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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. LOL Would anyone else care to express their opinion as to whether or not they can see hair on the side of "Lovelady's bald forehead in the few un-blury frames in this GIF? If so, do you agree with William's suggestion that said "hair" is nothing but a photographic "artifact?" Thanks, -- Tommy
  2. Sorry William, I honestly don't understand your paranoid-sounding question(s) / rhetorical statement(s). Could you rephrase them, please? Thanks, -- Tommy
  3. good one, actually Question: Can you see the hair on the side of his bald forehead in this GIF? -- Tommy
  4. Sandy, Did your head "bob" more than usual in any direction while you were doing it? (Maybe you'll have to do it again and have someone observe you in order to answer that question.) -- Tommy
  5. What kind of bird are you, William? An eagle-eyed cockatiel? Or something more fowl? -- Tommy
  6. Pic? John Pic? Short for "picture"? Or something else? Please expound. In one page or less. -- Tommy
  7. Sandy, Have you ever tried walking up a step backwards? I'm not talking about when you brought that new sofa into your second-floor apartment (lol), but when you did it more-or-less kinda normally. It's an awkward thing to do, probably because our knees bend only in one direction. Therefore, anyone doing so looks very awkward, indeed. IMHO. Does "Lovelady" look like he's moving awkwardly? -- Tommy
  8. Dear Alistair, Sorry, but I can't even read all of this. Too much second-guessing and over-analysis, IMHO. I came to the conclusion that it IS Lovelady by looking at Chris's other GIF's on this page. The figure's bald forehead (with hair on the side), a glimpse of his white t-shirt and a white horizontal stripe on his sleeve, and his placement on that side of the steps clinched it for me. Whether he's straightening himself up from a leaning-forward position or standing on his tippytoes is of secondary importance, IMHO. All the best, -- Tommy
  9. Dear Alistair, Are you taking into account the very real possibility that "Lovelady" is leaning forward during most of the clip, thereby making him appear to be shorter (and closer to W.I.B.?) than he really was? When he stands fully upright near the end, it looks like he's at least 10" higher than W.I.B.. BTW, Have you looked at Chris Davidson's other GIF's on this thread, yet? If so, do you agree with Sandy Larsen and I that "Lovelady" really is ... Lovelady? -- Tommy
  10. Dear Alistair, Lovelady was pretty short (5' 6"?), so how about his being two steps above (a tallish?) W.I.B.? That work for you? (I do see someone apparently passing between "Lovelady" and W.I.B.) -- Tommy
  11. Alistair I don't think "Lovelady" and W.I.B. are standing on the same step, but one or two steps apart. "Lovelady" is leaning forward during most of the GIF, and therefore appears to be on a step much closer to W.I.B. than he really was. -- Tommy
  12. Alistair (and other open-minded students of the assassination), If the indeed IS a person between "Lovelady and W.I.B., then mightn't that person be talking to "Lovelady"? -- Tommy
  13. Thanks, Douglas. (I'm 1/4 Ukrainian, so I'm following all of this pretty closely.) -- Tommy
  14. Thanks, Chris. How many of the woman-in-black's arms do you think we can see? Is that her right arm on the right side of his shirt (our right)? Or is it the arm of someone else, or is it sunlight shining on his shirt? -- Tommy
  15. Thanks for posting this, Douglas. I will share it on FB. -- Tommy
  16. Dear Great Photo and Film Analyst, I think you've exhausted us, William, so I'm gonna declare you "the winner." Even though that IS Lovelady talking with the woman in black on the steps in Couch - Darnell. All the best. -- Tommy PS I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Davidson zooms in on him for you in the not-too-distant future. One can only hope that he will.
  17. Dear William, Why do you believe the "testimony" of Shelly? Why do you believe the "testimony" of Lovelady? Because they kinda dovetailed at times? All the best, -- Tommy
  18. He's also assuming that Lovelady accompanied Shelly on his little walk about. -- Tommy
  19. Dear William, Thanks for confirming, from an art teacher's perspective (pardon the pun) that "Billy Lovelady," on the steps in Couch - Darnell, leaned back quite a bit from his leaning-forward / bending-over position. I couldn't have said it any better, myself! [ Chris Davidson's fine, non-blurry GIF shows what I'm talking about: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OTEZKSjRpQ0FmOTg/view?usp=sharing ] All the best, -- Tommy
  20. Thanks, Chris! I've been waiting for about a year for something like this! Excellent work! -- Tommy PS -- You photoshopped it, right? (Just kidding)
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