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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Over the top "analysis," imho. -- Tommy Nuke Russia. LOL
  2. Dear Sandy, With all due respect, I think you're full of beans. Sincerely, -- Tommy
  3. Michael, But don't you realize you're talking about five Marguerites and five Oswalds? (lol) -- Tommy
  4. And partially-hidden behind Donaldson is Jeraldean Reid (aka Mrs. Robert A. Reid). -- Tommy
  5. Dear Jim, Do you not like Simpich's State Secret? -- Tommy
  6. Bart, Missing a lot of people, or missing a lot concept-wise? -- Tommy
  7. That's right, Sandy. I and you (lol) believe we have found Gloria Calvery. We think she's the dark-headscarf-wearing "Big Girl" standing next to John Templin in this Z-frame. Templin and businessman Ernest Brandt (see article, below) said they were with each other that day, and neither of them said anything about a third person's having been with them, so we logically assume that "Big Girl" was with the other headscarf-wearing gals to her left. I and you (lol) believe that three of the four other (one is almost completely hidden) headscarf-wearing ladies that "Big Girl" / Calvery is standing with have been misidentified in this Z-frame as Jane Berry, Betty Thornton, and Peggy Burney, and that the four headscarf-wearing women she's with are actually Karan Hicks, Carol Reed, Karen Westbrook, and June Dishong (in an as-yet undetermined order). Most importantly, I and you (lol) believe that this "Big Girl" / Gloria Calvery can be seen talking to Lovelady on the TSBD steps in Couch - Darnell. Article on Templin and Brandt: http://www.dallasnews.com/news/downtown-dallas/2012/11/22/two-eyewitnesses-reunite-once-a-year-on-anniversary-of-kennedys-death PS -- As to whether or not Baker and Truly encountered Oswald in the 2nd floor lunchroom, I don't see how Lovelady's and Calvery's being on the TSBD steps 30 or-so seconds after the final shot has any bearing on that issue. Am I missing something, here? -- Tommy
  8. There's a small photo of it in Nagell's book. To me, it doesn't look like Oswald. His mouth seems to be too wide. EDIT: Nor does it look like Nagell, for that matter. -- Tommy FWIW, it says 5' 11", 145 pounds, with gray eyes and brown hair.
  9. Sandy, The woman I'm talking about (whom I believe is holding something "dark" in her arms) is standing between A.W.W. and the camera. She has reddish hair and is turned to her left, standing almost in "profile". Zapruder was shooting from above. That might explain why this All White Woman looks "beefier" in Martin and Hugh -- Tommy
  10. Sandy, I think the "dark thing on" All White Woman is something that the woman standing behind her is holding in her arms. -- Tommy
  11. So you've already set your ID's in concrete, Mr. Speth, I mean Mr. Larsen?
  12. Sandy, One would hope that it would be a "tentative" list. LOL -- Tommy
  13. How come this thread went so quiet all of a sudden? Was it something I said? -- Tommy
  14. Guys, Has anyone actually watched the Martin clip and the Hughes clip regarding this woman? Just sayin' -- Tommy
  15. Sandy, Nice try, Old Boy, but the obvious answer is that either 1 ) Marina had a twin sister, or 2 ) Marina did not have a twin sister but did "get around" a lot, or 3 ) That photo was altered! LOL -- Tommy
  16. Sandy, I may not know / understand everything, but I know / understand more than you realize, old boy. I can even pat my head and rub my stomach at the same time. -- Tommy PS -- What? Tracy is claiming that there were two Oswalds (one named "Lee" and one named "Harvey"), and two Marguerites (one tall and pretty, and the other short and ugly), and that the boys' school records indicate or imply that?
  17. Dear Jim, LOL -- Tommy PS Why don't you and Armstrong and Josephs just call it "case closed," indict the whole gosh darned C.I.A., and move on to proving, with "evidence," that the moon really, really, really, really is made out of green cheese imported from Planet X by George Soros' Secret Spaceships or ... something like that?
  18. Dear Robin, You and Don Roberdeau and Thierry "Fake News" Speth mislabeled Stella Jacob, Gloria Holt, and Sharon Simmons as "Gloria Calvary" (sic), "Karan Hicks" and "Carol Reed" a long long time ago. The question is, are you going to continue mislabeling them like that (thereby continuing to confuse students and researchers of the JFK assassination), or are you going to "swallow your pride" and finally set things straight by ... getting it right? Heck, if it makes you feel any better, you don't even have to give me credit for being the one who finally figured out, after all these years, that your (plural) dark-skinned "Gloria Calvary" was actually Native American Stella Mae Jacob, all along. -- Tommy
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