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William Weston

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  1. The age reported in the obituary is correct. From newspapers.com I found a wedding announcement that said he graduated from Lubbock High School in June 1971.
  2. Elzie Dean Glaze is dead. Below is his obituary published in the Austin American Statesman on December 15, 2019 GLAZE, Elzie Dean Age 66, is celebrated by his family for his compassion, humor and willingness to help family, friends and the world at large. He was an accomplished journalist and author and had worked as a radio engineer in his early career. For many years he assisted organizations that helped veterans, monitored the nuclear power industry, and worked to ensure basic human rights. He had keen interests in history and weather, and much of his writing related to these. He followed environmental concerns and space exploration, and he enjoyed playing and watching sports. He was fortunate to have many travels, including celebration of his 60th birthday in Antarctica. Dean was the son of Elzie L. Glaze and Geneva I. Glaze and was born in Lubbock, Texas. He passed away on November 15, 2019, after a fall causing brain injury. He is loved and will always be remembered by his wife Sylvia Glaze, daughter Hailey Glaze, and sister, brothers, nieces, nephews and friends. He enjoyed giving to others, and loved the companionship of his four dogs. Many notes and gifts, often created by him, are left for us as a tribute to his kindness and love. Below is a copy of his 1989 letter that I got from Larry Ray Harris, who did the highlighting: When I wrote to him in 1999, he sent to me the followng reply: July 14, 1999 Dear Mr. Weston, Received your letter of July 7, 1999. Thank you for your kind words and interest. All that I know – and the attending dead ends – were passed along to a researcher and author in Dallas a few years ago. He is about to publish his book and, as you can understand, friendship and loyalty make me reluctant to discuss this matter with anyone else. It’s perhaps a moot point anyway, because based on what you’ve told me, you now know more than I do. Mine was a happenstance meeting and short, casual friendship with a man who appeared to have fallen through the cracks. Had the seemingly insignificant trail of bread crumbs I stumbled across had not been so avidly guarded, I might never have given it a second thought. My actions were less courageous than they were the result of being naïve. I was up to my neck before I realized it. You may have noticed that at the end of my letter to “Alternative Views” [the Alternative Information Network] I carbon-copied to “my will.” It was intended as a jab at myself lest I get too full of myself rereading it 50 years from now. With that, I pass along my rather tiny candle, plus my best wishes and encouragement. Those generations who were there in 1963 are grateful that people like you are continuing the pursuit and taking another look at events which may have been too shocking for the rest of us to ever fully comprehend. Perhaps that is why I was so unprepared during that brief step into the looking glass. Sincerely, Dean Glaze As far as I know, the book by the unknown Dallas author who got an interview with Mr. Glaze has not been published.
  3. The photo below shows Bonnie Ray Williams and Harold Norman at the same fifth floor window where Walther, Fischer, and Edwards saw a blond or light brown haired man holding a rifle, positioned beside a man wearing a brown suitcoat. The photo was taken by new cameraman Tom Dillard while riding in a car assigned to journalists. He took the picture because fellow cameraman Bob Jackson said "There's a rifle barrel up there." Supposedly Jackson noticed the rifle because he saw two black men leaning out of the window and looking straight up at the window above them. The photo looks like a fake to me. Since I am not an expert in photo fakery, I invite other members to comment.
  4. Claude Barnes Capehart, a hitman for the CIA, was living in Chowchilla, California, when he saw his picture in the Fresno Bee. On July 31, 1978, the newspaper ran a story on the HSCA which included photographs of three men wanted in connection with the assassination of President Kennedy. One picture shows a dark-haired man sitting on a street curb in Dealey Plaza moments after the assassination. The middle picture is a side view of a man wearing a suitcoat. He has light or gray hair, an aquiline nose, and appears to be in his late 40s or early 50s. The third picture shows, according to the UPI article, a “handsome, apparently blond-haired man in his 20s or early 30s. He appears to be wearing a jacket over a dark turtleneck sweater or pullover.” The latter two men were in Mexico City in the fall of 1963 at the same time Lee Harvey Oswald was there. Three days after Capehart saw the article, he fled to Las Vegas, leaving his wife Roberta behind. Frightened and distressed, she went to see Chowchilla Sheriff’s Deputy Dale Fore and showed him the newspaper article. One of the three pictures, according to Fore, was a “dead ringer” for Capehart. A picture of an older Capehart on the findagrave website shows close resemblance to the blonde-haired man. Capehart was absolutely paranoid about having his picture taken. So much so, Roberta said, that even his California driver’s license lacked a picture as required by law. Fore made an inquiry with the Department of Motor Vehicles. Yes, they said, his license lacked a picture, but no one could explain why. Claude told Roberta that he had been “in” on the plot to kill Kennedy and that Lee Harvey Oswald did not fire any of the shots. He said he was inside the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the shooting. According to Carolyn Walther, a motorcade spectator standing on the corner Elm and Houston, a gunman with blonde or light-brown hair, wearing a white shirt, had positioned himself at the open lower part of the window of the fifth floor, not the sixth (as claimed by the Warren Commission). He had a rifle in his hands. Standing next to the blonde-haired man was another man wearing a brown suitcoat. Walther could not see his face, for it was obscured by the closed upper portion of the window. Confirming Walther’s observations were two more spectators, Ronald Fischer and Robert Edwards, who saw a man with light-colored hair and a light-colored open-neck shirt at a window on the fifth floor. Since Capehart had blonde or light-brown hair, he might have been the gunman. The other man wearing a brown suitcoat took an elevator down to the first floor and ran out the back door, running in a southerly direction. Another witness who saw him said he had black hair, was 5 feet 8 to 10 inches tall, 155 to 165 pounds, in his late 20s or early 30s. This could not have been Capehart, who according to his biographical resume in November 1963, was 6 foot 1 inch, 220 pounds, in his late 30s, and had brown hair. Statements by three witnesses that the gunman and his companion were on the fifth floor would mean that James Jarman, Harold Norman, and Bonnie Ray Williams had lied about their presence on the fifth floor. Oswald said that at the time of the shots he was eating lunch with some black employees. Oswald was telling the truth.
  5. Below is a link to an article I wrote for the Jim Fetzer’s blog and the Oswald Innocence Campaign. The topic concerns the Lone Star School Book Depository which set up an alternate ambush site near the Trade Mart in case Kennedy did not take the route that led through Dealey Plaza, where the other schoolbook depository was located. I would like to point out that Ross Carlton of the LSBD emerges here as the number one suspect in the planning and coordinating of the hit squads at both locations. http://oswaldinthedoorway.blogspot.com/2016/07/there-is-new-article-by-william-weston.html
  6. In the interview Steve mentions an important article in Probe regarding Clay Shaw. The article appeared in the Mar-Apr. 1996 issue and was written by Lisa Pease. The title of the article is “David Atlee Phillips, Clay Shaw, and Freeport Sulphur”. In the article Lisa Pease quotes a memo written by Sciambra to Jim Garrison. It said, “A memo in the GUY BANISTER file indicates that there is information which reports that DICK WHITE, a high official of Freeport Sulphur, and CLAY SHAW were flown to Cuba probably taking off from the Harvey Canal area in a Freeport Sulphur plane piloted by DAVE FERRIE. The purpose of this trip was to set up import of Cuba’s nickel ore to a Canadian front corporation which would in turn ship to the Braithwaite nickel plant. The plant was built by the U.S. Government at a cost of about one million dollars.” Mr. White’s name was really Charles A. Wight, and he was a Director and Chairman of the Executive Committee of Freeport Sulphur. Another influential person in Freeport Sulphur was John (“Jock”) Whitney. He was a member of the pro-British, anti-American Pilgrim Society according to Congressman Thorkelson who made some remarks regarding the Pilgrims in 1940. Jock’s father and grandfather were members of Skull and Bones and Jock himself was a knight of St. John of Jerusalem and honorary commander of the Order of the British Empire, according to Prof. Donald Gibson. He also belonged to the Metropolitan Club with Allen Dulles. That Freeport Sulphur is a representative client of Doyle Smith and Doyle highlights the conspiratorial significance of that mysterious law firm.
