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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. History ties Oswald and Ferrie in Southeast Louisiana http://hlarledgebooks.com/2018/11/history-ties-ferrie-oswald-to-southeastern-louisiana/?fbclid=IwAR0D60BNOqoFlvRx-l5aC4oPGDfHr2ZRWXcSjKIIRiuvKKP72WKtIuwmvN4
  2. “Che” Guevara and the death of Kennedy https://www.martinews.com/a/che-guevara-cuba-death-of-kennedy/30257.html?fbclid=IwAR1BLNtQkECFTbQY5CRzrLY5E5JIiMOAKllOU8c2IVa7GKa_9W5HD6ef7U0
  3. Yes, "Lest we forget the UFO angle"....because Dorothy was on top of this forbidden topic by more than six decades before The New York Times released its UFO scoop: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/18/insider/secret-pentagon-ufo-program.html
  4. Mark Shaw's "Denial of Justice" Kilgallen/JFK Presentation at Commonwealth Club of San Francisco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vUA4TSYLyI
  5. Did Jack Ruby Know Lee Harvey Oswald? http://www.crimemagazine.com/did-jack-ruby-know-lee-harvey-oswald?fbclid=IwAR0VM9gCnH_9NmDHNMEcxU9UyXfmVxbOVPPjBNlZB92dBUJtKMx2aSqe8oI
  6. New Evidence in the RFK Assassination With Carmine Savastano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_3wBxIBn4o&feature=share
  7. JFK Historical Group Conference in Olney, IL. * April 2019! https://midnightwriternews.com/jfk-historical-group-conference-in-olney-il-april-2019/?fbclid=IwAR0UzjescjonEnX7ID0-D6Dz6xRNfqDUMpTqIPer4ew6I-s-ZmFPRq6iXtk
  8. H P. Albarelli wrote on Facebook today: "Posted new assassination photos; many never seen — all copyrighted. Documents the same protections— all to be in the forthcoming books."
  9. How NSAM 273 Dismantled JFK’s Plans for Vietnam https://voiceofcamelot.org/2018/12/14/vietnam-a-lost-chance-for-peace/?fbclid=IwAR0yyZor-PTb1wBLQuTRUNVmBwNQ-AXn07N5Uhv1c49RokCNHiSvloapNAg
  10. Robert Morrow writes in an email today: Get Joan Mellen's new book "Blood in the Water" from Amazon. It is very important and is on sale now. Here is my quickie review from Amazon. Lyndon Johnson and Israel jointly were behind the USS Liberty murders. Blood in the Water - Joan Mellen’s book on the USS Liberty - a Review This is a very important book on a very important topic: The LBJ-USA-Israel attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. When one starts studying the attack on the USS Liberty it is not very hard to figure out what happened. Many very high level players in American government have gone on the record stating that Israel INTENTIONALLY was trying to sink an American ship and that Israel knew it was an American ship. For example, the former head of the NSA Bobbie Ray Inman has often said that Israel was trying to sink an American ship. But what Inman and others Inman and others fail to do is take the next logical step which is THERE IS NO WAY IN THE WORLD THAT ISRAEL WOULD ATTACK AN AMERICAN SHIP UNLESS THEY WERE EXPRESSED ORDERED TO DO SO BY LYNDON JOHNSON. Lyndon Johnson was a hyper Zionist and considered one of the best friends of Israel ever. He looked the other way when Israel got the nuclear bomb. He had to approve the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty which was designed to be blamed on Egypt so that the USA could enter the Six Day War on the side of Israel. Joan Mellen calls Lyndon Johnson a "principal" in the attack on the USS Liberty. That is the same as accusing Lyndon Johnson of mass murdering American innocents. Joan Mellen spends a lot of time on James Angleton, the head of CIA counter-intelligence. Angleton as the historical record has shown, was totally in the pocket of Israel much to the degradation of US national security and US interests. Mellen points out that LBJ and his Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered Admiral Kidd, in the cover up of what really happened, to conclude, hilariously, darkly and grossly inaccurately that Israel made an innocent mistake in launching its murderous attack on the USS Liberty. Another perp in the criminal cover up of the USS Liberty attack was Adm. John S. McCain, an alcoholic military man who was the father of Sen. John McCain who in turn was the father of TV commentator and talking head Meghan McCain. Do you think you will ever see Meghan McCain tell you on TV the truth about the joint USA-Israel attack on the USS Liberty? This is how this stuff gets covered up for decades. Someone told me, true or not, that all the USS Liberty material at the LBJ Library in Austin was restricted, under lock and key and not available to scholars and researchers. I do not know if that is true but I would not doubt it. I do know that the exhibits at the LBJ Library on the USS Liberty are grossly deceptive about what really happened on June 8, 1967. I have an expertise in the field of the JFK assassination and what I tell people is that once you understand what *really* happened with the USS Liberty, you don't even have to think WHO was behind the JFK assassination because it will become obvious. And that obvious answer is Lyndon Johnson who was up to his