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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Everyone looks "different" in different photographs taken of them at different times, under different lighting conditions, from different angles, with different cameras. -- Tommy
  2. Dear David, The reason none of the young men / boys whose photos you have posted on this forum over the years are Robert E. Webster is because they're all Lee Harvey Oswald at different ages, you know, some showing him with baby fat, and others showing him with (gasp) muscles from his being in the Marine Corps (where they feed you well and make you do lots and lots push ups and chin-ups and that sort of thing), etc. -- Grave PS I ain't gonna go down your H&L rabbit hole. You know why? Because it stinks down there.
  3. I believe that woman to be the "Running Woman," in Couch / Darnell, who, since she is running fast and in the opposite direction from everyone else, must have seen something that traumatized her. It's not unreasonable to assume that she shouted out something like, "They've killed the President!" as she ran past "my" Shelley and Lovelady on Elm Street Extension. Note how "Shelly" starts crossing over to the "island" immediately after that, and how "Lovelady" starts running toward the parking lot / railway yard at the same time. Interesting timing, no? I'm not gonna argue with you about all this, Bill. You can find my older posts on the subject on several threads, -- Tommy PS Why weren't "your" S & L caught in anyone's photos or films (of Elm Street or the Grassy Knoll, especially) until Hughes and Martin finally "caught" one of them - Lovelady - smoking on the front steps many minutes after the assassination?
  4. Dear Sandy, If that's the case, then they should have been caught on Couch / Darnell film doing that. -- Tommy
  5. Okay, Bill. Then you and I disagree. The plaid shirt Lovelady was photographed wearing years after the assassination was probably a close approximation of, but not the same one as, the one he was wearing on 11/22/63. I'm convinced that that's Lovelady and Shelley walking / running down (and in Shelly's case - across) Elm Street Extension in Couch. Haven't you ever wondered why neither of them are visible on the steps in Couch / Darnell? You know, with all that excitement going on around them and down on the Grassy Knoll area? Or do you think they ducked inside the TSBD to get a Cokie-Cola or a (gasp) Dr. Pepper? Thanks for the explication. -- Tommy
  6. Dear Joseph, Nope. You got it wrong, again. It was Robert Webster who was 5' 10" and weighed 165 lbs. You know, the former Air Force guy who showed up in Moscow the same week as Lee Harvey Oswald, who facially resembled Oswald, and whose biometrics were "inherited" by Oswald, courtesy of FBI agent Fain's attributing them source-wise to Marguerite Oswald and his inserting them into his early 1960 "interview" of her (which "information", btw, quickly made its way to CIA's Russia Division and was, there, incorporated by Bill Bright into CIA's computerized Biological Registry)? https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Chapter1.html -- Tommy
  7. Dear Bill, Would you please rephrase that bit so that I might understand it? Thanks. -- Tommy PS I'm kind dumb and I don't read real good. Nor write, come to think about it, neither.
  8. Here's a frame from Couch / Darnell that Bill Miller recently posted on another threat. IMHO, it tends to support Andrej's theory because in it we can see Frazier's head sticking way up above a white umbrella or something, and we can see the much shorter Prayer man, too, back there to the left, and their height difference is such that, IMHO, Prayer Man must be standing one step down from the landing. -- Tommy Of course I suppose PM might have gone down a step or two right after the final shot ...
  9. Chris, [...] OK, got your edit and read para 5. So, I guess November 1 doesn't quite cut it, does it, seein' as how it isn't "on or about October 27." Or is it? Kinda? -- Tommy
  10. Chris, That "link" doesn't work, at least not for me. -- Tommy I just posted this in a different thread but based on this reveal Hosty and Ruth Paine should have been charged with perjury (2nd Paragraph): [hosty1127.jpg] i think the Ruskies have hacked my computer.
  11. Chris, That "link" doesn't work, at least not for me. -- Tommy The 'link" I'm talking about said hosty1127.jpg
  12. Chris, Your "link" doesn't work, at least not for me. Edit: Now it's missing altogether. -- Tommy FWIW, Al called me one day "right out of the blue" to inform me that the rainstorm / thunderstorm they drove through that night between New Orleans and Houston wasn't nearly as bad as we CTers say it was. We had several phone conversations over the next couple of months, and when I asked him if Dave cussed a lot, he said, "No." IIRC, the first of the two times I asked him whether or not Dave was CIA, he said, "Yes." I think he told Stephen Roy (RIP) the same thing once, according to a PM Steven sent me and which I still have. [...] Yep. According to Stephen, Al finally admitted to him that before he and Dave met, Dave had been a volunteer with the local CIA-created FRD.
  13. I don't know, Chris. I'll have to think about that one. Maybe they talked about where to put the secretary. It boggles my mind, though, that Ruthie (or another Bad Guy or Bad Gal) not only was able to duplicate Oswald's distinctive handwriting so well, but that she or he (or she) also went to so dang much trouble in including all those cross-outs and messy "corrections" in the text. Just to make it look realistic, I guess. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. -- Tommy
  14. Chris, Who do you think wrote CE103? (The handwritten "draft" that looks like LHO's writing, mentions Kostin, and has all those corrections?) 1 ) Oswald? 2 ) Ruth? 3 ) Someone else? -- Tommy
  15. Yep. Thanks. The one Trejo didn't think existed until you showed it to him? At first glance, except for the "Henry," I don't see any "barium" in it, just the perpetuation of the idea that Oswald had not only been in Mexico City, but had also been in contact with Kostikov there. (I was hoping to find some more "barium meal" tidbits in it.) So, this is the one that made it to Hosty's "in box" a few days later, but was then apparently / allegedly ignored by him until the assassination? Or that he did read in a timely manner, but didn't realize that Kosty was KGB? Or am I getting things confused, again? -- Tommy
  16. Please freshen my old and addled memory, Chris. Does that (presumably handwritten?) copy still exist? If so, is it viewable on the Internet? Also, who typed the original typed letter? What happened to it? Is it the one Gorby gave us? -- Tommy Also, could you please give me a link to that 10/18/63 doc you found? Thanks.
  17. But she took those books to the police department on November 30, 1963, right? After Michael and Oswald had moved the secretary from the living room to the kitchen on November 11, 1963, right? Am I missing something? -- Tommy
  18. So, what do you think all of this signifies? Try to make it simple for old Tommy. -- Tommy
  19. Grounds for divorce: "He keeps putting the god damn secretary in the wrong room." -- Tommy
  20. Maybe Ruthie had him move it back into the kitchen for the WC photos to show everybody what the situation didn't look like on November 9, 10, and 11? I'm so confused. -- Tommy
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