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Cliff Varnell

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Posts posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. 29 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

    I certainly hope that what you say proves true, however, in today's environment, it seems that being labeled  a "conspiracy theorist" for believing in anything but the official story is (almost) akin to being called a holocaust denier.

    In an environment where the occupant of the White House spews multiple conspiracy theories daily?

    The trick is not to be a conspiracy theorist — but a conspiracy factualist.



  2. 3 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    I see your point, you are right. "The HSCA's ballistics experts concluded that, between the back and the throat, the bullet carved an 11-degree upward track" (Aguilar and Cunningham 2003). Even with a shooter at street level does not remove the trajectory problem.

    And that’s with a fictional T1 back wound!

    The first thing to know about the JFKA is the fact he was hit in the back at T3.  It doesn’t take a ballistics expert to observe the back wound was not associated with the throat wound.

    The JFKA Critical Master Class is allergic to this root fact because it renders so much of their “expertise” moot.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Don't see how this is different from what I said ("The main argument against the single-bullet theory has always been the trajectory as inconsistent with the 6th floor TSBD").

    With the back wound inches below the throat wound the trajectory is inconsistent with a SBT shot from any position.

    Why unnecessarily muddy the issue?

  4. 54 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    The main argument against the single-bullet theory has always been the trajectory as inconsistent with the 6th floor TSBD.

    Factually incorrect. Early critics like Vincent Salandria and Gaeton Fonzi correctly pointed out that the back wound was too low to have been associated with the throat wound.

    If one doesn’t start with this root fact all analyses are garbage-in garbage-out.

    <snip garbage>

  5. Richard Hocking compiled this list of ear witnesses who reported a “bang...bang-bang” shot sequence.

    Jack Bell    
    SSA Glen Bennett    
    Lee Bowers    
    Mayor Earle Cabell    
    Rose Clark    
    Deputy Roger Craig    
    James Crawford    
    Chief Jesse Curry    
    Dep. Harold Elkins    
    Buell Wesley Frazier    
    SSA William Greer    
    Officer Clyde Haygood    
    Ruby Henderson    
    Georgia Ruth Hendrix    
    SSA George Hickey    
    Emmett J. Hudson    
    Hurchell Jacks    
    Robert H. Jackson    
    James "Junior" Jarman    
    Lady Bird Johnson    
    Dep. C. M. Jones    
    SSA Roy Kellerman    
    SSA Sam Kinney    
    SSA Winston G. Lawson    
    Roy Edward Lewis    
    Billy Lovelady    
    SSA Bill McIntyre    
    Mary Ann Mitchell    
    Joe Molina    
    Dep. Luke Mooney    
    Lillian Mooneyham    
    Samuel  Paternostro    
    Ptrl. Joe Henry Rich    
    SSA Emory Roberts    
    Arnold Rowland    
    Barbara Rowland    
    William Shelley    
    Edward Shields    
    Ruth Smith    
    John Solon    
    SSA Forrest Sorrels    
    Pearl Springer    
    Dep. Alan Sweatt    
    SSA Woody Taylor    
    Ruth Thornton    
    Carolyn Walther    
    Dep. Seymour Weitzman    
    Bonnie Ray Williams    
    Linda Willis    
    Dep. John "Bill" Wiseman    
    Mary Woodward    
    Sen. Ralph Yarborough    
    SSA Rufus Youngblood    

  6. 23 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Someone sent me this.  I guess it got overlooked.

    Trump questioned how Epstein died.  I happen to agree with that question.  So does Cyril Wecht. 


    Fox asks: “Is the media overlooking Bill Clinton's ties to Jeffrey Epstein?”

    The more important issue is Fox News trying to distract from Epstein’s ties to Trump.

  7. Good work, Micah.

    The T1 “wound” has a lower margin abrasion collar consistent with a shot from below.

    Saundra Kay Spencer is on record as having developed the extant autopsy photos.  In her 6/4/97 ARRB testimony she stated:

    <quote on>

    Q: Did you ever see any other photographic material related to the autopsy in addition to what you have already described?

    A: Just, you know, when they came out with some books and stuff later that showed autopsy pictures and stuff, and I assumed that they were done in—you know, down in Dallas or something, because they were not the ones that I had worked on.

    <quote off>

    So the woman on record as having developed the autopsy photos denies having developed them.

    The autopsy photos are worthless.

  8. 54 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

    Is this referring to the fact that the camera film was handed over to Roy Kellerman, rather than being developed within the doors of the Bethesda medical center?

