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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Sandy, You're right. Also, Bennan said the man in the window was "slender -- 165 to 175 pounds." I wouldn't call a man who is 5' 8" to 5' 10" (see below) and weighs 170 pounds "slender." http://www.kenrahn.com/JFK/History/The_deed/Brennan/Brennan_book.html "There was nothing about this young man at first glance that seemed unusual. He appeared to be about average height, maybe 5’8” to 5’10” and of average weight, tending more toward the slender side. I’m not good at guessing ages, but he seemed to be 25–35." Athletic maybe but not slender Regardless, Oswald weighed only 131 pounds at autopsy, iirc. -- Tommy
  2. Hasn't it already been established that Brennan couldn't have accurately guessed how tall the man in the window was, due to the sharp angle Brennan was viewing the sixth floor window from? Hasn't it already been shown that the description of the suspect Officer Sawyer broadcast over police radio AND the description given by Brennan strangely matched the biometrics of false defector Robert E. Webster, whose measurements were grafted onto Oswald's way back in 1960 by FBI agent Fain (and forwarded to CIA which incorporated said LHO description into it's computerized records in an apparent Pavlov's Mole hunt)? Does the name Bill Bright ring a bell? -- Tommy
  3. Interesting to note that the two guys in the foreground are looking up a the upper floors of the TSBD. Were they reacting to the sounds of gunshots coming from up there, or were the watching the pigeons land on the window sills? -- Tommy
  4. Hi Guys! FWIW, I concur with both of you on this. Film alteration (except perhaps for the Z-film head blow-out and some of the autopsy photos) is a can of worms, IMHO. -- Tommy "the T-R-O-L-L"
  5. Lance, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_M._Newman (FWIW: Wikipedia is a "Least Biased" news source with "High" factual reporting according to https://www.mediabiasfactcheck.com ) -- Tommy
  6. FWIW, I don't think the guy wearing the tie is Shelley because his chin and cheeks look too round and "full" to me. Also, he looks too broad-chested and thick-necked to be Shelley, IMHO. Another thing that I've just now noticed is that the man above seems to have a thin metal tie clip about halfway down his tie. It's interesting to note that Shelley wasn't wearing a tie clip that day. Also note the white handkerchief in his jacket pocket, below. -- Tommy The T-R-O-L-L
  7. Is Dan Rather visible in this photo? -- Tommy
  8. Hillary Clinton lost by 2.86 million votes? I thought that was Trump, instead. Oh well, I guess I must have read some Mark Zukerberg-approved fake news. -- Tommy The big question, though, is how soon will The (evil, evil) National Security Establishment take Trump out. To dinner, I mean.
  9. Probably with another mysto person, Gloria Jean Calvary, at an upper-floor window in the TSBD. -- Tommy
  10. Dear Michael, Boy-oh-boy, you've really "outed" me this time. Truth-be-told, The Agency pays me a lot of money to pretend that I'm a JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theorist here, and to have the gall to cast doubt on Putin's "useful, gullible idiot," Julian Assange. Yep, the jig is up. I mean, I mean, I mean. -- Tommy But not nearly as much as they must have had to pay the notorious PBS to portray Trump's multi-billionaire, mobbed-up buddy, Vladimir Putin, as negatively as it did in this Frontline report. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-way/
  11. Bumped, because ... well ... isn't 9/11 a part of "Deep Politics"?
  12. Dear Jim, It's funny how the Russian-speaking "cut out" / third party "Guccifer 2.0" hasn't given Assange any "dirt" on Trump, don't you think? -- Tommy PS: What, you don't think 9/11 was an inside job done by the evil, evil CIA?
  13. Dear Jim, It's funny how the Russian-speaking "cut out" / third party "Guccifer 2.0" hasn't given Assange any "dirt" on Trump, don't you think? -- Tommy
  14. Tracy, Don't you realize that this proves the bad guys were planning on using Truman Capote, too? -- Tommy
  15. Milos Zeman is a pro-Putin, former Commie"good ol' boy." BTW, here's a "Least Biased News Source" (according to mediabiasfactcheck.com ) you might enjoy, John. It has been covering events in both Ukraine and Syria. https://www.bellingcat.com/category/news/ -- Tommy
  16. Edit: " Unless he changes course, Trump will take office having invested more credibility in the views of Russian President Vladimir Putin and WikiLeaks fugitive Julian Assange than in leading US intelligence agencies." -- from CNN's "US News" website page, 1/05/17 You do agree with Trump and Assange, don't you, Jim? Seein' as how the US is such an evil, evil country?
  17. Gee, Jim. I thought that was what Harvey and Lee was all about. You know, so we can (at least subconsciously) blame our mommies and daddies and all the authority figures in our lives and the whole freaking CIA. Question: Did you think Hillary Clinton was an equally evil choice as Donald Trump? -- Tommy PS Another question: Do you think Trump is correct in saying that his and Assange's mutual buddy, Vladimir Putin, didn't hack the DNC and Podesta? PPS When I want to get "the big picture," I just watch Alex Jones crying on youtube while following Rania Khalek on Twitter.
  18. Shouldn't this thread be moved to another part of the Education Forum? I mean I mean I mean I mean -- Tommy
  19. Shouldn't this thread be moved to another part of the Education Forum? I mean I mean I mean I mean -- Tommy
  20. Dear Jim, We know that we'll never convince you or your buddies that you're wrong about there having been two Oswalds from 1950, or so, on. Speaking for myself, I enjoy occasionally pointing out Armstrong's mistakes, you know, so that "newbies" here won't fall into that huge, stinking rabbit hole known as "Harvey and Lee." -- Tommy Harlene and Leeanne
  21. Dear Sandy, Are you comfortable with your "Harvey" and "Lee" (and the two Marguerites, as well) looking sufficiently alike at times (from the age of 10 or so, on) to be able to "fool" people into believing they were one and the same person, but at other times looked so different as to make it easy for people like David Josephs and Jim Harwood to look at a few photos and say "Ah ha! Look! They are clearly different people!"? -- Tommy
  22. Dear Paul, As far as I know, there is nothing that "links" Hemming to Angleton other than Hemming's oblique statements to A.J.Webberman and Hemming's rants on this forum, iirc. Let us know what you find. Do you know how to use Google Search? It helps to use quotation marks, and to press Ctrl and "F" at the same time to get a little drop down search box once you're in the text of an article. Good luck! -- Tommy Oh yeah. And maybe to Greg Burnham, too.
  23. Dear Bob, Why do you think The Agency pays me so much to post here? -- Tommy It was a joke.
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