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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. That Davey brings up the Clark Panel is kind of humorous. As many writers, like Pat Speer, have discovered, the Clark Panel was constructed for the direct purpose of attacking Thompson's book Six Seconds in Dallas. Because he had done for the head shot, what people like Salandria and Fred Cook had done for the Single Bullet Fantasy. He exposed it as a hoax. And they got the right man to do it in good ole pathologist Russ Fisher, who would be the CIA's pal in the Paisley case; he was right down there in Baltimore. I mean Fisher himself said he was hired in order to refute the "junk" in Thompson's book. (DiEugenio, The JFK Assassination, p 150) Which shows you what they were up to. Because Thompson's book is a careful and exact rendering of the problems in the case through primary exhibits like the Z film and CE 399. And also by direct testimony with people like Connally, Gregory and Shaw. But Thompson had done something that the Power Elite did not like. He showed that the trajectory of the rear head shot was pretty bizarre. It actually rose on its way through Kennedy's skull even though it was shot from sixty feet up. No problem for Russ Fisher. We are going to show that Thompson guy who is in charge. Good ole Russ raised the rear skull wound by four inches to the cowlick area. (ibid, p. 151) But now the problem was those fragments that Humes wrote about connecting the low entry to the high exit. Well, guess what? Even though he wrote about them, today they are not on the x rays! More Russ Fisher magic. (pp. 152, 53) Oh, and did I say Russ lowered the back wound? See, in the real world this kind of magic stuff does not happen. Only in the politically charged Kennedy case, on which so much rides.
  2. Davey: Can I teach you something about evidence? See, contrary to what Jason Ward said about me, I am using people who were there on the scene that night at Bethesda. These are called eyewitnesses. They were all medical professionals who worked there. Therefore they were experienced. Kennedy was on the morgue table for about three hours. That is how long they had to look at the body. Now, when you get that many people saying the same thing--the probes did not connect--then as most lawyers will tell you, well, that is pretty darn good. Now, you want to quote the autopsy report. But you never answered my question: The autopsy report would not have a problem with this if Humes, FInck or Boswell had dissected the back wound. Something that is SOP in a death by gunshot case. FInck told us that he was ordered not to do so after being asked the question 8 times. Under oath. Something else you wish to ignore. If you buy Specter, Humes and Boswell and their Single Bullet Fantasy that means you also buy the Rydberg drawings. Those were drawn on the orders of Specter, with the guidance of Humes and Boswell. They are provably a fabrication, which even you are skeptical of. (DiEugenio, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, pp.144-46) Do you take notice of the fact that the autopsy report was written in its final draft by Humes AFTER Oswald was killed? Do you also note that Humes lied about the destruction of the first draft and where and why it happened? Do you note that the final draft appears to have been done in Admiral Galloway's office? Do you then link up the violation of standard autopsy practice through the brass in the morgue with these end results? (Ibid, p. 147) Do you also know that Humes told Dan Rather that the back and neck wounds were precisely located by the Rydberg drawings? And do you know that those replies were scripted by the Justice Department? (ibid, p. 150) How many times does a witness have to lie and show he is open to intimidation for that witness to be discredited?
  3. Bob: I was completely unaware of that article by Seymour. its pretty clear that the CIA was contradicting Kennedy's policy there by using off the shelf mercenaries. They preferred the Nixon/Eisenhower policy of allying themselves with Belgium, and to a lesser extent England, to restore imperial rule to the Congo. Which is what Kennedy and Hammarskjold were resisting. After Kennedy's death, LBJ--as he did so often--reverted back to that Eisenhower/Nixon policy. And Larry, what you heard via someone who knew Robertson, I heard directly from a CIA pilot who was there on the scene at the time. He said words to the effect, "Jim, you wouldnt have believed it. We took over the embassy. And they brought in all these Operation Forty guys." And that was the end of the Hammarskjold/Kennedy goal of keeping Congo from falling back under the claw of European imperialism.
