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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. I did not say that. John said it to me. He was originally going to reply at K and K. But he ended up thinking so little of it, he did not. Too busy working of his five volume set.
  2. He thinks its bunk. Muckrock is a very weird site that spends an inordinate amount of time going after people like us. And then asking for money for declassification process.
  3. More insight into Counter punch and Cockburn in this Doug Valentine article we just attached as an addendum. Cockburn's motto was, "Never apologize, never explain." Especially when you can't explain. http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/6803
  4. So it is true. Why on earth would he switch the ring between poses?
  5. BTW, Jackie was at King's funeral also. There is a memorable profile photo of both of the widows in black. I talk about it in my review of King in the Wilderness.
  6. This is two people who have brought this up, one recently and Pat Speer a long time ago. http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1827-the-backyard-photos-ring-transposition?_branch_match_id=558976582268293812 First, is it true? Second, why would LHO switch fingers for his ring while posing?
  7. Power hungry? I am sure we all know that Jackie Kennedy did not want RFK to run in 1968. Like Cassandra, she had a premonition of what would happen.
  8. The part where he describes the train ride from NYC to Arlington is touching. People from Resurrection City came over to pay their respects. BTW, when RFK was killed, both Jackie Kennedy and Coretta King flew to LA from back east. (Jackie might have been in London) They wanted to be on the plane that brought his body back. Coretta had to be there. Because RFK paid for the plane that took King's body from Memphis to Atlanta. He then paid for the hotel rooms for the dignitaries who flew in for the funeral. But to me that is not even the real test of how great he was. The real indication is this. We all know the great speech he made the night King died. How that speech stopped Indianapolis from going up in smoke like a hundred cities did that night. That was in the inner city and the police did not want him to go, but he did without protection. Well after he made the arrangements for the King funeral, he remembered that he had told the organizers of the rally that he would talk to them after. This was set before the news about King's murder. Even after the tumult surrounding King's murder, at two in the morning, RFK kept his word and went back to the site and met with those kids!!
  9. What I was a trying to say was pretty simple, but with Kirk it gets lost. The goal of the radical right, which I consider the Kochs to be a part of, has always been to bankrupt the government so that there can be no funds to do some of the good things that the government is capable of doing. For example, the national highway system, which was actually finished under Eisenhower. Another example would be federal aid to higher education and also secondary education. As I have said, when I went to college, I never saw a tuition bill. Today, its a disgrace what happens to a college graduate, I mean he is usually a hundred K in debt once he gets out. This has extended downward through the proliferation of what the GOP calls "unfunded entitlements". This was another way of the radical right to bankrupt all forms of government by passing on formerly federal government programs to the states, but not including the funding basis for them. What that did was bankrupt the states also. Grover Norquist has a weekly meeting in Washington of all segments of the power structure of the GOP, including the Koch apparatus and the media. This stuff does not happen by accident. Its all done as a product of networking. And they have achieved many of their goals. Kirk, It does not matter who makes you say ouch the loudest. Its the fact that you are saying ouch. What the Bush presidency did was it achieved one of the Koch aims--it bankrupted the government. To the point that nothing positive of consequence can come of it. But a lot of negative can, like further privatization. W. N. understood that point. He is a bright guy. BTW, I got Democracy in Chains today.
  10. Its really something how these columns I do on people like Cockburn and Chomsky do not apparently interest a lot of people here, but they get passed around on Facebook a lot. I mean 476 times in one day. But alas, here we have Monroe, Hoffa, and the box from 1963.
  11. I am not so sure about that. I think a big problem is the media. If the media was not so far right, I think the Dems would not be so hawkish on perpetual war. But what I was speaking about here, was the uses of history. The MSM tries to say, as they did in that horrendous mins dries by CNN, well nothing to see there, and in this instance, same thing with Cockburn and his acolytes, Silverstein and St Clair.
  12. Counterpunch is usually a decent magazine, but on the subject of the JFK and RFK cases and careers, they are as worthless as the MSM. This is the third piece I have had to pen in about 8 months to correct the malarkey they have printed. I think this is the residue left over from the Alex Cockburn influence there. Its amazing how left meets right on this issue. That is how dangerous the Kennedys were to the system. As long as they keep shoveling the crap, I have to keep on disinfecting it. So here we go again: https://kennedysandking.com/articles/ken-silverstein-and-jeffrey-st-clair-get-counterpunched
  13. Well, you are up to 45 reviews and all are five star. I tried to post one but it has not gone through yet. How do you know Larry Fitzgerald? Do you live in Phoenix?
  14. Paul: Where are your priorities? We have people posting stuff about Marilyn Monroe, Jimmy Hoffa, plus--drum build up please-- someone just got "the box from 1963", whatever the heck that means. And you want to talk about the only member of the Kennedy family to ever write a book concerning the murders of his father and his uncle? And the guy happens to be an accomplished attorney, who just helped defeat Monsanto for 290 million? That's the real world.
  15. Its a good book and also a courageous book. RFK Jr is the first member of the Kennedy family to take a step forward on this issue in print. He deserves a lot of credit for that. In that respect he really does remind me of his father. And let not forget, his work on the Skakel case turned that case around and his cousin is now out of prison. Finally, he also helped win the Monsanto/Round Up case last week.
