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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Partisans like to portray themselves as above it all when their cherished assumptions are battered.
  2. Oglesby identified the John Birch Society as Cowboy. MAGAs are the ideological progeny of the JBS.
  3. Tell it to the cops who got their asses kicked by modern-day Cowboys on 1/6. You think Thiel and Musk aren’t right wing Cowboys? No Christian Nationalist (Cowboy) billionaires in the ruling elites? https://www.christiantoday.com/article/5-christian-billionaires-you-should-know/127685.htm https://www.thedailybeast.com/christian-billionaires-are-funding-a-push-to-kill-the-equality-act Hating on immigrants ain’t populism.
  4. I disagree with Oglesby. I think the assassination of JFK was a Harriman operation. W. Averell Harriman: WASP capo di tutti capi. The partition of Laos was negotiated by Harriman in ‘62. The overthrow of Diem was pushed hard by Harriman. Those with proficiency in English will note that Oglesby convinced me to look for factions in the ruling elite. I don’t agree with all his conclusions. The observation of schisms in the Deep State invariably escapes those who, for partisan purposes, insist the ruling elite is monolithic.
  5. Those who are not hysterical will note I allowed for the possibility QAnon was an intel op.
  6. You’re missing the bigger picture of a faction ridden Deep State. Are you sure about that? Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are modern day Cowboys. The business models of Facebook and Twitter amplify right wing voices. Nonsense. How many cable news cycles did the Russia-hacked-the DNC story make over the last five months of the 2016 election? Twice, nothing over the last 70 days. How many mentions did the Steele Dossier get on TV heading into the election? Zero. Almost the entire Republican field accused Trump of being a threat to national security. Why didn’t the CIA leak the Steele Dossier? You’re comparing a NY Times op-Ed to 11 straight days of Hillary bashing on all three cable networks? And yet it was Clinton’s non-scandal that dominated news coverage. The New York FBI, which had Hillary e-mails they knew were duplicates but FBI chief Comey presented it as a new investigation. The cable news shows which broadcast every Trump speech, gave him billions in free advertising. The New York Times, which gave 4 times more coverage to Hillary’s e-mails than her policy positions. The factions of the Deep State loyal to Christian Nationalism, a significant faction. Not according to Crowdstrike’s Shawn Henry, who testified the Russian hacker Fancy Bear set up the DNC computer to be hacked by, according to Assange, non-state actors. Leaking the Steele Dossier would have been “to the hilt.” It has everything to do with the nature of the Deep State, which Carlson is attempting to obfuscate. I’d rather ask why JFKA experts like DiEugenio don’t promote the fact JFK suffered soft tissue wounds consistent with CIA weaponry. It amazes me that this fact is totally ignored by the JFKA Critical community. Talk about lame! The entire story is fabricated. Are you claiming the CIA is behind QAnon? Possibly. Are you straining to throw shade? Research QAnon.
  7. Ever read Carl Ogelsby’s The Yankee and the Cowboy War? It convinced me to look at factions within the MIC, within the CIA particularly along the lines of Eastern Establishment (WASP banking) Yankees and the Western oil interest Cowboys, both controlling factions within the intelligence community. Modern day Yankees are called Globalists and the far-right Cowboys morphed into MAGA Christian Nationalists (“Drill baby, drill”). No government agency ever affected an American election like what far-right elements of the FBI did to Clinton in 2016. Carlson won’t acknowledge that bit of Deep Statery.
  8. Why do you assume the botched hostage rescue in 1980 involved the CIA?
  9. It was a hair-brained plan anyway, but your point is taken. I doubt that’s what Carlson was referring to, seems like he’s using the JFKA to throw shade on US elections.
  10. Assassination is a different form of regime change than affecting elections. Fair enough. 1968 the CIA whacked Bobby. In ‘72 they set Nixon up in Watergate but he won in a landslide anyway. In ‘80 CIA-man George Bush convinced the Ayatollah to hold on to the Embassy hostages until the day Reagan was inaugurated. Ronnie probably would have won anyway given the stagnant economy. Do you think a candidate who was recorded bragging about grabbing female genitalia could win a Presidential election prior to 2016? The CIA was armed with the Steele Dossier but didn’t put it on TV until Jan ‘2017. Cable news the last 11 days of the 2016 election was 24 hours a day Hillary bashing thanks to Comey’s FBI. Looks like the Deep State wanted Trump. As far as diversions go, I regard the entire subject of documents a diversion. JFK’s soft tissue wounds were consistent with weapon technology developed for the CIA.
  11. When did the CIA affect an American election? 1960 maybe. Nixon suspected Dulles briefed Kennedy on anti-Cuban efforts, allowing him to run to the right on the issue. Any other examples? Or is this just Carlson taking a cheap shot at the 2020 election?
  12. I do not have a problem with Tucker Carlson pandering to the far-right Q-MAGA crowd by accusing the CIA of a hand in the murder of JFK. That’s a foundational understanding in QAnon. At the autopsy the doctors indicated that possibility themselves with speculation JFK’s soft tissue wounds were CIA-level high-tech. I can golf-clap Tucker while clearly seeing the underlying fascist agenda at play.
  13. JFK conspiracy is a foundational belief in QAnon. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/qanon-donald-trump-jfk_n_61e5e64be4b05645a6eb0912
  14. I can only take credit for the context — students of JFK who allow their love for the man blind them to the mistakes he made regarding the Bay of Pigs, the partition of Laos, and the overthrow of Diem.
  15. Did you? I was too busy screwing up the coffee maker. Had to clean up a couple of cups pooled on the floor.
  16. Y’all being bamboozled. Everyone hypes the remaining documents to the point of talking head hysteria and when those docs do a Capone vault next year the MSM can say —“Nothing to this conspiracy nonsense.”
  17. Why are you people looking for a smoking gun paper trail to tie the CIA to the JFKA when the autopsists responded to the condition of the body with speculation tying the CIA to the JFKA? When we have a dissolving bullet we need no smoking gun.
  18. Even Michael Beschloss gave the WC a “probably correct” instead of his normal LN spiel.
  19. I thought you said RussiaGate was a hoax? A Russian hacker penetrated the DNC computers and staged the e-mails for exfiltration by, according to Assange, non-state actors. Can’t admit error, Ben?
  20. From the House testimony of Shawn Henry of Crowdstrike, the company which investigated the hack of DNC e-mails in 2016, in regard to the Russian hacker Fancy Bear. MR. SCHIFF: lt provides in the report on 2016, April 22nd, data staged for exfiltration by the Fancy Bear actor. MR.HENRY: Yes, sir. So that, again, staged for, sure which, I mean, there’s not -- the analogy I used with Mr. Stewart earlier was we don't have video of it happening, but there are indicators that it happened. There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case, it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don't have the evidence that says it actually was.
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