    HSCA Vol. 7 (emphasis added):

    Among the JFK assassination materials in the National Archives is a series of negatives and prints of photographs taken during autopsy. The  deficiencies of these photographs as scientific documentation of a forensic autopsy have been described elsewhere. Here it is sufficient to note that:

    1. They are generally of rather poor photographic quality.

    2. Some, particularly close-ups, were taken in such a manner that it is nearly impossible to anatomically orient the direction of view.

     3. In many, scalar references are entirely lacking, or when present, were positioned in such a manner to make it difficult or impossible to obtain accurate measurements of critical features (such as the wound in the upper back)from anatomical landmarks.

    4. None of the photographs contain information identifying the victim;such as his name, the autopsy case number, the date and place of the examination.

    In the main, these shortcomings bespeak of haste, inexperience and unfamiliarity with the understandably rigorous standards generally expected in photographs to be used as scientific evidence. In fact, under ordinary circumstances, the defense could raise some reasonable and, perhaps, sustainable objections to an attempt to introduce such poorly made and documented photographs as evidence in a murder trial.  Furthermore, even the prosecution might have second thoughts about using certain of these photographs since they are more confusing than informative. Unfortunately, they are the only photographic record of the autopsy.

     Not all the critics of the Warren Commission have been content to point out the obvious deficiencies of the autopsy photographs as scientific evidence. Some have questioned their very authenticity.  These theorists suggest that the body shown in at least some of the photographs is not President Kennedy, but another decedent deliberatelymutilated to simulate a pattern of wounds supportive of the Warren Commissions' interpretation of their nature and significance.  As outlandish as such a macabre proposition might appear, it is one that, had the case gone to trial,might have been effectively raised by an astute defense anxiousto block the introduction of the photographs as evidence. In any event, the onus of establishing the authenticity of these photographs would have rested with the prosecution. </q>

  9. 55 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

    Michael Moore was one of the few on the left to predict Trump's election in 2016.

    I’m a fan of Michael Moore — saw him live at San Francisco State in 2003 or so.  But I’m not a fan of this prediction.  If he’d predicted that James Comey would re-open the Clinton e-mail investigation 11 days before the election then Moore would have something to brag about.

    Without Comey’s intervention Clinton cruises to victory.  On the morning of October 28 there were 3 stories in the cable news cycle — the continuing controversy over the Access Hollywood tape, the continuing controversy over Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, and a new poll showing Clinton up by 10.

    By midday 10/28/16 until Election Day there was only one story in the cable news cycle — Hillary’s e-mails.  You could feel the air go out of her campaign.  I was so uptight over that period my cat had a nervous reaction.

    So I don’t give points to anyone who predicted a Trump victory unless they acknowledged Comey’s interference.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    As of today, all Joint Chief’s are Trump appointees. I’m sure you guys can spin a martial law narrative out of that little factoid.

    Separately the Twins are losing 4 to 1 against Pittsburgh. 

    All Trump appointees are loyal only to Donald  Trump.

    Just ask Neil Gorsuch.

  11. Setting the TSBD on fire — good one!

    I’m on the Grassy Knoll in the dead of night early 11/22 to tear down the picket fence and cut down the trees.  Around noon I’d post up at the Black Dog Man spot behind the concrete wall with a camera focused on the South Knoll.

    If that didn’t stop the hit I’d take an immediate plane to Washington and hang with McGeorge Bundy in the White House Situation Room when he called LBJ with the news that the lone assassin was in custody.

    Then I’d head over to the 7th Floor of the State Dept. and watch George Ball and W. Averell  Harriman run the country until we all went to Andrews to greet the new Prez.

    I’d be on the copter ride with LBJ and George Ball to the White House, see the “icy” Bundy again, then I’d be in the meeting 10 minutes later with LBJ, Sen. William Fulbright and Harriman where Harriman said all the government‘s top Soviet hands were unanimous in the conclusion the Kremlin had nothing to do with Dallas.  There was no conference with top Kremlinologists that day.

    After that I’d watch LBJ and his staff put the kibosh on the Commie conspiracy talk in Dallas.  I’d cap off this adventure with a trip over to Harriman’s pad in Georgetown where Jackie and the kids spent the night.

    Watching a cold blooded bastard like Ave Harriman work would be a helluva education.



  12. 22 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Wait till the Burisma hammer drops on Biden, tight after it becomes apparent it is too late to replace.

    Meanwhile, in the real world the Trump corruption hammer is poised to fall:

    NY prosecutors say Trump investigation extends beyond hush money payments


    D.A. Is Investigating Trump and His Company Over Fraud, Filing Suggests


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