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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. So what's your point? In addition to the real-deal Lovelady, do you think there was someone else on or near the steps the steps ("Washed Out Man"?) who resembled Lovelady but is not visible in Weigman because he's hidden behind other people? What's your point? -- Tommy :sun
  2. Dear William, I must admit that I almost never read your posts all the way through for the simple reason that I find them to be not only rather poorly written and poorly sourced (and therefore of limited value), but also consisting of intentional obfuscation (e.g., your making resolution-less certain images, and your substituting the face of a girl for the face of a man in one of those intentionally over-enlarged and therefore resolution-less images, and, well, ... your outright arrogance and bile. IMHO. All the best, -- Tommy
  3. Dear William, You are insufferable. Exactly what is it, photographically-speaking, about your so-called "Washed Out Man" on the steps in Couch- Darnell that makes you to say he couldn't possibly be Lovelady? Too much hair? Not enough? Too tall? Too short? Wrong gender? Because he wasn't walking down Elm Street Extension with Shelley? -- Tommy PS In the two-frame GIF that Sandy provided, the hair on the side of Lovelady's head can be seen in both frames, so how could that be a photographic "blemish" / "artifact"?
  4. Dear William, Altering photographs and presenting them as "the real deal" on this forum, wondering if anyone will notice? Isn't that an example of intellectual dishonesty? All the best, -- Tommy :sun
  5. [...] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear William, I don't speak for Sandy regarding the t-shirt (specifically whether or not Lovelady buttoned or unbuttoned his outer shirt), and he doesn't speak for me, What he and I do agree on is that Billy Nolan Lovelady was "captured" standing on the steps in Couch - Darnell. A question for you regarding the head of "Washed Out Man" on the steps in Couch - Darnell: Did you put the head of that little girl on him in this two-frame GIF, too? Or alter it in some other "very clever way"? I didn't think so. -- Tommy
  6. [...] [...] [...] Dear William, When trying to disprove Lovelady's being next to the steps' west wall in Couch-Darnell, you have an annoying tendency to concentrate on over-enlarged, resolution-destroyed individual frames, rather than the properly blown-up GIF, itself. Sandy's fine, blown-up two-frame GIF showing Lovelady turning his head back and forth would be a good one for you to take a look at and to comment upon, imho, especially in regard to Lovelady's distinctively-shaped forehead with hair on the side, which hair is visible in both frames. Back and forth, Back and forth. Do you think that moving "hair" is just a photographic "artifact"? All the best, -- Tommy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE AFTER A LONG PERIOD OF SILENT MILLER-AFFIRMING (NOT) REFLECTION One of the reasons I've been so "quiet" recently on this thread is because I'm unable to use the "quote" function effectively on this relatively new version of the forum, so I find myself forced to "reply" to something I posted earlier rather than what I really want to reply to or quote. Which is rather awkward, IMHO. I'm using google chrome with windows 10. Is that the problem? I'm also tired of "banging my head against the wall" with Miller, who evidently selectively posts Couch-Darnell "frames" that purposefully don't show what Sandy and I (and I'm sure Bob Prudhomme, too, if he were only here) are trying to point out. For example, Loveladys white t-shirt. In one of the the frames Miller posted regarding the t-shirt (not the one below), said t-shirt is partially blocked by the head of Woman In Black. And when an over-enlarged frame is posted (see below) that shows a larger, more distinct bit of Lovelady's white t-shirt in Couch - Darnell, Miller tries to explain it away as being nothing more than "sunlight reflected off of 'Washed Out Man's' shirt". I for one am convinced that we can see a little bit of Lovelady's white t-shirt on the left (as we're looking at him) side of "Lovelady's" upper-chest / lower neck in the over-enlarged frame that Miller, himself, posted during my "silent period". No, I don't think we are looking at "sunlight reflected off of his shirt" here, but a real snatch of white t-shirt. Here's the frame I'm talking about. Please note that the hair on the side of Lovelady's bald forehead isn't particularly visible in this purposefully (by Miller) overly blown-up frame, below, but is more noticeable in other frames from Couch-Darnell, and even this one, below, when not overly blown-up. Regardless, I agree with Michael Clark that the guy on the steps is Lovelady, and I'm glad he contributed his "two cents" to the discussion. As to what the "big deal" is, it seems to me that Miller's overall theory requires the "fact" that Shelley and Lovelady were "captured," in Couch - Darnell, while walking down (or across?) Elm Street Extension. Which begs the question -- What is Miller's overall-theory, anyway? -- Tommy
  7. whatever Which you used to support it being Lovelady in your view. So did several men that have been mentioned here. One would think by now that you would illustrate through images the things you believe to see instead of just saying it. How about pointing out this 'white' so we know that you are not just talking about the sun shining off his clothing much the same way some thought they saw a disjointed arm coming from the lady in black when it was sunlight shining off the shoulders of the woman looking west. What I see is that the woman's head has remained stationary and that the individual (Washout Man) has turned slightly into the sun which has illuminated his clothing, And I am not certain that you really answered this question, but hasn't it been your previous position that this person had his shirt buttoned up? Dear William, It would seem that when trying to invalidate someone else's photographic or film observations, you often over-enlarge an individual photographic image in order to wash out the pertinent details. Do you do that intentionally? Also, when trying to disprove Lovelady's being next to the steps' west wall in Couch-Darnell, you have an annoying tendency to concentrate on over-enlarged individual frames, rather than the properly blown-up GIF, itself. Sandy's fine, blown-up two-frame GIF showing Lovelady turning his head back and forth would be a good one for you to take a look at and to comment upon, imho, especially in regard to Lovelady's distinctive bald forehead with hair on the side, which hair is visible in both frames. Back and forth, Back and forth. Do you think that moving "hair" is just a photographic "artifact"? All the best, -- Tommy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The question was -- "Who, on or in close proximity to the steps, other than Billy Nolan Lovelady had Lovelady's distinctive bald forehead with hair on the sides?" William's answer: "The man that was passed over with the camera who was out by the street that several thought was Oswald - Prayer Man." What in the world are you talking about, William? Could you provide a link or two, or a photograph? What "several" people? "And the man seen near Lovelady in the Hughes film." That man appears to me to be wearing glasses. All the best, -- Tommy PS But at least you're admitting that the "Lovelady" figure on the steps in Couch - Darnell has a bald forehead with hair on the sides, just like Lovelady's.