  7. I interviewed researcher Steve Gaal on August 10, 2010. Like many other researchers Steve says that the conspiracy surrounding John F. Kennedy's death included a coalition of elements within the CIA, the military, and the Mafia. However, an examination of the events in the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, and the people connected to Oswald, has led him to the conclusion that an elite group with possibly British connections were angered by Kennedy's move against the money debt authority of the Federal Reserve and joined the aforementioned anti-Kennedy factions in an already burgeoning plot to kill him. Steve, before we talk about your ideas, let us could talk about your background, who are who, why should we pay attention to you? Nine days before the Robert F. Kennedy assassination, my mother dropped me off at the Ambassador Hotel. I was fifteen at the time, and my mother was always trying to stimulate me. I saw Robert F. Kennedy speak and he kicked off his California campaign. Nine days later I was watching television late into the night, and at the podium I had seen him speak at when I was there at the Ambassador, he said "On to Chicago." It was very late. I turned off my small, black and white television and felt very good. I've already started to go against the Vietnam War and started thinking that maybe the government even lies to us. When I heard that Kennedy was dead, I thought that he was killed by a conspiracy. I had already read Mark Lane's "Rush to Judgment." From then on, on and off, I've studied conspiracy, trying to make sense of it. I think with the deep analysis, the pieces to the puzzle have to fit together. If you are left with a puzzle piece that is a real true fact, and it does not fit into the conspiracy picture, then your theory must be flawed in some way. In my research I have found puzzle pieces that don't fit commonly accepted theories limiting the conspiracy to either the CIA or the Mafia. My analysis leads me to conclude that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy that included powerful men who were over and above the CIA and the Mafia, controlling them both. This elite group, with possibly British connections, was angered by Kennedy's move against the money debt authority of the Federal Reserve and joined an ongoing plot that was already in place to kill him. How did you conclude that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy? The "Rush to Judgment" book made me wonder about the thoroughness of the Warren Commission. If you are investigating a very important event and if there are errors and incompleteness, and you have the full cooperation of all the intelligence services of the United States and you leave things open and unexplored, there must be a reason for that. It doesn't make sense that you would have the most important man in power, political power as well as military power, killed and not have the most thorough investigation, unless you didn't really want the answer. Leaders and kings have been killed before by conspiracies, and governments have been overthrown. The CIA overthrew Mossadegh, and it’s their job to control countries. So if they had a policy difference, it's not impossible to think that they helped kill Kennedy. Can you identify the major players in this conspiracy? Well, the self-professed, best friend of Lee Harvey Oswald was George de Mohrenschildt. His brother wrote a book with the son of the brother of Allen Dulles; John Foster Dulles's son wrote a book with Dmitri de Mohrenschildt. In a note in the six volume phonebooks of de Mohrenschildt is the home phone number of George Herbert Walker Bush, and he uses the word "Poppy" next to the phone number, a nickname which was not known by many people at all but only by close associates. From the work of researcher Bruce Campbell Adamson, de Mohrenschildt may have received $200,000 from Prescott Bush. He left Dallas, went to New York City and possibly met with Prescott Bush. Only a few months before, Prescott had left the Senate, had a small vacation, and then became president of Brown Brothers Harriman. Brown Brothers Harriman gave de Mohrenschildt $200,000. Adamson found a FBI note that states that Brown Brothers Harriman sent a message to the Republic National Bank building asking about de Mohrenschildt. I will address the Republic National Bank building and its owner Lewis McNaughton later. Now Brown Brothers Harriman was a Skull and Bones operation. We have often been told that Skull and Bones was a German operation, but this is really just a cover story. The true originators were British. For many years they kept it funded through a foundation called the Russell Trust. The Russells were an American family who split their opium trade with the British. This is how their trust came under British control. Now going back to the phone books of de Mohrenschildt, he had the number at RCA, and this RCA number was the post-World War II number of Allen Dulles, coordinating things with the OSS. De Mohrenschildt had a stepfather-in-law that was a CIA operative, whose name was Wasserman. Apparently, de Mohrenschildt was an intelligence operative since World War II, though there is a large confusion about what side he's on and what he said he was. If the best friend of Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas is that connected into intelligence, then you definitely have a case of saying that Dulles himself was involved too, since de Mohrenschildt’s benefactor, Prescott Bush, was a personal friend of Allen Dulles. They were very close for many years, even touring the Middle East together in the 1930s. They were very close. You mentioned de Mohrenschildt. Are there any other associations or connections that Oswald had that indicate a conspiracy? From the analysis of Jim Diugenio and Mr. Newman, who wrote the book "Oswald and CIA", there was some type of CIA coordination to Oswald's going into the Cuban and Russian embassies in Mexico City. His travels into Russia indicate CIA assistance. Oswald went precisely to a little known place that allowed him to enter Russia quickly. This enabled him to maintain his cover as a “man on the run.” If Oswald had gone to the more commonly known entry points into Russia, he would have been delayed and lost time, which would enable his pursuers to catch him “on the run.” We hear of the non-conspiratorial explanation of Oswald’s monetary resources which says that he was very frugal and diligently saved his money. This claim that Oswald was extremely frugal is contradicted by the fact that he frequently went to bars in Tokyo, requiring expenditures of money for frivolous purposes that would have depleted his savings. Another indication that Oswald was involved in some type of intelligence operation was his selection of Russia as a place to go to. Professor Rose has written an article about all his records. Going further, every single record that is really important, birth certificate, social security number, times that he was at an orphanage, all these records are incorrect or have inconsistencies. Since Rose wrote his article, additional information has come out that shows even more problems with Oswald's record. A memo that Rankin wrote, which appears on page 199 and 200 of John Armstrong’s “Harvey and Lee” book, a secret memo of the Warren Commission that was not willingly given up by the government, said there were problems with Oswald’s record in the military, specifically his base transfers. Researcher John Newman who minutely studied Oswald’s intelligence files noted numerous inconsistencies. To give you one example, Oswald was not on the NSA letter intercept list, and yet his mail was nevertheless being intercepted. Strangely enough, when Oswald’s name was later put on that list, his letters were not intercepted. Also the U-2 base where he was stationed, that he knew the Russian language on a level of understanding equivalent to someone who was native-born, all indicate Oswald’s connection to intelligence. There’s even evidence of two Oswalds, as John Armstrong wrote about. What connections or associations did Ruby have that would indicate a conspiracy? According to Douglas Valentine, an FBN agent saw Ruby’s file and discovered that he was an FBN informant. The FBN worked very closely with the CIA, worked with them in MK-Ultra events. Valentine goes on to say that the CIA could forestall FBN investigations when one of their assets or sources was using narcotics to support their projects. That would be the most telling thing, that Ruby was an FBN informant. And this was all covered up by the Warren Commission. What about with mobsters? That was covered up too. In the official stories Ruby was a local hoodlum. In the past he might have had run numbers as a child for Capone and that was the extent of his mob connections. But even looking at what the Warren Commission did investigate, you see by his phone records he was calling Lansky people, including the Dorfman mob in Chicago. There were narcotic connections to Ruby that were covered up by misspellings. The Campisi family was deliberately many times misspelled in Warren Commission papers. Even in the FBI internal documents the name Campisi was misspelled. The files that we now have that probably could have been given to the Commission, or that they did have, indicate that he had narcotics connections in Los Angeles with that man Breen that the wife talked about, who said that you had to go through Ruby to get narcotics through Dallas. There’s also the man who said that Ruby showed him a film of a narcotics transaction at the Mexican-U.S. border. That gives more credence to Valentine’s claim that he was a Federal Bureau Narcotics agent. The only people who would make such a film would be the FBN doing it covertly, and