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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. To you maybe. Those aren’t *your* rights getting stripped. Nonsense. Not only did Biden and the Dems pass a half dozen major pieces of legislation they cut the budget deficit in half. More than 10 million jobs created in less than two years. Inflation isn’t nearly as high here as many other countries.
  2. Appeared on their album Virgin Fugs Who can take the sugar from its sack Pour in LSD and put it back? xxxxing-a man! CIA Man!
  3. Not that high school teachers are ever subject to gossip by their students. Not that high school students are familiar with the fact that homosexuals exist and that it’s no big deal except for evangelicals who project their own compulsion to convert on others. How does that compare? How does that compare? Sure you’re not projecting evangelical compulsion to convert? Factually incorrect. The Dems are running on pro-choice and pro-voting. It’s the Christian fascists who are wrapped up in converting people. You mean like the infrastructure act putting over a trillion dollars into upgrading transportation and communications? To name one example. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/biden-legislative-checklist-1.6546561 You’re over-reacting to over-reaction. Snowflakes to the left of me, snowflakes to the right. Some people might think you’re projecting a Christian compulsion to convert. Islam has the exact same issue. Again, where does this compulsion to convert you attribute to others come from? Ya think? It’s the Christian Fascists who make a *big* *dramatic* *production* of it. Irony ain’t dead. The GOP makes it harder for a lot of non-whites to vote.
  4. I always knew whether or not my teachers were married. It’s only an issue when Christian fascist snowflakes get bent out of shape over nothing.
  5. Could the anti-vaxx message be a form of stochastic violence? https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/12/05/1059828993/data-vaccine-misinformation-trump-counties-covid-death-rate
  6. A travesty right up there with the GOP assault on voting rights and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  7. Exactly. That’s why I go with Globalist, Dominionist, Institutionalist — the tri-polar American ruling elite. I think the globalists of the 20 Century were more heinous — the scions of the oil and rail industries, Rockefeller and Harriman. Dusty!!! And when he took Russ out he handed him the ball, a souvenir he soon regretted giving. The Angels were not amused by the gesture. A low inside fastball right in Scott Spiezio’s wheelhouse...a righty throwing a home run ball to a lefty...just like here on the Ed Forum!
  8. I’m still trying to figure out what Ray Epps has to do with HammerMan in Minneapolis and 10,000+ peaceful George Floyd protests. Ben:. I strongly recommend the following: https://www.covertbookreport.com/book-review-the-yankee-and-cowboy-war-by-carl-olgesby While I don’t buy Ogesby’s theory of the JFKA as a Cowboy Coup & Watergate as a Yankee counter-coup (both a Yankee coup in my book), the big takeaway is that the ruling elites are faction ridden. The Yankees of last century are “Globalists” — Bushes and Clintons. Cowboys are “Dominionists” —Christian Fascists, Trumpers. I also include the elites devoted to government work — Institutionalists like Obama, Biden and Liz Cheney. In my book you and most everyone on this Forum chronically mid-uses the phrase “deep state” as an exclusively Globalist entity.
  9. Thanks Ben. Now all I have to do is figure out what relevance he has to the two facts I posted regarding the George Floyd protests.
  10. Do I look like I’m kidding? You brought him up, I didn’t. What crimes did Epps commit?
  11. You obviously didn’t watch the clip. The FBI found Epps committed no crime. And what does any of that have to do with the Floyd protests?
  12. I liked the part where Tucker said Fox doesn’t cover much of the J6 Committee. Isn’t that what you’re accusing me of, not listening to the other side? To the best of my knowledge, HammerMan never said a word. How does that compare with the very vocal Epps? Are you claiming agents provocateurs can only be leftists?
  13. I’m not familiar with any such conclusion. There was a guy with an umbrella vandalizing an Autozone store who the cops identified as right wing. I’d ask you to quote me but I didn’t write anything. Should I conclude you’re projecting?
  14. All I did was post a video indicating one vandal was right wing, and a link to a report that 10,000 protests were peaceful. If you land wrong on that leap you might twist an ankle.
  15. About 93% of racial justice protests in the US have been peaceful, a new report finds https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/04/us/blm-protests-peaceful-report-trnd/index.html
  16. And now you and your friends are imitating and exceeding the worst behaviors of those you claim to resist. For 225 years this country enjoyed the peaceful transition of power until the MAGAts tried to overthrow it. You people make baseless accusations of voter fraud in order to restrict your fellow Americans’ right to vote. Every election is rigged that you don’t win. You melt down like snowflakes every time your hypocrisy is laid bare. For many of you the operative definition of patriotism is sticking a gun in the face of folks putting a ballot in a drop box. In your prior post you claimed vote rigging in the inner cities without a shred of proof. When you’re challenged on the point we hear the crickets chirping. Somehow you watched the news coverage over the last two weeks of the 2016 campaign and missed the pro-Trump slant on every cable news channel, even MSNBC. Confirmation bias is a bitch, ain’t it?
  17. I never had a problem with the Pepe meme. I never had a problem with the left wing over reaction to it. I never had a problem with peoples’ over reaction to the over reaction, like Rogan’s. People are prone to imitate what they hate. Be careful how you hate.
  18. https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2017/1/11/14215930/comey-email-election-clinton-campaign “During the final days of the election major newspapers “published 100 stories, 46 of which were on the front page,about or mentioning the emails.” The tone and tenor of coverage shifted markedly against Clinton in the closing week of the campaign.” What’s your proof inner city riggers rig the vote? Mayor Richard Daley in the 50’s? I must confess I found him funny and appalling by turns until he came out with the Muslim Ban proposal — he was never ha-ha funny after that. She got 3.5 million more votes than Bernie. The Super Electors didn’t matter. Understand, I was an early Bernie supporter, a fact Kirk will co-sign. (A belated shout out to Mr. Gallaway, my Dub Nation brother — let the chips fall where they may, on Steph Curry’s fingers!) What gives you that idea? https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26385-hc40-digging-the-hidden-history-of-hardcore/ I never had a problem with the Pepe meme. I never had a problem with the left wing over reaction to it. I never had a problem with peoples’ over reaction to the over reaction, like Rogan’s. What polls?
  19. Unfortunately watching cable news in 2016 wasn’t one of your hobbies or you’d know that the Clinton support for Trump over Bush et al was well known all year. If not for the Comey interference and the constant attacks on Hillary over the last 11 days the strategy would have worked.
  20. Trump’s genius was to turn cable news into “Reality TV”. For a year and a half he flooded the news cycle with outrageous statements. The cable networks loved it! They gave him billions of dollars in free advertising, and don’t be surprised if they do that again.
  21. Zero. On October 7 at 3:30 pm EST the Obama Administration publicly accused Russia of interfering in the US election. Big news, right? At 4:00 pm EST the Access Hollywood tape dropped; at 4:30 pm EST the Podesta e-mails hit the news. The Russia-is-screwing-us-for-Trump story was never repeated, didn’t make the cable news cycle. Well done Deep State!
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