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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. How can you be sure the Gov’t of Israel and the Hoover Institute weren’t protecting their relationship with Putin in March of 2022?
  2. Jim’s right, let’s get back to Stone and the JFKA. At around the 30 minute mark of the 2 hr Destiny Betrayed the following root fact is discussed: JFK had a shallow wound between his T3 and the upper margin of his scapula. That’s soft tissue, folks. What kind of a weapon leaves a shallow wound in soft tissue?
  3. This BBC account doesn’t indicate a deal was imminent. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-60679175 Israel's Bennett plays peacemaker in Ukraine-Russia war
  4. They’ve rescinded the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction? China’s economy is heavily dependent on the American consumer. They’re not going to blow up that relationship over Putin.
  5. So because Bennett was quoted in Business Insider it means he lied? And yet Bennett now disputes the notion there was a solid deal on the table. But he lied because he was covered by Business Insider? The one that claims the war is going poorly for Ukraine, they’re taking 7 - 1 casualties? The source of those leaks is a hard right nut.
  6. You can spare us your Russo-centric takes any time. Your accusation of “ethnic cleansing” is based on nothing. Yes, with every post you signal virtue. You don’t appear to care about the Palestinians. How long have you hated Arabs? Started a world-wide musical genre centered on protest — hardcore punk rock. What have *you* ever done? How many anti-war demonstrations have you attended?
  7. Not at all. Your assertion of the right of the Donbas Russian enclaves to defend themselves clashes with your denunciation of other Eastern Europeans exercising the same right. You have turned a blind eye to Sudan. How long have you hated black people? More apologetics for genocide. You’ve turned a blind eye to the Uyghurs. How long have you hated Asians? You’ve turned a blind eye to drug cartels in Latin America. How long have you hated Hispanics? Btw, how many anti-war demonstrations have you marched in?
  8. You both called me a coward for not fighting in Ukraine. Your rhetoric has the full scent of desperation. But justified, according to you both. The states of the former Soviet Bloc wanted to join NATO — that’s not US imperialism. Yet another fig leaf to cover Putin’s genocidal mania. You’re accusing Luke Mogelson of acting as a western propagandist. Maybe you should do some research on him before you smear. Mearsheimer’s thesis posits the right of Great Powers to dictate the alliances of smaller countries. No such right exists. I’ve rebutted Paul’s assertion that the US torpedoed a peace deal. Stop apologizing for Putin's invasion if you don’t want to get called out for it. All he has to do is withdraw.
  9. You’re not against Putin’s genocide. You offer rationale after rationale. Everyone’s for peace. You think you’re special? Why aren’t you calling for Putin to withdraw? How many anti-war protests have you marched in? There are many inequalities and atrocities in the world. Because one doesn’t address them all at once it means they’ve turned a blind eye? Talk about juvenile!
  10. She did. Barb is no longer with us. No, it was caused by the round that entered the throat. Because the damage is inconsistent with a shot that blows out the back of the head.
  11. Is it asthma keeping you from going to Yemen? We catch you making excuses for Putin’s genocide.
  12. Former Israeli prime minister rebuts claim, boosted by Russia, that the US blocked a Ukraine peace agreement: 'It's unsure there was any deal to be made' https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-bennett-walks-back-claim-west-blocked-ukraine-russia-peace-deal-2023-2?op=1
  13. They only take people with a military background. Besides, since I’m 68 and walk with a cane I’d only get in the way. So when will you be going to Yemen? You’re an apologist for genocide. I co-formed and managed this band in 1980. I’ve been protesting American regime change policies since before you were born, Sonny. More projection.
  14. Cotter and Barnard think it’s a breeze for foreigners to fight in Ukraine... More great reporting by one of best journalists on the scene: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/01/02/trapped-in-the-trenches-in-ukraine
  15. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/collecting-bodies-in-bucha
  16. That subject hasn’t come up. Then quit doing that, by all means. Why aren’t you in Yemen fighting on the side of the Houthi? Projection much? Putin could end it very quickly by withdrawing. That’s a different conversation, your stab at self-righteous piety not withstanding. Said the pro-genocide propagandist.
  17. Don’t hurt yourself bending over backwards to call us racists. Since you only advocate for ethnic Russian self-determination the hypocrisy is all yours.
  18. I made no such argument. Putin is responsible for this war of aggression. Eastern European hostility toward Russia precluded that option. The ghosts of Bucha call bullish-t. He could have NOT invaded Ukraine. The only reason Finland abandoned its long held neutrality was out of the existential fear of Russian expansion. Ah yes, the Great Powers always know what’s best for smaller countries. <gag> That’s another discussion.
  19. Point taken. It’s a generic term for a nation’s military capability. The Russian presence in Ukraine is hardly “defensive” but we can still speak of the Donbass Russians preferring a Russian defense umbrella. And Russia was an existential threat to the States of the former Soviet Bloc. What a chauvinistic conceit that NATO and Russia thought they could dictate alliances to these newly freed States. Russia had a bad rep in Eastern Europe, after all. The last time NATO expanded was 2009. Finland in NATO is a far graver concern than Ukraine — there’s a highly efficient Finnish military 60 miles over the border from the only supply road up to the Russian nuke sites in Murmansk, in the Arctic Circle. You do understand Putin targets civilians, don’t you? For centuries Russia kept Finland from forming a Western Alliance. Putin screwed the pooch.
  20. I asked Barb Junkkarinen what creates the kind of air pocket seen on the x-ray and she said it can occur when the tissue is lightly tapped—“like with a pencil.”
  21. One soft tissue wound in the back, one in the neck. I’d have to refer you to the work of David Lifton. There were no bullets recovered from either wound at autopsy. The pellet scenario requires prior removal. But it did penetrate the skin fully. And you’ve got two pellets falling out. From what I understand bullets don’t just fall out of wounds. I dunno about pellets. Not according to the cervical x-ray, which shows a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process, and an air pocket overlaying C7 and T1 — consistent with a frontal throat shot. SSA Bennett wrote on the flight back to DC that JFK was hit in the back right before the head shot. Since JFK brought his fists up to throat level, it seems apparent he was reacting to a throat strike. He acted paralyzed, it seems. Occam’s Razor: what’s the simplest explanation for someone acting paralyzed? They *are* paralyzed.
  22. Interesting. Air gun fatalities. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC500806/
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