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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Consider yourself contacted, Sandy. I'd like to delete attachments on the 56 years thread. Now what?
  2. Attachments. There's no edit function in a locked thread. "For those who believe mainstream contemporary facts." I find that off-putting.
  3. Because the 56 years thread is locked, I can't edit out attachments. Anyway around this?
  4. The plotters apparently had their reasons. A first shot-kill shot must not have been 100% guaranteed. My bet is on the Black Dog Man position. But it didn't since the first shot wasn't a kill shot.
  5. Wouldn't your proposed scenario require it? So in this scenario a .22 round ripped a couple inches of trachea, mushroomed, bruised the top of the lung and broke blood vessels, then left a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process. That's very little damage, eh? What was the purpose of a non-lethal first shot? If they wanted to paralyze the target why not use a blood soluble paralytic and not worry over removing a round?
  6. It surely counterfeits (again) the claim that the throat wound was an exit. Sadly, it isn't only LNers who pass that lie. It appears to have rendered him immobile and mute. I don't believe the stare of death photo is authentic. An extra cervical x-ray to locate a small caliber bullet? Small like a pellet? A hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process. Nothing but soft tissue.
  7. According to the cervical x-ray (authenticated by Dr. David Mantik) there was an air-pocket overlaying the right C7/T1 transverse processes. James Gordon had worked up a model of JFK's cervical structure, so I asked him about the trajectory of such an air-pocket.
  8. Do not trust narratives promoted by Ben Cole. Stephens referred to the Steele Dossier and the FBI surveillance of Carter Page as an "elaborate hoax." Nothing came of the Page surveillance and the Steele Dossier was barely mentioned in the Mueller Report.
  9. The most devastating political ad since "Willie Horton" in '88.
  10. 100% proof of conspiracy was presented by Michael Baden of the HSCA and James Humes in his WC testimony. <emphasis added> Michael Baden, Head of the HSCA Medical Panel "In [JFK's] jacket and the underlying shirt there is a perforation of the fabric that corresponds directly with the location of the perforation of the skin of the right upper back that, the panel concluded, was an entrance gunshot perforation that entered the back of the President. This is correspondingly seen in the shirt underneath." https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol1/html/HSCA_Vol1_0100b.htm The WC testimony of Commander James Humes pg 364-5 https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh2/pdf/WH2_Humes.pdf <emphasis added> Mr. SPECTOR: Have you had an opportunity to examine the clothing which has been identified for you as being that worn by the President on the day of the assassination? Commander HUMES: Yes; yesterday, just shortly before the Commission hearing today was begun, Mr. Chief Justice, we had opportunity for the first time to examine the clothing worn by the late President. In private conversation among ourselves before this opportunity, we predicted we would find defects in the clothing corresponding with the defects which were found, of course, on the body of the late President. .. Mr. SPECTOR: …Doctor Humes, will you describe for the record what hole, if any, is observable in the back of that garment which would be at or about the spot you have described as being the point of entry on the President’s back or lower neck. Commander HUMES. Yes, sir. This exhibit is a grey suit coat stated to have been worn by the President on the day of his death. Situated to the right of the midline high in the back portion of the coat is a defect, one margin of which is semicircular. Situated above it just below the collar is an additional defect. It is our opinion that the lower of these defects corresponds essentially with the point of entrance of the missile at Point C on Exhibit 385. Mr. SPECTER. Would it be accurate to state that the hole which you have identified as being the point of entry is approximately 6 inches below the top of the collar, and 2 inches to the right of the middle seam of the coat? Commander HUMES. That is approximately correct, sir. This defect, I might say, continues on through the material. </q> The bullet holes in the clothes match the back wound -- too low to associate with the throat wound.
  11. Here's RFKjr pimping another right-wing narrative: You’ll Never Guess What RFK Jr. Says Really Causes Mass Shootings https://newrepublic.com/post/180434/rfk-guns-kill-people-antidepressants Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a reputation for promoting pseudoscience. But in a recently surfaced interview, Kennedy makes one of his wildest claims yet: that the rise in mass shootings over the past 20 years is due to antidepressants and video games. </q> Video games are popular in Iceland. https://www.statista.com/outlook/dmo/digital-media/video-games/iceland So are anti-depressants. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/mindset/2024/1/14/why-are-antidepressants-so-popular-in-iceland#:~:text=Iceland is known for its,highest rate of antidepressant use. So are guns.
  12. Donald Trump Panics as Poll Numbers Slide https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-polls-presidential-election-2024-joe-biden-1887777
  13. "Americans are a stupid people by and large. We pretty much believe what ever we're told." "The bigger the lie, the more they believe."
