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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. David: Thank you for calling attention to this movie that I did not know had been released. It does appear to dovetail to Nixon's secret letter. I plan to view it in the near future. https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+movie+unacknowledged&form=PRUSEN&pc=UE07&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=a437b3303ccc4cfc884409a312c4dc07&sp=1&qs=AS&pq=the+movie+unack&sc=2-15&cvid=a437b3303ccc4cfc884409a312c4dc07
  2. MWN Episode 034 – From Maury Island to JFK with Kenn Thomas http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-034-from-maury-island-to-jfk-with-kenn-thomas/?fbclid=IwAR3s0ZSlQ6uL8ySaZ5NEHAmyClYoYlEMMsWb3iRdPC0gG7BFX6CMz013Eik
  3. MWN Episode 097 – JFK in Popular Culture http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-097-jfk-in-popular-culture/?fbclid=IwAR3l-oQApNt-XLl7J3cMcleToGUa1Qmo5UB2-xIYkaJotRC7Xu7GCrx3w-c
  4. Joe: I received this email today from my sister who is a nurse, age 78 years, living near the Northern California fire. Your sister and niece can relate to what she writes about: I had been up very early trying to figure out how to get to Chico with all the road closures and not slept well. The HR person texted me a back roads route. I was part of a law enforcement small caravan as I got closer to Chico. Strange feeling to have everyone going the opposite direction from me. The smoke was thick and disorienting at times. The Enloe Hospital had 300 staff who lived and probably lost homes in the Paradise Camp Fire. I gather the previous night was more intense as the Feather River Hospital burned and patients were brought by helicopter and in cars of FR staff to Enloe. I was also called to go to Yuba City where staff of a credit union that had burned were brought there, but time wise did not work out. I did not realize the enormity of the loss until I got to the hospital. Town wiped out, including schools, etc The area smoke was strong enough at the hospital that some of the staff wore masks. Coming back I took the main highway 99 and found it was open though burned area was up to highway. The Feather River Canyon is beautiful but acted as as wind tunnel as fire went over the ridge. Moved too fast for many people to get anything. It was interesting to see the Command Center that was quickly set up at the hospital mainly for patients and staff, but anyone who called in needing help. Big white boards with list of evacuation shelters and other resources. Probably 15 people with phones and computers. Previous night they were on the phone with staff who were driving in with fire on both sides of road. Though I am somewhat close to the fire area as the crow flies, I feel very safe, especially being close to town and two fire stations within 2-3 miles. Ironically, I had given the PEO program two weeks ago on Critical Incident responders, first responders and the American Red Cross DAT -Disaster Activation Team. Also gave a list of what people needed to pull together in preparation for evacuation when there is a fire, based on my experience as the RN at ARC shelters- meds plus list of them, glasses, teeth and hearing aids (if needed) , important papers or thumb drive of them, comfortable shoes, change of clothes, cash ,credit cards, drivers license and keys, change of clothing, etc …Important to know how to manually open garage door as electricity will be off. Got good feedback on the program and list requested and sent out in email. Also learned that is good idea to have things in car when going to work in case of evacuation and not able to get home. Will send picture when I was up at the Redding Carr Fire at the multi-acre PG&E Base Camp. First day I was sent there after being at an Engineering firm where 2 employees had lost homes and had to figure out way to dress down. Nice shoes gave me away and next day, wore my gardening shoes and clothes using the PG&E colors as close as possible. Quite an experience in many ways- a whole new world. Was largest fire base camp in CA for that fire season. Learned a lot about organization for disasters and the companies that set up army-like camps quickly. Food excellent and in large quantity. Large truck trailers with sleeping and wifi for 30 in each, like a Pullman car. Everything well done. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/11/us/california-fire-paradise.html
  5. John Barbour wrote on Facebook yesterday: Mon. Nov 12th at 5pm pac time we were scheduled to do one of our most exciting amazing shows ever about the murder of JFK on johnbarboursworld on BBS Radio.... with TRINEDAY publishing icon and iconoclast KRIS MILLEGAN, and CHRISTOPHER FULTON author of the page turning thriller "THE INHERITANCE,' but the devastating fires in Paradise,CA, forced the evacuation of the whole area..which includes the homes of Don and Doug Newsom..and the offices of BBS Radio. We can only pray everyone and their property and pets are safe!!! Stay tuned!!