  4. Why was there no fracture of the transverse process? More from Mantik: "At the conclusion of the autopsy, only a shallow right back wound had been identified. The FBI autopsy report stated that it entered, "A short distance...the end of the opening could be felt with the finger." At the 1969 Clay Shaw trial, Finck testified that its depth was "the first fraction of an inch." (p. 98) This is why of course that Specter did not want to hear from Sibert and O'Nneill. They would have blown up the Single Bullet Fantasy. Its also why he did not want to bear from Burkley. Since his death certificate placed the entry wound too low. That also blows up the Single Bullet Fantasy. Robert Karnei, who was there that night, said that the back wound was clearly below the anterior neck wound.(Jim DiEugenio, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, p. 140) Both O'Connor and Jenkins, who were also there, said the probe into the back had a steeply downward angle. Jenkins told William Law that it was impossible to connect the two. And there were reportedly photos of this which, no surprise, do not exist today. At least six witnesses who were there said the probe could not find an exit point. (ibid, p. 141) All of these liabilities for the official story would not be there if Humes dissected the back wound. In a really surprising break with standards, he did not trace the back wound. FInck was asked about why this was so through a direct question at the Shaw trial. He refused to answer. Garrison's ADA Alvin Oser had to pose the question EIGHT TIMES! He even had to ask the judge to order the witness to reply. Finally, Finck said he was ordered not to. (Jim DIEugenio, Second Edition, Destiny Betrayed, p. 302) Now, if the two wound holes met, why would the probes not connect? If the two wound holes connected, why would the miltary brass, who FInck said controlled the autopsy, stop the dissection from happening? As attorney Allard Lowenstein once said about the RFK case, in his experience as a lawyer, people who don't have anything to hide don't hide things.
  5. And by the way, this point noted above by Mantik, was not the first time a doctor alerted about it. The late, very much underrated , Dr. John Nichols also said it was very hard to believe that such a trajectory would not go through the transverse process. He testified for Jim Garrison at the trial of Clay Shaw.
  6. Does anybody pivot like Davey? So you are saying that there was no damage to any of the bones in the neck, correct? From David Mantik, "The JFK Assassination: Cause for Doubt" in Assassination Science. "... the bullet necessarily would have had to pass directly through the C7 transverse process...The corresponding cervical fracture , which should have been severe from such a direct hit, is not seen. It is also useful to recall that the cervical transverse processes present a very tight barrier in the vertical direction, so that this argument is independent of the vertical level in the cervical spine. The proposed transit trajectory therefore seems purely imaginary--at both the cervical and upper thoracic levels. Humes was admittedly ignorant of the cross sectional anatomy which is pertinent to this proposed trajectory." P. 102
  7. I will ask again: Davey, do you know where Kennedy bought his shirts and what he paid for them? I will give you a hint. He did not buy them off the rack at Sears.
  8. Davey, those 3 pictures you have there on display have all been exposed several times before. This is a repeated pattern by you and people like McAdams. NO matter ho many times you get blown up, you then recycle the discredited rubbish like new and valid. Not so. People as skilled as Mili Cranor have blown up the use of that middle photo.That chiropractor who does massage therapy and used that ridiculous middle picture was raked over the coals by her. And she believes that in the rear autopsy photo, if you allow the foreshortening, and also the way the body is being lifted up, the entry wound is most likely at a point between T2 and T3. Which dispels the SBF. I won't even comment on that ludicrous pointer picture which you insist on displaying from only one direction. Ignoring the fact that under questioning by Fonzi, Specter fell apart. Meaning he knew it was a Rube Goldberg contraption himself. But you want to forget that. Let me ask you this: Do you know where JFK bought his shirts at? And do you know what he paid for them?
  9. That is a really interesting report Mike. Man does it make Dulles look bad. Bob: The thing is Streicher says he is working for CIA. But yet he is working with the Belgians. Kennedy's whole policy was to keep the country independent of Belgium after Lumumba's death. I can use this when idiots like Max Holland says the CIA always obeys the president. Interesting comments he makes on the JFK murder. BTW, from documents Lesar saw, the CIA even hired Skorzeny to work the Congo. Hey, you can never have too many Nazis can you?
