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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Yeah Jeff, and he also murdered Solemani, and HC never would put the Iran peace initiative in jeopardy. Is he to be congratulated just because he got away with it? He's the most pro Israel of any president in years. Backed Saudi Arabia in Yemen.  It's nice that the author invoked  Douglas and JFK's foreign policy, but he doesn't make any real case other than a reshuffling of priorities and some of that is an institutional pullback that could be needed but if it substitutes favoring strong men and dictators Erdouan, Putin, Kim Jong un,, Duarte, Bolenario,Xi and his concentration camps, It's hardly an improvement. I wouldn't go into complete subservience at the simple mention of JFK, like you.  Because  at the same time, he acknowledges this. .

    "At the same time, Trump believes that the post-hegemonic USA ought to be to a dominant regional power in complete control of Latin America and the Caribbean, its historic backyard. Accordingly, he pursues a policy of regime change with respect to the nations that challenge U.S. neocolonial domination and imperialist interests in the region. His policy has included an unconventional war against Venezuela, including financial, commercial, political, and military dimensions, seeking to overthrow the constitutional government of Nicolás Maduro; the intensification of the economic, commercial, and financial blockade against Cuba; and a destabilization campaign against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. In addition, the Trump Administration supported a violent coup d’état against the constitutionally-elected president Evo Morales in Bolivia; and it has supported the government of Lenin Moreno, who through a Trojan Horse strategy, has removed from power the Citizen Revolution led by Rafael Correa."

    You're been pretty easy to please, for 3 years,  Jeff. But maybe it's just Trump's magnetism is so reminiscent of JFK. Right?

    Thank you, Kirk.  Hosing down the equine offal in this article deserves it’s own thread.

  2. 15 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

    I've always typed into Google, "JFK education forum" to get here.

    Now that doesn't take me here. I tried variations and finally

    just had to type "education forum" and then go another step

    to the JFK section. What gives?

    I use DuckDuckGo, which lists this forum at the top of the page of “JFK education forum.”

  3. The 2016 “hidden Trump voter” is a myth.

    Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million, 2% of the vote.  The polls on Election Day had her winning by 3.8%.  But 16 million voters were disenfranchised by GOP vote-suppression.


    If anything, the polls under-represented Clinton’s actual support.



  4. 42 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    When someone posts Galloway or CV I am forced to read them.

    I can forgive John Oliver for not knowing the location of JFK’s T3 back wound — the prima facie case for conspiracy — but Jim DiEugenio’s ignorance of this root fact is unforgivable.

  5. 17 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

    It's disappointing but not that surprising.In Oliver's defense, he's a stand up comedian. Since he's been working on The Daily Show and his own show dealing with current events in a more intelligent and insightful way than most, there's now an illusion around him that he's an actual newsman or something more than he really is: a talented, charismatic comedian with a smart writing staff and clever producers.

    Point taken, Denny.  You’ve talked me off the ledge — where I was going to give Oliver a shove.  I’ll keep watching his show on YouTube.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Maybe he just likes to watch adults lay on the floor and pound their fists like a 3 year old screaming why? why? why?

    I know that's why I keep coming back here.

    You should stop ascribing traits to people you don't know on a personal level.

    It's a common flaw among liberals.

    It's a form of hubris.

    Says Wheeler, ascribing traits to people he doesn’t know on a personal level.

  7. Trumpers sure do love that Fascism.


    For decades, conservative activists and leaders have warned that “jackbooted thugs” from the federal government were going to come to take away Americans’ civil rights with no due process and no recourse. Now they’re here—but they’re deployed by a staunchly right-wing president with strong conservative support.


  8. 6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I think I just thought of it: Trump hired Bolton because he fired so many people he did not have anyone to hire.

    No, Trump hired Bolton because they both want to go to war with Iran.  That’s why Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuke Deal, slapped crippling sanctions on Tehran, and assassinated General Soleimani.  Iran hasn’t reacted strongly enough for Trump to further escalate.

  9. 9 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Now with these storm trooper tactics in Portland, Trump is going to lose a lot of those middle and upper middle class females in the burbs.

