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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Kirk Gallaway: “Cliff Love hearing Jello Biafra again!”

    Taliban USA is a great great song, great great vid.  Jello is OG Antifa. Dead Kennedys, D.O.A, 7Seconds, MDC were the top political bands in the old school hardcore punk rock scene.

    I’ve already posted the DK’s Nazi Punks F-ck Off and 7Seconds’ Racism Sucks.

    No war No KKK No fascist USA!

    OG Antifa.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Robert et al, The ‘deep state’ is not well defined. Do you mean the old eastern establishment, the Wall Street houses? Yankee Cowboy War - have you read it? I think we have competing deep states, though it’s hard to define exactly. Maybe Cliff is right - the old CIA/bankster/mafia drug business is being attacked by rival gangs.

    I suspect the corrupt elements in the DEA were using the square-John DEA institutionalists to challenge the influence of corrupt elements of the CIA in the global drug trade.

    Or so I’d speculate.




  3. William Harvey and Allen Dulles planned the JFK hit?  Dulles set up family friends of his girlfriend to host the family of The Communist Kennedy Killer?  Drunk-ass Harvey in Italy put the shooters together?


    Carl Jenkins planned the ambush and Charles Siragusa picked the shooters. Or so I’d speculate.

    They both were the best.

  4. 5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Many believe the NSA is aligned against the CIA led intelligence operations of the Deep State because Snowden was a CIA operation to infiltrate the NSA.

    In all fairness to Robert, I find a lot of merit in this line of inquiry. As soon as the Snowden matter hit the news I suspected internecine warfare within US intel. At the time the NSA transferred the bulk collection of electronic communications to the DEA, which has a file on every American.  The 2015 USA Freedom Act clipped the wings of the NSA/DEA (on paper at least), ending bulk collection of everyone’s phone records.


    I suspect the Snowden affair involved the CIA cutting the DEA off at the knees to protect their dope dealing franchise.  Just a hunch...

  5. 8 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I have Cliff on ignore. So do a few others. You can try to articulate your own ogent counter argument instead of echoing Cliff’s talking points or just go back to not participating in this discussion; you have a lot more to contribute that way.

     Ask Cliff why he doesn’t put me on ignore. He knows why. I know why.

    Someone ask Robert how is it he responds to so many of my posts if he has me on ignore?

  6. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    If anyone looks at "Russiagate" and the Flynn case objectively, it is impossible to argue there was not a Coup Attempt. The same could be said for "Ukrainegate."

    Trump brought on RussiaGate himself when he fired James Comey.  He brought on UkraineGate himself when he brazenly tried to extort Zelensky.  The guy is a massive f-up but his apologists can’t see it.

  7. 1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    The proof is in the "bipartisan" (Club Member) attempts to get rid of Trump from the day after he won in 2016, until today.

    Why would “they” install him if “they” wanted to immediately remove him?

    Why would “they” give him billions of dollars in free advertising on cable news and arrange for campaign coverage to obsessively focus on Clinton’s e-mails?

    Why did the Russian election interference story get covered in only two TV news cycles over the last five months of the campaign, virtually nothing over the last 70 days?

    Why was the Steele Dossier ignored completely by the TV News?

    You’re luxuriating in the “ether of your imagination,” Robert.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


    I am convinced that the back-up patsy was Buell Wesley Frazier. If the lone shooter scenario fell apart (and on Friday night with a live “Oswald” protesting his innocence before TV cameras, that was a great possibility!) then Frazier was next in line.

    Why would you think there’d only be one back-up patsy?

    44 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    On Friday night, at that very moment, Frazier was already in Fritz’s clutches, the finger of suspicion pointing straight at him!

    There was even a witness from the infamous Sports Drome Rifle Range who claimed that “Oswald” had practiced there with a man named “Frazier”!

    No, Howard Hunt was way too high up the CIA food chain (he knew way too much) to be burned as a patsy.