  10. Yeah, it was so perfect that neither Dale Myers nor a TV production could duplicate it. This SB "perfection" never happened. And Specter knew it. Which is why he could not explain it to Fonzi. It exists in DVP's mind. Just as those Weapons of Mass Destruction existed in Cheney's and Wolfowitz' imaginations. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-impossible-one-day-journey-of-ce-399
  11. Good Larry. But even Von Pein will now be convinced?
  12. BTW, did you ever hear what DVP said about the above? He said the achievement of the show is how close it got to the actual Single Bullet Fantasy.
  13. Fred: In you brook, right under your diagram, for purposes of intellectual and moral honesty you need to add this: https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-impossible-one-day-journey-of-ce-399 Since the Single Bullet Fantasy never happened, is this an adjunct to the Harry Potter series?
  14. I would concur with that one. The thing is, agreeing with Larry, Hopsicker did dig up some interesting information about Seal. But he also fell for some stuff which I think was really out there and was not verifiable by any means except Seal's word, and it was hearsay at that.
  15. Something else has always interested me about Operation Forty. In a memo written by Dan Hardway for the HSCA, he said that the post operation report on Operation Forty was written by Halpern upon the direct orders of Helms. He said that to his knowledge, no one outside the Agency had ever seen it except for Andrew St George. Which means that the HSCA never got it. If you know anything about St. George, you will see that he wrote a very interesting article about Watergate which quoted Sturgis quite liberally saying that the scandal was really about Nixon vs the CIA. And the Cubans were pawns in the game. Is St. George still alive? Would love to talk to him about that report.
  16. Let me add one more point about this. Its pretty provable that the hardcore Cubans, those that Hunt and Phillips liked and put into the Zapata operation, like Artime and DeTorres, were the ones that show up later in CIA sponsored operations. In fact, there is evidence that DeTorres actually worked with Mitch Werbell and was part of the US invasion of Dominican Republic under Johnson. So its always been rather suggestive to me that Sylvia Odio was visited by Angel and Leopoldo and either Oswald or his double. Because Sylvia was a follower of Ray, in fact her father was friends with Ray and she recalled Ray visiting their home in Cuba. Today, I do not think that choice of Odio and JURE was an accident.
  17. I an pretty sure that part of the story is accurate about Sanjenis vs Varona. But I am pretty sure Larry would have problems with that picture from Barry and the Boys. As I would.
  18. From what I know, Sanjenis first came up in that very important letter from the reporter Halper to Schlesinger. I am really surprised he goes by that many names. I mean even an anglicized version. But that letter is extraordinarily interesting for its time. Because, to my knowledge, its the first intimations of Operation Forty and how it pieced together with Schlesinger finding Manolo Ray and Varona under lock and key with an armed guard over this imprisonment at Opa Locka base in Florida. Schlesinger had no idea this was happening with members of Hunt's CRC. When he told Kennedy, JFK said to release them on his orders. Halper got his information from his ties to Cuban exiles and I would be willing to wager that his main source was probably Manolo Ray. Recall, it was Kennedy who made the CIA place Ray on the CRC and then Hunt ostensibly resigned his leadership over that aspect. Ray came to the conclusion that Operation Forty was designed to kill all of Castro's top henchmen on Cuba and then to get rid of whatever moderate and liberal elements were in the CRC. The idea was to have Hunt's favorite, Artime, take over. Which would have probably meant a return to fascism on the island. (Destiny Betrayed, second edition, pgs. 50-51)
  19. I think Cranor did that Stu: https://whowhatwhy.org/2018/05/31/scientist-neutralizes-jfks-back-and-to-the-left-or-does-he/
  20. David Mantik does a comprehensive destruction of the latest batch of pseudo science that was launched to revive the Warren Report in this triple anniversary year. Nalli has snow been exposed by Cranor, Chambers, and Mantik. He will join the ranks of Latimer and Alvarez and Guinn as practioners of junk science for "patriotic reasons". Towards the end, please note what the author does with the different trajectories of the WC path for the bullet vs where the fragment trail in the skull is. Very interesting. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-omissions-and-miscalculations-of-nicholas-nalli
  21. Robert: Yes, its pretty awful how Citizens United has allowed people like Saban and Adelson to dominate things. Horrible decision. I totally agree also about how, after JFK's death, American policy just essentially fell over into Israel's corner. And, generally speaking, its like that in Hollywood also. The only way I even learned about Kennedy's policy there was 1.) Through my review of that book by Roger Mattson, Stealing the Atom Bomb, and 2.) Larry Hancock once mentioned in passing how he learned through author James Bill that Kennedy seriously contemplated an attempted return of Mossadegh to power. Kennedy's Middle East policy was literally buried by historians. A good example being Dallek. I mean since then, only Carter really tried to approach the subject with any kind of fairness. But after Nasser's passing, there really was not an Arab leader who had the stature to lead their interests in that area. Each time, a new president comes in, says he will try to be fair, and presto a few months later its out the window. Happened with Obama, and also Trump.
