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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Bob, I'll guess I'll have to clear some conversations with Gerry Patrick Hemming [q.v.], Tosh Plumlee [q.v.], and Alvin Beaubouef [q.v.] out of my PM thingy to accommodate you. (LOL, but true) But I intuitively already have an answer for you: "Why do I have to do all of the dirty work?" -- Tommy
  2. Bob, Don't you realize that wacko "We Never Went To The Moon!" Thierry Speth is the one who "identified" these ladies way, way back in the day, and that, unfortunately, all of the "researchers" since then seem to have taken his word on this as gospel? I honestly see a strong enough resemblance between the (unfortunately) smiling "Karen [sic] Hicks, wife of James Hicks" HSCA photo (which I posted for you in an earlier post, this thread) and the tallish, (unfortunately) headscarf-wearing gal, above, to conclude that Speth (whom we all seem to agree now got Gloria Calvary confused with someone else) got Reed and Hicks confused, too. -- Tommy Perhaps we need to get that great photo interpreter, Bill Miller, to make a "ruling" on whether or not the gal in HSCA photo #39 is the same person as the tallish, (unfortunately) headscarf-wearing gal who was hanging out with "Blondie Crybaby" and "Dark Complected Woman" in Zapruder, Darnell (iirc), etc.
  3. I hope it's ok to bump this now. You know, to try to attract the attention of some serious researchers?
  4. OK, Bob. I only hope my little "research project" on "K. D. Hicks - a relative of James Daniel Hicks" of Irving, Texas, is not for naught. It seems to me that the real problem is that, although tallish, headscarf-wearing Karan Daniel Hicks appears to have been where she claimed to be during the assassination, Gloria Jean Calvary (in whose recent wedding Bill Shelley just happened to have been best man) is odd woman, out. Was she somewhere she shouldn't have been, and did Willy and Billy then "cover" for her by saying she'd run up to them somewhere or other more-or-less right after the assassination? Just thinking out loud here. -- Tommy
  5. Uh huh. Hmm. Irving, Texas. (Imagine that.) Please remember that the "researcher" who originally labeled these gals in Zapruder, etc. is some French dude who thinks the Moon Landings were faked, iirc. I think his name was Thierry Speth? Going from memory here, Bob. This is almost as much fun as prospecting for gold. -- Tommy
  6. Bumped for Bob and Sandy, and Robin, et al. Oh yeah, and Bill Miller, I suppose.
  7. Ken, I'm surprised that Ball even asked him that question, then. Instead, he should have asked whether or not he had a watch. LOL -- Tommy
  8. Who. That's the question. Did everyone lie except Vicki Adams and Lee Harvey Oswald? -- Tommy
  9. If so, then who, you know, prevaricated in their testimonies / statements? Or maybe it would be simpler to ask, "Who didn't?" -- Tommy
  10. Dear Bob, You might be right (I can't believe I just said that), but I tend to think it's a woman wearing a light-colored head scarf and slowly climbing the steps. If it IS Lovelady, then we gotta ask what -- "What was he doing kneeling down like that right then?" Finishing his yummy, yummy lunch? -- Tommy
  11. Dear Ken, Do you really think a person needs to be in the habit of "timing things" with a watch in order to be able to give a fairly-accurate estimate (say plus or minus 25%) of how long something takes, especially when the event in question is something that happens fairly quickly, like between 20 seconds and 3 minutes? -- Tommy
  12. 1 ) As though Lovelady would've timed Calvary's run if he'd had a watch. LOL 2 ) If Lovelady and Shelley had stayed on the front steps that long, why aren't either of them visible on the steps in Couch / Darnell? -- Tommy
  13. Mr. BALL - You heard the shots. And how long after that was it before Gloria Calvary came up? Mr. LOVELADY - Oh, approximately 3 minutes, I would say. Mr. BALL - Three minutes is a long time. [hint, hint]Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, it's---I say approximately; I can't say because I don't have a watch; it could. Mr. BALL - Had people started to run? Mr. LOVELADY - Well, I couldn't say because she came up to us and we was talking to her, wasn't looking that direction at that time, but when we came off the steps--see, that entrance, you have a blind side when you go down the steps. Mr. BALL - Right after you talked to Gloria, did you [meaning Lovelady and Shelley] leave the steps and go toward the tracks? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes.
