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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    There Will Be No Election If Things Keep Going the Way They’re Going”: After Predicting 2016, Michael Moore Fears Trump Will Mess With 2020


    Moore didn’t predict James Comey’s heavy interference 11 days before the election, without which Moore’s prediction of a Trump victory was headed to the ash heap.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    This is a terrific observation!

    #1 — Don’t be annoying.  #2 — Don’t be annoying. #3 — Don’t be annoying. #4 — The consequences of annoyance can be severe. #5 — Don’t be annoying. #6 — Don’t be a criminal asshole. #7 — Don’t be an ingrate, if you’re Christian fill the plate. #8 — Don’t be annoying. #9 — Don’t be a criminal asshole. #10 — Don’t be a common asshole. #11 — Don’t be an asshole — the consequences can be severe.

    In response to this from Robert:

    The first 4 rules + #8, could be consolidated into "Don't be annoying", 

  3. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:The first 4 rules + #8, could be consolidated into "Don't be annoying"

    This is a terrific observation!

    #1 — Don’t be annoying.  #2 — Don’t be annoying. #3 — Don’t be annoying. #4 — The consequences of annoyance can be severe. #5 — Don’t be annoying. #6 — Don’t be a criminal asshole. #7 — Don’t be an ingrate, if you’re Christian fill the plate. #8 — Don’t be annoying. #9 — Don’t be a criminal asshole. #10 — Don’t be a common asshole. #11 — Don’t be an asshole — the consequences can be severe.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I think you got it in your head that you want me to argue about Satan's top ten list + 1.

    There is no such thing. I believe the title is 11 Satanic Rules of Earth.

    It’s by Anton LeVay. He mocked the hell out of the Catholic Church so some might project their belief in supernatural beings to satanists who only worship their own free will.

    6 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:


    I never knew there was one, and now I guess I do. 

    Now I guess you don’t.

    6 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    The first 4 rules + #8, could be consolidated into "Don't be annoying", but then Satan would only have 7 rules, not 11

    You have children but you think the admonishment “don’t be annoying” is satanic?

    The message for you is “don’t be literal.”

    If you don’t get the joke the joke’s on you.


    6 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    They should serve you well on your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign.


  5. 31 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:


    7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

    Substitute “faith in Christ” for the word “magic” and no preacher’s feathers ruffle, right?

  6. Just now, Robert Wheeler said:

    I don't think the Bill Maher / Satan analogy works.

    Satanists at a Evangelical University are just there to stir the pot (provoke a possibly violent reaction) rather than educate or entertain. 

    When are satanists at Christian Universities?

    I’m not referring to satanists per se — I’m referring to a text..


    1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
    2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
    3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
    4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
    5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
    6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
    7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
    8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
    9. Do not harm little children.
    10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
    11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.</q>
    Just now, Robert Wheeler said:

    merry It's the same reason why the KKK doesn't get invited to Howard University and Illinois Nazis don't get invited to Yeshiva U.

    I beg to disagree. The only “rule” that’s of the occult is #7. 

    Rule 11 is too harsh for Christians.

    All the other rules are consistent with Christian codes of conduct.

    Just now, Robert Wheeler said:

    The Evangelicals, Blacks and Jews didn't choose those schools to have to have their dogma's challenged.

    The 11 rules challenge no Christian dogma except #7, it might be argued.


    Just now, Robert Wheeler said:

    The same could be said of a student who chooses a school with a great pre-med curriculum because they want to be a doctor some day.

    The student who wants to be exposed to all types of ideas should be able to attend a university where they are going to here it all, the good and the bad. Berkeley, among others, should be that place. If Bill Maher is too controversial to handle, let alone the Nazis, Satanists and the KKK, then they should go back to their mom's basement.


    If the 11 rules are too controversial for you to handle I pity you.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I don’t agree with critics of the UC Berkeley students who protested Bill Maher.  The right to free speech does not grant rights to a venue. Does a satanist have a right to free speech at Liberty University to discuss the 11 Rules of Satanism on Earth?

    Didn't someone from Berkeley have to "invite" Bill Maher? Like the Berkeley Bill Maher fan club or something.

    It doesn't seem like Bill Maher would just show up and demand a venue.

