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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Purdy has a chin like the BYP Oswald, but not like the mug shot Oswald.
  2. Time out for a dude moment. An incredible Curry shot tonight! Great game, back and forth. Until Steph hit that I was whining like a little bitch. Looked like Booker had taken over for the Suns. I like the Warriors chances to win it all. Been in so many close games, they’ve developed grit on D. At the beginning of the season I fired a yard on ‘em to win it all @ +1260. Now I’m glad I did!
  3. Cory, I still owe you a beer and a brat, haven’t forgot. Meanwhile, back to the serious business of Music Goddess worship...staying on the San Francisco tip with 3 commercial hits: Linda Perry Debora Iyall Pearl Harbor
  4. Staying on the punk tip... Courtney Love Theo Kogan Frightwig
  5. My 50 yard line lower bowl tickets didn’t show up today, Cory. What gives?
  6. Chrissie Hynde! Good one... No discussion of Music Goddesses is complete without Cher. Or Amy Winehouse Or Wendy O. Williams
  7. You offer no reason to take your word for it. So what? The vertebra is the “correct and only way to locate the back wound” according to Dr. Finck. That doesn’t make a wound there a fact. To blow smoke over the fact the wound was at T3, a practice to which you are devoted. They were flying by the seat of their pants because the original plan to blame a commie conspiracy went awry when the patsy was captured alive. I wish I had a dollar for every time this has been explained to you. There is no chain of possession for the Fox 5 autopsy photo. I’d like to have a dollar for every time this has been explained to you. You rely on evidence the HSCA described as “especially deficient” in evidentiary value. You bash witnesses who’s clear statements debunk the nonsense you push, and you don’t know basic human anatomy or autopsy protocol. Did I leave anything out?
  8. Your knowledge of human anatomy is abysmal. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/back-anatomy#interactive-model The cervical spine: The cervical spine is the top part of the spine. It runs from the neck to the upper back. It consists of seven vertebrae. The cervical spine protects the nerves connecting to the brain, allowing the head to move freely while supporting its weight. The thoracic spine: The thoracic spine is the middle part of the spine, connecting the cervical and lumbar spine. It has 12 vertebrae. The thoracic spine helps keep the body upright and stable. </q> T1 is the top of the back. Since those measurements were written in pen — one of several violations of autopsy protocol — they were not taken at the autopsy. The rest of the face sheet was properly filled out in pencil and signed off as verified in pencil. So what? Just because it wasn’t consistent with the SBT didn’t make it true. Irrelevant. Irrelevant. Irrelevant. The T3 back wound debunks the SBT at a glance, so we don’t need self-aggrandizing pet theorists to microanalyze it for us. See above. So why are you so ill-informed about basic human anatomy and proper autopsy protocol?
  9. Pat’s pet theories regarding the back and throat wounds are entirely dependent on a T1 (the top of his back) four inches below the bottom of the clothing collars. The absurdity of this view should be apparent to all.
  10. According to this, the spinal nerves relating to hand and arm movement are cervical, not thoracic. https://briggschiropracticclinic.com/vital-connections/
  11. May I respectfully suggest you do the research first before chiming in? The shallow back wound was in the soft tissue to the right of T3. What nerve clusters?
  12. Please note that Pat does not address the fact that JFK balled his fists in front of his throat at the beginning of the shooting sequence. Pat would have us believe that JFK suffered a shallow wound in his back and reacted by holding his fists in front of his throat, remaining mute and immobile for 6 seconds without calling out in pain, or warning the others, or ducking down. Pat also believes that the top of JFK's back was 4 inches below the bottom of the clothing collars, but that's a separate discussion. What part of "at this exact time I saw" does Pat not understand? Note that when Bennett uses the phrase "the second shoot [sic]" he"s referring to the head shot. Note that Pat ignores the "at this exact time I saw" context and chooses to spin Bennett's statement instead. One can actually see the impact of a shot. That's not what he clearly wrote -- again, what part of "at this exact time" does Pat not grasp? What? Supported how? The first noise he heard he identified as a firecracker, not a firearm report. Gratuitous witness bashing. What part of "at the moment" does Pat not grasp? Clearly, Bennett heard the firecracker noise and saw the shot strike the back. How much more clear does this have to be? The text of his Secret Service report does not read "shoots" -- it reads "shots." Why does Pat misrepresent what's in the report? More egregious spin. Bennett's account clearly indicates he didn't identify the earlier firecracker noise as a firearm report.. More spin. Note that Pat routinely employs this type of rhetoric when witness statements are inconvenient to his pet theories. More gratuitous witness bashing. This account does not square with his contemporaneous statement -- he picked up his AR-15 as did Agent Hickey. In his contemporaneous notes he heard a "bang...bang-bang": shooting sequence, which the FBI turned around. Bennett made NO such claim. In his contemporaneous accounts he saw "at this exact time" and "at the moment" the shot hit. There are no star witnesses in Pat Speer's universe since everyone who saw the wounds got it wrong.
