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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    How soon they forget: the Steele Dossier. See, there is little doubt that there was a political movement against Trump from the beginning. It started in his own party.  That is the part of the story that Mr. Wheeler has made some valuable contributions on.  The annointed one with the GOP establishment was Jeb Bush. They did not want an outsider.  So they hired this former MI 6 guy Steele, to do all he could to attack Trump.  From what I know, like Vince Bugliosi, the guy never left his living room to put together that salacious file which included golden showers.

    When Bush collapsed, the effort was continued by the DNC under HRC's direction.  And the MSM now went whole hog on it. 

    5 print articles spread out over 7 weeks means going “whole hog”?

  2. 1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

    Michael Isikoff wrote the first story on Steele doss, published on Yahoo News September 2016. I'm not sure the story was "buried" so much as it was intrinsically sketchy, relying so much on unidentified sources.

    If it didn't make the 24 hour cable news cycle it was buried.


    The Hilary email scandal was probably a limited hangout on Comey's part, as the ability to contain the story was lost. The MSM did give wide play, but in a context of almost absolute assurance that Clinton would win regardless. It allowed them to claim impartiality.

    The MSM gave it "wide play"?

    How much US cable news did you watch over the last 11 days of the election?  Non-stop Hillary bashing.

    How can anyone compare five articles in the print media to constant Hillary e-mail coverage on all three major cable news channels for 11 straight days?

  3. 1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

    Michael Isikoff wrote the first story on Steele doss, published on Yahoo News September 2016.

    I stand corrected. 

    17 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:


    17 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:


    17 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    Not "zero" coverage: a quick Google search turns up this Oct. 31, 2016, story in The Atlantic citing the Corn article: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/10/donald-trump-faces-a-barrage-of-new-allegations/506060/

    And here's a Nov. 1, 2016, story from New York magazine:




    And here's a Nov. 2, 2016, Washington Post column with a link to Corn's article, though

    the columnist tries to debunk it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2016/11/02/russia-stories-debunk-donald-trumps-media-bias-whine/


    I am sure I could find more if I went on checking.  These are three major news outlets. FYI, Corn's article ran on Oct. 31, and the election was on Nov. 8.

    Okay, so we have an article in Yahoo News, one in Mother Jones, one in the Atlantic, one in New York magazine, and one in the Washington Post.

    How many mentions on cable news?  Print is dead, haven't you heard?

    Donald Trump lives and dies by the 24 hour cable news cycle -- in which the Russia-hack story and Steele Dossier were buried.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    I remember that Steele dossier getting a lot of MSM coverage. But I'd have

    to go back and check how much it received in the few days leading

    up to the election.

    Zero. Only the article in Mother Joes. Like the Russia-hacked-the-DNC story it was buried.


    16 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    And as you note, it was broken not

    in a major outlet but in Mother Jones. I know from experience with MSM reporters that

    there is an unwritten law not to break potentially damaging stories about candidates

    right before an election, on the grounds that they could be wrong

    and there would not be time to correct them.

    Not the Hillary e-mail scandal. That was all the MSM covered over the last 11 days.

    16 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    This stems from trepidation over

    the old practice of releasing dirt on a candidate the day before an election,

    when it was too late to counter it before people began voting. One

    could ask if Corn wanted to print that story, why did he wait

    so long? And what were his motives in any case, since it was

    unproven, to say the least?

    No, Joe, the main question is why the salacious antiTrump story received no coverage while Hillary was pummeled constantly.

  5. 2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Doug Caddy:

    What a silly argument for someone to make that the first lacks footnotes. The two articles are obviously the work of a writer selected by the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement to alert the public and Trump part of what they have on him. There is more to come.

    Its not silly at all Doug.

    How soon they forget: the Steele Dossier. See, there is little doubt that there was a political movement against Trump from the beginning. It started in his own party.  That is the part of the story that Mr. Wheeler has made some valuable contributions on.  The annointed one with the GOP establishment was Jeb Bush. They did not want an outsider.  So they hired this former MI 6 guy Steele, to do all he could to attack Trump.

    Wow! Nice try at re-writing History!

    On Halloween 2016 David Corn wrote up the Steele Dossier in Mother Jones. The story did not make the cable news — it was all Hillary all the time.

    The Steele Dossier didn’t become an issue until the last weeks of the transition. 



    .  From what I know, like Vince Bugliosi, the guy never left his living room to put together that salacious file which included golden showers.

    When Bush collapsed, the effort was continued by the DNC under HRC's direction.  And the MSM now went whole hog on it.

    No, the MSM never mentioned it during the summer/fall of 2016.

    The Russia-hacked-the-DNC story only made two cable news cycles over the last 5 months of the campaign, nothing over the last 70 days.

    The Obama Administration formally accused the Russian gov’t of interfering in our election and that story didn’t make the cable news cycle the Access Hollywood scandal and the release of the Podesta e-mails only.


      So did some of the alternative press.  Its now become part of our culture.  Even though the Mueller inquiry was pretty much a dud.  And the guy was kind of embarrassing before congress.

    So the effort has now spread out into other areas.  Like the above.  Maybe its true, maybe its not.  Maybe it is a little of both.  

    But if you do not know where it came from then, heck, it might have come from Brennan. Would you trust that guy? Not me.

    Putin okay tho, right Jim?

  6. I’m a student in the Vincent Salandria School of Research into the Obvious.  (My name for standing on his shoulders.) 

    It’s obvious from the bullet holes in the clothes and the contemporaneous written notes of witnesses in position of authority that JFK had a shallow wound of entrance in his back at T3 and an entrance wound in the throat.

    I’ve long been unpleasantly surprised by the JFKA Critical Master Class resistance to these root facts.

    Salandria wrote about these root facts back in 1965. A lot of Name Experts still haven’t figured it out.







  7. 2 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Begin with the coup.

    October 28, 2016, when FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to the House Judiciary Commitee announcing the re-opening of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation.

    This interference in our election was unprecedented and calamitous.

    The claim that the FBI conspired to remove the man they installed is absurd.


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