61-63? end Chris Hopkins JFK Task Force, seems to have had a lot of interest in this aspect of the Mexico City affair..... would like to know who [ ]1PSTREAM was...... Bumped for James DiEugenio It's interesting to note that Mr. DiEugenio has very insightfully written about David A. Phillips (one of the "players" in Mexico City and the man who gave Goodpasture glowing job performance evaluations) that -- "Phillips sent the dubiously-transcribed Mexico City tapes of Oswald by pouch to himself at Langley under an assumed name [Michael C. Choden]. Why would he do such a thing? Well, maybe so that no officers but he and Goodpasture would have the tapes from their origin in Mexico City until their arrival at CIA HQ. This mini-conspiracy was blown in two ways. First, when FBI officials heard the tapes as part of their Kennedy murder investigation and concurred that they were not of Oswald. Second, when HSCA first counsel Richard Sprague showed the official transcripts of the tapes to the original Mexico City transcriber. The transcriber replied that what was on those transcripts was not what he recalled translating." http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKphillips.htm Just thought I'd throw that in there. -- Tommy
  14. Dear Jim, It dawns on me that the important thing might be that Goodpasture, et al., might have thought it was Moskalev, and said to themselves, "My, how interesting! Someone's been telephonically impersonating re-defector Oswald here in M.C., and guess who's in town! .... MOSKALEV! Let's suggest in our next cable that we think this guy's Oswald, and let Headquarter's speculate on whether or not he's impersonating LHO! After all, he's the only guy dressed like an American we've got on camera right now!" -- Tommy
  15. Paul, Why do you feel compelled to reject something, ... anything? "I just gotta reject something, honey, paranoid Contrarian that I am." [A joke; not necessarily describing you, Paul.] LOL -- Tommy
  16. Michael, I agree. In fact, that seems like the most likely scenario to me. -- Tommy
  17. Sandy, I like what you wrote the other night, although you did admit that you were "going from memory" there. Hypothesis: Let's assume the story about Shelley and Lovelady entering the west entrance was rehearsed... that is, not true. Going by the first day affidavits, that's a possibility. Here is my hypothesis, going by memory what was said in the affidavits: The gunshots are heard. Shelley leaves the steps to get a better view (because the limo cannot be seen from the steps, according to Frazier). At the same time Gloria's group are running for cover. That is, to the TSBD. [Shelley and Calvery] encounter each other at the concrete island and Gloria tells Shelley that Kennedy was shot. They all [???] run back to the steps. Shelley runs inside to call his wife. Baker arrives. Calvery is talking to Lovelady at the steps as Baker crosses the street. Darnell & Couch film this. <End Hypothesis> -- Tommy Note: emphasis and [???] added by me.
  18. Dear George, An informed reader like John Newman can deduce certain things from the subject matter, dates, and the now-decoded "cryptos" and "pseudos" on a document. Cryptos like ZR/RIFLE. Pseudos like "Michael C. Choaden," "Willard Curtis". Unless, of course, the evil, evil CIA, out of sheer paranoia, changed everything before releasing them to the public, even with certain dedactions still in place. LOL -- Tommy
  19. Tracy, That, and the fact that there's strong evidence that at least one FBI-CIA generated CIA counterintelligence project utilized the one-and-only Oswald's intentionally- mismashed biographical and biological descriptions. Which could account for many of the "discrepancies and differences". -- Tommy
  20. Dear Joseph, Do you really think they're the same person? -- Tommy
  21. Paul, It's interesting to note that [paraphrased from the article]: "As regards the CIA cable sent from Headquarters to Mexico City on October 10, 1963, when Jane Roman conceded to John Newman during an interview, 'I’m signing off on something I know isn’t true,' she was not only acknowledging that somebody in the CIA's JFK /RFK-sponsored anti-Castro Special Affairs Staff (SAS) was interested in Oswald six weeks before Kennedy was killed, she was also stating that whoever that somebody was had made an affirmative decision to withhold information about him from other CIA officers before November 22, 1963." https://www.history-matters.com/essays/frameup/WhatJaneRomanSaid/WhatJaneRomanSaid_3.htm It's also worthwhile noting that "David Phillips, when he acquired his second role in the fall of 1963 as Chief of Cuban Operations in Mexico City, now answered in this capacity to the Special Affairs Staff.[191] Phillips was in effect rejoining the officers he had worked with on the Bay of Pigs in 1961, at which time he had been responsible for propaganda operations against the newly-created Fair Play for Cuba Committee.[192] From about October 1 to October 9 Phillips made a quick trip, authorized by the Special Affairs Staff, to Washington and then Miami.[193] On October 1 the Mexico City CIA station also sent a cable directing that a diplomatic pouch, sent on October 1 to Washington, should be held in the registry until picked up by “Michael C. Choaden” (i.e. Phillips) presently TDY (temporary duty) HQS.”[194][195] The date October 1 catches our eye, inasmuch as it is the date of the alleged Oswald-Kostikov ["My name is Oswald"] intercept. One is also struck by Phillips’ presence in the Miami JMWAVE station from October 7-9." From Bill Simpich's State Secret: "I believe that Phillips’ trip to Washington and Miami led to an unheard-of one week delay by the highly efficient Mexico City station. Only after Phillips’ visit to Miami did the Soviet desk finally get the go-ahead to prepare a memo to CIA HQ on the October 1 phone calls [the above-mentioned cable that Jane Roman signed off on]. CIA HQ now had a total heads-up as to what would be coming from Mexico City." https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Chapter5.html [I.E., two conflicting CIA cables about Oswald, sent independently to different intelligence agencies and to different departments of the CIA, itself.] -- Tommy
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