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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. "Minor" ??? (but, strangely, exactly the same for Shelley and Lovelady). You call three minutes versus 30 seconds max "minor"? If, in all the "confusion and excitement" of the moment, one of them was so grossly off on the timing, how then do we explain the fact that both of them were "confused" to the exact same degree, except to posit that they colluded on the answers, or were told what to say? LOL -- Tommy
  2. I think that's a good interpretation of the "Shelley" and "Lovelady" movements in Couch - Darnell. What's troubling is that it conflicts so dramatically with the statements / testimonies they gave. -- Tommy
  3. Dear William, Have you not seen this? This is what I was referring to. It's what Sandy Larsen and I have been talking about on this page. D'oh. -- Tommy
  4. Huh? Looks to me as though the dark-suited "Shelley" figure is the one who's crossing over Elm Street Extension towards the "island." Not sure where the other guy is going, but maybe towards the "island," too. -- Tommy
  5. This could be interesting: http://www.worldcat.org/title/history-of-the-new-orleans-law-firm-of-phelps-dunbar-marks-claverie-sims-during-its-first-125-years-1857-1982/oclc/214282942
  6. Steve, I haven't gotten that far yet, but I wouldn't be surprised. (Good idea, Steve. I hadn't thought of that.) I think we might be onto something here. Going to bed soon. I'll work on it tomorrow.... -- Tommy
  7. Steve, Yeah, right. Regardless, I've found something interesting. "Davis" might have been Harold Byrd of TSBD fame. " W: Let me tell you something I learned about that, Bob, in New Orleans. Before [Walker] went there, he went to New Orleans to recruit people to join him on a march -- I can produce a number of people of this sort for you to whom he spoke. And there was a man by the name of (I think) of L. P. Davis who had a close association with Walker -- Davis was a wealthy oil operator, I believe, in New Orleans with some shipping -- barges, maybe.... Mr C: I spoke to now wait a minute some bird [Byrd?] down there -- off shore New Orleans and barges That could be Davis, It could be but I don't know the connection now [...] " A 2006 post by Tom Purvis: Although D. H. Byrd was by no means poor, his wealth was perhaps more along the lines of "pocket change" when compared to that which his wife, Martha Caruth, inherited. http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online...es/BB/kbb6.html http://www.tambcd.edu/centennial/car_history.htm I do believe that this was where Marina Oswald got her teeth fixed. http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/search?invoca...ion+of+Texas%22 http://www.cftexas.org/history.htm In 1974, W.W. "Will" Caruth Jr. established the W.W. Caruth Jr. Foundation as a supporting organization at Communities Foundation of Texas, adding a new chapter to the Caruth family's historic legacy. Through the years, Will Caruth shared much of his fortune with others through the foundation and helped CFT improve the Dallas community where his family had lived since 1848. He had preferences for bold giving in the areas of education, public safety, medical and scientific research, and "bootstrapping" social assistance initiatives. CFT has been diligent to honor these. His wife, the late Mabel Peters Caruth, continued his tradition with an inspiring $34 million bequest to build the new CFT headquarters. Lastly, it was through marriage into the Caruth family to D. H. Byrd achieved his "prestige" in which he could run with and associate with the most notable of society. The Caruth family were members of an extremely elite society which was the : http://www.magnacharta.org/Default.htm The National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons Lastly, among those members of this elite society was included; John W. Sims ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIALTY BARGES, INC. Registered Agent (Appointed 9/19/1957): JOHN W. SIMS, 420 HIBERNIA BK BD, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Registered Agent (Appointed 9/19/1957): LOUIS B. CLAVERIE, 420 HIBERNIA BK BD, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered Name: PHELPS, DUNBAR, MARKS, CLAVERIE & SIMS Applicant: PHELPS DUNBAR, 365 CANAL STREET, STE 2000, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130-0000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It would be remiss to not also point out the fact: MARINE EQUIPMENT INC. Registered Agent (Appointed 9/05/1952): JOHN W SIMS, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 Registered Agent (Appointed 9/05/1952): EDWARD D FINLEY JR, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 Registered Agent (Appointed 9/05/1952): W. B. SPENCER, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: JUNIOR MUSICIANS OF AMERICA, INC. Registered Agent (Appointed 6/12/1937): WALKER B. SPENCER, 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Registered Agent (Appointed 6/12/1937): ESMOND PHELPS, 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 Registered Agent (Appointed 6/12/1937): CHAS. E. DUNBAR, JR., 1300 HIBERNIA BLDG, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 -- Tommy
  8. In the short GIF on this page, above, the two men are starting to cross over Elm Street Extension towards the "island." -- Tommy bumped for Sandy Larsen to comment upon
  9. Steve, No, I haven't, but it does look interesting. I'm too tired to read the whole thing right now, but one thing I noticed while "skimming" the first few pages is the mentioning of a "Mr. Forray." It made me think of David Ferrie for some strange reason. Naw, it couldn't be, .... could it? -- Tommy
  10. Steve, No, but fwiw, I seem to remember that Sylvia Odio's ex-husband was from PR, or some such thing. -- Tommy
  11. Great! IMHO, the two men are starting to cross over Elm Street Extension towards the "island." -- Tommy
  12. Sandy, If you look at Gerda Dunkel's synchronized Couch - Darnell clip a few times and literally force your eyes to keep following "Shelley" and "Lovelady" to the bitter end no matter what gyrations the two clips are doing, you'll realize that the two men in this very short bit, above, must be the same as the two men we've been wondering about in Darnell in which they can be seen walking / running down Elm Street Extension towards the railroad yard (while Running Woman, on the sidewalk, is approaching them and then then passing them). I.e., they must be the "Shelley" and "Lovelady" that we've been speculating about in Darnell for so long now. -- Tommy
  13. Dear William, Fine. Thanks. You must be right. (lol) BTW, what do you think about the two men who appear to be crossing over Elm Street Extension? (That is, after all, why I posted it.) All the best, -- Tommy
  14. bumped for Sandy Larsen PS I believe that's Officer Baker running off-screen, at the far right. Either him or Running Lady (lol).
  15. Dear Jim, I wasn't implying that. You inferred it. All the best, -- Tommy
  16. Hi Jim!, Ironically, as you MAY remember, I tried to get my Dad, a La Jolla, California, eye surgeon and friend of Victor "Brute" Krulak, to ask "Brute" whether or not Lansdale had been "captured" in that famous photo of the Three Tramps. In case anyone's interested in how that worked out, they can try to find my longish post on that and other JFK assassination-related matters on this forum from way, way back in the day. -- Tommy
  17. Tracy, I agree about the promotion of a "leftist agenda" / over-the-top conspiracy view of the U.S. by many of this forum's members. Ironically, I consider myself a Conspiracy Theorist as regards the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK. Regarding JFK, why else would I interview retired ONI special agent Robert Steel (R.I.P.), point out that the description of the assassin broadcast by Sawyer matched the Popov's Mole-based description attributed to LHO by FBI agent Fain (and incorporated into the CIA's biographical data base in 1960 by Bill Bright, who, coincidentally was working out of the MC Embassy while "LHO" was in MC), etc? -- Tommy And fwiw, I DID vote, but not for Trump. Yep, I voted for the Devil Incarnate, herself. (lol)
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