  6. https://www.facebook.com/midnightwriternewsshow/photos/a.1154822801327778/1518279324982122/?type=3&eid=ARBYADtTgRGKG6f1DMyzlYcu0GsXC_Os89pp8vubXNXS9pESbBA3x-kMlyCj8KH2Tu1Oi4ceEsj5S6y5
  7. MWN Episode 031 – Robert Groden and the JFK Assassination http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-031-robert-groden-and-the-jfk-assassination/?fbclid=IwAR2NzIDcSmx5t8JKFPF07BcKFYkyc4wFy-k2VO1nDyoDlylgjGxElRE6uB4
  8. Watergate: CIA withheld data on double agent https://www.foxnews.com/politics/watergate-cia-withheld-data-on-double-agent
  9. MWN Episode 072 – Lisa Pease on The Life and Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-072-lisa-pease-on-the-life-and-assassination-of-robert-f-kennedy/?fbclid=IwAR0zWqcYnszAoW0l7d9gmQvvtH_zNXz0ZHdR4EaAEU05NakjdqYjR_8ERlI
  10. MWN Episode 096 – Chris Gallop and the JFK Assassination http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-096-chris-gallop-and-the-jfk-assassination/?fbclid=IwAR03IbRO4tGyvFeewAgKARUhxdHq7DWEijJRfkLzc3_Jr9ZlFWvGJyOiscM
  11. JFK deleted scenes w/Oliver Stone commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glfTYMH59lk&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2oWfq5wPsIdmEcuMCUHtfJmJ2wDWxRtDkVnCfwecJjmI-UHTMl2tj_Sjo
  12. The significance of the possibility of Russia putting missiles in Cuba is supremely important. Putin and Trump talk by telephone regularly. We do not know what they talk about. My guess is that they worked out a strategic scenario that the U.S. would announce it was repudiating the treaty that inhibited the manufacture of nuclear weapons and missiles and thus start a new arms race. Trump did so announce this recently. In return as part of the scenario worked out clandestinely between the two leaders Putin would vociferously protest the U.S. repudiating the arms limitation treaty. He did this as part of their mutually agreed smoke and mirrors. Now Putin can make his next move, which is to place nuclear missiles in Cuba, which is 90 miles offshore from the U.S. His public excuse will be that the U.S. is starting a new arms race and that the U.S. for decades has encircled Russia with military bases that contain nuclear missiles. Trump is in no position to protest Russia putting missiles in Cuba. He is no JFK. Instead he is a traitor who is being blackmailed by Putin and whose idea of geopolitics is to do whatever will bring more money into his pocket. Did not Lenin say: give the capitalists more rope and they will hang themselves? Trump's world is that of endless greed. A modern Russian missile fired from Cuba would take 60 seconds to reach Washington and 90 seconds to reach New York City. One fired from a Russian nuclear submarine would take even less time. Obama took steps to ease the tensions with Cuba and to bring Cuba into the international community. Trump under orders from Putin has taken actions to undo Obama's strategy. Putin is escalating his geopolitical strategy against the U.S. because Trump's continuation of occupying the White House is threatened by Special Counsel Mueller's upcoming indictments.
  13. John Newman posted this on Facebook yesterday; For those going to Dallas Lancer (16-17 November) and San Francisco (16 December); I took care of Nosenko and Veciana last year; get ready for Samuel Halpern this year--one of the biggest frauds in the Kennedy case. The attached document is a lie. In February 1961, Bissell was behind it, trying to prevent the failure at the Bay of Pigs AND to hold on to his promotion to succeed Dulles (JFK had promised it). Later, Halpern used this lie to buttress his defamation of RFK. Nosenko, Veciana, and now Halpern--and Volume III is finally finished.
