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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. I think he was in charge of that. Did Dulles not save Meyer from McCarthy? By the way, the CIA always denied they had a program called Mockingbird. In one of their recently declassified docs, they actually admitted it to the Rockefeller Commission.
  2. If you want to see what bankruptcy is, check out Payette's reply to me above on Flusche, and Ruby's polygraph. The point is what Bill Turner said it was: FBI agents do not perform like that. Unless the fix is in. Herndon knew what he did was OK. As the FBI did not want to expose Ruby as a xxxx. If you read the report, they indicate that was the case. Now if Ruby lied and Dean lied, and you can actually see Ruby hiding behind Harrison before Oswald comes out--another point Ruby lied about--then what is their testimony worth? (BTW, Harrison drugged himself before his polygraph) Payette calls this "incompetence"? He does not want to admit it was a cover up. Since that leads to the question: Of what? I will post another Shirley Temple clip if you wish Lance.
  3. Btw, I should also deal with DVP here and his well, it may not be six seconds mantra. The WC specified this because they said it may be the case in case the first shot missed. Here is the problem. The WC was stuck with three shots. Period. They also had two anchors, the oak tree and car going behind the sign, and Z 313. One shot they say hit JFK in the neck (which we now know they lied about the position) and one in the rear of the skull. Which leaves one shot left. This is the Tague shot. Tague said he heard the first shot. So he had to have gotten hit with the second shot. Ipso facto, three shots in six seconds, just do the arithmetic on a calculator. Now this has driven the other side mad. So they sometimes say the Tague hit was really a fragment. But in his fine book, Gerry McKnight takes care of that one quite well. There is no way a fragment would have displaced a cement block from 200 feet away and dislodged it that far upward. The other problem is even worse. There was no copper and the FBI knew it and covered it up for years on end. In fact they actually carved out the piece of cement, and then redid it. They then said the mark came from street cleaning. Yep, and I'm Steven Spielberg's brother. IF anyone has ever seen a copper covered bullet from WCC, you will know that there is no way the coper came off from a twig from a tree (Posner) or from spinning off the street and the contact stripping off the compete outer layer. (BugliosI) As I said with Lance, this is the kind of crap lawyers use when they have no case. That shot and what Hoover did with it is evidence of conspiracy pure and simple. Hoover knew it and showed what VB calls Consciousness of Guilt.
  4. There is nothing worse than a Bugliosi/Posner type lawyer on this case. Look, Flusche said that there was no way that Ruby came down Main Street and walked down the ramp. He said that he had parked his car across from the ramp to wait for the time when Oswald came down. Now Lance, do you think he was looking at the sky to count the birds or the cloud formation? Do you think he was looking down the street the other way for a traffic jam that he was going to have to sort out? But this in the kind of crud that prosecutors use when they have no case. Here is what Moriarty wrote about his interview: "There was no doubt in his mind that Ruby did not walk down the ramp and further, did not walk down Main Street anywhere near the ramp." And what does Payette in his best Arlen Specter impersonation say he calls this a "non observation". LOL, ROTF, LMAO Now if you want to do more than just throw spitballs into a trash can, then find the guy. Or find Moriarty. The burden of proof is on you, or maybe you forgot that standard. After all its only the JFK case. The lawyer then says well, the polygraph of Ruby was "flawed" but that does not mean anything. I mean really, where does this guy get this baloney? The HSCA panel of professional examiners said that Bell Herndon violated at least ten standards of practice. Those were so grievous that Bugliois had to l-i-e about them in his book. And there is no other way to characterize what he did. Since VB was working from the same source material that everyone else was. That report is absolutely blistering. Just about everything a polygraph specialist could do wrong, Herndon did wrong. And Payette has the chutzpah to call this test "flawed". They wrote that Herndon simply lost control of the entire process since there were too many people in the room who interfered with the proceedings. I mean Alexander had off the record talks with Ruby about the questions while the exam was in process!! Another one was the length of the exam, which was about five hours. As the report says this is preposterous. When any exam lasts that long it means that there are way too many questions. Which was the case. Why is that bad: because liars get immune to lying after awhile. Therefore the detection process will not work even in case of an obvious lie. The panel had never heard of any test containing this amount of questions or lasting that long. Further, the panel discovered that there was a definite problem with the questions: control, irrelevant and relevant. Herndon had confused them since some of the control questions simply were completely dysfunctional. That is they would not work as an indicator. In other words, by wearing Ruby down, the charted physiological response would not be detectable,. By confusing the types of questions, there would be no accurate landmarks to gauge the test by. But that was not all. There was a fallback. Herndon set the GSR machine at 25% power at the start. He then lowered it from there. The report said this was completely contrary to what he should have done. It never should have been that low to begin with, but it should have been raised as the test went on. Galvanic Skin Response is a sensitive indicator of deception since it registers things like someone blushing. The report said that Ruby's GSR was simply useless. They even suspected that the machine Herndon used was broken. They also said that his readings of the test were actually wrong. And they show why in technical terms. Payette/Specter calls this process "flawed". Yep and the American preparations for the Tet offensive were also "flawed'. After reading that report, any objective person--which excludes Payette-would suspect that the test was rigged. And that the operator would never do such a thing unless he got the OK from above. As Bill Turner once said in examining the reports filed by the FBI in the case, "FBI agents just do not perform like that." If you want to be Shirley Temple fine. But some of us don't buy the good ship lollipop anymore.