Ruby showed this film to someone. So Ruby was not a local hoodlum who ran a strip club. He was much more than that. If we combine Oswald’s associations with George de Mohrenschildt, who was an intelligence operative connected through Prescott Bush to Dulles and the CIA, and Ruby's associations with the mobsters, can we say that the conspiracy was a simple coalition between the CIA and the Mafia? Or was it more than that? In spite of all the publicity given to the Mafia connection to the JFK assassination, it was really only of minor significance. I believe the Mafia played a much larger role in the events following the assassination. They had the task of terminating key witnesses and whistleblowers post-assassination, which required close-range shooting that the Mafia excelled at. While the Rose Cheramine information does place the narcotic side of the Mafia within the events leading up to the actual assassination, yet still this involvement was peripheral. The CIA and the military would not have employed Mafia hitmen, who did not have the expertise to do the kind of long range shooting the Dealey Plaza ambush required. That kind of shooting called for shooters with military training or professional sport training. Fletcher Prouty speculated that the shooters, or “mechanics”, as he called them, came from Greece. Now it just so happens that the former CIA Chief of Station in Athens was with George Herbert Walker Bush on November 22, 1963. So I fully agree with Prouty that the shooters came from Greece. It may be a fruitful line of research to investigate famous Greek marksmen during the period of the 1950s and 1960s. So although the Dallas conspiracy appears to be a CIA rogue operation with some assistance from Mafia hitmen during the cleanup following the assassination, it goes much deeper than that. We see that the conspiracy involved generals and admirals at the highest levels. This can be seen through the problems with the autopsy at Bethesda. There were two brains at the autopsy events. The photographic record was changed at the autopsy. There was some type of film alteration in the Zapruder film itself. We could just go with minor alteration and say that the blob on the head was hiding a second gunman. So neither the Mafia nor CIA rogues could control the outcome of the autopsy or Zapruder film alterations. That required the involvement of the highest levels of the military and the CIA. Fletcher Prouty said that Kennedy made a great error when he thought that Maxwell Taylor, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was loyal to him. In actuality, Maxwell Taylor was loyal to Dulles. Yet beyond what the CIA and the military did, there are still even more anomalies that compel us to go even higher than the highest levels of the military and the CIA. I have an alternative view of history that explains puzzle pieces that don’t fit within the commonly touted theories of the assassination. What are these anomalous facts you think need to be added to the conspiracy puzzle? One of these anomalous facts is the so-called “second plot”, which was a John Birch Society affair involving a man named Gabaldon enlisting Oswald in Mexico. Gabaldon posed as a CIA officer to entice Oswald into a patsy trap. The CIA itself played along with the John Birch Society’s efforts to kill Kennedy. Now you would think that the CIA might have protected themselves by exposing this plot rather than keep it going, but the reason why they did not stop it was because the JBS was a special project of the elites. The JBS had very deep elite connections. The rank and file CIA agents did not know about these elite connections, only the people at the top. Since the reason why the CIA exists is to serve the elite, the people at the top would forestall any efforts by their underlings to shut down the JBS attempt to organize an assassination plot. Another anomaly is Lansky trying to help Castro. Now you would think that Lansky would understand that Castro would have a deleterious effect on his casino operations, which it did. I will explain why Lansky helped Castro later. A third anomaly is Permindex which is connected to Clay Shaw. For a long time, we have known that Clay Shaw was an asset of the CIA, but recently new documents have been found that show that Permindex was connected to Rothschild and British interests. By putting together these anomalies, I believe a better view of the assassination is that the Rothschild and British elites were involved in the assassination plot, but not initially. They knew about it, but early on they were just going to let it happen without committing themselves. Their active involvement in the plot began after Kennedy decided to change the Federal Reserve debt mechanism. He was moving against the British and the Rothschilds who had interests in the Federal Reserve. That’s why they needed to remove him. You have named three anomalies. Are there any more? The Secret Service was part of this conspiracy also, and that doesn’t really fit the mold of having only the CIA be the center of all this with Dulles behind Maxwell Taylor. The participation of the Secret Service in the plot gives more evidence that the elites were involved. The Secret Service’s investigation of the Chicago plot on Kennedy’s life a few weeks before the Texas trip was terminated abruptly and suppressed. The suppression of the investigation was not done locally, but came directly from the Washington headquarters of the Secret Service. A Secret Service man was at the meeting when the Dallas parade route was selected with the 120 degree turn at Elm Street, which was quite unsafe. According to Fletcher Prouty, the Secret Service, through past experience, had regulations in place that the car at most times should not be under 44 miles per hour, yet in an unsafe area with tall buildings and open windows, it slowed down to a crawl to make that sharp turn onto Elm Street. They certainly did not scout out the buildings around the plaza very well. When Kennedy arrived in Dallas, the bubbletop was not put on the car, purposely. On film we see an agent attempting to ride on the President’s car as it was leaving the airport but was told by another agent to get off. Now in earlier motorcades, we see on film agents riding on the car at Tampa and Fort Worth, but not in Dallas. After the assassination, they made sure that the body was taken out immediately and put onto the plane to get away from Texas authorities. So these are indications of conspiracy within the Secret Service. This indicates that there’s something more than just the CIA, and CIA people loyal in the military involved. General Curtis LeMay probably was involved in the conspiracy. There are indications of that, but even a child could have recruited him. He was such a Kennedy hater. So we have four anomalies: (1) Lansky helping Castro, (2) the “second plot” involving the John Birch Society, (3) the Secret Service, and (4) Permindex that connects to Clay Shaw and the Rothschilds. To explain these anomalies, you need an alternative view of history. Let us first look at the JBS. There is a pamphlet called The Belmont Brotherhood, which describes the real founders of the John Birch Society as being elites and possibly British-connected, the Newcomb Society. So the JBS isn’t what it seems, it’s some type of false front. Now the rank and file members of the JBS were true believers, but the people at the very top of the JBS hierarchy were hiding their connections to the very elite that the JBS was supposed to be against. Let us look at a Mormon-JBS connection that exposes how the elites controlled the JBS. The connection that the Mormons had with the JBS was very close. The leader of the JBS, Ezra Benson, president of the Mormon church, became involved with the JBS. His son Reed Benson became involved with the JBS. The Mormon connection to the elites can be seen with Swiss billionaire Robert Vincent de Oliverri, who was part of the Rothschild clan, and the second richest Rothschild in the world. He became a Mormon and sometime later, in 1967, paid off a $500 million debt that the Mormon church owed. In today’s money that is about $4 billion. So the Mormons, the JBS, and the elites are all tied together. Now let us look at the anomaly of Lansky helping Castro. Behind Lansky were the British, who secretly wanted Castro to come to power in Cuba. They did not want the United States to have an accommodation with him, which was what Kennedy was trying to do in 1963. They wanted Castro as a so-called pebble in the shoe to irritate America. Historically, America was isolationist, and the British wanted America to become globalist. Having Castro in power forced America to look beyond its borders and get involved in the affairs of other countries. There is a book called Desperate Deception that I could recommend, which explains how concerned the British were that America was too neutralist. Even though the British lost a lot after World War I, the elites in Britain wanted to have a world domination by centralized banks. To achieve this goal America had to become an internationalist force. They managed to gain control of America through a secret group called the Pilgrim Society which people can look up on the Internet and check out. Through the Pilgrims, the British entrapped America within a military-industrial complex in order to keep its economy going. On the other hand, the British did not want America to become too strong for that would mean it would become too independent and say no to Britain. The means by which they could make America its tool was through strengthening or weakening the dollar. A more globalist policy kept the American dollar strong in the decades following World War II; but since the early 1990s there are many indications that the