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Peter Fokes

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  1. Here a bullet, there a bullet, everywhere a bullet. Trouble is no one really knows how many bullets there were. Dismissing one agent's story about "A" bullet because it contradicts another agent's story about "A" bullet begins with a false premise unless there is a DEFINITIVE count of bullets found. And that is murky at best. Some bullets might have gone missing. Into the abyss.
  2. To say Hello, David. Good to see you are still fact checking this 60-year old mystery. RIP to the many JFK truth seekers who are no longer with us. (McAdams, Hunt & others) You asked “Is he?” Yes he is. He mentions it. Landis writes a book late in life. Good for him. He deserves accolades not the pillory pole. I trust his motives are good. I doubt a man who held a bullet retrieved from the limo on the day of the assassination would ever forget that fact. Of course, some will doubt, find contradictions and dismiss his account. But, holding that bullet seems an action one would never forget. Ciao
  3. David VP, Honourable day one witness Landis is fully aware of the throat wound, David. I praise him for coming forward with this new evidence. I thank him for his new . bullet point.
  4. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. The magic bullet did not come in contact with bone; the magic bullet was free of blood; the magic bullet was found at the top of the seat where the folding roof was joined to the car: bingo, the magic bullet was planted before the motorcade began, Watson. Discover who planted the bullet, and I’ll pay for lunch.” The Case of the Magic Bullet
  5. A lengthy excerpt: “On June 22, 1962, an intelligence official drafted a memo summarizing a letter intercepted between Lee Harvey Oswald and his mother. The memo was made public long ago. But for 60 years, the name of the letter opener was kept secret. Now it can finally be told: According to an unredacted copy of the memo released recently by the government, the official who intercepted Oswald’s mail for the C.I.A. in the months before President John F. Kennedy was assassinated was named Reuben Efron …. The mystery of Reuben Efron, who has been dead for three decades, may never be resolved to the satisfaction of some of those dedicated to studying the assassination. Thirty years after Congress ordered that papers related to the killing be made public with limited exceptions, President Biden has declared that he has made his “final certification” of files to be released, even though 4,684 documents remain withheld in whole or in part. Going forward, agencies will decide any future disclosures that may be warranted by the passage of time. The president’s certification, issued at 6:36 p.m. on the Friday before the long Fourth of July holiday weekend, when it would not draw much attention, has frustrated researchers and historians still focused on the most sensational American murder of the 20th century. But they suffered a setback on Friday when a federal judge refused to block Mr. Biden’s order. … Of roughly 320,000 documents reviewed since the law passed, 99 percent have been disclosed, according to the National Archives and Records Administration. But 2,140 documents remain fully or partially withheld as a result of Mr. Biden’s action, officials said, while another 2,502 remain withheld for reasons outside the president’s purview, like court-ordered seals, grand jury secrecy rules, tax privacy limits or restrictions imposed by people who donated papers, and 42 for a mix of both. A vast majority of excluded documents have actually been released but with certain parts redacted, officials said, including names of people still living, addresses, telephone or Social Security numbers, or locations of intelligence facilities. Officials said they were confident that none of the withheld information would change the essential understanding of the assassination. While Mr. Biden’s June 30 order means he is done, the archives and agencies have set up “transparency plans” so remaining redactions can be lifted in the future, such as upon the death of someone whose identity was protected. The Mary Ferrell Foundation, an organization already suing the government over the files, sought an injunction against Mr. Biden after his latest order. But Judge Richard Seeborg of the Federal District Court in Northern California rejected it on Friday night and dismissed other parts of the original lawsuit, though he allowed some claims to proceed. Lawrence Schnapf, a lawyer for the foundation, denounced Mr. Biden’s action. “It is simply unfathomable to me that a man who has a bust of R.F.K. in his office and who voted for the law would cave in to the incredulous claims of the national security bureaucracy that 60-year-old records pose such a risk to national security that they cannot be released,” he said. The Justice Department declined to comment but maintained in its filings that the government had complied with the law. The C.I.A. did not respond to requests for comment. “This completes the review of records required by Congress and fulfills the president’s commitment to maximizing transparency related to President Kennedy’s assassination,” said Adam Hodge, a spokesman for the White House. ….. The final 1,103 documents released days before Mr. Biden’s order and those made public in preceding months offered new information that hardly seemed worth keeping cloaked so long. In April, for instance, a file was released with names of employees in the C.I.A.’s Mexico City station, mostly secretaries and translators. Another document listed 27 previously unreleased C.I.A. staff members’ names; for whatever it is worth, the C.I.A. director John McCone’s secretaries were named Marguerite Beard, Betty Davis and June Irish. Whether any of the withheld documents would shed more light on Reuben Efron is unknown. His name on the mail intercept memo intrigued Mr. Morley. The memo was sent to Betty Egerter at a C.I.A. unit known as “the office that spied on spies.” On the day of the assassination, Egerter’s boss told the F.B.I. that the C.I.A. had no information on Oswald, who in fact had been monitored when he moved to the Soviet Union. A document released long ago showed that the agency opened Oswald’s correspondence from Nov. 11, 1959, to May 1, 1960, and again from July 1, 1961, to May 25, 1962. Curiously, Efron was previously listed as being in the room when the Warren Commission interviewed Marina Oswald, his Russian-born widow, in February 1964 — the only one present whose title and role were not explained. Mr. Morley suspects Efron was monitoring the commission’s investigation for James Angleton, the legendary C.I.A. official, essentially his “eyes and ears inside the room.” Efron was born in Lithuania in 1911 as Ruvelis Effronas and arrived in the United States via Cuba in 1939, according to immigration papers that described him as a 5-foot-3, 135-pound “merchant-salesman.” In addition to English, he spoke Russian, Lithuanian, Hebrew, Yiddish and German, and served in the Air Force during World War II as an interpreter. His obituary said that after the war he was “a specialist on the Soviet Union and consultant on foreign affairs” without saying for whom. In a harmonic convergence of conspiracy, Efron reported seeing a U.F.O. in 1955. He was traveling with Senator Richard Russell, Democrat of Georgia, and an Army colonel on a train trip through the Soviet Union when all three spotted what a C.I.A. report called two “flying saucers.” Skeptics later suggested they were Soviet aircraft. Russell was among the Warren Commission members in the room for the Marina Oswald interview that Efron attended in 1964. As it happened, Efron died on Nov. 22, 1993 — the 30th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. His wife has died too, and he had no known children. Efforts to reach other family members were unsuccessful. …
