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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Oh yes. According to Veciana, Phillips asked him to try to bribe one of his (Veciana's) Cuban-Intelligence relatives into claiming that he (the Cuban Intelligence officer / agent) and his wife had met with Oswald in Cuba. I'd forgotten about that. Thanks! -- Tommy
  2. Chris, Please help freshen my memory for me. What did Phillips want Veciana to do in regards to Oswald? Thanks, -- Tommy
  3. Roy Truly is the guy who's facing left, under your left arrow, in the background. -- Tommy
  4. Dear Paul, Does Hosty speculate in his book as to why, as alegedly admitted by Kelly and Webster, the FBI failed to tell him about Kostikov? To protect TUMBLEWEED? -- Tommy
  5. Howdy, Bob! Who saw Baker, wearing his motorcycle helmet, uniform, and boots and all, running like a freakin' madman down the street to the corner / intersection? -- Tommy
  6. His head is turned in her direction, but maybe he's just looking at the wall.
  7. All of this simply proves that Hillary did it. Before she killed Vince.
  8. I think he was trying to intercept Running Woman to ask he what she'd (obviously) seen. He looks at her quite a bit while they're both running. -- Tommy
  9. Will Trump and Putin divvy up my grandmother's homeland (Ukraine) like Hitler and Stalin did Poland? -- Tommy
  10. Chris, So, how many birds do you think Phillips was trying to kill with one stone (by sending LHO down to MC to try to get a visa to Cuba and / or Russia)? Trejo seems to think LHO was sent there only as part of an assassination plot against Castro. -- Tommy
  11. You raise a good point, Chris, about Ruth's making an unnecessarily big deal about her having copied the letter in English. Ruth may have "spilled the milk" by doing so. Regardless, I'm still confused as to whether or not Ruthie's handwritten copy is viewable on the internet. It's my understanding that the Warren Commission gave it back to her, but ... (The reason I ask is because it would be interesting to see if she copied "Oswald's" putative spelling and punctuation errors verbatim. It would have been reasonable for her to do so, imho, because for all she knew, Oswald was concealing a coded message to the Ruskies.) -- Tommy
  12. Chris, Isn't one of the salient points brought out on this thread so far the fact that the FBI knew that Kostikov was KGB Department 13 for several months before the assassination? And that they claim to have not been able to "connect the dots" that "Kostin / Kostine" was Kostikov from November 5 or November 18 (or something like that) on? But were (in retrospect, suspiciously / implausibly) "informed" of this incendiary fact by the CIA on November 23? -- Tommy Edited a bit on 4/27/17 .................................................................................................. Chris Newton's excellent, back-in-the-day reply: "Yes. My suspicion is at least some of the activities such as the recorded phone calls were a deception meant to connect Oswald to an assassination plot involving Russia and Cuba. My number one suspect in this effort would be DAP who would certainly have intimate knowledge of TUMBLEWEED. I think Oswald may have been sent down to Mexico by DAP to apply for a Cuban Visa. During this trip another Operation was commenced using other individuals connected to DAP to build this backstory to the assassination."
  13. Chris, Just curious. What's so interesting about her copying the letter in English? -- Tommy
  14. Thanks Chris, Do you know if Ruth's handwritten "copy" is viewable online? -- Tommy
  15. Pat, et al., Due to the ominous "let's finish our business" tone of Oswald's November 9 "Kostin" letter to the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., and the fact that Oswald had not only "defected" to the USSR, but also supposedly told the Ruskies some U2 secrets and, of course, married the niece of a high-ranking MVD officer, I find it hard to believe that the FBI wasn't all over this November 9 letter "like flies on you-know-what," and that they did not, therefore, determine right away whether or not anyone by the name of "Kostin" or "Kostine" was working in the Mexico City Soviet Embassy / Consulate while Oswald was in MC. It's an established fact now (I think) that Valiery Kostikov was working in that Embassy, so it buggers the mind to think that the FBI couldn't put two-plus-two together on this and realize that Oswald's November 9 "Kostin / Kostine" was Kostikov. Questions: When did the CIA: 1 ) claim to have determined, and 2 ) actually determine that Valiery Kostikov was: A) working at the MC Soviet Embassy, B) KGB, and C) an officer in "Department 13"? Before or after the assassination? -- Tommy
  16. Has anyone ever analysed the spelling - punctuation - grammar - syntax - vocabulary of Oswald's infamous "embassy letter" of November 9, 1963, to determine whether or not LHO could have written it? Or did Ruth Paine "proofread" it for him? (lol) Also, has anyone ever determined whether or not there was a "Kostin" working in the Russian Embassy / Consulate in Mexico City during the period of time that Oswald was allegedly there? -- Tommy
  17. Bumped by "mistake." Somehow, my computer made me do it. Usually it's the Devil, but this time it was my computer.. I swear.
  18. In the ballpark, but it's in regards to a phone call to the Soviet Embassy / Consulate on Friday, September 27, and may not have been Oswald or his impostor, but just some Spanish-speaking guy who wanted some visas to Odessa, U.S.S.R., instead. https://books.google.com/books?id=17AtAgAAQBAJ&pg=RA1-PR56&lpg=RA1-PR56&dq=oswald+terrible+russian+spanish&source=bl&ots=Y25L0gk_Q_&sig=UPXCfjAE0eiRksVDeYkUm4wPenk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAg_bdzOXQAhVIl1QKHaBCAt4Q6AEIHjAB#v=onepage&q=oswald terrible russian spanish&f=false -- Tommy PS -- The torn-off part of the bottom of this handwritten note on a 6-page 1976 CIA memo is interesting in that the two words partially torn off look as though they could be "English" (on the left) and "Russian" (on the right). If this guess is correct, it would suggest that the main language spoken by the caller in the Saturday, September 28, "address" call to the Soviet Embassy / Consulate was probably Spanish. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=50273#relPageId=5&tab=page For your reading enjoyment, here's the 6-page memo, in full. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=50273#relPageId=1&tab=page
  19. Just wondering: How would the CIA's warning the FBI that Oswald had been in contact with Kostikov have caused the FBI to "cut and run"? -- Tommy
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