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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Suspension of American Constitution: Oliver North Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook today: I remember vividly watching this live and realizing that (in the words of Dr. Henry Lee), "Something wrong": Rep. Jack Brooks of Texas (who was in the Dallas motorcade) tries to raise the issue of COG (Continuity of Government) during the Iran/contra hearings by questioning Oliver North about his work on that program and in particular its procedures to suspend the Constitution. Brooks is overruled by committee chair Sen. Daniel Inouye (Medial of Honor, World War II), who says they can't discuss the matter in open session. COG was implemented on 9/11 by "President" George W. Bush and has been in effect ever since, with Bush and Obama renewing it each year. Read Peter Dale Scott for more on this program, which few Americans seem to know about or care about if they do. And we wonder why our government seems so dysfunctional (outwardly) and doesn't respond to the will of the voters.
  2. David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: Rush Limbaugh apparently went off on "The Devil's Chessboard" on his radio show today. I'll return the favor this evening when I speak at The Peace Center in Los Angeles at 7:30 pm. I'll have a few things to say about Limbaugh and the rest of the soft-assed armchair generals who constantly bray for more blood -- but of course never shed their own. http://www.kpfk.org/index.php/eventcal/icalrepeat.detail/2015/11/17/2288/-/kpfk-presents-author-david-talbot-talk-and-book-signing-at-the-peace-center-in-culver-city?filter_reset=1#.VkuMOP9dE5u One Facebook member commented on David's posting as follows: I just happened to be listening in my car (one-station radio) a few weeks ago when Rush was talking about Lee Harvey Oswald and the Kennedy assassination. It's hard to believe Mr. Limbodomy actually believes the lone nut theory, but he sure railed against anyone who did not..... Why is it that no reporter ever asks presidential candidates what they think of perhaps the most important political event or our lifetimes?
  3. Prof. Scott's discussion of the backgrounds of Oswald and of Ruby is especially fascinating.
  5. This roundtable discussion offers a great introduction into what the 2015 Secret Space Conference was all about. Lots of provocative ideas are discussed that challenge the accepted version of reality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cydtragHNy8
  6. The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag? http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/11/the-first-question-to-ask-after-any-terror-attack-was-it-a-false-flag.html
  7. Antiques Roadshow unearths JFK's leather jacket The Telegraph Nov. 16, 2015 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/bbc/11997278/Antiques-Roadshow-unearths-JFKs-leather-jacket.html
  8. Kirk: I response to your question above, I wrote at the end of my Memoir on Watergate: President Nixon’s cosmic downfall because of Watergate was, in my opinion, blowback or what goes around, comes around, or perhaps a morphed form of Karma. This was because the principal purposes of the burglars going into the Democratic headquarters, in addition to getting lists of the clients of both the female and male prostitution rings thought to be there and to plant a new wiretap bug, was also to copy secret Cuban government intelligence reports suspected to be there. The documents linked through a chain of events a decision by Vice President Nixon in 1960 to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy three years later. It was about that “Bay of Pigs” thing. Possible possession of the reports by the Democrats, which included additional intelligence as to persons involved in JFK’s assassination, if released publicly during the 1972 presidential campaign, posed a serious threat to Nixon’s reelection but an even far more serious one to the CIA for its role in the assassination. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21500
  9. Neil Sheehan: At the Bloody Dawn of the Vietnam War The New York Times November 13, 2015 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/15/opinion/at-the-bloody-dawn-of-the-vietnam-war.html
  10. Foxhole: Ray Locker on the secrets that destroyed the Nixon presidency By James Rosen Published November 12, 2015 FoxNews.com http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/11/12/foxhole-ray-locker-on-secrets-that-destroyed-nixon-presidency.html
  11. http://deborahkalbbooks.blogspot.com/2015/11/q-with-ray-locker.html Ray Locker writes on Facebook today: Great interview here with @deborahkalb. Woodward and Bernstein said these four things about their mystery source Deep Throat: 1) He would only confirm information they had gathered from other sources. 2) They would only use background material if it came from two sources. 3) He was never wrong. 4) He was Mark Felt, the former FBI official. As we see in Nixon's Gamble and noted in this interview, they were wrong on all four counts with their May 3, 1973, story in the Post. They used him as an original source; they quoted him as a sole source without confirmation from another source; he was wrong and he wasn't Felt. He was former FBI official William Sullivan, who was covering up his role in the wiretaps of 17 government officials and journalists.
