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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. I stopped contemplating the views of Jeff Morley at the Cracking the Case Conference at Bethesda in ‘05 when he sat next to Tony Summers on stage and nodded wisely when Summers said we should not ask what kind of conspiracy killed Kennedy, but whether there was a conspiracy at all. I almost fell out of my chair. Insight into the cover-up of the JFKA, but illuminates nothing about the murder itself. Let the ether of your imagination run wild. Everyone else does.
  2. Carlson: Do you believe that the CIA — or another government agency — was in any way involved with the assassination of your uncle? RFK, Jr: Well, I dunno. I don’t think that possibility has been eliminated. Gee wow, powerful stuff...
  3. Start with the root facts of the case: JFK had a shallow wound in soft tissue to the right of T3, and another soft tissue wound in his throat. There were no wound exits, and no rounds recovered at the autopsy. The autopsists considered the possibility JFK was struck by a high tech weapon of the sort developed by the CIA program MKNAOMI. From Larry Hancock’s Nexus, pg 36 <quote on, emphasis in the original> Confirmation of the MKNAOMI project was revealed in 1977, when Carter administration Defense Secretary Brown requested an internal review of CIA projects which had involved the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense's legal counsel conducted the investigation and among other things reported back that MKNAOMI had begun in the early 1950's and was "intended to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials and to develop gadgetry for dissemination of these materials." A June 29, 1975 CIA memorandum has also been located which documents the SOD/CIA relationship and confirms that no written records were kept; management was by verbal instruction and "human continuity." The memo refers to "swarms of project requests" and cites examples of suicide pills, chemicals to anesthetize occupants to facilitate building entries, "L-pills" and aphrodisiacs for operational use. The memo notes "some requests for support approved by the CIA had apparently involved assassination." <quote off> “No written records were kept” — like 99+% of all JFKA related material the Records Act is a useless distraction.
  4. The conspiracy field has been flooded with the kind of intellectual sewage Carlson peddles for a living.
  5. You’re susceptible to pandering? A year ago Tucker said Case Closed was a great book and the Warren Commission got it right.
  6. The term Woke for those who don't know was a hip hop term for being a Awake to the fact that there is an Illuminati that does stuff like 911, JFK assassination, faking the moon landing and running the hip hop industry and killing rappers who get out of line. This term was then rebranded by college marxist leftists into meaning social justice. </q> Yes! The Marxist academic Lead Belly in 1938 used the term in his description of his song “Scottsboro Boys.” At 4:33 —“Stay woke.”
  7. I couldn’t take more than a couple of minutes of Dore’s crying — does he tell us what the Head of the Executive Branch of The United States Government censored on Twitter in 2020? It’s fine to kick Antifa types off Twitter and coverup right-wing government censorship...Musk paid heavy for that right to his free speech. But please, spare us the slimy self-righteous hypocrisies.
  8. Confirmation bias is a bitch! Taibbi noted that both Biden and Trump asked Twitter in 2020 to suppress certain items. Private citizen Biden wanted his private citizen son’s genitalia pics removed. Taibbi doesn’t tell us what President Trump asked to be removed. So what did Trump suppress — and why don‘t Taibbi/Musk reveal what exactly did The Government Under Trump censor?
  9. I didn’t know David well enough to call him a friend, but we were definitely allies. I exchanged about 20 e-mails with him 2011-14. We shared an understanding of the root facts of the case, and shared a disdain for “JFK experts” who didn’t grasp those facts. Rest in peace, David, your work will live forever.
  10. Hello! You’ve Been Referred Here Because You’re Wrong About Twitter And Hunter Biden’s Laptop https://www.techdirt.com/2022/12/07/hello-youve-been-referred-here-because-youre-wrong-about-twitter-and-hunter-bidens-laptop/
  11. I turned down the invitation to live rent free in Matthew’s head — all the genitalia pics are off-putting.
  12. RussiaGate had nothing to do with the Steele Dossier. Mueller was appointed special counsel because Trump fired Comey. Mueller didn’t go after Trump’s shady finances, his grifting children, or a sit down interview — and he let Bill Barr’s misrepresention of the report stand for two months without a correction. Bret Stephens is a neo-con. I thought you didn’t like neo-cons, Ben.
  13. The Three Stooges of RussiaGate Denial: Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Aaron Mate.
  14. Careful readers will notice I cited two sources for the Twitter study, a similar study on Facebook, and an article on how algorithm bias works on social media. Lead a horse to water...
  15. You need to make it about me given the severity of your confirmation bias.
  16. Again with the shady rhetoric? Twitter admitted it. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/22/twitter-admits-bias-in-algorithm-for-rightwing-politicians-and-news-outlets Would it kill you to do a little research on algorithm bias? https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/radical-ideas-social-media-algorithms/
  17. That’s not what it says. “Former head of Twitter Trust and Safety Yoel Roth submitted a disclosure to the FEC saying that the company had been warned by the FBI of a forthcoming Russian disinformation dump, and they assumed the New York Post's reporting was it. Federal law enforcement planted the seed in Twitter's collective mind, and Twitter used that intelligence to suppress the Post's report.” So Twitter *assumed* the Post story was Russian disinfo after the FBI *planted a seed* — and that’s your idea of a fascist operation? Since when did Obama dictate to the FBI? The US Gov’t didn’t put out a phony story about Hillary’s e-mails — James Comey and the NYC FBI office did that.
  18. And your proof that the FBI told Twitter not to run the Hunter Biden non-story is what? Kind of ironic the FBI warning about disinformation when James Comey lied about Hillary’s e-mails 11 days out in ‘16. The Fascists are just pissed off the FBI didn’t do it again with Biden.
  19. I never said that. Why are you making up this fiction? Allergic to research?
  20. No Ben, that’s not what I said. Did you bother to read the articles? It’s in the nature of social media platforms to amplify the loudest voices, and there are no voices louder than snowflakes crying victim. Right-wing misinformation on Facebook is more engaging than its left-wing counterpart, research finds https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/03/tech/facebook-right-wing-misinformation/index.html
  21. It was Trump who gave the rich a 6% tax cut and everyone else 0.5%. Twitter was never a Donk tool. Ben, you have to understand how right wing outrage culture drives social media content. It’s not my fault you don’t want to process the information cited. “In nearly all countries analysed, tweets by conservative politicians were amplified more than tweets by liberal politicians, Twitter has admitted. Meanwhile, right-wing news outlets were also amplified for Twitter users more than left-wing news outlets.”
  22. Has-beens. If the US Gov’t interfered with Twitter in the fall of ‘20 how could that be Biden? If you’re going to appeal to authority you can do better than Glenn “Citizens United” Greenwald and Matt “Uranium One” Taibbi. Factually incorrect. When Trump wanted items taken off Twitter they complied. What part of “algorithm amplification” don’t you get? It was always a right wing dominated platform.
  23. ...Excuse me? Twitter said so. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2021/10/22/twitter-admits-its-algorithms-amplify-right-wing-politicians-and-news-content Confirmation bias is a bitch, ain’t it?
  24. What’s not to love about a guy who doesn’t know who was President in 2020? Greenwald: Go look and you'll see the whole mindless liberal pack making this point: "LOL, Elon claimed there was government involvement when Taibbi admitted in tweet 22 there's none." Now, look at Taibbi's tweet: he's saying there's no evidence of *foreign government* involvement, not US...
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