dollar is gradually collapsing. Just look at the facts and the charts over twenty years, and you see that the American dollar is going down. Now the elites are going to have to massage this weakening, until the world domination is complete. There could be a crisis at a certain point where Americans will accept some type of foreign help with their money crisis if it gives them temporary surcease. So that’s part of my world view. This explains why the British wanted America to become more internationalist than it was. They wanted to use America as a tool to expand British influence. You mention the British using Lansky to achieve their globalist dreams. How did they get Lansky on their side? We have to go back, way back, to 1928, to explain this British-Lansky connection. In China, there were three large triads, or gangs, exporting narcotics. Originally, the Kuo Ming Tang and Chiang Kai Shek supported these people. At the same time they were also fighting a prolonged war with the Communists. So for publicity reasons, and to get them back on the good side with the Americans who could help them in the war against the Communists, the KMT publicly went against the triads. At the same time, they made a secret deal with one of these gangs. There was some financial gain to having this narcotics export into the Far East and America, but where they were located were mostly Chinese areas and they wanted to expand and make more money. The book by Douglas Valentine indicates that a State Department man was involved in the Chinese narcotics trade. Apparently, he and other State Department people thought that helping the KMT with the drug trade was a good thing in stopping the spread of communism. Of course, they soon realized it would not be good if American diplomats and officials were caught with loads of narcotics. So they asked themselves, “Can’t we get someone else to do the job?” That is why they reached out to Lansky to be a major drug distributor. This was in the 1930s. So he was in contact with elites possibly before World War II. There is a story that he was called in to help the ONI and the OSS to protect ports in New York and help with the invasion of Sicily. Well, that’s the cover story, because he was possibly in contact with these people before the war. Before World War II and the creation of the OSS and the CIA, ONI was our major intelligence organization, and very likely they knew about Lansky and what he was doing before the war. That just makes sense. So Lansky was an operative for the ONI, but it is possible that he was more of an operative for the British. This would explain why he helped Castro, which on the surface appears to be against his own interests. But something else was occurring at the same time. He was in contact with the very elites and owners of the Bahamas. Now someone could say that he was just setting that up as a safety valve. But the deeper view is that he knew that Castro was going to win. That’s what his masters, the British, wanted. The British helped him set up his operations in the Bahamas. By the way, in 1961 the British changed their laws on casinos and gambling and by 1964 Lansky had a casino in London. Isn't that amazing? We have now explained the motivations of Clay Shaw with Permindex, and Lansky working for the British to help Castro. Now let me add that in the early 1960s British Guyana was going to go communist, and the British were pulling out. Apparently Kennedy found out that the British weren’t helping set up an anti-communist regime, but they were letting a communist man take the lead in taking over that country. Now you can have more than one explanation of why the British did it, perhaps because they were pressuring Kennedy to help them with their submarine missile technology, but it does indicate that the British did not mind letting a small, Western Hemisphere country go communist. If you read “Deadly Deception” and understood what it meant, the British were just so afraid and angered of neutral America. They wanted America on its side and doing its will. Beyond the scope of this interview, if you look at what the British elite and banking system did with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and their power behind the Morgan group, you see that the British were trying to financially control America. Now let us go into the Secret Service. The Secret Service was penetrated by the elites. The person that founded it, Lansing, a relative of Allen Dulles, was an Anglophile. There were OSS connections to the Secret Service through Scribner. There was a law firm called Scribner, Hall and Casey. Casey and Hall were with the OSS. Casey worked with Dulles both during World War II and in the decades after. Scribner was the head attorney for Treasury Department, and thus also the Secret Service. Scribner’s successor was Gaspar d'Angelot Belin, who belonged to a secret society called Skull and Bones, which had British connections. It is possible that Belin was involved in a conspiratorial luncheon with Mary Bancroft and Allen Dulles. Researcher Richard Bartholomew comments on a passage that Mary Bancroft wrote in her autobiography (which CIA censors had in manuscript form for a year before it was published). She was the lover of Dulles and Luce at one point simultaneously, but in Switzerland she was Dulles’s lover. In the manuscript itself she talks about metalanguage that she and Dulles used. They talked in code in a metalanguage, and in a paragraph within the autobiography possibly getting it through the censorship of the CIA, she said that she and Dulles had lunch at the Bundys’ house with Gaspar d'Angelot Belin, who had married a Bundy sister. Also there was James Jesus Angleton, whom Probe magazine said was probably very central to the assassination. They had lunch and tennis there. She said that in 1963 Dulles was very competitive and would try to let no one beat him in tennis. It must have been quite a surprise for Mr. Dulles, when Kennedy fired him after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Dulles was one of these people toppling governments all over the world and controlling world events and the CIA, and two words from Kennedy and he's gone out the door, hat in hand. So Bartholomew believes, and I agree with him, that that paragraph describing those lunches was metalanguage code for discussions on how to assassinate the president. As a matter of fact, Douglas Dillon, a friend of British elites and British eugenists and other Anglophiles, let Gaspar d'Angelot Belin handle all the affairs between the Warren Commission and the Secret Service. There is a letter that is addressed to Belin, although it was misconstrued, that referred to him as the head of the Treasury Department, by one of the Secret Service people. So that shows you how much authority that Dillon, who is the actual head of the Treasury Department, gave to Gaspar d'Angelot Belin, a man who was supporting Britain more than the United States through his loyalty to Skull and Bones. So both Belin and his predecessor Scribner show that there was a Dulles connection to the Secret Service through the Treasury Department. So that takes care of the Secret Service. There were more connections to the British through a very unusual law firm in New Orleans called Doyle Smith and Doyle. It was an extremely elite-oriented law firm. One of its representative clients was the Kirby family who were involved with the oil company, Atlantic Richfield. The Kirby family was supported by Brown Brothers Harriman, which as I told you earlier was a Skull and Bones operation. Doyle Smith and Doyle also represented Mossbacher, one of the greatest globalists of all time. He was president of the thousand businesses that wanted Congress to pass NAFTA. (The president emeritus of course was Rockefeller himself.) In 1962 Doyle Smith and Doyle had British American Petroleum as a representative client. British Petroleum bought large sections of Atlantic Richfield and turned it into ARCO. Robert Anderson was running Atlantic Richfield in 1966. He started out the company as Hondo. Later on he formed a company called Hondo again, which was the original Atlantic Richfield, that did servicing of properties for ARCO. Anderson was another big-time globalist. William Zeckendorf was another representative client of Doyle Smith and Doyle, but before I talk about him I want to talk about Freeport Sulphur. Freeport Sulphur was a representative client of Doyle Smith and Doyle. It was extremely Skull and Bones and thus very British. It was having problems because Kennedy was going to investigate the company. But that was only a sideline motivation for the assassination. The decision had already been made by the British to kill Kennedy because of him wanting to accommodate Castro. Curiously, after the assassination, Admiral Arleigh Burke joined the board of Freeport Sulphur. At the time of the assassination Burke was chief of naval operations and would have known about any CIA activities involving Marines, specifically the so-called defectors-to-Russia program involving Oswald. Probe magazine printed an important article that connects Clay Shaw to Freeport Sulphur. Shaw also had connections to the Morgan interests as delineated by Professor Donald Gibson. Before we leave Shaw, I just want to mention that in the summer of 1963 Shaw took Oswald to Clinton, Louisiana for some kind of intelligence operation. So Doyle Smith and Doyle was a very important company within the conspiracy milieu. Another important British-connected company was Empire Trust. This company was controlled by the Rothschilds via Kohn and Loeb. Jack Crichton was part of Empire Trust. Crichton was the one who sent a translator to the Dallas police station to aid the police in their interrogation of Marina Oswald. The