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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. That’s bs, Ben. Twitter was never a “powerful Donk ally.” Twitter admits bias in algorithm for rightwing politicians and news outlets https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/22/twitter-admits-bias-in-algorithm-for-rightwing-politicians-and-news-outlets
  2. From the Atlantic article linked above: ...Taibbi last night said that Twitter “received” and “honored” deletion requests from the Trump White House. Like in 2016 when the New York Times gave 4X more coverage to Hillary’s e-mails than her policy positions? Or like how all three cable news networks spent the last 11 days of the ‘16 campaign bashing Clinton relentlessly over the phony Comey accusations? Or how the media got played by Bill Barr when he lied about the Mueller Report? You were outraged by Twitter “censorship” under the old regime but Musk kicking off lefties for no valid reason is hunky-dory? You gotta quit warming up and get in the game first. No town I’m part of. Should content moderation be criminalized? But you only seem outraged by Dorsey. Tell me about it. I put up a website about bedbugs that made a bit of side cash and Google killed it. I do duck-duck-go.
  3. Ben: The Donk-Biden team had a pipeline into Twitter, and they used it. Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson Don’t Understand the First Amendment https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/12/elon-musk-and-tucker-carlson-dont-understand-the-first-amendment/672352/ ... [T]he First Amendment protects Twitter, the Biden campaign team, and the Democratic National Committee. The “TWITTER FILES” released so far do not describe a violation of the First Amendment. Instead, they detail the exercise of First Amendment rights by independent, private actors. <quote off, emphasis in the original>
  4. Ben, what’s the scandal? Should it be illegal for the children of the rich and powerful to take advantage of their parents’ success? Trump and Musk both received financial help from their fathers — but it’s only a problem for Democrats?
  5. Allen Dulles pushed the button on Lumumba a few days before JFK’s inaugural. That was the CIA chief’s way of welcoming the new Administration— especially JFK’s kitchen cabinet, Robert Lovett and Joseph Kennedy Sr., who had spent Ike’s second term trying to get Dulles fired. https://cryptome.org/0001/bruce-lovett.htm After the ‘60 election Joe told his son to give Lovett any post he wanted. Lovett wanted Dean Rusk at State, McGeorge Bundy as National Security Advisor, Robert McNamara at Defense, and C. Douglas Dillon at Treasury. Lovett and Bundy were Skull & Bones Yalies. The CIA Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell was a Yalie who’d been tapped for S&B but turned them down. Rusk and Bissell insured the failure of the Bay of Pigs with constant changes to location and scope. There was very little outreach to in-country allies who might lead a pro-American uprising — even though the success of the operation depended on it. Dulles was gone in November. Bissell had a nice career in government and the corporate world. JFK gave him a medal even though he bore the greatest responsibility for the BOP failure. But if the idea was cripple and dispose of Allen Dulles the BOP was a raging success.
  6. That’s well known, so what? Double check your reading on that. Updated Boosters Are Recommended for Some People CDC recommends that people ages 5 years and older receive one updated (bivalent) booster if it has been at least 2 months since their last COVID-19 vaccine dose, whether that was: Their final primary series dose, or An original (monovalent) booster People who have gotten more than one original (monovalent) booster are also recommended to get an updated (bivalent) booster. </q> It doesn’t say every two months. Death rates in Africa were significantly lower pre-vaccination. Coronavirus in Africa: Five reasons why Covid-19 has been less deadly than elsewhere https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-54418613
  7. Possibly! Location is subject to speculation. What’s not subject to guess-work is the fact he had two entrance wounds in soft tissue with no exits and no bullets recovered at autopsy.
  8. Factually incorrect. The back wound was in soft tissue to the right of T3. There was a slight crack in the right T1 transverse process, as well as an air-pocket overlaying the right C/7 - T1 transverse processes. This is from the throat shot. You should read the original documents.
  9. Not in the US. https://acasignups.net/22/11/30/33-months-covid-one-image-one-more-look-redblue-death-rate-divide You’re obsessed over largely non-existent mandates because you *need* to cry victim. Because you do no research and your little knowledge is closely guarded by confirmation bias. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/vol1/pdf/ChurchV1_6_Senseney.pdf You have no clue what you’re talking about. From the Church Comm. testimony of CIA Director William Colby (pg 17) http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/vol1/pdf/ChurchV1_1_Colby.pdf <quote on> Mr. CHAIRMAN: Is it not true, too, that the effort not only involved not only designing a gun that could strike at a human target without knowledge of the person who had been struck, but the toxin itself would not appear in the autopsy? Mr. COLBY: Well, there was an attempt— Mr. CHAIRMAN: Or the dart. Mr. COLBY: Yes; so there was no way of perceiving that the target was hit. Mr. CHAIRMAN: As a murder instrument, that is about as efficient as you can get, is it not? Mr. COLBY: It is a weapon, a very serious weapon. <quote off> Malone is a l-i-a-r who claims to have invented mRNA but he had a lot of company in that. He had a patent on it which ran out, so he’s bitter.