  5. Yawn. Lance, there is a big difference between a plot to sell a stash of cocaine and a plot to kill the president. The latter is something that is so ingrained against the psyche of the MSM and academia that to this day, many texts do not admit the Lincoln conspiracy. And by the way, in that one, the guy who almost killed Seward said later "they only caught but half of us." Do the arithmetic. There was no way that the MSM was going to call the WC on this one. Not with the likes of Dulles and McCloy on board. In fact Peter Khiss of the NY Times later admitted that their inquiry had discovered the critics were correct, but the Times decided they were not going to admit that. That was in the last bunch of docs of the ARRB, somehow that great research you do missed it? So please, go back to your UFO's you are out of your depth here.
  6. Do you believe this? It existed in the sixties but not now. Alec Baldwin could not get a JFK special on the air at the fiftieth, because we know what happened at that time: Tom Brokaw etc. So he goes to the president of NBC. He pitches his idea. The guy replies with words to the effect, Alec, thanks, but we have come to terms with the official story on that subject. This is Alec Baldwin, one of the biggest TV stars there is at the time. When I heard that, I understood the concept of institutional memory. And it also explained why Rachel Maddow is a stooge on the JFK case. How big a stooge, click here https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/rachel-maddow-jfk-and-easy-money FInally, the MSM has a leftwing slant? This guy should look up what happened to Phil Donahue when he wanted to have an open debate on the invasion of Iraq. Or else, he is from Breitbart and thinks that HRC is a liberal. And her husband. That is how bad the USA has gotten.
  7. And BTW, that is because it many history text books, that is what the implication is. That Booth was the only one. And Parnell says, well look at those textbooks. Yeah Tracy. Look at how bad they are. In reality, the plan was to kill three people: Lincoln, Seward and Johnson. Seward was almost killed. Johnson got off when the guy assigned to him got drunk. Booth was killed while escaping, but nine people went to trial. Four were executed. One escaped to Europe was apprehended later. These guys remind me of Allen Dulles at the first WC meeting passing out the book about American assassins and how they all acted alone.
  8. And Cory, I went through all that stuff, but you took it back to the Egyptian and Campisi. BTW, was he not the first guy to talk to Ruby after he was incarcerated? Don Flusche did not mean anything to these deniers. And the fact that the DPD kept him from the WC means less. Neither did Griffin blowing up at Dean--and this was the WC!! Even Griffin knew Dean was lying. Flunk your lie detector test--even though you wrote the questions--does not mean anything either. Pass your polygraph with flying colors, like Vaughn, so what? The FBI rigs Ruby's polygraph, hey says lawyer Payette, what do you want to make of that? Well Lancel, how about that the WC fell for it, hook, line and sinker. And Jean Davison did not note it even though her book was published four years after the HSCA. This is the kind of scholarship DVP likes. The HSCA concludes that Ruby came in the back way, and Dean lied about that door being secured. Big deal says the lawyer. Its just perjury. DVP says oh really where did they say that? BTW, the last really did happen. DVP did not even know that was in the HSCA volumes. This is objective reasoning says Lance. Geez,