  14. Worse than that, Joe -- it was Kim Jong Un. This isn't a Democrat vs. Republican election -- it's Democracy vs. Dictatorship.
  15. RFK Jr.’s New York state director says her ‘No. 1 priority’ is preventing a Biden victory https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html
  16. I'm surprised it lasted this long. Post it directly to the cornfield and few read it. "This is a bad thread. This is a very bad thread." "Wish it into [political discussions] Anthony!"
  17. When has a sitting President ever debated a primary opponent? https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/05/30/kennedy-tries-again-to-lure-carter-into-debate/9aaa7e9a-1933-497a-a682-f192b66b2b96/
  18. Ah, I misunderstood you. My bad. RFKjr dropped out of the Dem primary in early October. How hard did he try to pressure Biden to debate? Is RFKjr tilting to Trump because of personal animus toward Biden? Like in 2000 when Ralph Nader tilted to Bush by campaigning in Florida two days before the election? That gave us a million dead Iraqis and a fascist Supreme Court.
  19. Trump Loves That RFK Jr. Is Running for President—and Helping Him Win https://newrepublic.com/post/180190/trump-loves-rfk-jr-running Kinzinger says RFK Jr.’s campaign ‘hijacked by MAGA’ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4578188-kinzinger-says-rfk-jr-campaign-hijacked-maga/ Let Me Rewrite That For You: NY Times Misinforms Readers About RFK & Biden https://www.techdirt.com/2024/04/04/let-me-rewrite-that-for-you-ny-times-misinforms-readers-about-rfk-biden/ Secretary of Health and Human Services? I bet Jim DiEugenio could get a cushy job in the HHS comms shop. A pair of gold sneakers might be a snazzy new look for Jim.
  20. Gotta link? I think the report makes a good case for some over-counting of Hillary's primary votes, but nothing near 3.7 million. No, it's about the delegate count. The odds against total high end estimate accuracy are astronomical. Still have my Sanders '16 poster in my window. But what's right is right.
  21. Fair enough. From the linked report: <q> Based on this work, Election Justice USA has established an upper estimate of 184 pledged delegates lost by Senator Bernie Sanders as a consequence of specific irregularities and instances of fraud. Adding these delegates to Senator Sanders’ pledged delegate total and subtracting the same number from Hillary Clinton’s total would more than erase the 359 pledged delegate gap between the two candidates. EJUSA established the upper estimate through exit polling data, statistical analysis by precinct size, and attention to the details of Democratic proportional awarding of national delegates. Even small changes in vote shares in critical states like Massachusetts and New York could have substantially changed the media narrative surrounding the primaries in ways that would likely have had far reaching consequences for Senator Sanders’ campaign. </q> Given the upper estimate in every case that's a 368 swing, giving Bernie a 9 delegate win. The estimates of pledged delegates that should have gone to Sanders are largely based on analyses of 11 states. Iowa: 1 - 3 Nevada: 1 - 4 So. Carolina: 2 - 4 Alabama: 3 - 4 Georgia: 7 - 10 Tennessee: 3 - 7 Mississippi: 2 - 3/4 Illinois: 6 - 20 Ohio: 4 - 7 Arizona: 2 - 6 California: 25 - 35 So over the 11 states the range was 56 on the low end and 104 on the high end. What are the odds of every state hitting the high end estimate?
  22. I was the first Bernie supporter on the Ed Forum. That said, Hillary got 16,914,722 votes in the Dem race and Bernie got 13,206,428. The claim Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie is yet another hollow myth.
  23. Henry was under oath when he said "Yes, sir." https://www.dni.gov/files/HPSCI_Transcripts/2020-05-04-Shawn_Henry-MTR_Redacted.pdf Page 32. I have repeatedly. Henry -- under oath -- confirmed Schiff's characterization of Fancy Bear hacking the DNC servers in order to "set up" the exfiltration of the e-mails. Russian actors hacked the DNC servers, while non-State actors subsequently exfiltrated the e-mails. Assange was probably out of the loop on the Fancy Bear hacking. Meanwhile... Seth Rich's killing was exploited on Fox News and online. His parents are fed up https://www.npr.org/2022/06/15/1104511732/fox-news-seth-rich-murder Fox News Settles With Seth Rich's Parents For False Story Claiming Clinton Leaks https://www.npr.org/2020/11/24/938545344/fox-news-settles-with-seth-richs-parents-for-false-story-claiming-clinton-leaks#:~:text=The Fox News Channel has,of the 2016 presidential campaign.
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