    Is there a fan club for Satan at an evangelical Christian university?

    It doesn't seem like  Satanists can just show up and demand a venue.

    Weird that Bill Maher, with say 1,000 fans at Berkeley, would get an invitation, but the Satanists, with say 2 fans at Liberty, would not get an invitation.

    Good points. If the students of Liberty were objectively introduced to The 11 Rules of Satanism on Earth as an ethical rather than spiritual code there would be a significant number who could reconcile it with the ethical code of Christianity.

    I’m not a satanist. I believe in a higher power of my own conception. I have vast respect for those who live lives in service of others.

    Satanists hold their own free will as the highest power and view those who live lives in the service of others as chumps. I’m not down with that.

    But as a personal code of conduct I’m down with the 11 rules.

    Mostly in line with Christian ethics the 11 Rules of Satanism on Earth should be introduced to Christian colleges. But if lots of students protested, I wouldn’t blame a college for begging off.

  8. 2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
    From what I can see, these whiners  who claim their liberties are infringed are losers who never made any sacrifices for anything greater than themselves anyway.  I'd round them all up and send them to a 6 week DSBC "Deep State Boot Camp" and subject them to hard physical labor and an extreme fitness regimen. Let them at last, see the hard  reality beyond their squawking fears.
    Anybody who acts up, I'd tie them to a chair. Strap an N 95 mask on them, with mirrors all around them, so they can fully  contemplate the horror of their new pitiful self image, further  exacerbated by multi racial  groups of gawkers filing  by and staring  at them. 
    Strict social distancing will be practiced, though given their undisciplined nature, I expect the same problems of pirates long out at sea, they will be surveiled by our bunk cam and will be dealt with accordingly. At night, I'd subject them to "sensitivity training" by our strident young, new "PC police" cadets.
    Actually I'm kidding, I would take the most strident of the left PC  police, like the the people in Berkeley who were protesting Bill Maher and whoever that gay, Greek Breitbart Republican guy,( Thank God, I no longer have to learn to pronounce his name) speaking there  and I'd throw them in the boot camp as well. Though their numbers will be far less. Just the same, At night we'll  have them square off, and employ "Reverse Role Playing" techniques  using  pandemic approved  masks on sticks.
    After 6 weeks, they'd be released. The hope is, that at that point the only thing that will make them sick is standing on solid ground. Which reflects how ultimately hopeless I think there condition is. But if they relapse, we'll surgically mop them up like the virus itself, and this time it wont be to a boot camp.
    The left has got it all wrong, instead of the usual tactics of trying to indoctrinate non believers, We take a page from the right and just throw them in  camps. You punish them as they would and have punished others. You enslave them. Screw this Alt left sh-t, we call ourselves the new "Hard Left".

    ...Quit soft peddling this stuff Kirk and tell us what you really think...

    I had a similar attitude toward the anti face mask crowd until I had a long conversation with an old friend who has no income now and a pre-teen at home who’s getting super restless. Lives in Michigan. We were involved in the Hard Left punk rock movement in Berkeley in the 80’s.

    I tried to talk her down from her new found support for Trump’s Reopen Now agenda. She finds it hard to breathe in a mask, so it’s a problem.

    I’m all for the Common Good but remain mindful that lots of folks fall thru the cracks.

    I don’t agree with critics of the UC Berkeley students who protested Bill Maher.  The right to free speech does not grant rights to a venue. Does a satanist have a right to free speech at Liberty University to discuss the 11 Rules of Satanism on Earth?

    Hell no!

  9. 2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Separate subject - Since you are an Oakland/SF guy, is their anything interesting you know about Jonestown that maybe the rest of us have never read? I know the MSM story and the Mae Brussel / Dave Emory / John Judge versions, just wondering if you have some local insights. 

     No insights, alas. Not my scene. &I was living in Reno at the time.

    In 1991 I wrote Jim Jones up for a set of collector trading cards called The World’s Most Hated People.  Papa Doc Duvalier and Donald Trump made the set as well (it was a big hit in NYC, btw).

    One night I came home from work with a couple of library books under my arm — biographies of Jones and Duvalier for research — to find out that 5 hours earlier the roof of my apartment building had caught on fire.

