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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Missed the T3 back wound by two inches. The SBT was debunked in 1966. The False Mystery Industry will never let it go — always coming up with “breakthrough” SBT debunking.
  2. Did Paul Bleau refer to the extant physical evidence at Lancer?
  3. Another problem with Griffith’s analysis is the 56 earwitnesses who reported a “bang...bang-bang” shot sequence. According to Griffith the first two shots were close together.
  4. Glen Bennett’s account counterfeits this theory of an early back wound. Bennett could not have witnessed an early hit.
  5. Not obvious at all. Gil Jesus has speculated JFK was trying to cough up the throat bullet. SSA Glen Bennett wrote that afternoon that he saw JFK hit in the back right before the headshot. He wasn’t in a position to see a shot circa Z232, as proven by Willis 5 and Altgens 6. Are we supposed to believe a shooter intended to fire a short load — which would have traveled 90 yards in swirling wind with no appreciable loss of elevation? Another crock to obfuscate the back wound.
  6. It’s good news that belief in the LN doubled in the past 22 years? I pin that on the CT Complexity Fetish. Do you discuss the extant physical evidence (bullet holes in clothes) in your book, Michael?
  7. Thanks, Roger. The False Mystery Industry grinds on. What’s the point of establishing two shooters by citing the clothing evidence when you could spend 90 minutes making a case it takes an advanced degree or two to verify?
  8. Any mention of the extant physical evidence in the JFKA at Lancer or Duquesne? Anywhere?
  9. I promised Cory Santos I’d buy him lunch if the extant physical evidence (bullet defects in JFK’s clothes) is cited at any conference or media event (Black Op Radio, Kennedys and King) related to the 60th Anniversary of the JFKA. I’m counting on fellow Ed Forum posters to keep me apprised. What kind of lunch? A brat and a beer at a Las Vegas Athletics game.
  10. No, Pat, the bullet holes in the clothes are at least two inches lower. This distinction is crucial. The authenticated cervical x-ray shows damage which could only have been caused by the throat entrance shot. You want to attribute the damage at T1 to the back shot, an egregious obfuscation. A fact established in 1966 when Gaeton Fonzi rubbed the clothing defects in Arlen Specter’s face.
  11. Who cares about the SBT? The issue is the nature of the throat and back wounds and what those may tell us about the perps. They were throwing crap on the wall to see what would stick. The Rydberg drawing has a location in the neck, and the final autopsy report posits 2 different back wound locations. Somehow you think this garbage outweighs the clothing evidence, the contemporaneous written accounts of witnesses in position of authority, the properly prepared medical evidence, and consensus witness statements.
  12. Your defense of the Fox 5 autopsy photo is destroyed every time I set you straight.
  13. The keys to effective promotion are simplicity and repetition. Republicans and Lone Nut Advocates excel at this. Democrats and JFKA Conspiracy Advocates are terrible at marketing superior positions, the messaging all over the map.
  14. Consensus regarding the JFK head wound(s) doesn’t seem possible. Was he hit in the head once, twice, thrice? Consensus on the T3 back wound and throat entrance wound, however, would upend the Answer the Question of Conspiracy Parlor Game, and bring down the JFKA False Mystery Industry. Pointing at Salandria and Fonzi and saying, “What they said,” isn’t enough to write books and speeches about. Where’s the fun in that?
  15. Consensus regarding the JFK head wound(s) doesn’t seem possible. Was he hit once, twice, thrice? Consensus on the T3 back wound and throat entrance wound, however, would upend the Answer the Question of Conspiracy Parlor Game, and bring down the JFKA False Mystery Industry. Pointing at Salandria and Fonzi and saying, “What they said,” isn’t enough to write books and speeches about. Where’s the fun in that?
  16. Op Mock was more active in the last Century than these days — and belief in the LN was in the teens back then. Belief in conspiracy dropped 20% from 2000 to 2013. Can’t blame that on Op Mock, which was never effective in the first place. Can’t pin it on age — in the current Gallup 18 - 34 has the strongest belief in conspiracy. In this Century, what did post graduate types likely see whenever they researched the JFKA on the ‘Net? Jim DiEugenio et al bickering with David Von Pein et al over 500 rabbit holes, Von Pein et al selling a simple “Oswald Acted Alone” while DiEugenio et al pitched “Super Human Complexity”. And y’all still at it...
  17. Larry, Plumlee’s 2010 EF posts on his “abort team” flight to Dallas don’t mention Hunt. Any idea when that became part of his story?
  18. John Roselli, not Hunt. Tosh: “We took-off before day break on November 21, 1963 expecting to arrive in Tampa about sunup. We were to pick up other personal at Tampa. One of these people was John Roselli, whom I knew.”
  19. It was Johnny Roselli he flew in with his mis-informed “abort team.”
  20. Not a book I’d recommend tho many do: Josiah Thompson — Six Seconds in Dallas
  21. Fiction category: Don Delillo — Libra James Ellroy — American Tabloid
  22. Vincent Salandria — False Mystery E. Martin Schotz — History Will Not Absolve Us
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