  16. W. N. In January of 2001, Bill Clinton left Bush and Cheney with very realistic prospects of paying off the $5 trillion dollar national debt-- as even Alan Greenspan said in his memoir, A Time of Turbulence I did not know that Greenspan said this. If you could have done that, I mean that would give such a great boost to the economy. Because just to name one thing, that means none of the budget is used for interest payments on the national debt. Today, about 300 billion is used on that. Also, no borrowing from Social Security. It has always ticked me off that the Dems do not make more of this issue, how W screwed up the budget process and federal outlays for about 15 years, and counting.
  17. Bobby Kennedy had to start his Free Schools for black students in Virginia while suing the state. The other time it happened was when the Arkansas schools shut down completely after Ike sent in troops. That is how cry the south was back then.
  18. Give us a break. When Clinton left office this country had a BUDGET SURPLUS, that was actually fairly large. The combination of Bush's war of choice in Iraq, his unnecessary tax cuts, and then the stock market real-estate meltdown, as a result of those three, for the first time in the history of the republic, the annual budget deficit reached over a trillion dollars in 2008. As a point of comparison, Kennedy did not like it when it was seven billion. But what made what Bush did even worse is that he blew such a hole in the budget that it became pretty much structural. Reagan's nutty budgeting was susceptible to being cured. Bush's nuttiness was a quantum leap beyond Laffer's crackpot supply side economics. Mainly because that crazy war he started ended up costing something like three trillion and we are still counting. What that means is that there is really no end in sight to the annual giant deficits. When that happens this accumulates the total national debt, since what you are doing is simply rolling over annual giant deficits into a colossal total national debt. That figure is about 21 trillion now. And again, there is no end in sight. Now its about 77 per cent of GDP. Many economists project it to go to about 100 per cent of GDP in about 7-10 years. The main thing holding up the American economy is the financing of this debt by foreign countries, especially China. What will happen if this continues is that discretionary spending will continue going down down down. And once the dollar evaluation is threatened, which Trump has already done, the cries will go up to cut things like Medicare and Social Security. After all, the country is pretty much broke. Unless there is a huge turnover in Washington, and I do not just mean the House, defense spending will be touched very lightly. If at all. I mean we have this war on terror right? Plus Cold War 2. George W Bush fulfilled the dream of Grover Norquist. A dream that Ronald Reagan could not come close to fulfilling. He strangled government spending in the bathtub. And no one screamed bloody murder. If you want to complement him on that, by my guest.
  19. What about this from a K and K reader? As an artist, I have for many years have been struck by the 'oddness', in terms of proportion and pose, of the backyard Oswald photos. A little while ago, I had a 'eureka' moment: we know the Militant and Worker newspapers were tabloid size, ie 11 x 17 inches. That means the paper Oswald holds vertically against his chest in one shot is 11 inches wide. Using this as a 'ruler' and a photo-editing program such as Photoshop, it's possible to work out a fair approximation of Oswald's height in the photograph. It's roughly 5 feet to 5 feet 4 inches, way below what it should be. This immediately screams 'fake' to me. I wonder what your view is on this, and whether anyone else has made the same calculation. Regards
  20. As the reader can see from the link below, its not just Alex Jones. And also as one can see, congress is urging and applying pressure to these so called "private entities". Thanks God for Consortium News. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/08/10/in-a-corporatist-system-of-government-corporate-censorship-is-state-censorship/
  21. I have never thought that Kennedys and king.com was an open source type field of play. Its more like a magazine. That is not the case with You Tube, or FB. As Josh Marshall noted, the problem is that the people who regulate the web, government proxies, have allowed a very few companies to control a very large share of what has become the public square of debate. In fact, well over half the public gets their news from Google and FB. Marshall then said, what will be really disturbing is if and when the ISP provider for Jones decides not to carry him. To me, I look at this as an extension of this: https://consortiumnews.com/2016/11/20/nyt-advocates-internet-censorship/ Which I see beginning way back then with this: https://kennedysandking.com/reviews/the-illusion-of-michael-shermer We should all be like sentinels on this issue. The Internet is the last bastion we have of free speech in this country. With very rare exceptions, everything else is controlled. And its gotten worse with cable TV, not better. If the web goes dark, bye bye. MC: We are next... Remember the last scene of the film of Fahrenheit 451?
  22. Mr. Parnell: That is five people who said it. Not just Kudlaty.
  23. Oh baloney. You got blindsided because you did not know what DiMaio had done in Dealey Plaza to stop the laser test that CNN had arranged. That is trying to rearrange the models in the car into a position they were not in in the Z film. Any "authority" is fine with Parnell. (I won't even comment on Lifton's "objectivity".)
  24. Wow. Parnell first accuses Armstrong of approaching a witness with a confirmation bias. No no says Parnell. But then Lifton comes in to see McBride with guns blazing, Gary Mack type "You are a damned xxxx" zealotry, and Presto! That's cool. My God Parnell. Give us all a break. From the guy who said a long time ago, "Well, Vincent DiMaio is an objective expert." LOL!
  25. Twitter is holding out. I like that guy. https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/09/alex-jones-infowars-deleted-tweets/ I think the reason is the lawsuits that Jones is involved in e g Sandy Hook.
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