  14. David, That's very interesting. Thanks. -- Tommy
  15. Dear Paul, I guess the "paranoia" of some of the members is finally rubbing off on me. If I don't watch it, next thing I know I'll be jumping up and down and insisting there were three Lees, Harveys, Marguerites, and Marinas. (I thought you might have been making a little "dig" at me for my unintentionally providing occasional "ammunition" for Word Twister to, uhh, ... twist.) -- Tommy PS "The Gold Rail Steakhouse" is mentioned in this article. http://classicsandiego.com/restaurants/hula-hut/ (Transferred here from an old thread on Jack Ruby:) I posted this response, which I have recently edited: Robert, Whoever wrote this letter confused (perhaps intentionally) the gay Brass Rail bar (in Hillcrest, a couple of miles north of downtown San Diego) for the straight, no-longer-existing, downtown San Diego Gold Rail Steak House, which was owned by the most feared Mafia hitman on the West Coast, Frank Bompensiero, and "One Eye" Frank Paul Dragna, son of Los Angles mob boss Jack Dragna (an associate of Johnny Roselli). "Syndicate" members wouldn't have met at the gay Brass Rail up in Hillcrest, they would have met at the mafia-owned Gold Rail Steak House, which was situated across the street from the luxurious U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. (Speaking of Bompensiero, a couple of "Bomp's" boys did something to a guy by the name of Cherry who was trying to make a move on the Bomp's San Diego-area jukebox monopoly back in the day. If I remember correctly, it had something to with a very large cucumber, and took place in one off the rooms at the U.S. Grant Hotel. It was in an interesting FBI document from the late 1950's, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. Suffice it to say that said cucumber was uhh ... inserted .. in the U.S. Grant Hotel, and, uhhh.... removed ... several hours later by a ... uhhh... proctologist ... in Los Angeles, after a very, very painful ride indeed. FWIW, a couple of years ago I knocked on the door of the Brass Rail before it opened one morning (I'm not a patron -- LOL) and asked the manager if it had ever been owned by a couple of Hungarians. The answer was "No." "Bompensiero was proud of the Gold Rail. Actually, if you are to believe the license and the Yellow Pages listing, the “Gold Rail Steak House.” No steak was served. Law said you had to serve food. Bompensiero didn’t serve food." http://www.sandiegor...check-us-grant/ http://en.wikipedia....ank_Bompensiero https://en.wikipedia...iki/Jack_Dragna --Tommy Robert [Howard], San Francisco mafioso Nick de John was murdered in 1947. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1947/05/10/page/3/article/former-chicago-hoodlum-slain-on-west-coast Regarding your other question, Since RFK was Attorney General and therefore J. Edgar Hoover's boss, I would think that he could have told Hoover to be hard on certain people. PS The coy, story-telling style, the liberal use of quotation marks and hyphens, the exclamation mark, the good vocabulary, the near perfect spelling, the excellent grammar, the proper use of commas, and the generally good punctuation reminds me very much of one Gerry Patrick Hemming. I think the letter was an elaborate joke by Hemming, e.g., the Shaw Hotel was a "Negro" hotel in Harlem (LOL) -- why even mention that he and his "friend" were staying at the "Shaw Hotel" when he recognized Ruby on television ? (btw, at what point on 11/24/63 could Ruby be seen clearly enough on television to have been recognized by anyone -- during the shooting of Oswald itself - I think not) ; Hemming has the "writer" come across as being possibly gay himself -- and, btw, how else could the "writer" have known about the gay Brass Rail (est. 1960) if he hadn't been there himself "when he was in San Diego in 1961"? LOL). I think Hemming wrote this letter not only as a joke, but to also to direct RFK's attention away from the CIA and towards the Mafia, and to send RFK on a coupla dem "wild goose chases" as well, trying to figure out what the heck the writer meant when he said that RFK and / or Dulles had messed with his mail in San Diego in 1961, and mentioning "threats to the welfare of our people emanating from near the border" ? BTW, it's interesting that the "originator" of the document ("CIA") doesn't say where the letter was mailed from. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=73129#relPageId=1&tab=page --Tommy More on Frank Bompensiero: http://www.allanrmay.com/Frank_Bompensiero.html
  16. Dear Paul, Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your little post? FWIW, the bar "The Gold Rail" no longer exists, but it was downtown San Diego, about 12 miles south of La Jolla. Regardless, I wouldn't jump to conclusions about "Ruby's being linked to a Mafia bar in San Diego" just because some anonymous person sent RFK a letter and got his or her facts mixed up, unintentionally or otherwise. -- Tommy Do you have anything intelligent to say about a car registered to an Andres V. Cortes of La Jolla, California, being spotted at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City one day after the assassination, and the fact that "Alpha 66" meetings were held in La Jolla? Who was Andres V. Cortes / Cortez, anyway?