translator, Illya Mamantov, used the opportunity to implicate Oswald as the assassin. The British-connected Great Southwest Corporation had control of Marina following the assassination. To paraphrase Peter Dale Scott, the Great Southwest provided Marina with a manager, an attorney, and a hideaway. Her manager was James Martin. The lawyer was William Mackenzie, and the hideaway was the Six Flags Hotel. The Great Southwest was made up of British interests, including Loeb Rhoades, and Anglophiles William Zeckendorf, the Rockefellers, and the Murchison family. A little known fact about the Murchisons is that they had dealing with the Suez Canal Company, which was controlled by the British government. The Murchisons also had dealings with the Kirby family that I told you about earlier. A Skull and Bones man named McGeorge Bundy, who was Kennedy's chief national security advisor, played a fundamental role in the Bay of Pigs operation. Bundy cancelled the air support for the Bay of Pigs. He talked to Kennedy, and there is nothing on the record where Bundy said take the safe course and go to the right and conquer Castro. He went along with Kennedy and that kept Castro in power, which is what the British wanted. Bundy is a lead suspect regarding the mishandling of Kennedy’s NSAM directive that would have ended the Vietnam War. He reversed its meaning so that it called for an expansion of the war rather than putting an end to it. Such a change fosters American internationalism, and this is what the British wanted. So Doyle Smith and Doyle was an extremely British-oriented law firm. It had Gulf States Land and Industries which was owned by Mr. Zeckendorf, who had many land deals with the Rothschild-connected Empire Trust. He also had connections to KMT trucking, which indicates a narcotics connection. KMT drugs were often shipped by means of trucks. Zeckendorf had business dealing with Arthur Rubloff, who had investments with Lansky’s casino operations in the Bahamas. Rubloff was also invested in the Great Southwest Corporation. A member of his board on Gulf States Land and Industries was a James R. Stanley. Mr. Stanley worked with D.H. Byrd at Alpha Omega Finance, and he was also a member of Wallace Investments in Dallas. The Dallas Conspiracy with Lansky, the British, and the Rothschilds converge on Wallace Investments. It was a mob-connected, business operation. Mr. Wallace himself, through his investments, connected up to Lansky through the Sands Hotel. The head of Wallace Investments was Eugene Locke. He and his partner, who was also in Wallace Investments, ran a law firm called Locke and Purnell. In the office of Locke and Purnell was the parade route meeting, and if my theory is right, Lansky people were at the parade route meeting. This way they could control any final decisions, if the planning went askew. Kennedy advance man Jack Puterbaugh made investments with Wallace Investments, as did Trammel Crowell. Now both those investments were made post assassination, but it gives indication that they knew Mr. Wallace before. Trammel Crowell constructed the Trade Mart, and he knew where all the nooks and crannies were inside the building. If Kennedy hadn’t been killed in Dealey Plaza, then he would have been killed at the Trade Mart where more shooters could hide in the nooks and crannies. Mr. Crowell was a rich man before the assassination, but he became very, very wealthy after the assassination. He became ultra-rich, as the years went on. Quite likely he had connections with British investment and the Morgan Group in America. Let’s get back to Locke and Purnell, who were both cousins, and who were a part of Wallace Investments. Mr. Purnell was on the board of A. H. Belo, which had many odd things connected to the assassination. Belo had Hugh Ainsworthy who had access to Marina when other people did not have access to her, and he was at the Tippit scene. The man who had a seizure that took away an ambulance from Dealey Plaza was an employee of A. H. Belo, oddly. To show the internationalist slant of the organization, A. H. Belo in the 1980s joined the British-American Society. There were not that many American companies that were part of the British-American Society, but A. H. Belo was. It’s quite possible there were connections through Mr. Purnell, because Lansky and his milieu operated in some type of state-sponsored, narco-business alliance, which was outwardly a business with the narcotics operation underneath supporting it partially financially. At the parade route meeting in the office of Locke and Purnell was Elizabeth Forsling Harris. She later became the money source behind Ms. Magazine. (I would like to add as an aside that Ms. magazine was probably an elite plot against the traditional family, to bring down the number of children born to people belonging to the lower and middle classes.) Now when Harris was at the parade route meeting, she made a phone call to the White House at a time when Bill Moyers was at the White House. Going further, Ms. Harris's brother was the head lawyer for CBS, and he later headed the conglomerate that controlled CBS. This same brother worked for Mr. Paley who was the head of CBS. Paley was in the anti-American, pro-British Pilgrim Society that I mentioned earlier. Closely associated with Paley was Prescott Bush who was a CBS trust member of 30 years. Allen Dulles was a very close friend to Paley. He and Paley would exchange Christmas jam and jelly and visit one another. It is therefore no surprise that CBS was part of the cover-up. It strongly supported the Warren Commission and was an enthusiastic promoter of the lone assassin theory. Now I covered a lot of things here but let me reiterate John Stanley’s connections. He worked as the director of the Great Southwest. His connection to Mr. Zeckendorf puts Stanley within the realm of KMT trucking and British elites. Stanley sat on the board of Wallace Investments, which connects him to the Lansky mob. Stanley was associated with Locke who was the head of Wallace investments. Locke was the head of the law firm Locke and Purnell that finalized the parade route with the difficult turn in front of the Schoolbook Depository. Locke went to Yale, which was the headquarters of Skull and Bones. Locke was appointed ambassador to Pakistan. If any scholar wants to study his record, he may discover that Locke was covertly doing mischief for the British, specifically in regard to the conflict between India and Pakistan. Locke was appointed to the post of deputy ambassador to South Vietnam. If we consider how Locke appears at the center of all these webs of deep politics, I may be permitted to ask: “Was Locke part of a narcotics operation that combined Lansky, KMT, the CIA and Burma?” I don’t think that is a stretch. We have anomalies at the Schoolbook Depository that has been conjectured by you, Bill, as being deeply part of the conspiracy. Oswald, who was an agent of some type, was an employee at the Depository, which in itself is enough to suspect that something was going on in the building. There are so many anomalies in Oswald’s record, that even if they tried to cover these things up, it is obvious that he was some kind of asset. The previous places where Oswald worked at, such as the Reiley Coffee Co. and Jaggers Stovall, all had intelligence connections. Within the Depository building a few minutes after the shooting, the power was shut down, which indicates that Oswald had an accomplice in the building who knew where to be and who had some type of authorization from the Depository management to be in the basement where the power panel was located. Such an accomplice is an indication of some type of conspiracy among the people working in the building. There are indications that a smuggling operation was going on inside the Depository under the guise of schoolbooks, possibly transporting guns or drugs. Researcher Harry Hurt went to the Depository and saw boxes that were so gigantic that they couldn’t have contained books. Such boxes if they contained books should have weighed 400 pounds. With no mechanical means of lifting them such as forklifts and palettes, these oversized boxes were somehow moved up to the fifth and sixth floors. That in itself is an indication that they contained things other than books. Something was wrong with the Depository. One of the boxes that Hurt saw came from Bobbs-Merrill. This is not just an ordinary schoolbook company. One of the people connected to the Mafia and the CIA, William Harvey, became a legal counsel for this company, post-assassination. So if there are boxes that could not contain books coming from a company that had a very high former official in the CIA in it, and these boxes are found in a building managed by people who supported policies that were conducive to the CIA, and this is the building where the shooting occurred, then something is wrong with the Depository. This is a very easy conclusion to make. It's very possible that the smuggling of guns and drugs were part of the Lansky-Wallace Investment milieu, but those connections have not been defined. Now in an article that you Bill wrote called the Spiders Web there is a discussion of how CIA agent William Harvey connects up to Bobbs-Merrill and how Bobbs-Merrill connects to the Depository. I have given an alternative view being that elites were involved because of what Kennedy did against the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, and probably other banking interests. That is why Permindex was involved. You have a man named Osborne who was really not a CIA agent, but he wound up in England at the time of the assassination, and it’s very possible there was an anonymous phone call pre-assassination talking about Kennedy being killed in the town where he was