  9. Its called denial Cory. BTW, why did that idiot Thompson call his book Six Seconds in Dallas?
  10. This one is even funnier. Does Parnell read anything? Paul Bleau did a very fine article for us on this issue. The main authors of HS history textbooks were interviewed by Paul. He asked them about their knowledge of things like the Church Committee, the HSCA, etc. They said, words to the effect, "Didn't Posner cover that?" "Didn't Bugliosi cover that?" "Didn't Shenon cover that?" And this is now both they and the MSM work in tandem. I mean come on Parnell. The MSM blew this case from the start. In 1964, NBC proposed a special but they told the FBI they would follow their lead on the case. Roger Feinman and Bill Davy have proven that CBS hired McCloy and Dulles as their advisors on their 1967 special. This has all been documented by the ARRB and by the files Feinman got from CBS. This is called an ethical journalistic violation. One does not investigate a public controversy by having the people who perpetrated that scandal run the program you are preparing. If that would have been fine, then why did CBS keep it a secret? And then why did McCloy and Dick Salant then lie about it afterward to Roger? And why did Roger then get fired for trying to expose how bad this really was? Don't tell me you are ignorant of that one too? The entire top management of CBS, Salant, Stanton and Paley, literally rolled over the middle management and producers who wanted to do a real inquiry into the WC, since they suspected it was a bunch of crapola, which is the case. Imean this is the way that power works in this country. Or are you not aware of that either? Look at what happened to Gary Webb, Dick Sprague, Jim Garrison, Bob Parry, Judge Joe Brown etc. And did you never hear of that great line by Upton Sinclair, "It is difficult to make a journalist understand a point when his paycheck depends on him not understanding it." He should know since the LA Times wrecked his candidacy for governor. Just like they ruined Webb's career and life. I mean, you need to read some stuff about how the Power Elite works. Either that or you are feigning obtuseness.
  11. You know Tracy, your desire to present yourself as some kind of neutral arbiter simply does not work. Did you even read the article, or you just don't give a GD what it says? He altered the rifle. He also raised the time limit from the WC six seconds. Keep this up and I will put you on ignore.
  12. Here is the quote from Hathcock: http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/showthread.php?50970-Kennedy-assassination-Gunny-Hathcock-s-take The only way anyone has ever done this is by cheating. The Warren Commission cheated (wrong height and stationary targets); the HSCA never even really tried to duplicate it, they only did timing tests; and CBS cheated by enlarging the target. This was exposed by Roger Feinman's internal CBS documents. In spite of all this, Jerry Posner, a lawyer, said all three had done it. Where were the lawyers who should have condemned this declaration made during his debate with Roger Stone down in Coral Gables, Florida. Someone should do something about Carlier, he is becoming kind of embarrassing. All those instances, he talks about, like Cold Case Nova, have been discredited so much that they are humorous. I mean Gary Aguilar and Cyril Wecht humiliated the Haags. To the point that they would not debate in public. And Gary even offered to pay their plane fare and their hotel room!! https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/nova-s-cold-case-jfk-junk-science-pbs Talk about a Profile in Courage.. I mean please Francois, I don't know how much time you spend on this, but you really should check on things before you write them up. These days we have something called the Web and its easy. As per Parnell. Steve Barber made a mistake. Don Thomas showed him where he was wrong in his so called cross talk. There were two tracks and they were voice activated, not running continually. Here is Don Thomas defending his thesis:
  13. The Single Bullet Fantasy has logic, common sense and plausibility says Lance. Yeah sure, ask Carlos Hathcock. Well, you cannot right now. But his friend Craig Roberts did ask him before he passed on. We all know what he said.
  14. In Carlier's whole mishmash above, he somehow cannot bring himself to write the words: Sgt. Don Flusche. Maybe because his name just happens to negate everything he wrote there about how Vaughn could have missed Ruby. Francois, get this through your head: Flusche was parked right across the street. He had a view of not just the entryway, but the street leading into it. He knew Ruby. Therefore if he says that Ruby never came down the street or the ramp, then he did not. And this is why the totally corrupt DPD kept him away from the WC. If this is a sample of your critical thinking skills? But further, there is the matter of Dean and his polygraph. How on earth can you fail a polygraph when you write your own questions? Well he did. And the fact the FBI rigged Ruby's polygraph tells us something does it not? Plus Dean lied about the rear door being secured which looks out at Western Union. Do you also fail to comprehend that point? I mean how many lies will your side put up with? What about the horn noises that were later edited out of the NBC feed? Which happen to coincide with Oswald arriving in the foyer and Ruby jumping forward to kill him. I mean when you see the unedited version of this, its positively eerie. I am not saying that they mean anything, but I am saying its something people should be allowed to watch. Apparently someone thought otherwise.