  6. Note: JFK Revisited is included with Crave Canada.
  7. The Spartacus bio of Allen Dulles contains an error. "Allen Dulles, the son of a Presbyterian minister, and the brother of John Foster Dulles , was born in Washington in 1893....." http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAdullesA.htm Nope. Allen Dulles was born in Watertown, New York on April 7, 1893.
  8. Robert Caro's April 2, 2012, New Yorker article: Transition, Lyndon Johnson and the events in Dallas Abstract only. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/04/02/120402fa_fact_caro Summary http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/03/26/robert-caro-s-new-yorker-essay-7-new-insights-into-lbj.html Peter Fokes, Toronto
  9. http://www.dallasobserver.com/2012-03-15/news/the-sixth-s-floor-s-message-to-history-just-hush-now/2/ Excerpt from article by Jim Schutze in the Dallas Observer News entitled: "The Sixth Floor's Message to History: Just Hush Now": "John Judge, an assassination historian in Washington, said to me last week: "A moment of silence that denies talking about his death on that day and certainly not talking about the historical truth behind it and the controversy is no longer a moment of silence. It's a perpetuation of silence." Judge said it doesn't matter that we can't see exactly who is behind this push. We can see exactly what they want. "We know the underlying theme. There is going to be a humungous crowd, and they want to catch it and capture the message and control it." Judge was one of a few I spoke to who are already thinking in terms of what to do. "Maybe we have to do 'Occupy the Grassy Knoll 2013,'" he said. What a terrific idea. In fact it would be the perfect marriage of physical occupation — the seizing of a place — with concepts of truth and freedom. And what a grand stage it could be, especially with all those cameras hovering. ... Judge had what I thought were very creative thoughts. Especially if the city goes really Super-Stalin and rings the place with cops, he thought perhaps it might be fun for counter-protesters to re-enact one of the theories about how the conspirators may have escaped. "They could reverse the route," he said. "They could go down to the Trinity River bottoms, enter the storm sewer system, crawl uphill to Dealey Plaza and pop up out of the manhole covers." Oh, wouldn't that be spectacular? Look, I'm serious about organizing something, but only if anybody else wants to do it. My role would be only to put you together. Some sort of steering committee? Or not. The thing has to grow organically. Do it without me. Just do it. Meaning them no disrespect, this cause should expand to include more than the community of people interested in JFK. Everybody with a speech issue should be welcome, even though I know that includes the birthers. Everybody. Come on down. Send me an email at (...) Don't use that little contact dealie on the web page. That may be a placebo. Send me a real email. If you want to anonymize, do so. We'll get it all figured out. End of Excerpt
  10. Here's a snippet: beginning 52 minute mark of tape 1: Voice 1: "The body will be choppered to the Naval Medical Center at Bethesda. Over." Voice 2 "The body will be choppered or go by ambulance to the Naval Center?" Voice 1: "Will be choppered. Will be choppered." ..... Voice 1: "Say again, say again doctor." Voice 2: "The body is in a casket you know, and will have to be taken by ambulance, not by chopper." Voice 1: "Alright I'll tell Capt Shepard that." ..... General Clifton: "We do not want a helicopter for Bethesda Medical Center. We do want an ambulance and a ground return from Andrews to Walter Reed and we want the regular post-mortem that has to be done by law under guard performed at Walter Reed. Is that clear?" <quote off> PF
  11. http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-60.html Peter Fokes, Toronto
  12. I don't think the two are related. IMHO. Kathy C Oh those guys! They look like Operation Phoenix guys Colby (William) and Milberg (Warren). Or maybe their cousins! Cheers PF
  13. I have no opinion on whether or not it "was" the same umbrella, but .... IF it was, and IF I had been the person in Dealey Plaza pumping it up and down in protest the moment JFK was assassinated, then I "would" have kept it to my dying day. Perhaps, an heir would have had the pleasure of selling said umbrella at an auction for an enormous sum ... That umbrella would have been a precious keepsake for me. No doubt about it. Umbrellas are cheap. Where is THAT umbrella today anyway? Regards,
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