  22. I thought his name was Luis Sanjenis. I mention him in Destiny Betrayed Second Edition, pp. 50-51. I source that to the Sam Halper letter to Schlesinger and also to Larry Hancock.
  23. BTW, have we discovered yet anything about why and how Oswald stayed at two luxury hotels while he was there? Rob did proffer a good explanation as I recall. Namely that Oswald met someone at the Torni. They the left for the Kurki. But as of now, we have no idea who this was or who that person was with. And as far as I know, there are no clues out there either. So is it time to close the book on this? Is it solvable at all?
  24. Robert: You mean THE Norman Lloyd? The guy who worked with Orson Welles on Broadway, and then was a producer for Hitchcock's TV series? Rosemary Murphy was in what was probably Spielberg's first and worst film, one that no one knows about, Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies. Naturally , he does not play it up a lot in interviews. But he was part of the script writing team and was then I think replaced as director. But to her credit, Murphy was also in To Kill a Mockingbird. I understand about seeing fifty films a year. When I first came to California, I must have seen maybe 3-5 films a week. One day, and I still do not believe I did this, I saw five in one day. I started bright and early in the San Fernando Valley and ended up in Santa Monica at 11 PM watching that POS Altered States with about three people in the audience. The one saving grace at that time was that LA had about four very good revival houses--this was before DVD's broke that market down. And there were still a few art houses. But as time went on, like Susan Sontag, who I quote in the Afterword to my book, I just could not take it anymore. There were just too many really bad movies being produced. And also, as I again note in that Afterword, when the boundaries of what can be considered For Your Consideration, as they put it, are so influenced by the likes of Hanks and Spielberg, I mean, c'mon. Kay Graham and Ben Bradlee as the heroes of the Pentagon Papers and the Vietnam War? I mean, even for Hanks, that is bad history. What really worries me is that films that cut across the grain are finding it harder to be produced and then distributed my the majors. Take for instance, that really fine film about the late Gary Webb, Kill the Messenger. Jeremy Renner, who was really hot at the time, could not get a major distributor for that film. Even though it was very well done with some good people in it. Same with Snowden. If you do not get a major distributor it hurts because it cuts down on the number of theaters you enter into and also the ad budget. In other words, it marginalizes the market. One of the great advantages Oliver Stone had with JFK is that he had a major distributor and production house behind him: Warner Brothers. Therefore, he got into many premium exhibition venues, with good marketing behind him on TV, in the press and billboards. And then when the Oscars broke, he could stay in a lot of theaters. Therefore, the film ended up doing something like 300 million worldwide on a budget of forty million. And then there was the so called ancillary rights: VHS, DVD, cable, network, syndication . So Warners made a lot of money on that film. But because they had the muscle to do it. I totally agree with you about why would anyone want to see that many films a year now with all this dreck out there. I mean there are a lot of bad books out there also. But in any recent year, there are many more good books than there are good films. Which is another thing I touched on in that Afterword. It is hard to believe that not that long ago, you could have seen Chinatown, The Conversation, Hearts and Minds, Lenny, and Murder on the Orient Express within six months of each other. Now, exaggerating only slightly, it might take six years to see that kind of really quality cinema from American studios. And the point is, we really need good films today. But what do we get: Avengers: Infinity Wars. How the mighty have fallen.
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