    Trump lost college-educated white women back in the 2018 mid-terms.

    One month old poll (Times-Siena) shows Biden with a 39 point lead with that cohort, well before Portland.



  10. 42 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    BTW, I have to add something to this.  I have no intention of voting for Trump, I mean even if you waterboarded me.

    But Mr. DiEugenio has had no problem overlooking 95% of Trump/Putin Fascism for the last 5+ years. 

    How long did it take for Kennedys & King to denounce Trump's racist agenda?  Five years?


    Since I live in California  I will vote Green as I always do, since its a a safe state.  I mean the GOP does not even try their voter suppression tactics here.

    Trump is going to claim the election is rigged, therefore the bigger the popular vote the harder it will be on Trump.  DiEugenio commonly makes a false equivalence between Democrats and Republicans, which is why he attacks Dems on a regular basis.  Especially Barack Obama and Kamala Harris.


    But I would advise everyone that Biden has some serious problems as a candidate.  And its wiser to face up to them now than later so we do not repeat 2016.  

    Face up now?  Oh yes, inform us all, Mr. DiEugenio, about Joe Biden's well known faults.  Without you how would we know?


    Trump won that year because he eked out very narrow wins in certain Rust Belt states. Plus HRC got wiped out in the south.

    Hillary was subjected to an unprecedented voter suppression campaign which involved disenfranchising 16 million voters, the intercession of James Comey and the phony FBI email re-investigation, and the Putin/Stone/Assange hack of the DNC.


    Biden has a serious problem with minority voters because he backed both crime bills, the Reagan one and the Clinton one. 

    And yet Trump is running ads accusing Biden of being soft on crime.  The Trump campaign ran one (1) ad lashing Biden for his Crime Bill vote, but the gales of ridicule this tact generated killed it.


    IMO they were both barbaric.  And they eventually gave us the movement to run Democratic candidates for DA who would be against them. They were that bad. To say that he backed them is not accurate.  Biden CHAMPIONED those bills.  Biden essentially was the spear carrier for those bills. He wanted to show that somehow the Dems were not soft on crime, which the GOP had pilloried them for years as being so.  In other words, he put people in prison for years, sometimes decades, on a law code that many would consider not just unjust but unfair.  And he did this for purely political reasons.

    DiEugenio has far more heat for Biden's record on race than he does for Trump's record on race.


    Now unlike with HRC, Trump has an advantage over Biden right now in fund raising.

    No, he doesn't. 




    He signed a crime bill that lessened some of the barbarities that Biden favored.  He is now running ads in those rust belt, battleground states on this particular issue.  There are four months until the election.

    It's one of the most inept Prez campaigns of all time.


    Trump sez Biden too soft and too tough on crime.  Both.  At the same time.


    All I am saying is this:  don't count your chickens yet.  If so you might have another 2016 nightmare.  

    In 2020 we face a new form of Fascist government.  Those who stand against the Moron Dictator are on the side of the angels.

    Vote 3rd party and you sit out the great battle of our lifetime.  So noted.

  11. 3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    I started listening to this guys podcast a month ago. He is one of those super-genius mathematicians that is working on his own grand unified theory on how the universe works. He is mostly politically liberal but that’s not why I listen. I like how he explains his physics theories and how they relate to competing theories. I’m sure someone here will give a thoughtful critique of his problems with string theory just so you can call him a mind numbed deplorable who can’t possibly be qualified to opine on Biden’s dementia. 


    “We won two beautiful world wars” — Donald Trump 7/19/20.

  12. 16 minutes ago, George Govus said:

    Yow, too bad, agreed, deal-breaker. Since I only get "basic cable," I already do without the guy.

    Yeah, I got rid of HBO a few months ago, but I was thinking of signing up when the new season of Succession aired.  Not now.


    Oliver doesn’t understand that the entire Conspiracy Community was formed by the official denial of conspiracy in the murder of JFK.

    Because the MSM holds the lone nut scenario as an absolute article of faith, those who clearly see the facts of conspiracy have reason to suspect the official story behind anything.

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