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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. John Newman posted the this on Facebook yesterday: A taste of what's coming on November 14 at the 2020 JFK Assassination Research Virtual Webinar Conference. Its about time. See you there. 🙏 P.S. ACSI = Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Army; USAOSD = ACSI U.S. Army Operational Survey Detachment (Washington D.C., Miami, and Puerto Rico); ONI - Office of Naval Intelligence. UDT = Underwater Demolition Training. This is also a foreshadowing of what lies ahead in Volume IV--Armageddon.
  2. Joe Biden, the Republican. https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/09/29/joe-biden-the-republican/
  3. The new dates for the regular conference are 21-22 November. Below is a recap of the presentations: We are planning to have at least a half-day, and possibly longer, on the subject of “The JFK Assassination and the Media,” a topic that has not been discussed and investigated by the mainstream media. We will be showing a documentary by John Barbour entitled “The American Media & the 2nd Assassination of John F. Kennedy” and will also have a panel discussion on the issue. Dr. Cyril Wecht will be on the panel along with John Barbour, James Wagenvoord (who worked at Life Magazine in 1963), Russ Baker, and Mark Crispin Miller (Professor of media studies at New York University). Andrew Kreig will be the moderator of the panel. Dr. Wecht will speak about his new book coming out next year entitled “JFK Assassination – Post-Mortem Dissection of the Warren Commission Report.” He will also be available for an extended time after his talk to take questions from the audience regarding his knowledge about the assassination evidence. Tink Thompson (previously listed as a speaker) will not be able to participate. However, Gary Aguilar will speak in his place about the contents of Tink’s new book. Judge Brandon Birmingham and Toby Shook will speak about the Ruby trial. James Wagenvoord will speak about his experiences working at Life magazine in 1963. He spoke last year and has much more to share. Russell Kent (who holds a BSc honours degree in physiology from the University of London and joined the Laboratory of Applied Physiology at St Thomas's Hospital Medical School), will speak about the House Select Committee on Assassinations Forensic Pathology Panel: how it was formed, how it worked and some of its conclusions. David Denton will speak on the subject “The Newly Released Documents: What they say about William Harvey’s potential participation in the JFK murder and the faulty intelligence that JFK received about Vietnam.” Dick Russell will be speaking (topic TBD). Mark Crispin Miller will speak on the subject “The weaponization of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ from 1967 to 2020, drawing inferences from the attacks on JFK/Dallas investigators to the even more aggressive censorship and slander of those looking into other, later evident conspiracies. Also, this year we are planning a special day-long conference for high school, college, and law school students to be held on Friday, November 20. We want to get more young people interested in this tragic event that changed the course of our country and hopefully enlist them in our cause. We are planning a program that will give them the opportunity to see what President Kennedy was like as a person and a president and educate them about the truth of the assassination. The event will be free to students attending high schools, universities and law schools. I am attaching a special invitation to students. If you know any students who might be interested, please pass this on to them. I am sending invitations to institutions in and around Dallas. If any of you have suggestions for other universities/law schools/high schools to include in the invitations, please let me know and I will see that they receive it. The registration fee for all attendees of the regular conference will include attendance for the student day. Below is the tentative program: John Barbour will introduce the program and speak about his life experiences which include how he came to be the creator of the first reality show on TV and his association with Jim Garrison (the District Attorney in New Orleans who brought the only case about the JFK assassination to court and who was the lead character in the Oliver Stone film, “JFK”). Andrew Kiel, who spoke at our conference last year, is putting together a video collage of President Kennedy’s press conferences, inaugural address, missile crisis speech, and others. The documentary “A President Betrayed” which illuminates the challenges JFK faced from his adversaries and from his own administration. The documentary “JFK - The Case for Conspiracy” produced by Robert Groden will highlight the assassination and the deception and misinformation resulting in a cover-up by the Warren Commission. All the doctors who treated JFK at Parkland Hospital give their testimony about what they saw in Trauma Room One. Two or three knowledgeable people, including Dr. Wecht, will be available to answer questions from students. (Tentative) We will also present a high school teacher, Stu Wexler, who will talk about how his history class helped write a bill that was introduced in congress that would push the federal government to expeditiously release records relevant to civil rights cold cases, thereby proving that it is still possible for citizens to make a difference.
  4. EXCLUSIVE: Hospitalized Brad Parscale 'is under investigation for stealing up to $40M from Trump's campaign and $10M from the RNC', as he spirals out of control over 'gravy train' ending and mounting debt from his lavish lifestyle https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8782463/Brad-Parscale-investigation-stealing-40M-Trumps-2020-campaign.html
  5. Barrett tied to faith group ex-members say subjugates women https://apnews.com/article/new-orleans-donald-trump-amy-coney-barrett-us-supreme-court-courts-1be61f7c3427e41326038e5cdab54839