located. You have Wallace Investments that was connected to Lansky which I connect to an elite-Lansky conspiracy. You have the Secret Service which has connections to Skull and Bones, and Skull and Bones was connected to the British elite. We think of the OSS as being American but it was really partly British with its heads. Then you have the John Birch Society, which had a separate plot that implicated Oswald, but when you look at the founders of the JBS, they are from elites. Many of the events leading up to the Kennedy assassination can be attributed to the CIA apart from the elites, such as what happened in Mexico City. Yet the elites were definitely involved, as can be seen through Oswald’s friend, Alexander Bouhe, who was an employee of Lewis McNaughton. McNaughton was part of Empire Trust, a firm which we mentioned earlier was connected to the British and the Rothschilds. McNaughton controlled the Republican National Bank Building. Dresser Industries was there in the building, which was directed by Neil Mallon, a Skull and Bones man. McNaughton had de Mohrenschildt in that building. His partner was deGolyer. Degolyer was dead by 1963, but before then deGolyer worked and set up the largest independent firm of oil analysts of all time. DeGolyer worked under Lord Cordray, or Lord Pearson, who was at Amarata before it was Amarata Hess. Now I recently learned that the British government owned a large chunk of Amarata. Lord Pearson was one of the richest British men that ever lived. He owned Mexican oil, and sold it out in 1938, just at the right time, amazingly, before it was nationalized by the Mexican government. He owned railroads in Brazil and the like. That would indicate that deGolyer had many British connections. The odd thing is that McNaughton tried to get my uncle to work for him. Now let us go into my uncle; I can talk about him now, for he is deceased. He worked in gemology, but he also worked in oil. He told his family, myself among them, that he worked for the CIA in a number of adventures. Some of these were down in Venezuela. I suppose he didn’t really tell Venezuela how much oil they actually had there. The media is playing that game today. It is hiding the fact that really the reserves of Venezuela are equivalent or surpassing that of Saudi Arabia, even though it is a thicker crude. So in 1966 my uncle got soil samples from the Gulf of Tonkin, showing that off the coast of Vietnam there was an oil reserve. Look up the 1969 report of the Naval Oceanographic Office which can be found on the Internet. It says that in 1966 the U.S. Navy gave Robert Gaal soil samples from the Gulf of Tonkin that came from the ocean floor. So Mr. McNaughton tried to recruit him. I wonder now, because my uncle was already working for the CIA, that McNaughton was trying to make him work for MI6. We can end this interview with just one other odd story. I landed in Hungary the day that Russia invaded Czechoslovakia. My uncle was also there. He took care of our passports, because when you land in Hungary at that time, you had to take them to the police station and then they check them out and then you’re fine and you can stay in Hungary. You have to do it within a 24 hour period. I went to a farm with my grandmother. He went Russia “to trade rocks and gems with Russian gemologists”. I am sure he was there also to check on the Russian oil industry, something of course the CIA wanted. Oil and the CIA are practically the same word, practically synonymous in some sense. So he was doing something in Russia, but when he came back oddly, he didn’t go to the police station. I don’t know how he forgot. We all knew when we first arrived that it was very important. So when we were leaving Hungary with my grandmother (who reverted to speaking only in Hungarian at that time, which I have no understanding of), a man who apparently was KGB with two Russian soldiers (because they could be at the airport and in the countryside according to the agreement Russia had with Hungary). They took my uncle away, and I was left with my now Hungarian-only speaking grandmother. We boarded an Aeroflot plane. They held it up for 20 minutes and they returned. He just told us it was an error. But I always wondered if it was more than that. The passport was there to help someone else. That could be possible. So McNaughton and Alexander Bouhe were very close, and Bouhe was transporting the Oswald family. At one time he even did some babysitting for the Oswald family. Bouhe was the personal, not the corporate accountant, of Mr. McNaughton at the time he befriended the Oswalds. After the assassination Marina Oswald stayed with Declan Ford who had also worked for McNaughton. Prior to living with the Fords, Marina Oswald and her daughters stayed with the Michael and Ruth Paine. The Paines not only had connections to the CIA, but Michael was a descendant of the Cabot family on both his mother and father’s side of the family. The Cabots have branches on both sides of the Atlantic. One branch of the family was British. Now let’s look at Ruth. She was close to the Forbes family, and during the summer of 1963 she traveled to their compound. Now the significant thing about both the Cabot and the Forbes family is that they worked with the Russell family in the British opium trade. So the poor Oswald family barely surviving on minimum wages had an abundance of ties to extremely rich and powerful families with elitist Anglophile backgrounds. End of interview
  8. WW,

    You are one of my favorite researchers. Do you have a contact number for Jerry Rose. Rex Bradford might want to republish anthology of 3/4Dec articles.

    Also, ever contact Elzie Dean Glaze?

    All the best,

    Bill Kelly


  9. Tony Atzenhoffer was in the Civil Air Patrol in 1955 at the Moisant Airport. He knew David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald. He told me that DH Byrd was in charge of the Lousiana and Texas regions of the Civil Air Patrol. He came to Moissant Airport on special occasions such as orientation meetings for new recruits. Thus Byrd knew Ferrie and was part of that New Orleans Civil Air Patrol milieu.
  10. The number WH3-8120 in the 1963 Coles was listed to Laura and Phillip Thomas on 704 Vermont. I believe that the Thomases had relinguished this number and then the number went to the Davis sisters in late 1963. They had moved to Dallas during the autumn of 1963. They left Dallas with their husbands to go to Athens in December 1963.
  11. Jack Ruby saw Leona Lane (nee Miller) when he went to the synagogue on the night of November 22. He told the Warren Commission: "I went out to the synagogue and I went through the line and I spoke to Rabbi Silverman, and I thanked him for going to visit my sister at the hospital. She was in a week prior and had just gotten out. I don't remember the date. Then he had a confirmation--this is the night prior to the confirmation. They serve little delicacies. So in spite of the fact of the mood I was in, I strolled into the place, and I think I had a little glass of punch. Nothing intoxicating, just a little punch they serve there. I didn't speak to anyone. One girl, Leona, said "Hello, Jack," and I wasn't in a conversational mood whatsoever. I left the club--I left the synagogue and I drove by the Bali-Hai Restaurant." Who was Leona? In a March 1985 article titled "Jack Ruby and J.D. Tippit: Coincidence or Conspiracy," Jerry Rose mentioned a link between a Leona, and Barbara and Virginia Davis, witnesses to the Tippit shooting. In the Dallas police records, Barbara and Virginia Davis had the telephone number WH 3-8120. This same number appears in Ruby's notebook as "Leona Miller, WH 3-8120." Leona was a native of Chicago. In 1956 she and her mother, Esther Miller, moved to Dallas, where they became friends of Phyllis and Sam Ruby. In 1959 they met Jack, Sam's brother, at a Passover dinner held in Sam's home. (Commission Exhibits 2282 and 2283). Leona later became a professional photographer in Dallas at Van Gogh Studios. On November 22, Leona, Esther, and Leona's two teenage sons went to the Shearith Israel Synagogue to attend a memorial service held in honor of the late President. After the service was over at 11:00 pm, coffee and refreshments were served in the reception room. It was there that Leona saw Jack Ruby standing alone. Leona had seen Jack about ten or twelve times in the past, but this was the only time she saw him at the synagogue. He looked nervous, upset and depressed. Leona went up to Ruby and greeted him. She introduced him to her mother and sons, reminding him that he had met them once before at Sam's house. After the introductions, Mrs. Lane said how terrible the assassination of President Kennedy had been, and Ruby said, "It is worse than that." Leona and Jack talked about mutual friends for about five minutes, and then they parted. The encounter seemed innocent, yet the telephone link is certainly real. Were the "mutual friends" Barbara and Virginia Davis? In order to make sense of these clues, judicious speculation is in order. Since Leona was a photographer, she may have done some jobs for the Carousel Club. Perhaps the Davis sisters were seeking employment at the Carousel Club. Jack Ruby may have introduced them to Leona Miller to pose for pictures. When the Tippit murder was being planned, Ruby recruited the Davis sisters as planted witnesses who would give an officially approved version of how Tippit was killed. Leona Miller was the go-between in setting them up at the apartment near the corner of Tenth and Patton. An explanation of the Tippit shooting as a well-planned ambush makes sense of the facts we have at hand. It certainly was not a random encounter between a police officer and a desperate fugitive, as Warren Commission proponents claim.