eyeballs in the murders and attempted murders of 294 innocent Americans just so he could fool the American people into going to war with Egypt. Yes, of course, Lyndon Johnson murdered John Kennedy as well. All in all, Joan Mellen has written a great and historically significant book and it ought to be required reading in American college courses on history and politics. As Mellen points out on p. 299 "LBJ had revealed that he knew not only the identity of the attackers but that the attack itself had been a collaboration [between the USA and Israel]. The purpose was to remove Nasser." In this respect the LBJ-Israel attack on the USS Liberty was out of the exact same book as Operation Northwoods, which you should google and read about. The JCS presented Operation Northwoods to JFK in the spring of 1962 and he turned down this proposals for a series of false flag attacks to be instigated so the USA would have a deceitful pretext to attack Fidel Castro and Cuba. A year later Operation Northwoods in fact was enacted in the form of the JFK assassination, which was an LBJ-CIA-Texas Oil murder of John Kennedy which was designed to be blamed on Cuba by using an US intelligence asset Oswald who had a false public persona of being a pro-Castro Marxist. There was a lot of evil at the center of American government in the 1960s and Lyndon Johnson was at the heart of it. For those folks who think Donald Trump is evil, dangerous and Machiavellian, Lyndon Johnson was to the 1,000th power
  11. MWN Episode 104 – Rob Clark on the Real David Ferrie https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-104-rob-clark-on-the-real-david-ferrie/?fbclid=IwAR1DMulmRFoDJx2_SkEWSs_MTMbeC1_o5Xs-YgU4ajtF-Mfs7eVxxzPHAWM
  12. Larry Hancock in one of his replies in this topic makes reference to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. As has been written, what is past is prologue. Get ready for the 2019+ Caribbean Missile Crisis. This time Russia appears to be in a stronger strategic position. https://tsarizm.com/news/2018/12/14/moscow-to-set-up-military-base-in-caribbean/?fbclid=IwAR0neSbtHRo-18Krj85lUn5boRgUC0rxJss0P5qkq21PwRiIayCqhA1n0Dw
  13. The Skorzeny Papers: Evidence for the Plot to Kill JFK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IAIaSlhRxg&feature=share
  14. BOGGS DEMANDS THAT HOOVER QUIT https://www.nytimes.com/1971/04/06/archives/boggs-demands-that-hoover-quit-accuses-fbi-of-tapping-congressmens.html?fbclid=IwAR18E5OdYC-NVwWa9WukCItALNjU5KnEvNxYG1nhjLdK67TKoYly3qFPS4Y
  15. MWN Episode 103 – Robert Groden on the Zapruder Film Alteration Debate https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-103-robert-groden-on-the-zapruder-film-alteration-debate/?fbclid=IwAR2G2aUqJ9spcPxqAmajp2woU7TACurcJlSZLY2gRSfiOG6ggHPzSramIkk
  16. John Newman wrote on Facebook on 12/10/2018: I'll be at the San Francisco JFK roundtable for two presentations on Saturday, 15 December. The first presentation, "Veciana: The Secret Years, 1961-1962," will update my presentation last March (Fiction is Stranger than Truth: Veciana and Phillips in Cuba, 1959-1960). I will be dropping a new bomb during this update. The second presentation will deal with CIA Staff Officer Sam Halpern and his 40-year campaign claiming RFK had a secret plan to work with the Mafia to assassinate Castro. Hopefully, we will have the video available in the not to distant future. --Oh, and the manuscript for "Into the Storm" was submitted for conversion to publish it an hour ago.
  17. Denny, thanks for this concise, short and to the point overview that illuminates what happened.
  18. Russian-born oilman, a real international man of mystery, a vivid presence in JFK files https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/10/27/russian-born-oilman-real-international-man-mystery-vivid-presence-jfk-files/807303001/?fbclid=IwAR17Oob22gvrDL4uJvDYx9D_qoya_PtMmxa46PpodYX8ojS_dizZzKrYbRw
  19. MWN Episode 102 – Reassessing Watergate with Geoff Shepard https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-102-reassessing-watergate-with-geoff-shepard/?fbclid=IwAR1P8YXoqXnIbOq8OugxVCvCy_aqMtQeJSlApe8w2WOzl-ei5JXXHK0Jbqw
  20. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7920010/cia-mkultra-mind-control-drugs-hypnosis-electric-documents/
  21. Long-Lost Garrison Files to Be Released http://americanfreepress.net/long-lost-garrison-files-to-be-released/?fbclid=IwAR31pqksqx1eCNU3AIg6T4YVSnreuBeg5StatVE0BVxOIRkjixZbC5oIlXw
  22. Here are two fairly recent interviews of Judyth along with interviews of other persons: https://www.somethingweirdmedia.com/jfk-rfk-mlk-guests/?fbclid=IwAR1uBLaWRBMA9cEFZOaLaJ-MSgbxOqePvamAuJ2dhGHLzlLNanMIgzpQBNM
  23. MWN Episode 100 – A Return to Oswald https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-100-a-return-to-oswald/?fbclid=IwAR1RvymqVCThnTySGgs4gCML6do_WMWyLdGPCWpEegu6EmzTfUkUAHDOICI
  24. https://www.amazon.com/Haigs-Coup-Ray-Locker/dp/1640120351?fbclid=IwAR02PEArkl7OWWxQQsfyKdC5NPZY8P1-WX1fNSYy3H19aaz7xVlGTdgLAIk
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