  13. Because that’s what people do when they’re struck in the back — they naturally ball their fists in front of their throat so they won’t get hit in the back again? After a moment of shock, I’d expect him to arch his back and reach for the area struck while crying out in pain. Immediately before — consistent with 55 other “bang...bang-bang” ear witnesses. He wrote that he saw the shot hit, not that he saw it after it hit. Bennett saw it strike immediately before the head shot(s) — why would we see a reaction to the back shot when the head shot(s) occurred a split second later?
  14. Are you willing to regard JFK balling his fists in front of his throat and deducing it was in response to the throat shot? No? Why not?
  15. Nancy Wilson I’d put in the post-1970 category — along with Bonnie Raitt, Chaka Khan, Emmylou Harris, Betty Davis (Miles’ wife), Alice Bag (The Bags) and Arri Upp (The Slits). Janis and Grace are my 60’s Goddesses — along with Joan Baez, Leslie Gore, Ronnie Spector, Wanda Jackson, Diana Ross, Nancy Sinatra, Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick, Carla & Irma Thomas...Aretha and Tina probably belong in this category too.
  16. As a creative force I put Debbie Harry (Blondie) in the late 20th Century (post-1970) along with Patti Smith, Exene Cervenka (X), Penelope Houston (The Avengers), Siouxsie Sioux (Siouxsie and the Banshees), Pauline Murray (Penetration), Dolores O’Riordan (The Cranberries), Salt ‘n’ Pepa, MC Lyte, Patti LaBelle, Aretha Franklin, the A Girls in ABBA, Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, Linda Ronstadt...off the top of my head. Joan Jett probably belongs in this category but her influence on modern female rockers burns bright.
  17. You’re asking me to prove a negative? Okay. JFK emerged from behind the Stemmons freeway sign with his fists balled in front of his throat. You claim that was unrelated to the throat shot. So what was he doing — smelling the back of his hands? From the HSCA report: Evaluation of the pre-autopsy film shows that there is some subcutaneous or interstitial air overlying the right C7 and T1 transverse processes. There is disruption of the integrity of the transverse process of T1, which, in comparison with its mate on the opposite side and also with the previously taken film, mentioned above, indicates that there has been a fracture in that area. There is some soft tissue density overlying the apex of the right lung which may be hematoma in that region or other soft tissue swelling. Evaluation of the post-autopsy film shows that there is subcutaneous or interstitial air overlying C7 and T1. The same disruption of T1 right transverse process is still present. </q> So according to your scenario this .22 round made an 180 degree turn up two inches immediately prior to exit or an 180 degree turn down two inches immediately after entrance without striking hard bone. Your claim, the burden of proof is on you.
  18. If ever there was a thread that begged to be hijacked... My Top Ten List of Rock/Pop/R&B Goddesses Active in the 21st Century Not Named Beyoncé or Madonna (too obvious!) Alphabetical order: Brody Dalle (The Distillers), Doja Cat, Joan Jett, Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), Kathleen Hanna (Bikini Kill, Le Tigre), Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Pink, Rihanna, Shirley Manson (Garbage)
  19. Don’t know don’t care. Years ago I asked James Gordon to model the trajectory of a bullet following the angle of T1 to C7 — it pointed directly to the damaged trachea.
  20. And this accounts for the hairline fracture at T1, the air pocket overlaying C7/T1, and JFK holding his fists in front of his throat 6 seconds before the head shot(s)? T1 is a couple of inches below the hairline. For all we know JFK may have taken three shots to the head.
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