  10. In 1988. I’ve been Western-medicine-hesitant since I was 5 years old. I do my research before I take any medicine. mRNA research has gone on for decades, with many successful applications. It wasn’t a reach to apply it to covid. The excess deaths were prominent in Trump counties. But don’t let facts get in the way of your fictions. I didn’t get Obama-care until 2019, for 1 year. For many years I had Healthy San Francisco, which was health care access but not insurance. So I guess those Obama-care storm troopers you imagine missed me somehow. You’re the one obsessing over largely non-existent mandates, not me. As to the ignorance of the following, the night of the autopsy with JFK’s body in front of them the autopsists speculated JFK was hit with a high tech round that wouldn’t leave a trace in the body or on x-ray. The hyena gallery always gets triggered by this fact.
  11. I didn’t say anything about mandates — which proves my point about Fascists and their fictions. In the US it was Gov’t employees and health care workers who faced mandates without exceptions. That’s a snowflake’s idea of tyranny. Another ginned up fiction. Can’t help yourself?
  12. Fascists gin up big lies. It’s what they do. https://theintercept.com/2022/11/29/elon-musk-twitter-andy-ngo-antifascist/ ELON MUSK CLAIMS to be “fighting for free speech in America” but the social network’s new owner appears to be overseeing a purge of left-wing activists from the platform. Several prominent antifascist organizers and journalists have had their accounts suspended in the past week, after right-wing operatives appealed directly to Musk to ban them and far-right internet trolls flooded Twitter’s complaints system with false reports about terms of service violations. </q>
  13. Same thing in 2020. People died from thinking about getting a vaccine.
  14. Ben, btw, Biden is an Institutionalist more than a Globalist. He opposed the first Iraq War, the attack on Libya, the bin Laden raid, and against Globalist designs he pulled 125,000 people out of the toughest neighborhood in the world in 17 days. Know how many Vietnamese Ford pulled out in 1975? 5,500.
  15. I need to see the quid pro quo. What did Joe Biden do in exchange for whatever?
  16. I can’t find it on-line now but in 2007 there was a personal wealth study of the top 581 (iirc) Government officials — Congress, White House, Supreme Court. Biden came in something like 577. They ain’t gonna find anything on this guy.
  17. So what? We find out that the child of an influential man leveraged his last name for business? Oh my! I must repair to the fainting couch fetch the vapors! Sure, as long as they investigate the patents Ivanka got from the Chinese and the Saudi deals Jared cooked up while in the government and the scam called Trump Hotel in DC. Ivanka, Jared and the Donald grifted while in office. Hunter ain’t. There’s nothing to investigate. Fascists are skilled at ginning up appearances. Fascists gin up big lies. It’s what they do.
  18. It sure was! Then Fauci learned about Chinese scientists getting covid two months earlier than previously known, and he admitted it may have come out of a lab. Has Robert Malone retracted his deadly recommendation of ivermectin? No, it’s an American Fascist disinformation campaign. They wanted to pull a Comey on Biden like they did Hillary — gin up a phony scandal right before an election. There’s no shortage of outlets for information, is there?
  19. Is the customer denied service because of the color of their skin or because they scream obscenities at other diners? If the problem is race or religion they better put their private club behind their abode. And the social media companies are excluding people due to race and religion? No, it’s because people who signed a moderation agreement don’t want to behave. I hope he goes broke. Just another right-winger bitching about a right-tilt company not being right-wing enough. How about telling people ivermectin prevents covid? Lots of folks in Trump country died from that.
  20. If it’s open to the public by way of public sidewalks and public roads then the restaurant should serve the public, whomever that should be. Is that what’s happening? Not my town square. I don’t need them. I need water and electricity from public utilities — but if all 3 of those tech companies went belly up I’d give a half a cheer. So you think that free speech would extend to posting photos on Twitter of Elon Musk’s children, their addresses, and the routes they took to school every day? Mark Zuckerberg and the other owners of Facebook have the right to enforce moderation policies as an exercise of their right to free speech.
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