  14. MWN Episode 028 – Joseph Green and the JFK Assassination http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-028-joseph-green-and-the-jfk-assassination/?fbclid=IwAR0bsUbHmP1AmtUw8xp_XK9CT4MyZUbHK6mLBXUmOU0sVZf4z-CzVFPPOMA
  15. Cold War Coming Back? Russia ‘Assessing’ Military Base in Cuba as U.S. Set to Leave Nuclear Missile Deal https://www.newsweek.com/cold-war-russia-military-base-cuba-us-1195433
  16. MWN Episode 094 – Walt Brown and the JFK Assassination http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-094-walt-brown-and-the-jfk-assassination/?fbclid=IwAR2AusTV93OUcRvRdX32erE1oDDnX-v3GkwB7-8dqTthFMin3qHej84HU_U
  17. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5025374-Road-Map.html?fbclid=IwAR0EagtNF1pJX04uoVToir4hwrSgpdDg5M2WEEDgdoypHzitV589_qNIF8s
  18. TENTATIVE SPEAKER SCHEDULE Noon-12:05 Welcome Cyril Wecht 12:10-12:15 Opening Remarks Lawrence Schnapf 12:15 to 12:45 John Curington Interviewer: Cyril Wecht 12:45 to 1:15 James Wagenvoord Interviewer: Bill Simpich 1:15 to 1:45 pm Buell Frazier Interviewers: Bill Simpich and Larry Schnapf 1:45 to 2 pm Break 2 to 3 pm Bethesda Panel James Jenkins William Matson Law interview excerpts with former FBI agents James Siebert, Frank O’Neill and former corpsman James Metzler 3 to 4:30 pm Parkland Doctors Reunion Dr. Donald Curtis Dr. Lawrence Klein Dr. Peter Loeb Interviewer: Gary Aguilar Excerpts of Dr. McClelland and Ron Jones Profile in Courage award to Dr. McClelland 4:30-5:30 pm The Last Words of Dr. Malcolm Perry Dr. Donald Miller Jim Gochenaur Interviewer: Larry Schnapf 5:45- 7 pm Dinner 7:15 pm-7:45 Dismantling the Single Bullet Theory: 3D Animation of Zapruder Film John Orr Moderator: Larry Schnapf 7:45-8:30 pm Evidence of Alteration: 6K Analysis of Z-Film Slide 317 Sidney Wilkerson and Thom Whitehead 6K imaging of Z film 8:30-closing Mixer at Marriott Courtyard hotel
  19. MWN Episode 093 – Donald Jeffries and the Death of JFK Jr. http://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-093-donald-jeffries-and-the-death-of-jfk-jr/?fbclid=IwAR3voALphNv877NOO714sJ_Ujl8F0oalZOD5hyQ37zYyrtcUFR1G_lD2sak
  20. At the time of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 I was enrolled in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Senator Kenneth Keating of New York, who lived one block off the university's campus, released U.S. aerial photographs that showed the buildup of missiles in Cuba. Publication of the photographs immediately heightened awareness of the public of the serious threat posed to our country. So the Cuban missile crisis that followed the Bay of Pigs crisis of the year before was the end result of the failure of our invasion of Cuba in 1961.
  21. Victor Marchetti dies at age 88 https://www.dailyrepublic.com/all-dr-news/wires/state-nation-world/victor-marchetti-disillusioned-cia-officer-who-challenged-secrecy-rules-dies-at-88/
  22. NY Times story of LBJ saving America from nuclear war in Vietnam is wrong https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2018/10/24/sensational-story-lbj-saving-america-nuclear-war-vietnam-wrong
  23. The curious circumstances of Adlai Stevenson’s death in 1965 https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/10/phillip-f-nelson/the-curious-circumstances-of-adlai-stevensons-1965-death-was-he-the-victim-of-lbjs-manipulations/
  24. Thanks, Anthony for this update. I'm sending Robert Morrow a link to this posting.
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