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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Has Kostikov ever been proved to have worked for Department 13? (Just wondering.) -- Tommy
  2. Bart, Haven't read the eight pages yet, but I would like to comment on a point in your intro / synopsis: "Page 5, [Truly] discusses the day JFK got shot. He mentions Lovelady and [Lovelady's] being outside on the steps, and himself standing in front of those steps near the curb of Elm. What is downright rubbish is his description of a wave of people making their way back and that Baker had to push his way though the crowd. The Couch and Darnell films show that Baker had a clear run towards the TSBD building." I'm not trying to torpedo your theory, but it seems to me that Truly might have seen Baker push some people out of the way on the steps themselves, after having veered a bit to the right near the base in order to get to a slightly less crowded part of the the steps, at the very end of Couch / Darnell. Just sayin' Keep up the good work. -- Tommy
  3. Just thinking out loud here. Why would ostensible anti-Casto dudes go to all this effort to "smuggle" Oswald into Cuba when they were already, as you claim, getting Spanish-speaking anti-Castro agents in? What was so special about Oswald in their attempts to hit Castro? That he was a former Marine who was a little bit "loco"? -- Tommy
  4. FWIW, Perry Russo, under hypnosis, claimed to have seen Clay Bertrand there. -- Tommy
  5. Just to stir things up a bit, I wonder if Ruby ever took his car to Al and Dave's Service Station in New Orleans? (Or was it Dave and Al's?) Dave = David Ferrie Al = Alvin Beaubouef -- Tommy
  6. Dear Sandy, That's because, according to Cinque and Fetzer, Billy Nolan Lovelady (as "captured" in Buck, Martin, and Hughes), was a chainsmoking Neanderthal dwarf, and chainsmoking Neanderthal dwarfs tend to die at an early age, -- Tommy
  7. Ain't got a Mac. Got me a cheapo HP laptop. -- Tommy
  8. Robin, General question: Would I need to install some special software in order to "freeze frame" a GIF anywhere I wanted, or to view a GIF in "slow motion"? Thanks, -- Tommy PS: It looks to me as though RW is wearing a dark blouse under a light-colored button-up sweater or jacket.
  9. Thanks, Robin. Great work! FWIW, It looks like Baker is trying to intercept Running Woman, maybe to ask her what she saw. When the GIF is viewed in slow motion (while it's loading), it's obvious that when Baker starts running, he's looking at her. And he continues looking at her while they are both running. Maybe he intercepted her near the base of the steps. Or maybe she ran down to the corner and Baker caught up with her there. But the problem with that is the fact that he would have gotten there before here. So I'm betting on the base of the TSBD steps. -- Tommy
  10. Chris, Beats the heck out of me. It really does. FWIW, Did you notice that I typed the apostrophe in red in my post that read simply "... one couples' story ..." ? I'm a grammar Nazi. I admit it. BTW, You in Dallas now by any chance? -- Tommy
  11. FWIW, we can see a ceiling light on in the Powell photo, taken a few seconds after the assassination. -- Tommy
  12. Results from old La Jolla Bluebook telephone books: There was an Andres Cortes living at 7818 Fay Avenue, La Jolla, California in 1964-1965 and in 1966. No phone number given in the 1964-1965 book, just his address and name in the "Householder's Directory" in the back. He's not listed in the front "normal" part of the 1966 Bluebook either. It's only in the "Homeowner's Directory" in 1966. It was 454-5874. 7818 Fay Avenue was "transient" in 1963, whatever that means. I noticed that the "Homeowner's Directory" part of the La Jolla Bluebook used the a different term, "vacant," to describe unoccupied houses... --Tommy PS -- "Hombre afuera" is Spanish for "man outside" (or "outside man"), so in the document it's a phrase, not a name. (FWIW, "inside man" = hombre adentro") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm bumping this thread again because I'm fascinated by the fact that a car registered to a man living in my home town was spotted near the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City the day after the assassination. It's interesting to note that about a year ago I found out from a La Jolla acquaintance of mine, via a FB post, that he was invited to attend an Alpha 66 meeting in La Jolla around 1963, which he says he did, but that he didn't understand what was discussed there because he didn't speak Spanish at the time ... -- TG
  13. bumped for context please read the previous posts -- Tommy
  14. Paul, Did you ever watch PBS's "Putin's Way" (google it; it's free) and / or go to bellingcat.com ? Based on the evidence available, I firmly believe that former FSB head Vladimir Putin engineered the killing of 300 of his own citizens in the 1999 Russia Apartment Bombings [q.v.], so that martial law could be declared, so that the Second Chechen War could begin, and, most importantly, so that Putin (First Prime Minister at the time) would automatically become president when his "boss" [the corrupt, and therefore vulnerable, President Boris Yeltsin] announced his "retirement," the timing of which which was, I'm confident, "pre-arranged" between them. I believe that former KGB counter-intelligence officer Putin is waging Asymmetrical [q.v.] Total War [q.v.] against the West, and that he's winning -- Ergo our being sufficiently influenced by Wikileaks to elect Trump to the U.S. Presidency last week. Why would Putin want Trump to become the U.S. President? Because he knows that a Trump presidency will sow Hegelian-like social discord and conflict in the U.S., as well as because Trump in on record as intending to de-fund NATO (if other NATO countries don't "cough up" what their past and future dues). -- Tommy
  15. Dear Mr. DiEugenio, So, JFK stood up to the Soviets during the Cuban Missile Crisis, right? And inso doing, he risked going to war, right? Good on him, right? -- Tommy
  16. Dear Mr. DiEugenio, If you will take the time to read about this true Russian / Soviet hero and you'll realize how close we really "came".https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasili_Arkhipov Please do realize that I'm grateful that JFK had the gonads to ignore LeMay, Johnson, etc, and to blockade Cuba instead of invading it or nuking it. While I'm at it: What about the 1948 - 1949 Berlin Airlift? Did we do the right thing, there, Mr. DiEugenio? It's interesting that you didn't mention Crimea, Putin's "Little Green Men," The Donbas region in eastern Ukraine, GRU-boy-Igor Girkin's / Igor 'Strelkov's' shootdown (by mistake - he / they thought it was a Ukrainian military plane) of MH17 with one of Putin's BUK's (which scampered back across the border into Mother Russia the next day), etc. -- Tommy
  17. Dear Mr. DiEugenio, "Peace at all costs," huh? Reminds me of Daladier and Chamberlain in 1938. Can you spell M-U-N-I-C-H? (How did that work out, by the way?} -- Tommy PS I, too, idolize JFK. But don't you think he risked going to war when he blockaded Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis? (BTW, he did the right thing there.)
  18. Sandy, That's why I like you so much. At least you've got the decency part down. (lol) -- Tommy
  19. Dear Sandy, So who, in the context of the above, "appears to be right," contrary to the opinion of the unnamed "ideologues"? Cinque and Fetzer? And just who, in the above context, are the unnamed "ideologues," anyway? People who criticize Cinque and Fetzer and / or "Harvey and Lee"? -- Tommy
  20. Dear Sandy, Am I an ideologue for steadfastly asserting that, according to my eyes, the "Shelley" figure is a little bit taller that the "Lovelady" figure in Couch? -- Tommy
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