  12. 11-9-15 Bob Woodward’s Airbrushed History of Watergate History News Network by Ray Locker http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/161135#sthash.H0WO6Ogf.dpuf
  13. http://www.watergate.com/Woodward-Haig-Connection/Woodward-Haig-Connection.aspx
  14. http://www.9jumpin.com.au/show/60minutes/stories/2015/november/nugan-hand-bank/
  15. Michael Hand found living in Idaho. http://www.smh.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/nugan-hand-bank-mystery-michael-hand-found-living-in-the-united-states-20151107-gkthas.html
  16. Is the "Deep Throat" Collection at the University Of Texas A Fraud? That "Throat/Felt resisted providing Woodward with new information, preferring to "confirm" information already known by Woodward or suggest a particular path of investigation." The statement above is from the Collection's web site, and is FALSE. Woodward "confirms" that "Throat/Felt" was a "direct source", in this exclusive 1989 interview for "Silent Coup". http://www.watergate.com/Deep-Throat/Deep-Throat.aspx
  17. From the article: “The Bibbs controlled the U.S. Border Patrol and international border crossing at Eagle Pass,” says the younger Worthington. “There are a number of family stories about L.B.J. and a lot of high-powered friends”—he mentions Sam Rayburn, the Texas-bred Speaker of the House, and F.B.I. chief J. Edgar Hoover—“visiting the Bibbs in Eagle Pass, [only to end the night with] crazy … wild partying and womanizing across the border in Mexico in Piedras Negras, Coahuila.” (While such excursions sound conceivable, given Johnson’s late-night proclivities, they might have been out-of-character for Rayburn, an acknowledged straight arrow, and Hoover, whose sexual tastes crossed a very different border.) http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2008/04/jack200804
  18. Frank Sinatra, Pablo Escobar… and Meyer Lansky Posted on November 8, 2015 by Daniel Hopsicker Madcowprod.com From the article: It was through Richmond Harper's’ Eagle Pass Texas ranch that Oswald’s friend in Dallas, oilman and CIA asset George DeMohrenschilt had entered Mexico en route on “a walking tour” of Central America that led him to be in Guatemala for the launch of “The Bay of Pigs invasion. http://www.madcowprod.com/2015/11/08/frank-sinatra-pablo-escobar-and-meyer-lansky/
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XWz8MJDnH4&feature=player_detailpage
  20. From the profile: It has been claimed by John Judge that when Alan Dulles was asked by Hale Boggs about releasing the evidence, he replied, "Go ahead and print it, nobody will read it anyway." According to one of his friends: "Hale felt very, very torn during his work (on the Commission) ... he wished he had never been on it and wished he'd never signed it (the Warren Report)." Another former aide argued that, "Hale always returned to one thing: Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission - on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it." Thomas Hale Boggs disappeared while on a campaign flight from Anchorage to Juneau, Alaska, on 16th October, 1972. Also killed in the accident was Nick Begich, a member of the House of Representatives. No bodies were ever found and in 1973 his wife, Lindy Boggs, was elected in her husband's place. The Los Angeles Star, on November 22, 1973, reported that before his death Boggs claimed he had "startling revelations" on Watergate and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKboggs.htm
  21. James Richards wrote on Facebook today: For those interested in the saga of the Nugan / Hand bank in Australia, which featured some agency folk such as Tom Clines, Bernie Houghton and Paul Helliwell, check out this clip. At the 3:50 mark, Mike Fuller comes on talking about his knives and such. This is actually Michael Hand who allegedly has been missing for some 35 years.
  22. http://deadline.com/2015/11/jason-bateman-felt-liam-neeson-watergate-woodward-bernstein-afm-1201611481/
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