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William O'Neil

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Posts posted by William O'Neil

  1. Paul, Walker never joined the ANP, you are correct. In fact I came across some personal correspondence of Surrey's, sent to a mutual friend of the two ( Walker and Surrey). In these letters and Xmas cards, it was apparent that Surrey and his wife had a falling out with Walker over the fact that Walker refused to join Surrey's ANP group. This was several years after 1963, I'm inclined to say around 1966'-67' I'm going on memory, as these files are not handy at the moment. I will look it up in time.

    I'd rather not divulge this "friends", name or the collection it was found in till after the book is out for awhile. However it is indicative that Walker and others knew of Surrey's private involvement with the ANP. You are also correct that this was a concern to Robert Welch, who feared he had lost Ted to the extremists.


  2. Paul, As I say; We don't know..."when, why or what this "letter " was in reference to." This letter could have been about something else that Lee was contemplating, (if in fact he wrote it) there is really nothing concrete to definitely establishes it as instructions for Marina, in regards to his attempt on Walker.

    That's all I'm saying.I think a good defense attorney could make short shrift of it,as being direct evidence.

    Gotta run............


  3. Bernie, I'm not saying Kent was an actual real moderate.... as I said Caufield used the phrase "veneer" for a reason. This was true of many like Courtney, who learned about media savvy the hard way. Hargis was another classic example.


  4. "...do you believe that the "Russian letter" is bogus?"

    Is that the question we should ask? OR ... has it even been established to be relevant to the attempt on Walker... by LHO?

    Paul,I don't KNOW weather it is or not, and nobody else does either. It's a letter that has no documented lineage really ( chain of evidence). The way it came into the evidence stream is highly suspicious to me, as it would be considered in any court of law ...hearsay! Does that mean Os didn't have anything to do with the Walker attempt ..No! Nor does it implicate him either ..IMO.

    I don't trust Ruth Paine either. She didn't like LHO, that was very evident from the beginning. Does that make her a "L-I-A-R" NO! However, it does throw her objectivity into question, IMO.

    I also think it goes to one of her motivations for bending over backwards to send Lee up the river, every chance she got. Some of these things are not knowable anymore, because it wasn't investigated properly in the first place (as Wiesberg said) and witnesses have long entrenched themselves behind walls of silence and self protection.

    We will probably never know the when, why or what this "letter " was in reference to...it's all speculation at this point.


  5. Greg, That is correct. Courtney was considered a moderate in some circles and he was never a member of NSRP or KKK. Him and Banister were friends and cohorts, but Kent was nowhere near as radically or racially inclined as Guy, and at times this caused friction between them.This is well documented in the book...noticed he said "veneer of mainstream respectability"

    I have read almost all issues of Courtney's "The Independent American" and I have many of his broadcast tapes from his radio show. I would hardly describe them as "hate mongering" Courtney's thing was starting a 3rd Party for conservatives, to support as an alternative to the Dem's and Repub's. He was constantly reaching out to various groups and individuals to help build this movement.

    Coming soon @

    http://jeffreycaufield.com/and other outlets like Amazon.

  6. David,I had the same thing happen, if you click on the icon of book cover ( or "Sample view" under "Get print book.) you may get the whole first chapter ...go figure? This was part of the initial "media package put out by publishers.


  7. Ruth Paine nor any of the others in this scenario have anything to gain, by being forthright. She is putting conditions on what and whom she will address, and under what scenario, I wouldn't even bother to approach her. Total BS!!

    DR. Caulfield and I approached many witnesses that had nothing to gain by talking to us, but we tried to appeal to them on the level of telling "their" side of the story, for their own and history's sake etc.

    Most of them never put conditions out front that we would have to dance around, if they had we would have walked away.... see the difference?


  8. Paul, No those people were not interviewed or available...well to us anyway. De Mohrenschildt was a worry to Walker as I posted earlier and one can speculate forever as to why? Knowledge is always evolving and at some point you just have to stop and write the darn book. Editing is another consideration when trying to include everything... :rolleyes:


  9. Lots of unanswered questions still, However, I do not trust George D.... he said so many things that differed over the years, that I'm not sure when he was telling the truth if he ever did. The Willem Oltman's interviews and research are an example.


  10. "...my recollections are vague,"

    "..."but how could I have said that when I didn't know [yet] that he had a gun you see. I was standing there and then Jeanne told us or Marina, you know, the incident just as I have described it, that here is a gun, you see. I remember very distinctly saying,"Did you take the potshot at General Walker?"

    ...you said, "Lee, how is it possible that you missed?"

    "Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Anybody. I didn't want him to shoot anybody. But if somebody has a gun with a telescopic lens you see, and knowing that he hates the man, it is a logical assumption you see.

    Mr. JENNER. You knew at that time that he had a definite bitterness for General Walker?

    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I definitely knew that, either from some conversations we had on General Walker, you know -- this was the period of General Walker's, you know, big showoff, you know."

    This is a load of BS! What? Lots of people wanted Walker dead, why does the Baron automatically assume Oswald is the logical suspect out of so many... when YOU were the Instigator for the subject even being broached?... BS! This (IMO) is a man scrambling for an answer to logical questionioning, and utterly failing to convince a listener of his sincerity, about why he would even raise the subject with Lee, which he then denies even saying! The Baron is a BS'er.