  6. I read it this morning and its evidence terrifies Trump who sees the end with him being criminally charged.
  7. Non-Partisan Watchdog Accuses Trump Campaign Of ‘Laundering’ $170 Million Andrew Solender Forbes Staff Business https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/07/28/non-partisan-watchdog-accuses-trump-campaign-of-laundering-170-million/#144b73ef6128
  8. Trump taxes revealed by NY Times. He paid only $750 in taxes in 2016 and in 2017 and paid no taxes 10 of the 12 prior years. https://dnyuz.com/2020/09/27/18-revelations-from-a-trove-of-trump-tax-records/
  9. Behind the scenes of the first televised presidential debates 60 years ago Kennedy was tanned and rested. Nixon wore the wrong color suit. The dos and don’ts of on-camera debates were written during this political face-off in 1960. https://api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/history/2020/09/behind-scenes-first-televised-presidential-debates-nixon-jfk-1960?fbclid=IwAR2F5FVxwMpOkbaslcKKMrEl62ZVQk-7rFZO5l7V7mWxX6uCTQuFt1-7RTs
  10. IS TRUMP GETTING READY TO REVEAL THE ALIEN PRESENCE TO INFLUENCE THE NOVEMBER ELECTION? There are 38 days left before Election Day, November 3. Trump is trailing Biden in most national and state polls. He needs to do something dramatic to shift the momentum his way. This topic on June 19 posted an excerpt from an orchestrated Facebook podcast that contained this exchange between Donald Trump, Jr. and Trump: DJTjr: Are there aliens? Will you declassify aliens and Roswell? POTUS: Millions want to know. It’s very interesting. I’ll have to think about it. A recent development may give us a hint of what is about to happen. On September 23 this topic posted an AP report on the exchange of correspondence over the years between former President Richard Nixon and Trump (see posting directly above.) Why is this exchange of letters being made public at this time? It could be that Trump is getting ready to reveal the Alien Presence in conjunction with the Nixon’s Message to the American People about the Alien Presence that Nixon left in the White House Library in 1972. The Message was discovered in 2018 after Robert Merritt revealed its existence in my autobiography Being There: Eyewitness to History that was published in 2018. It could be that Trump, a notorious fabricator, will claim that Nixon left the Message for him to reveal as part of his upcoming public announcement of the Alien Presence and that their exchange of correspondence over the years supports this. There is also the possibility that Trump will wait until after the presidential election and if he is defeated then reveal the Alien Presence citing Nixon’s 1972 Message. He would use this event to declare the election null and void and impose martial law while assuming the role of dictator. The great unknown in these scenarios is how the Alien Presence will react to his actions as its plan in the works for 50 years has been to offer the peoples of Earth a New World if we will take it. The most likely scenario is that the peoples of Earth would gladly accept the offer of the Alien Presence. Trump, Putin and Xi would then suddenly evaporate, never to be seen or heard from again.
  11. The Scary Mental Instabilities of Lyndon Johnson Scroll to the very bottom and see McGeorge Bundy compare the Lyndon Johnson of 1967 to Joseph Stalin. http://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-scary-mental-instabilities-of.html
  12. Amy Coney Barrett: spotlight falls on secretive Catholic group People of Praise https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/26/amy-coney-barrett-supreme-court-donald-trump-people-of-praise
  13. You are right. We don't need a repeat of the Ralph Nader disaster that occurred in another presidential election.
  14. The Bolton Book Saga: Anatomy of a White House Cover-Up Published: Sep 24, 2020 Briefing Book #723 Edited by Lauren Harper For more information, contact: 202-994-7000 or nsarchiv@gwu.edu Former NSC Classification Specialist Reveals How Trump Officials Hijacked Pre-Publication Review Ellen Knight Court Filing Contrasts Professional Review with Political Pressure to Falsify Claims of Classification https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/foia/2020-09-24/bolton-book-saga-anatomy-of-a-white-house-cover-up?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=949dd2d1-bc89-4af4-b2b7-8ebdab3a02dc
  15. FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning By FinCEN Files reporting team BBC Panorama 20 September 2020 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54225572?fbclid=IwAR3AHlsddagpCPGyzfv3YYdrgMr1Tf5bL7820_0ACBMqWzt3_NLcoYMQ9_A
  16. John Newman posted this on Facebook this evening: This slide is from the introduction to my virtual presentation to the 14-15 November Project-JFK.com virtual (Zoom) event: "The Veciana Misdirection 3.0." Hope you will be there. We plan to have a breakout session for Q&A. Stand by for more information. 🙏🧘
  17. From the article: Every American should be horrified by this latest report from the ICIJ; every American should be outraged that the U.S. is now second only to the Cayman Islands for hiding dirty money for criminals; every American should demand that the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal give this story the front page coverage it deserves; and every American should look at this upcoming presidential election as the defining moment in whether the United States can be saved or will join a sad, tragic list of failed democracies. https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/09/22/3-count-felon-jpmorgan-chase-caught-laundering-more-dirty-money/
  18. Here is some interesting news about the trial of Assange. Its source is equally interesting. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/09/no_author/assanges-removal-from-embassy-was-coordinated-on-direct-orders-from-the-us-president-court-told/
  19. Really? Here are reviews and a synopsis of the movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052077/plotsummary
  20. Mary Trump sues president and his siblings for cheating her out of family inheritance https://www.rawstory.com/2020/09/mary-trump-sues-president-and-his-siblings-for-cheating-her-out-of-family-inheritance/
  21. Dear Donald, Dear Mr. President: A Trump-Nixon ’80s tale By NANCY BENAC September 23, 2020 GMT https://apnews.com/01f16cd5e4e8d563578b091715fdcce7
  22. U.S. District Court Judge Salas is not dead contrary to the fake interpretation of the news you write above about her death two months ago.
  23. If Trump appoints a third justice, the Supreme Court would be the most conservative it's been since 1950 https://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/If-Trump-appoints-a-third-justice-the-Supreme-15587126.php
  24. Why Isn't Close Encounters Considered Steven Spielberg's Ultimate Masterpiece? Because It Kind of Is https://io9.gizmodo.com/why-isnt-close-encounters-considered-steven-spielbergs-1845055582?fbclid=IwAR1Rc5u1FI4adUqfhydi-jdqfY3Al7T6qK1Ibrrxr2aeG-5vY_iEh8YQbsg
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