  15. I stopped clicking through to DVP's site when I found out he was still using the CBLA test to prop up the WC BS. When he knows that its been discredited. Which is sort of like saying, "I don't have a case, so I have to cheat; if not I am stuck with that ridiculous CE 399." If you want to learn about Leave it to Beaver and fifties TV he does have a good site. PS And a good old time radio site with Jack Benny etc. https://www.youtube.com/user/DVPOldTimeRadio?disable_polymer=1
  16. LOL! Ruby shooting Oswald as a mission is actually one of the strongest parts of our case today. Why? Because of new work by the HSCA and some private researchers. Plus revelations from the WC. But first, i must note how Carlier cut off my post so he would not have to deal with the rest of the clear implication that Ruby was stalking Oswald for three days. This is his M.O. I did a lot of work on this in my last book since I really wanted to show just how bad Bugliosi was on this key point. Vince did little except recite the WC verdict on this. Which, IMO, is just not being honest with the reader. Let us begin with the fact that Carlier wants to edit out. Patrick Dean flunked his polygraph even though he wrote his own questions. Roy Vaughn passed his with flying colors. Get this, even the WC, in the form of Burt Griffin, though Dean was lying. In fact Griffin actually accused him of such to his face. Which created a real brouhaha with the Dallas Police. Earl Warren backed down . So just on that evidence, one would suspect that Ruby did not come down the Main Street ramp. But there is more. The HSCA found a witness that the DPD tried to hide from the WC. His name is Sgt. Don Flusche. He told the HSCA that he had moved his car across the street from the Main Street ramp at the time LHO was supposed to leave the building. He was waiting for the transfer. So he saw the whole thing. He swore that there was no way Ruby came down that ramp, or walked down Main Street. Because he knew Ruby and was standing right across the street. That is what is called a game changer. But there is more. Its always important when a witness lies about a key point. Dean was the chief of security that day. He swore that no one could come in the back door, which faced Western Union from the outside. He said the doors were all secured and Ruby would have needed a key to get in. The HSCA found this was false. They were not secured and Ruby would not have needed a key to get in. And they concluded that this is how Ruby got into the basement. DVP knows this since he once said he was not aware of it, then someone went ahead and posted that section of the report. (The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, 222-32) Then there is Ruby's polygraph which was rigged by the FBI. Again, the HSCA proved this. And it is a key piece of evidence. Carlier and DVP do not like it. Neither did VB so he covers it up. Why? Too late to ask him. (Ibid pp. 267-70) Then there is Ruby's excuse for being at the Western Union office--right behind the DPD at the key time. This was one of the worst parts of the WC cover up. I discuss it for two pages in my book. But suffice it to say, even the WC knew that the whole scenario of Ruby telegramming the small amount of money to Karen Carlin Sunday morning was instigated by Ruby. Leon Hubert was a good lawyer who essentially dropped out of the WC since he figured--like Francis Adams--that the fix was in. (ibid p. 226) Again, you can deny this stuff to the day you die, like VB did. But its not going away; and I left out Billy Grammar. He said Ruby called and warned them to change the plan or "we are going to kill him." (ibid p. 224) Finally, what about the horns being edited out of the TV pickup? Should we even go into that?
  17. In addition to the question on the U2, there is also this: the Russians knew Oswald was not kosher from the days at the Metropole when he gave those stupid answers to the reporters with his room wired. So, did they really think the Russians did not know who he was? Yes, Snyder and Brickham are really interesting. Newman gives us some good info on them in part 2. I think VV is going to critique that whole Scott/Simpich Popov mole stuff in part 3.
  18. On impulse? Is that why he was there on Friday night and corrected Wade? Is that why he was there carrying sandwiches on Saturday? Is that why he was scouting the place on Sunday morning? And is that why Patrick Dean flunked his polygraph test, even though he wrote the questions!!!!! Is this why Hoover rigged Ruby's polygraph in every single way the FBI could??? And then Bugliosi deliberately covered up how they did it!! Please, please, please. You are giving me a headache.
  19. Yeah the thing about ASC is really fascinating. I mean it shows just how far we have come since Melanson. As per the phasing out of the U2, that may be a part of it. And the Corona project was on the boards as I understand it at the time. But as per me personally, I have never been convinced about that being the real reason LHO was sent to Russia. In Newman's book, he suggests that the reason was that they were using LHO as a dangle to try and find out who had given the Russians info on the U2 per the whole Popov angle. I'm not convinced of that either. Because to me there is a real question as to whether or not the Powers flight was actually shot down.
  20. The long awaited second segment of Vasilios Vazakas explication of the mystery of who the heck was Lee Oswald. Amazing what Phil Melanson started. What we do know is that the WR was up the creek without a paddle on the issue. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/creating-the-oswald-legend-part-2
  21. That is not what he said Parnell, and you know it. He was asking a question first about money. Then he offered that it may be misguided moral or political agenda. In other words, America could not have done something like this.
  22. They were heroes? LOL Yeah, that is why they were getting bombed at The Cellar the night before until 3 am, and hired fireman to protect JFK in Texas.
  23. Thanks for this and I did not know the last conversation was on tape.
  24. I always felt that this was one of the best articles Probe Magazine ever printed. And Part 2 about Freeport and Indonesia is just as good. But this one connects the main players in New Orleans to the upper levels of the Establishment. http://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collections/hidden/freeport-cuba.htm
  25. I have to say that in his upcoming book, Volume Three in his tetraology, John Newman is going to date the origins of the assassination plotting to the beginning of 1963. It will be interesting to see what he bases that upon. I had theorized that the plot was hatched in the summer of 1963, after the Peace Speech and also it became clear that Kennedy was going for detente with Castro.
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