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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Michael, That's how I knew that approximately ten people were reading that odd-ball thread at that time. But my noticing that couldn't explain to me (or anyone else) why they were all reading that odd-ball thread at that time, could it. -- Tommy
  2. Dear Michael, I guess that answers my question. Not. -- Tommy
  3. About ten Forum guests are reading this thread right now. Why is that? Why is this "Robert Anderson" so darn "hot" all of a sudden? Was he somehow connected with Rex Tillerson? LOL -- Tommy
  4. Does anyone have any ideas as to which military intel group in Texas, if any, might have mistakenly provided DPD officer Herbert Sawyer, about 15 minutes after the assassination and by an unnamed "witness," with the 1960 Robert Fain (FBI)-and Bill Bright (CIA)-based Popov Mole-hunting "marked card" description of LHO? I.e., that the suspected assassin seen running away from the TSBD was a Robert E. Webster-like 5'10, 165 lbs? Could it be that the JFK assassination was the ultimate "mole hunt" gone bad, somehow? As in "piggy-backed" by The Bad Guys? -- Tommy
  5. Guys, Does anything mentioned on this thread so far have any possible relevance as to which military intel group in Texas (Army, Navy, Air Force) might have mistakenly provided DPD officer Herbert Sawyer, about 10 minutes after the assassination, with the original-1960 Robert Fain (FBI) and Bill Bright (CIA SR/6) - based Popov Mole-hunting "information," i.e., that the suspected assassin / putative Oswald seen running away from the TSBD by an unidentified "mysto man" was a Robert E. Webster-like 5'10, 165 lbs? Was the JFK assassination the ultimate "mole hunt" gone bad? Somehow? -- Tommy
  6. Sandy, Sandy, Sandy. You don't think that's Lovelady on the steps directly below Prayer Person's right elbow in Couch / Darnell? Conversely, where is Shelley? Your "E" looks like he's broad-shouldered and wearing a hat in Weigman, and has a tie clip on his tie in Altgens 6. -- Tommy
  7. Speaking of Alpha 66 and money, I wonder if they were able to raise much in my hometown, La Jolla, California. (google it) A slightly-older friend of mine (who shall remain anonymous) posted on FB a month or two ago that he had attended an Alpha 66 meeting in La Jolla, and from other things my friend has said on FB, I believe that the meeting he went to may have been as early as 1963. (Remember: Clint Murchison Jr's "Hotel Del Charro" was in La Jolla, and David Ferrie called a La Jolla bank in April, 1962...) -- Tommy
  8. Robin, That's correct. In some of the un-blurry "frames" of this GIF you can see his white t-shirt under the darker shirt, his eyes and mouth, and hair on the side of his bald forehead. You can even make out some of the plaid pattern of his shirt. -- Tommy
  9. [Moved here from another thread and retitled.] Bob Prudhomme and I were arguing about this subject about a year ago on this forum He said the person directly below Prayer Person's right elbow (the arm next to the wall) was Lovelady, rising from a crouching position (while talking to someone in front of him?). I said it wasn't Lovelady, but a woman wearing a light-colored head scarf walking slowly up the steps. Since then, I've started to change my mind. I've come to realize that the person could, indeed, be Lovelady. At the very very end of this GIF (below), we can see the light-colored face / head of the person in question rise above the plane of Prayer Person's forearm, so I can't understand why Bill Miller says the person there is not "rising" (getting up from a crouching position or walking up the steps). I'd hate to think that William has been blinded by cognitive dissonance. -- Tommy Edit: In some of the un-blurry "frames" of this GIF you can see Lovelady's white t-shirt under his darker shirt, his eyes and mouth, and hair on the side of his bald forehead. You can even make out some of the plaid pattern of his shirt.
  10. FWIW, Bob Prudhomme and I were arguing about this subject about a year ago on this forum He said the person directly below Prayer Person's right elbow (the arm next to the wall) was Lovelady, rising from a crouching position (while talking to someone in front of him?). I said it wasn't Lovelady, but a woman wearing a light-colored head scarf walking slowly up the steps. At the very very very very end of this GIF (below), we can see the light-colored face / head of the person in question rise above the plane of Prayer Person's forearm, so I can't understand why Bill Miller, on the "PP - PM or PW?" thread, says the person there is not "rising" (getting up from a crouching position or walking up the steps). I'd hate to think that Bill has been literally blinded by cognitive dissonance (lol). -- Tommy
  11. Dear Michael, Maybe you just don't "get" it. Sandy's not talking about Prayer Person here. He's talking about someone on the steps below Prayer Person. All the best, -- Tommy
  12. Dear William, Yes, I most certainly am. In the GIF, below, I believe we get a glimpse of Lovelady's white t-shirt on the left side, and we can make out some of his facial features, too. -- Tommy
  13. Dear William, You posted your big, blown-up GIF in response to my statement to Allistair, remember? Here it is again for you, to freshen your memory: Thanks, Alistair. By golly, I do believe that's Lovelady rising up on the steps below Prayer Person. Maybe. -- Tommy Please note that my comment was only about the putative Lovelady figure below Prayer Person, not about some person who may-or-might-not-be on the right side of the steps. All the best, -- Tommy :
  14. You blew it up too much, William, and made the poor resolution even worse, imho. Try to remember What Ben Franklin said. Moderation in everything. BTW, what does someone's "lower leg or sunlight" have to do with the putative Lovelady figure? -- Tommy
  15. Steve, Regarding your "Cubans and ice cream" thread a week or so ago, do you really think Colonel Castorr was telling Weisberg he'd spoken with a "bird" (who apparently called himself "L.P. Davis"), as in a pigeon or a dove or a sparrow, etc, in New Orleans? Or was it more likely a "typo" for Byrd? -- Tommy Also, what about "Ferrie" for "Forray" in the same document?
  16. Thanks, Alistair. By golly, I do believe that's Lovelady rising up on the steps below Prayer Person. Maybe. -- Tommy
  17. Sandy, I remember saying something like that in a thread that Bob Prudhomme and I were arguing on about a year ago. -- Tommy
  18. Sandy, If you tell me what software to download and maybe how to use it. As I mentioned in a PM, I'm using Google Chrome with Windows 10. -- Tommy
  19. How soon after the final shot do you think they met Calvary? 20 seconds? 30? 45? Two minutes? -- Tommy
  20. Dear Sandy, I for one "accept" that the two men in Couch - Darnell are Shelley and Lovelady. Given that, I believe that they either colluded in their statements / testimony or were told what to say. I'm confused on your position on all of this. Do you believe Shelley and Lovelady told the truth, but were a little confused about what they did and when they did it? -- Tommy P.S. How do you know that the person, below Prayer Man on the steps, is a guy? How do you know it isn't a woman, wearing a headscarf, walking up the steps? Did Robin Unger ever blow that up for you?
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