    And if the plot went awry and the Agency was deeply implicated — I don’t think they’d hesitate to throw Hunt to the wolves. I’ll go you one better — they wouldn’t have hesitated throwing Allen Dulles on the patsy pile, either, if things went badly enough.

    You don’t think they would have game planned it that far?

    I do.


    44 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Frazier is alive and walking around today because the FBI intervened at that very moment late Friday night, took over the case, seized all the “evidence” and flew it to Washington. With the pressure no longer on Fritz to make the case, he released Frazier right then.

    The FBI intervened on Friday night not because they wanted to save Frazier, but because by then J. Edgar Hoover knew how crucial it was to manipulate the evidence to pin it all on “Oswald.”

  9. 9 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

    If your E.H.Hunt and you have had any role in the financing or planning of JFK's assassination and you had to be in Dallas to make it all come together...where is the last place on earth you would let yourself be filmed or photographed between 11/21/63 and 11/23/63. There is no way its Hunt as a tramp or strolling around elm st. Minutes after the shooting. Use some logic people.

    But if you’re a back up patsy who the Agency was willing to sacrifice in the contingency of a plot gone awry, you might get photographed when Ed Lansdale is seeing to it you’re brought in from the cold.

  10. On 6/30/2020 at 6:42 AM, David Andrews said:

    Who says Led Zep were dumb?  They look like genius compared to what's on tap today, which is starting to remind me more and more of the record shop Alex visits in A Clockwork Orange.

     Good one!


    “Who you getten bratty, Goggly Gogol? Johnny Zhivago? The Heaven Seventeen?”

    Heaven 17

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

    Trump has deleted the retweeted video (and his tweet, I guess?) WH claims he "didn't hear" the Trump supporter yelling "White power" in the video. 

    CNN has been reporting on the retweeted video all day, but not a word about the "Corrupt Joe is shot" in Trump's tweet, or at least I haven't heard it. Maybe they feel that it's best left alone if the tweet is gone.

    Trump’s credibility is shot. Why not accuse him of threatening Biden? Except he didn’t mean it that way... 

  12. 5 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

    If you haven't noticed, the track record of US intelligence - most particularly anonymous officials speaking to the legacy media - for truthful and verifiable information, most especially since the end of the Cold War, has been rather abysmal. Let's see: atrocities in Yugoslavia, WMD in Iraq, Ghaddaffi engaged in genocide, Assad gassing his own people, Russia hacked the election, Russia poisoned the Skripals, etc etc.  All were proven as utterly false or remain entirely evidence-free. 

    As well, John McCain was a vicious war-monger who was photographed several times meeting with al-Qaeda leadership planning the destruction of a secular state in the Middle East. John Bolton is also a vicious war-monger and many of the claims in his lauded new book are proving to be either false or exaggerated. 


    The Reality Based Community

    Fair points. Formulaic thinking of any kind must be challenged.

    Let’s game this out: an element of the US intelligent community ginned up phony evidence to accuse Russians of offering the Taliban bounties on US/NATO soldiers.

    According to Trump spokesman Kayleigh McEnany neither Trump or Pence have been briefed on the matter.

    Why would such sensational accusations get made if Trump wasn’t briefed? To provide Trump’s enemies with fodder like the following?

    If Trump was briefed, why is he lying about it, and why hasn’t he issued a cease and desist demand?

    If he wasn’t briefed — why did it take 24hrs to deny the story?

    A guy with the rep as a master of optics (and nothing else), the Trumpster looks guilty as hell.

  13. 1 hour ago, Micah Mileto said:

    Well dude, right now I'm trying to make a couple of essays on the medical evidence with as many sources as possible. I don't see any contemporaneous documents suggesting the photos' chain of custody was broken before 1965. Yes, Saundra Spencer claimed to remember a different set of photos, but that was over 30 years later. Compared to all of the other pieces of evidence, the autopsy photos have a surprisingly decent chain of custody (although that's not saying much with the JFK case).

    So who developed them?  Why weren't they produced according to proper autopsy protocol?

    Spencer forgot what she saw, or was she lying?

    There is no chain of custody if you can’t identify who developed them.



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