  17. I've just now found out from a trustworthy, level-headed friend that back in the day there used to be Alpha 66 meetings in my hometown of La Jolla, California. He said that he was invited to attend one, and did, but that he didn't know what they were talking about because only Spanish was spoken. (I don't know if this ties in somehow with with a car from La Jolla's being spotted at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City on 11/23/63. According to the CIA, the car was registered in the name of an "Andres V. Cortes" of La Jolla.) And let's not forget that Clint Murchison Jr's Hotel Del Charro was in La Jolla. (It was razed a few years ago.) Anyone ever heard of an anti-Castro Cuban in southern California by the name of Pablo Rodriguez? -- Tommy FWIW, my Dad (R.I.P.) was an eye doctor in La Jolla, and one of his patients was Desi Arnaz.
  18. An update as regards this bit: "I was able to verify that Andres V. Cortes, whose car was spotted at the Soviet Embassy in Havana on November 23, 1963, really did, according to the La Jolla Blue Book telephone directory, live at 7818 Fay Avenue in La Jolla, California from 1964 through 1966. (In the 1963 L. J. "Blue Book," the house was listed as being in "Transient" status, i.e. rented by some unnamed person who was not actually living there at the time.)" I've just now found out that Alpha 66 had meetings in my home town back in the day. Hmm My friend says he was invited to attend one and did but didn't know what they were saying because only Spanish was spoken. -- Tommy PS In case anyone's interested, here's the background CIA document: https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=2324
  19. Robin, I'm sure the car Richard's talking about is the one going from right to left and following the boat in the second part of the bottom of these two clips. Lee Bowers' WC Testimony: Mr. BALL - Did you see another car?Mr. BOWERS - Third car, which entered the area, which was some seven or nine minutes before the shooting, I believe was a 1961 or 1962 Chevrolet, four-door Impala, white, showed signs of being on the road. It was muddy up to the windows, bore a similar out-of-state license to the first car I observed, occupied also by one white male. Mr. BALL - What did it do?Mr. BOWERS - He spent a little more time in the area. He tried-he circled the area and probed one spot right at the tower in an attempt to get and was forced to back out some considerable distance, and slowly cruised down back towards the front of the School Depository Building.Mr. BALL - Then did he leave?Mr. BOWERS - The last I saw of him he was pausing just about in--just above the assassination site.Mr. BALL - Did the car park, or continue on or did you notice?Mr. BOWERS - Whether it continued on at that very moment or whether it pulled up only a short distance, I couldn't tell. I was busy.Mr. BALL - How long was this before the President's car passed there?Mr. BOWERS - This last car? About 8 minutes. -- Tommy
  20. Two related questions (pardon the pun): 1 ) Was the "Karan Daniel Hicks" who claimed, according to the FBI, to have been standing with "Gloria Calvary," "Carol Reed," and "Karen Westbrook" during the assassination, married to the James Hicks who was "captured" on film walking across the "infield grass" after the assassination? HSCA photo of Karen (sic) Hicks, "wife of James Hicks," according to the HSCA. 2 ) Go to this website and, under "Jame's Relatives," click on K Hicks. The next page identifies this relative a bit further by supplying the middle initial "D." Could the full name of this person be "Karan Daniel Hicks"? You know, one of the gals who claimed to have been standing withe Gloria Calvary during the assassination? Could she be the tallish gal wearing the head scarf? I think I see a facial resemblance, but of course Bill Miller will probably disagree. https://www.intelius.com/people/James-Hicks/Texarkana-TX/08C1HJE0D7Q Oh, and by the way -- please note that this person lives in Irving, Texas. -- Tommy
  21. Sandy (and other members), (Sorry for this, but I'm still trying to figure out how to use the "quote" function in this new EF format.) In response to your reply, Bill Miller wrote: "Correct, Sandy! You just pointed out what Graves had to of seen, but didn't want to say it. Here is what I was sitting on ... There is no way on earth that I can see someone confusing the two woman as the same person if given a serious examination for differences." So now Bill Miller is accusing me of intellectual dishonesty in his oh-so-subtle way. I thought that was against Forum rules, no matter how "diplomatically" phrased. -- Tommy
  22. "... conceal the meeting of LHO FROM Kostokov ..." ??? -- Tommy
  23. Possible Impossible -- OR -- NO OPINION (But wait! That would be the same as "Possible," wouldn't it?) Please see page 15 of the "Did Gloria Calvery Almost Catch Up With Marion Baker?" thread, STARTING with the post showing a photo of "Dark Complected Woman" on 11/22/63 alongside several highschool photos of "Gloria Jean Little." All I ask is that you bear in mind that almost all of DCW's face is in the shade in that 11/22/63 photo. Thanks! -- Tommy
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