  12. The official time of 1:15 for the shooting of J.D. Tippit is an estimation based on a reconstruction of Oswald’s movements after the assassination. The timeline is exceptionally tight. If the shooting occurred earlier, then another culprit was involved. Presented below is evidence that the true time was 1:00 - a full fifteen minutes earlier than the official time. According to the Warren Commission, Oswald left Dealey Plaza at 12:33 and boarded a bus at 12:40. Four minutes later he got off the bus and went to the Greyhound bus station where he got a taxi cab and went to Oak Cliff. At 12:54 he got out of the cab and walked to his rooming house. At 1:00, he surprised his housekeeper, Earlene Roberts, who did not expect to see him at midday. He went into his room, got his jacket, and rushed out of the house. Through a window Roberts observed Oswald standing at a corner, apparently waiting for a bus. Just as Oswald was getting out of the cab at 12:54, J. D. Tippit radioed his location at the intersection of Lancaster and Eighth. At this time the police dispatcher had broadcasted a description of the suspect of the assassination - slender white male, about 30 years old, 5 feet 10 inches and weighing about 165 pounds, a description that fit Oswald. About twenty minutes later, at the intersection of 10th and Patton, Tippit stopped a pedestrian who supposedly fit the suspect’s description. As Tippit got out of the car, the man pulled out a handgun and shot Tippit at least four times, killing him instantly. Shortly afterwards, at 1:16 a citizen called police headquarters on Tippit’s radio, notifying them of the shooting. If Oswald was the gunman, he had 12 minutes to walk nine-tenths of a mile to reach 10th and Patton, which is barely possible. Evidence that he had less than 12 minutes is provided by Sheriff’s Deputy Roger Craig in a 1971 autobiographical manuscript. While searching the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, Craig was among officers present when someone discovered a rifle. As they examined the rifle, news of the shooting in Oak Cliff arrived. “… At that exact moment an unknown Dallas police officer came running up the stairs and advised Capt. Fritz that a Dallas policeman had been shot in the Oak Cliff area. I instinctively looked at my watch. The time was 1:06 p.m. A token force of uniformed officers was left to keep the sixth floor secure and Fritz, Day, Boone, Mooney, Weitzman and I left the building. …” Given Craig’s professional experience, his 1:06 time is reliable. Nevertheless, two problems arising from his account need resolution. Craig said that the discovery of the rifle had preceded the announcement that a policeman was shot. However, according to the official timeline, the discovery of the rifle occurred at 1:22, six minutes after the reception of the news of the shooting. If true, than it disproves Craig’s account. The solution to the first problem is simple. There were two rifles (at least) in the Texas School Book Depository. The rifle that Craig saw was a German Mauser. Shortly after hearing that a police officer was shot, Craig left the building (along with some other officers) and returned to the sheriff’s office. At 1:22 uniformed officers who remained behind found the Mannlicher-Carcano. The second problem concerns an apparent discrepancy in Craig’s statements. In March 1968, Penn Jones and the Los Angeles Free Press interviewed Craig. In response to a question regarding the time of Tippit’s death, he said “about 1:40.” An excerpt from the interview follows: Craig: Tippit went to Oak Cliff, and subsequently was killed. Why he went to Oak Cliff I can't tell you; I can only make an observation. He was going to meet somebody. Free Press: Do you know what time he was killed? Roger Craig: It was about 1:40 — Penn Jones: No, I think it was a little before 1:15. Roger Craig: Was it? Penn Jones: Yes, Bill Alexander — Roger Craig: Oh, that's right. The broadcast was put out shortly after 1:15 on Tippit's killer, and it had not been put out yet on Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy. Penn Jones knew that Tippit died instantly. It was therefore correct to say that Tippit was killed “a little before 1:15.” Craig, on the other hand, understood the question as referring to what he heard and saw as he watched events unfold that day. The shooting occurred a little before 1:15, but the news of Tippit’s death does not appear in the police radio transcript until 1:32. The dispatcher was relaying an NBC News Radio report that Tippit was dead on arrival at the Methodist Hospital. This was not an official announcement. More time elapsed before someone from the hospital staff confirmed that Tippit was dead via a telephone call to the police department. The dispatcher did not pass along this announcement because at that time there was heavy radio traffic concerning the pursuit of a fugitive into the Texas Theater. Probably the news arrived at the sheriff’s office via telephone at 1:40. Since Craig’s 1:06 time is accurate, the shooting occurred some minutes before. Evidence that the true time of the shooting was 1:00 is provided by Shirley Martin, a researcher who went to Dallas in February 1964 and contacted a number of witnesses. The following is an excerpt from a letter written to Joachim Joesten concerning an interview of Hugh Aynesworth, Dallas Morning News reporter. “… It has intrigued me that Aynesworth was so convinced in his conversation with me that Tippit had been killed around 1 p.m. Aynesworth is extraordinarily proud of the fact that he is the only reporter in the United States to have been at all four major scenes (the assassination, the Tippit killing immediately after, the arrest of Oswald in the Texas Theater, and the murder of Oswald in the police basement). When I praised Mr. Aynesworth for this and suggested that perhaps he should have been considered for the Pulitzer Prize (rather than Mr. [Merriman] Smith whom Mr. Aynesworth claims does not deserve the prize as another Dallas reporter did all his, Smith’s, writing for him), Mr. Aynesworth modestly admitted to an oversight on the part of the committee, but continued to speak at great length over his four unique experiences. When I asked Mr. Aynesworth how and when he first heard about Tippit, he replied: “I was standing near the Texas Book Building, all the other reporters had gone to Parkland (Hospital), but I felt a story was breaking near the building, when I heard a squad radio blast out that a policeman had been shot in Oak Cliff. This was around one o’clock. I ran to the car and went with it to Patton and Tenth. I had a hunch that the policeman’s murder was tied in with the assassination. I got to the Tenth Street area about 1:05, no later than 1:10 p.m. …” [1] Years later, Aynesworth gave author Larry Sneed additional details. [2] He was at the police command post at the corner of Houston and Elm with Inspector Herbert Sawyer, Sgt. Calvin Owens, Sgt. Gerald Hill, Assistant District Attorney Bill Alexander, and news reporter Jim Ewell. As Gerald Hill urged Sawyer to get the crime lab over to the Texas School Book Depository, the police radio traffic was interrupted: “This is a citizen. A policeman’s been shot! He’s hurt pretty bad, I think!” The citizen then gave the location. If Tippit was shot at precisely 1:00 p.m. and Aynesworth heard the unknown citizen’s call twoto three minutes later, then Craig’s time of 1:06 represents the time that it took for a messenger from the command post on the street to reach the search party on the sixth floor. The unknown citizen’s call at 1:02 or 1:03 does not appear in the transcript of police radio messages. On the audio recording at precisely 1:02 there is 30 seconds of noise, indicating an erasure. About a minute later, at 1:03, the dispatcher attempted to reach Tippit and got no response. After receiving the call, Hill, Alexander, and Owens promptly left for Oak Cliff. Aynesworth went with WFAA-TV newsmen Ron Reiland and Vic Robertson in the Channel 8 cruiser. Reiland drove the cruiser recklessly, making a lot of fast moves to pass other cars and barreling through intersections as fast as he could go, using an illegal flashing light accessory to warn other drivers. These details show how the three newsmen managed to reach the scene of the crime between 1:05 and 1:10. Aynesworth statement to Martin agrees with that of T.F. Bowley who arrived at the scene at about the same time. He noted the time as 1:10 on his watch. Callaway and Guinyard in their affidavits said that Tippit was killed at 1:00. Virginia Davis said Tippit was killed at 1:30, which is impossible unless she was thinking of the NBC News Radio announcement. Helen Markham said the shooting occurred at 1:06, six minutes beyond the time proposed here. It is possible she may have guessed at the time based on her usual routine of leaving her apartment at 1:04. If due to the stress of the day, she left the apartment earlier than usual without looking at the clock, she may have gotten to the intersection by 1:00. Bill Drenas in his article on the Tippit shooting introduces two incidents indicating that the time was not 1:00, but more towards 1:15. Louis Cortinas, an eighteen-year-old clerk who worked at