  11. Walker was known in local circles as a publicity hound, when his ratings started to fall, he would conjure up ways to get his name back on top. This was a typical and in hindsight, familiar MO. During the research for this book, Dr. Caufield decided to call Minuteman head honcho Robert DePugh for his take on Walker. He came out with a bombshell that he says he’d never revealed before. From a passage in the book;

    “Walker ran in the Democratic primary for Governor of Texas in 1962. On March 4, 1962, General Walker said in a campaign speech in Kerrville, Texas, that his campaign couldn’t be conventional because he was a target of the Communist conspiracy.1709 (Although it did not impact his campaign, his prophecy became realized when the self-professed Marxist, Lee Harvey Oswald tried to kill Walker in April 1963—or so the Warren Commission claimed.)

    Around the same time, Minutemen leader Robert DePugh visited Walker at his home.

    DePugh told the author that Walker asked him to take him for a ride in his car. After driving around for a while with Walker looking over his shoulder to make sure they were not being followed, Walker told him to pull into a parking lot. There Walker told him about his scheme. He told DePugh he wanted his men to kidnap him, with the idea of blaming it on the Communist conspiracy, which would enhance his faltering campaign. DePugh was dumbfounded and flatly refused. Walker finished sixth in a six-candidate field.”

    From the soon-to-be released book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy, by Dr. Jeffrey H. Caufield.


  12. Paul, Are you lying if you 'go along to get along'?? I don't know if Marina lied or not. Like I say she may have told what she really experienced, not understanding what else was going on with others around her. The rest of them I think, had a lot of things to hide( IMO) and didn't want to rock the boat regarding the "Official version"

    That's a guess on my part, since everyone pretty much clammed up and towed the line.

    That's very interesting about Muench, would love to see that stuff with the BND. My suspect for the original impetus is Robert Morris, who contacted Frey, who assigned Muench to interview Walker. Walker seemed very familiar and friendly toward Muench in that call, almost suspiciously so, like it was per-arranged. Walker says he never admitted he said Oswald was the suspect. Yet the article says he did.Muench later says Frey put that in afterwards.

    It's been along while since I've explored this, I'm going on memory (which ain't too great these days) I'll look into it again soon.


  13. "

    "So, Bill -- this seems to be the result -- a plot carried out by Edwin Walker with a German newspaper naming Lee Harvey Oswald as his April shooter, and then the Warren Commission instructing Marina Oswald, George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt along with Ruth and Michael Paine -- to cooperate with this story."

    I don't think the WC instructed them on this, the commission had the information and ran with it. I believe the folks you mentioned had their own (perhaps individual) motivations for cooperation with authorities. Some motivations may have predated the assassination in the form of pre-knowledge, and their desire to mitigate or hide that fact. Lottsa CYA going on during this period.

    Incidentally, I don't believe it was Walker that spilled the beans to Thorsten, reporter from DNZ.... but, it's only a theory at this point. Ever ask yourself how the reporter found Walker in Shreveport and knew what room he was in ? It was not common knowledge (esp in Germany) just where Ted was at that time. That's for another day.....


  14. Paul I agree. The "letter" isn't dated so that is a problem as far as when and what it was written for, or why. It was only discovered when Marina was snooping about in Lee's stuff which he wanted kept private. If your going to leave instructions (of this magnitude) for your wife, would you not put it out in the open? I would. The provenance of the letter is in question, not to mention the timeliness of it's arrival on the scene, just when Walker's buddy Gerhardt Frey is about to pull a rabbit out of his hat, by publishing an article in his paper The Deutsche National Zeitung revealing that Oswald was Walker's attacker. Which is a whole other can of worms.


  15. Paul, Marina was up against a wall when 'EverReady Ruth' Paine delivered the book containing the so- called "note" regarding instructions if captured etc.. As you know this note has many evidential problems regarding context, date and source, of said letter. Once the authorities found it, she was up a creek as to how to explain it. I think she finally caved to pressure....the nature of which we do not know. The FBI and SS ran with this (so called) connection and duly made much to do about it. The WC also ran with these reports, as they had no separate investigative agents of their own. I don't think they had a unilateral agenda to make the connection, as in so many other instances, it had been made for them.

    We don't know what pressures really were presented, perhaps Marina said what she thought she knew, or perhaps she was trying to please her interrogators to ease the tremendous load on her back. This is one of many puzzles. As far as a valid motive for the shooting attempt by LHO, the WC still hasn't come up with one...have they?


  16. The problem with the WC, was that they presented Walker as a victim. They never chose to look at any real alternative. The timely revelations of Marina on December 2-3 1963, gave them an easy out on that front.

    Up till then, the Walker attempt was a non-issue in the JFK case; after Marina finked on Lee, the two cases became forever intertwined and Walker became Oswald’s “other victim”


  17. Not that Gerry Hemming is the be -all, end- all on things. I thought I would toss this in. This was after Twyman’s book came out and Noel was nice enough to pass on Hemming’s e-mail, which resulted in two telephone interview sessions, the last one being taped.

    When I interviewed Gerry P. Hemming in 02’ I asked him about his take on the Walker assassination attempt. He was very suspicious of the whole event. Especially after the fact, when he and his buddies came to visit with the General in May and July 63’ He still seemed peeved about it.

    Hemming was incredulous as to why Walker was so nonchalant about leaving himself (and others) exposed after 4-10-63

    “Either he has a death wish or he knows there is no threat! There were no precautions taken…what if the rig comes back!? He’s a sitting duck… Walker was a military man he knows better. He exposed us to potential danger! Drapes are wide open, lights are all on…bad tradecraft… or it was all a f_cking set-up.”

    [ "It" being the shooting attempt]

    Notes of Intv#1 GPH 2/02


  18. Paul, I was referring to the tangent on Walkers sanity question, as getting a little off track. Good subject but perhaps for a separate thread.

    The Walker shooting is an enigma, the more you look into it the stranger it seems, especially when it comes to Oswald's so- called "friends" and their odd reactions.


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