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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Posted today by David Talbot on Facebook: The Art of Death... David Bowie turned everything into art, even his own death. I was put in mind of that again while watching the recent documentary "Bowie: Moonage Daydream," which is kind of a sound and vision, well, daydream. The documentary puts you in Bowie's strange and beautiful head (was there any human creature so immensely variable, switching looks and musical styles on artistic instinct?), down to his very end, which was NOT bitter. "Life is fantastic," Bowie's disembodied voice tells us near the end of the documentary. Did Bowie, who died of cancer in January 2016, believe in an AFTERlife? It seems that way. He left us an album ,"Blackstar," released the same month of his passing, that contained these lyrics: "Something happened on the day he died Spirit rose a meter then stepped aside Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried (I'm a blackstar, I'm a star star, I'm a blackstar)" The album also contained a song called "Lazarus," after the man whom Jesus miraculously raised from the dead, that featured these lyrics: "Look up here, I'm in heaven... Dropped my cell phone down below Ain't that just like me?" The man always had a sense of humor. He played with life... and death. I get it. As I wrote in my stroke memoir, "Between Heaven and Hell," getting in touch with the great unknown heightened my sense of the absurd. Bowie's songs on "Blackstar" comforted and discomfited me. That's what great art does. It's also what the onrush of our finality -- at least on this earthly plane -- does to us. As I get closer to the end, I dwell more on death. It's not morbid -- although our youth-oriented, acquisitive culture drums that idea into us. Death is the great mystery. The looming Blackstar. Maybe it's the ultimate extinction, in which case we don't have to fret any longer. But, like Bowie, I choose to think, to FEEL, it's the beginning of a new mystery. I don't exactly look forward to it. After all, life is still "fantastic," even in my debilitated state. But I'm more and more ready for whatever comes next...
  2. David: I am glad you did not go silently into the night but instead gave forum members the opportunity to wish you the very best on your life journey. You are departing at a crucial time in history because next year will be the 60th anniversary of JFK's assassination (or in Howard Hunt's prescient words, "The Big Event",) and who knows what new and illuminating revelations may be forthcoming. Doug
  3. Elon Musk is turning the Tesla car brand toxic Tesla has lost its shine among some previously diehard fans, following Elon Musk's chaotic Twitter takeover (msn.com)
  4. [By a large % too.] More Republicans Died Than Democrats after COVID-19 Vaccines Came Out - Nextgov
  5. Now here is a real mystery.........watch the video Five engines of Secret Service rental vehicles for the president's Thanksgiving break catch fire - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  6. We all know how this will end. Only the time it does remains unanswered. December seems a real possibility. 'It's become a hellscape': The View debates dumping Twitter over Elon Musk's mismanagement - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  7. Was your contact with the Holocaust Museum online? If you received the brushoff there, I would advise writing a letter with the appropriate documentation enclosed addressed to the chief executive officer of the Museum using snail mail. That I what I always do in a situation like the one you describe. Either you get a reply from the CEO or else he/she sends it internally to be answered by someone who will contact you because it came down from the CEO.
  8. Supreme Court responds to lawmakers over alleged Hobby Lobby leak (msn.com)
  9. From the St. Louis Post Dispatch: Editorial: Congress needs some toddler-proofing before the GOP House majority takes power (stltoday.com)
  10. Matt Koch questions the figure of 33,000 Jews massacred by the Nazis in Kiev that I quoted Alexander Vindman citing in his address to the Progressive Forum. He says that I get all my talking points from MSNBC, No, I get my facts from sundry sources, including the Holocaust Museum that also cites the 33,000 figure. I guess Matt's next target for criticism will be the Museum. Occupation of Kiev — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm.org)
  11. No, he did not mention that. His remarks about the Kiev massacre were an introduction preparatory to his main address, which was a sweeping overview of the world today with emphasis on the war in the Ukraine. He said one day the Ukraine would join the European Community and then modified it by saying one day the European Community would join the Ukraine.
  12. ‘I believe the economy is the biggest bubble in world history,’ says ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ author Robert Kiyosaki: ‘God have mercy on us all’ - MarketWatch
  13. Alexander Vindman talked about it at the beginning of his speech before the Progressive Forum in Houston on October 13. He said the massacre of 33,000 Jews took place in Kiev soon after the Nazis seized the city. He said that shortly before the Nazis arrived, his father with family fled Kiev and settled in a hamlet in the Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union. Alexander was a child then. The family rode out the war while in the hamlet. The family then made its way to the U.S. Alexander was on Trump's National Security Council and testified against him in Trump's first impeachment. His brother is a general in the U.S. Army. My report to the Forum on Vindman''s talk can be found on this page:
  14. Lora said, "Seems a pertinent time to bump this old thread now that we’ve sent $90 billion to fund and fortify Nazis in Ukraine who worship the aforementioned OUN-B fascist fanatic Stepan Bandera." This extremist statement that is clearly false led me to believe she wanted to bump off the thread. I mean what kind of person would push such treacherous propaganda that can be traced back to Putin in the Kremlin? Ukrainian President Zelensky is Jewish. When the Nazis invaded the Ukraine in World War II, they moved quickly to kill 33,000 Jews.
  15. Luke Nichter is a great historian. The above cited interview presciently posted by Matt Koch was conducted by a scholar at Stanford University and is illuminating to anyone who does not approach history with a pre-determined bias.
  16. There are a lot of old threads in the Forum's archive. That is what makes it so valuable for research. I see you have posed only 95 times on the forum since your recent arrival and yet want to bump off old threads. That is not how the Forum works. However, if any other member supports Lori's crusade in bumping off old threads, now is the time to speak up about changing Forum policy.
  17. Lots of negativity expressed here in the replies but no praise for Joe Scarborough whose incisive comment was aimed at educating the two-thirds of America's population who were born after1963 and who know little about President Kennedy or his assassination. Citing new reports from 1964 isn't going to arouse interest or impress anyone under 60 years of age as next year marks the 60th anniversary of the tragedy in Dallas.
  18. Now for something different: Scientists revive ‘zombie’ virus after 50,000 years trapped in Siberian permafrost: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  19. Special counsel letter to court a sign he won't be cutting Trump's lawyers 'any slack': former DOJ official - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  20. I have known Professor Luke Nichter for ten years and can affirm that he is fastidiously accurate in his research and writings. This comes through clearly in this important interview. Both Professor Nichter and Professor Douglas Brinkley autographed for me their highly acclaimed book, The Nixon Tapes: 1971 -1972. Luke wrote on the book's title page, "For Doug. Enjoy! Thanks for your help. Best, /s/ 7/5/2016. You will learn a lot from listening to this interview.
  21. Jim: You and Lori cite examples from 55 years ago that "NBC News has lied to the American people about the murder of President Kennedy since 1963." I think you are short-changing the intense and relentless work that particularly you and others on this forum have done since then to bring to light the true story behind the assassination of JFK. Because of this dedicated effort, the historical record of what occurred on November 22, 1963, has been corrected and the public educated despite the government still refusing to this day to release key documents. Rather than criticize NBC now instead we should all celebrate how that powerful media has changed in the intervening years as reflected by Joe Scarborough's recent remarks on the 59th anniversary of the murder of President Kennedy. You and others can rightfully bask in causing this to happen. Don't underestimate the influence this forum has had and continues to have on the topic of the JFK assassination.
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