the Top Ten Record Shop, said that Tippit entered the shop and tried to make a call, got no answer, and left in a hurry. Drenas suggests the reason why the dispatcher got no response to his 1:03 call to Tippit was because Tippit was inside the record shop. Cortinas said, “Maybe 10, no more than 10 minutes Tippit had left, when I heard he had been shot on the radio.” The first report of a policeman being shot in Oak Cliff was on radio station KLIF at 1:33 P.M. If Cortinas was correct, than the time of the shooting was 1:23. Obviously, he was inaccurate in his time estimate. This does not mean that his story was untrue. Tippit indeed entered the shop and tried to make a call but it was sometime between 12:30 and 12:54. Another incident concerns James A. Andrews, an employee of American National Life Insurance, who worked briefly with Roscoe White. According to Andrews, he was driving west on Tenth Street about eight or nine blocks west of Patton “a little after 1:00.” Tippit was also traveling west on Tenth. He caught up to Andrews, passed him, and stopped Andrews by cutting in front and parking his squad car at an angle to the curb. Tippit jumped out of his car, ran back to Andrews’ car, and looked in the space between the front seat and the back seat. Without saying a word he went back to the patrol car and drove off quickly. Andrews knew it was Tippit because he saw his nameplate. Andrews never explained why Tippit stopped him. Andrews may have seen Tippit just before he was shot, but his “a little after 1:00” statement does not have the weight to overturn the statements of such time-conscious professionals as Aynesworth and Craig. More likely, Andrews saw Tippit “a little before 1:00.” A 1:00 shooting time solves the apparent contradictions among witnesses at the scene regarding who made the first call to police headquarters. Domingo Benavides, a used car lot mechanic, said that the call was made by his employer, Ted Callaway. “. . .when Ted Callaway got around there, he opened the car door and picked up the phone and called in and told them there was an officer that had been killed. But the officer on the other side of the radio told him to hang up the phone to keep the lines clear, or something of that sort. …” According to Callaway: “… I saw a squad car, and by that time there was four or five people that had gathered, a couple of cars had stopped. Then I saw he had been shot in the head. So the first thing I did, I ran over to the squad car. I didn’t know whether anybody reported it or not. So I got on the police radio and called them, and told them a man had been shot, told them the location, I thought the officer was dead. They said we know about it [from a telephone call?], and to stay off the air, so I went back. …” Since about five or six minutes had passed since Callaway made the first call, and no police had arrived (although the three newsmen had arrived), Benavides decided to try the radio. “… I mashed the button and told them that an officer had been shot, and I didn’t get an answer, so I said it again, and this guy asked me whereabouts all of a sudden, and I said, on Tenth Street. I couldn’t remember where it was at the time. So I looked up and I seen this number and I said 410 East Tenth Street . . . I put the radio back. I mean, the microphone back up, and this other guy was standing there, so I got up out of the car, and I don’t know, I wasn’t sure if he heard me, and the other guy sat down in the car . . . I don’t know what he said to the officer or the phone, but the officer told him to keep the line clear. …” The “other guy” was T. F. Bowley. Benavides was the one who reached the dispatcher at 1:16. Since Benavides seemed to be mishandling the microphone, Bowley was the next to try. He reached the dispatcher at 1:18. The ambulance came about a minute later. Bowley and Callaway helped the attendants put the body in the ambulance. Immediately afterwards Callaway took Tippit’s gun and embarked on a hunt for the suspect with cab driver William Scoggins. Just as the two vigilantes were leaving in Scoggins’ cab, and before even the ambulance had a chance to get underway, the police arrived. Officer Kenneth Croy came first in his own vehicle. He was followed by H. W. Summers and Roy Walker. 1. Joachim Joesten, The Garrison Inquiry (Hills and Lacy, Limited: London, 1967), pp. 102-103. The letter was written on October 29, 1964. 2. Larry Sneed, No More Silence, An Oral History of the Assassination of President Kennedy (Three Forks Press: Dallas, TX, 1998), pp. 292-293.
  13. Hello Tim, Wilcott did not mention TSBD by name. He said Dallas firms. I should have made it clear that TSBD was my own inference. It will be corrected in the version printed by Dealey Plaza Echo. Good catch, thanks. Bill
  14. Hello Greg, Thanks for your thoughtful comments. You raise a very interesting question about the mode of entry for the boxes into the building. I am not sure what you mean by “trolley.” The TSBD did have a pulley operated dumbwaiter, but that was for the clerical staff on the second floor to send paperwork down to the shipping department on the first floor. It was not used to move cartons of books. According to the testimony of Bonnie Ray Williams they had two-wheel hand “trucks”, a picture of which can be seen in Studebaker Exhibit H (see AARC Public Digital Library website). Joe Bergin, Jr. saw boxes four feet square by five feet high on the fourth floor. He told me that he wondered how the workmen got them up there. He subsequently saw a dolly on the floor and assumed they used that. He never saw the workmen moving boxes, since his visits were after work hours. When I pointed out to him that boxes measuring four feet square by five feet high would have weighed a ton, and thus could not be moved by dolly, he acknowledged that this was a problem but he had no answer for me. I discussed the matter of how the Sexton company moved boxes into the building with Mr. Butler, the Dallas regional manager for the company. He said that Sexton cans of food were packed in boxes generally weighing about 30 to 40 pounds, a size that one man can easily lift. Supplies came in by railroad about once every two weeks. A single freight car containing about 1000 cases would be dropped off on a nearby track. Sexton workmen did not have palettes and forklifts; every case had to be unloaded by hand one by one. They were put on four-wheel pushcarts, called “jakes.” A jake had a 4 x 8 flat bed that stood about three feet off the ground. Attached to one end was a vertical metal railing support with a U-shaped handle. When fully loaded with about 40 cases, it took one man to push and one man to pull. They moved the loaded jake into one of the two freight elevators and take the supplies to the appropriate floor. It was a laborious and time-consuming process and it normally took a whole day to complete the job. With the introduction of palettes and forklifts in the early 1950's, multi-story grocery warehouses like the 411 Elm Street building became obsolete. In 1959 Sexton executives made the decision to construct a huge single-story structure in the northwest section of Dallas. Construction for the new building was completed in the fall of 1961, and that was when the Sexton company moved to its new site. As far as I know, the Book Depository warehouse men did not have jakes or trolleys; but even if they did they would not have been able to lift the boxes seen by Bergin and Henry Hurt onto a cart without a forklift. A typical schoolbook box weighed about fifty-five pounds. Judging from photographs of the fifth and sixth floors taken after the assassination, there must have been thousands of these boxes. If my thesis is correct that the TSBD moved in during the summer of 1963, then the warehousemen moved these boxes at a time when the seasonal demand for schoolbooks was falling off. Since the Houston Street warehouse was not being vacated, the reason for this enormous increase in stock remains unknown. This leaves open the possibility that these boxes were mere stage props for the big event on November 22, 1963.
  15. Tim Gratz's ill-tempered rants are a confirmation of the accuracy of my thesis. Below is a reaction from Gary Mack> Bill, I skimmed through your article and was quite disappointed. Too many problems to go into now, but a few are: TSBD moved into 411 Elm early in 1962, not 1963. NO films or photos were confiscated (unless you believe Gordon Arnold or Beverly Oliver) and all original pictures, with the exception of the Nix film, survive to this day. What are the journalism credentials of Elzie Glaze? Here's a link to the Museum's history of 411 Elm: http://tinyurl.com/7f9jl Gary Mack gmack@jfk.org Here is my reply, Hello Gary, I'm sorry you did not like the article. What do you think about the part where Roy Truly said the TSBD moved in during the summer of 1963? See reference note 36. Do you have any sources to the contrary? For the reference regarding the suppression of footage of the limousine completing the turn see reference note 25. For more on Glaze's credentials see The Glaze Letters which I posted on the Education Forum on January 3, 2006. Thanks for your input. Bill
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