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Michael Crane

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Posts posted by Michael Crane

  1. Joe,

    The way that I will answer that is like this...

    When you sign up for the Secret Service presidential detail,you know that you are putting your life on the line.It's your job,to put your body in harms way to protect the president over your own.

    Knowing that you can get killed by doing this,has to put an incredible amount of fear into a person...but that is your job.That is what you signed up to do.


  2. 2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    My point about Greer slowing the limo was simply because he had turned his head and upper body 180 degrees backwards to look at JFK right after the first shot.

    And he stayed looking back at JFK for at least a full second...right through the head shot.

    It is a natural reaction to ease up on the gas pedal when you are the driver of a car ( especially one as big, heavy and cumbersome as the presidential limo) and you aren't just distracted "a little" in your forward driving focus... you are "totally" distracted by turning your head, body 180 degrees looking behind you and you aren't even seeing the road ahead of you.

    If I'm driving 10 to 15 miles an hour and turn my body to look behind me of course I'm going to ease up on the pedal as a natural caution reaction.

    Jenkins is quoted describing JFK's brain stem being cut in a way that was not typical...but my question is did Jenkins actually see either Humes or Boswell doing the cut? 

    Same thing with a cutting of the temporal muscles and eye nerves at the front of JFK's brain so the brain could be removed without those attachments holding it back?

    I would ask Jenkins if he personally witnessed those two cutting procedures as well. And by whom?

    Jenkins mentions Humes spontaneous surprise blurt out upon removing JFK's brain from the cranium..."the damn thing just fell into my hands."

    Why would Humes be so surprised? If he had already cut the brain stem, the eye nerves, the temporal muscles and much of the sheath covering the brain... all connective tissue that holds back the brain, wouldn't he expect JFK's brain to come out easily?

    I thought Hubert Clark mentioned LeMay as saying the "that's not my commander in chief" comment. I'll go back. I don't think LeMay was in that landed plane, casket movement scene.

    It was general McHugh that Clark quoted...I stand corrected.

    Perhaps McHUGH meant that JFK was his commander in chief...not that MFer Lyndon Johnson?

    Looking back,

    I'm going to dismiss my belief of Greer hitting the brakes because of the windshield shot.

    That happened way too early in the motorcade route.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

  3. Now Patrick,

    The event was something that don't happen in a lifetime or something major occuring that she was involved with.

    Sure,I'm close to positive that Saundra did not even begin to think of any shenanigans that might be going on,but it was a very major deal,and I would think that something like that would easily be remembered and possibly be traumatized the rest of your life.

    Once again,just an opinion.

  4. 7 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

    FWIW, Jenkins related @ Lancer in 2013, "The other thing I noticed was the brain stem, where the brain stem was cut to remove it from the cranium, the brain stem looked like it had been cut from two different sides, from each side met in the middle. I can relate that because if you've ever tried to cut something from the right side and go back and cut it from the left side it never, almost invariably never is the same level and this is what the brain stem looked like.  You know, I've been asked many times about this and did I think that the brain had been removed prior to the autopsy?  Taking into consideration the abnormal things that I just described, I feel like it was."

    You know Pete,

    I have already brought up on the forum that Dennis David said that there was rumors after the autopsy on Monday or later that a brain was brought into the morgue.

    You take that,and add in what Jenkins says & you take that and add in what Saundra Spencer saying that there was a brain along side the body in the photographs that she developed,that didn't look like it would fit in the wound that she saw.

    That is some serious hanky panky going on.

  5. 11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Hence the limo almost stopping right before the JFK head shot.

    You know Joe,

    There is always the possibility that Greer hit the brakes and brought the limo to a crawl or an actual complete stop to let Hill climb on the back.But here is the impression that I am under.....Greer brought the limo to a halt or was at least hitting the brakes.The reason for this is because he was SPOOKED.You heard Kellerman say that a flurry of shots came into the limo.

    The bullet that passed through the front windshield caused Greer to panic.He thought that he was driving straight into gunfire.

    I'm still on the very edge and undecided if a bullet passed over the windshield from the South Knoll causing the throat wound or a bullet went through the windshield from the South Knoll and hit the throat.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Thank you Michael Crane!

    Does that look like a back of skull ( occipital ) blowout?

    This close up shows a powerful explosion of blood and matter emanating from an area above and slightly to the right of JFK's right-side ear.

    To me anyway.

    You're welcome boss.

    That doesn't look anywhere close to the back of the head.

    I for one,believe that the Zapruder film has been tampered with (and especially around let's say....275 to I don't know 350?400? anyways...after the head explosion.

    I also believe that since the Zapruder film doesn't appear to show the limo slowing down.

    I don't care,I'm going with the damage reported at Parkland.

    To me,all that other stuff is what happened after Parkland (AND AT DIFFERENT TIMES)

    IIRC,even James Jenkins said that he does not remember the flap.He did not deny it,he just said that it must of been closed.I'll have to listen to it again.I got 4 videos of him and I'm sort of confused right now.

  7. It's my belief that the plotters once they seen the film,wanted the wound to appear as though a bullet had come from behind,and wanted the damage to appear as it was at the front (instead of the back) You know...exit holes are bigger.

    That is why you see the black blob.The black blob hides any entries or damage.

    Notice the damage and the plotters trying to sell us on a top & side wound (Ida Dox drawings)

    Kind of hard to sell the public that a single bullet entrance wound is 4X4 inches.


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