  8. [...] So did several men that have been mentioned here. One would think by now that you would illustrate through images the things you believe to see instead of just saying it. How about pointing out this 'white' so we know that you are not just talking about the sun shining off his clothing much the same way some thought they saw a disjointed arm coming from the lady in black when it was sunlight shining off the shoulders of the woman looking west. What I see is that the woman's head has remained stationary and that the individual (Washout Man) has turned slightly into the sun which has illuminated his clothing, And I am not certain that you really answered this question, but hasn't it been your previous position that this person had his shirt buttoned up? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear William, It would seem that when trying to invalidate someone else's photographic or film observations, you often over-enlarge an individual photographic image in order to wash out the pertinent details. Do you do that intentionally? Also, when trying to disprove Lovelady's being next to the steps' west wall in Couch-Darnell, you have an annoying tendency to concentrate on over-enlarged individual frames, rather than the properly blown-up GIF, itself. Sandy's fine, blown-up two-frame GIF showing Lovelady turning his head back and forth would be a good one for you to take a look at and to comment upon, imho, especially in regard to Lovelady's distinctively-shaped bald forehead with hair on the side, which hair is visible in both frames. Back and forth, Back and forth. Do you think that moving "hair" is just a photographic "artifact"? All the best, -- Tommy PS What other men "who have been mentioned here" had a receding hairline as pronounced as Lovelady's?
  9. If that was Lovelady's (paper bag?) and pop bottle photographically "caught" next to the steps' west wall several minutes after the assassination, it could explain why he went from the west wall in Hughes (as the limo was passing in front of him), then to the center railing in Weigman and Altgens 6 (to get a better view down Elm Street), and then back to the wall in Couch - Darnell (to retrieve his lunch / soda pop). -- Tommy
  10. Sandy, Don't you think it's interesting that Miller, when confronted with the blown-up GIF's showing Lovelady's bald forehead with hair on the side, starts concentrating on the mostly-blocked-by-W.I.B. t-shirt issue, instead? -- Tommy
  11. Sandy, Ok, thanks. It's interesting that William refuses to address the issue regarding whether or not hair is visible on the side of "Lovelady's" distinctive bald forehead. Don't you think? -- Tommy
  12. Dear Jim, Please enlighten me. If LHO didn't go to Mexico, how could Marina have known that? Because he came by Ruth's house during that period of time? Thanks, -- Tommy PS You have a typo of omission in your next-to-last sentence.
  13. Sandy, Excellent post. The figure's bald forehead and distinctive hairline is critical in identifying him as Billy Nolan Lovelady. At times we even catch a glimpse of his white t-shirt directly above Woman-In-Black's head. -- Tommy
  14. Dear Alistair, OK, I've looked at them. Thanks for doing that, btw. Good work. I can see "Lovelady's" hair on the side of his head in all of them, but #4 and #5 are the best. Unless, of course, you don't think it's his hair at all, but a "shadow" or "PP's elbow," instead. LOL -- Tommy
  15. Dear Alistair, Haven't looked at them yet ... I've already told you that I'm technically-challenged, so I can't give you any feedback other than to ask the question, "How can there be only eight frames in that GIF?" What kind of camera was Couch (or Darnell?) using? How many frames per second was it filming at? Only EIGHT FRAMES in the whole blown-up GIF I posted? Okay. If you say so. After all, I'm technically "technically-challenged." -- Tommy PS Why don't you chose one or two for me? Hmmm?
  16. The same blown-up one I've posted two or three times now in the last couple of pages, Alistair. Here it is, again: -- Tommy
  17. Dear Alistair, Yes, of course. But only if they are truly "un-blurred" and show Lovelady's bald forehead with hair on the side. And not so small as to be useless, nor so blown-up (like Miller likes to do) as to to destroy the resoultion. LOL Thanks! -- Tommy
  18. Dear William, It seems you're obsessing on the t-shirt and what Lovelady's buttoning habits were. What about the bald forehead with hair on the side? (Just like Lovelady's.) -- Tommy
  19. Dear Alistair, Evidently, my saying "frames" led you to believe that I have, either in hand or on my hard-drive, individual frames from this GIF. If that's the case, then I apologize for having used the wrong terminology. Perhaps I should have said "very very very short sections," or something to that effect, instead. Please realize that you're talking to a 67-year-old guy here who's not only intellectually-challenged, but technically-challenged, as well. Thanks, -- Tommy PS What's with the "nice try" BS?
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