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Michael Crane

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Posts posted by Michael Crane

  1. 34 minutes ago, François Carlier said:

    I wish David Von Pein were interviewed on the Joe Rogan podcast.

    Can anyone here get them in contact with one another ?

    Rogan has a bit of knowledge on the assassination kind of like Jesse Ventura.For whatever reason,I've seen him play stupid,maybe it was to hear the response?

  2. 10 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    You are correct in that not every aspect of the case is clear. It seems clear, however, that a bullet entering near the EOP and descending the neck would almost certainly be a subsonic bullet. The tests performed for the WC, furthermore, show that a bullet striking Connally and creating all his wounds would also be a subsonic bullet. At times I have wondered if they could be the same bullet. But I ultimately came to suspect they were two separate rounds fired in a burst from an automatic rifle. I even found a specially-designed assassination rifle that would do the trick. 

    I would agree, however, that speculation about a particular weapon is inherently risky, and that CT world has had a terrible track record when it comes to speculation about top secret weapons and ammo. 


    I like the looks of this for the throat wound since the hole was so small.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

    I just meant in the context of Pat’s theory, which has the EOP shot occurring at Z223-224.

    I think Tink Thompson’s theory has the  EOP shot at Z327; and he presents evidence from the Z-Film to back it up, like an unusually fast forward jolt and the head wound changing appearance in subsequent frames. I don’t know how legit that is, but it’s an interesting theory. Thompson’s original theory from SSID, as you probably know, had near-simultaneous front and back headshots around Z-312, similar to what you propose above - but a full second seems like a bit of a stretch, IMO. 

    Pat’s Z223 EOP shot theory has some evidentiary support too, but I don’t recall any discussion of the lack of head movement on his site. I think he mentions a few cases of bullets hitting the skull and traveling down into the neck, but I don’t recall any examples of clean exits, clean exits with angled entrances, bullets continuing on to penetrate anything, etc. 

    Tink should just come forward and announce if he thinks the Z-Film has been tampered with or not.He himself has a copy from one of the copies that Life Magazine bought (probably the original)

  4. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    Although a few tiny snippets were published by the HSCA, none of the autopsy photos have been officially published. Only drawings, and tracings of the drawings. Heck, the HSCA refused to publish JFK's x-rays unless the jaw was removed. Thought it would look too much like him. The photos on the internet were all obtained illicitly. The black and whites came from an SS agent who never saw the brain photos, which were taken the next week. And the color photos came from Groden, who apparently thought the brain photos not worth copying, or too disgusting. So no, hiding away the photos is not the least bit suspicious. 

    Something tells me that it might have been Knudsen's pictures that are missing (brain & probes) Maybe not the probes,but at least the back of the head photos.

  5. 3 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

    And the one entering on top would exit the throat ?  I´m trying to time this but have been avoiding the medical stuff so far, not my cup of tea frankly

    I wouldn't recommend going down the medical evidence trail at all.

    Just know,that one single bullet did not cause all of the tragic damage to JFK's head.It's like a time bomb went off in there & there is no telling just how much of it the Dr.s did during autopsy.

    *Of course,I am going off some of the autopsy pictures I have seen with JFK's head completely blasted,and not knowing if they are even real pictures or not and what time that they were actually taken.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Good stuff, Pat.

    I might add a few caveats:

    Whatever protocol of "the" autopsy Humes turned in at 5:00 pm on Sunday, may or may not be the autopsy report now in the National Archives.


    Because the "official" autopsy report on President Kennedy has no date on it - we don't know when it was written. And there is good reason to suggest the version we now have was written months (months!) later, not even in 1963!

    Nicholas Katzenbach sure was busy on Sunday afternoon, pressuring various Washington officials to put together an "independent commission". By my count, Katzenbach called Bill Moyers in the White House, Cartha De Loach at the FBI, and Homer Throneberry in Congress.

    We also know that Yale Law School Dean Eugene V. Rostow was pressuring Katzenbach on that Sunday, but we don't (yet) know on whose behalf Rostow was working.

    Katzenbach was merely the errand boy, sent to deliver the message: create an "independent commission" to report out to the public about the assassination. 

    Hoover and Johnson resisted the idea for a bit, but then, within a couple of days, both men caved.

    Who held the stick over Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover?

    On whose authority were both Rostow and Katzenbach calling?

    The original autopsy report had blood stains on it.



  7. 11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    This is a preposterous question.  Who does one not offend first?  Among the living.  In no particular order, flip a coin?  Destiny Betrayed vs SWWT?  Hard to draw a line there, different tact's.  Others, complimentarily, many of the offerings.  Historically or recent?  

    In the last few years, the combination of Destiny Betrayed and Through The Looking Glass, in print and video is a historic accomplishment in presenting facts and reaching newer generations.  By the same token I was stunned to learn among other things in Tipping Point that Jack Ruby was in Vegas on the 18'th - 19th.

    Tipping Point: The Conspiracy that Murdered President John Kennedy: Hancock, Larry: 9781736440902: Amazon.com: Books

    JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass: DiEugenio, James, Stone, Oliver: 9781510772878: Amazon.com: Books

    Maybe the most overlooked book recently is Dr. Joseph Mc Bride's Political Truth, The Media Assassination of President Kennedy.

    Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination of President Kennedy: Joseph McBride: 9781939795618: Amazon.com: Books

    From an all around younger perspective.

    Amazon.com: America's Last President: What the World Lost When It Lost John F. Kennedy: 9798986556802: Wiesak, Monika: Books


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