    That’s all I got...

  10. 10 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    How about some classics from when Mueller was relevant.

    Maybe one day someone here will look into who the Tugwell, in Tugwell Mueller Associates was, and a light bulb will go off.



    Mueller didn’t go after Trump’s kids. Or Trump’s finances.

    He didn’t press Trump for in-person questioning. He let Bill Barr mis-represent the Mueller Report before breaking his silence 2 months later.

    Perfect cover-up man for such brazen crimes.




  11. 7 minutes ago, Barry Keane said:

    All this is fine James, but my point is, although they did have the autopsy photos etc, they were never going to rely on them for an accurate depiction of what happened in Dealey Plaza.

    That’s because some of the autopsy photos were not faked well enough.  The back-of-head photo’s faked back wound was still too low: the stare-of-death photo’s faked throat wound tried to approximate a tracheotomy incision and an SBT exit wound.

    They were not produced according to autopsy protocol and there is no chain of possession.

    All the autopsy photos are worthless.


    7 minutes ago, Barry Keane said:
  12. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I was going to commend you for not using the word "fascist" in your post comment, and then I was reminded of that quote about God protecting drunks, so I looked it up.

    “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”

    It turns out Otto von Biskmark said it, a proto-fascist if there ever was one.

    You are a fountain of fascist knowledge Cliff, even without trying. 



    There. All better!

  13. 1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

    Adam, evidence is not "fraudulent" as you stated above.   Evidence is relevant or not relevant, inadmissible, can be manipulated or forged, etc.  So I am not sure what you meant by "fraudulent".  If I read and understood your comments accurately, you are asking which evidence, perhaps specifically to the shirt and or body,  is not authentic, or, put another way, which evidence within the first 11 hours is questionable.   To answer, please read the Warren Omission for a list of plenty of "fraudulent" evidence obtained in the first 11 hours, including the body and autopsy itself.   Feel free to chat with David Lifton about that.

    Cory, figuring out the medical evidence is easy. Any evidence produced according to proper autopsy protocol is gold — material NOT produced according to proper autopsy protocol is garbage.

    The Death Certificate, the portion of the autopsy face sheet filled out in pencil, and the cervical x-ray are gold.

    The back-of-the-head autopsy photo, the final autopsy report, and the measurements written in pen on the face sheet are garbage.

    T3 deniers promote garbage.

  14. 16 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

    Before hooking up with Manafort, Kliminik spent almost a decade working for the Republican Institute in Moscow. The Republican Institute is part of the National Endowment for Democracy apparatus. It works with the State Department and CIA to influence foreign governments, political parties, labour unions etc in the interests of US policy goals. To suggest that Kliminik was an active GRU agent while employed with NED is ridiculous, and holds about the same credibility as insisting Oswald was a genuine Marxist Marine while based at Atsugi. 

    No it doesn’t. Working both sides of the street is common intel practice.

    Savvy “cover story”?

    16 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

    The "polling data" theory amounted to nothing, because no one on Mueller's staff could actually describe what alleged nefarious purpose the data was supposed to serve.

    You have no idea what the polling data amounted to.  

    16 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:
    16 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:
  15. 9 minutes ago, Adam Johnson said:


    Prove to me that evidence produced within 11 hours of the assassination by people with access to the body and clothing worn by JFK is fraudulent because unless you can do that your irrelevant.

    By the way,  you dont know me, we have never met, but i was in San Fran last Sept and i recommend you dont accuse people you dont know of lying. 

    Keep yer shirt on, Adam. I just asked you a question. 

    It’s a legitimate question given the fact that Admiral George Burkley’s contemporaneous note on the Death Certificate put the back wound at T3; Secret Service agent Glen Bennett in his contemporaneous notes described the back wound as “four inches down” from the shoulder;  SS SA Clint Hill made contemporaneous mental notes and testified the back wound was “six inches below the neckline”; James Curtis Jenkins filled out the autopsy face sheet and placed the back wound in a location consistent with the holes in the clothes; Mortician Tom Robinson’s notes put the back wound 5 inches below the neckline; FBI agents James Sibert and Francis O’Neill described the back wound in their report as “below the shoulder.”

    Are you accusing these men of lying, Adam?


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