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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Long-time Education Forum readers will be sad to hear of the passing of Michael Hogan, a regular writer on the JFK Forum for many years. He was my toughest critic and a great friend. With a humorous skepticism he enjoyed holding my feet to the fire. — “You’re married to that theory!” he’d say during our regular phone calls. “Going steady, not married,” my standard reply. Okay Michael, I won’t go on. RIP brother.
  2. John, what sort of firearm leaves a shallow wound in soft tissue? A 25-lb bow and target practice arrow?
  3. Did you also support the anti-terrorist actions of both Bushes? There it is again. The intellectual bankruptcy of the JFKA Critical Community on display. The informed speculation of the autopsists pointed to weaponry developed by the CIA. Those who seek to obfuscate the strong possibility of CIA involvement call the speculation “wacky.” The JFK Critical Community cannot take “CIA conspiracy” for an answer.
  4. You didn’t refer to a) the implosion of the Russian economy and b) Putin’s intent to overrun Ukraine as doublethink? This is exactly what I’m talking about when I refer to the gutless “JFK Critical community”. Won’t take “CIA conspiracy” for an answer. The night of the autopsy the autopsists developed the theory that JFK was hit with a blood soluble round. Care to explain, John, how that’s *my* theory?
  5. I fail to see the double-think in observing both Putin’s intention to overrun Ukraine and the severe domestic consequences of that intent.
  6. John, on the night of the autopsy, Humes, Boswell and Finck struggled to explain the shallow wound in the soft tissue between JFK's T3 and the upper margin of his right shoulder blade. Same with the wound in the throat -- no exit, no bullet. The doctors speculated that JFK was struck with a blood soluble round, a high tech weapon they weren't sure existed. They called it an "ice bullet." They asked an FBI guy to call around to see if such a thing existed. The Church Committee in 1975 revealed that the CIA developed blood soluble paralytics and toxins under the auspices of the US Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The US government never made the painfully obvious connection between both of JFK's shallow wounds in soft tissue and the weaponry developed by the CIA's MKNAOMI. The Mainstream Media never mentions it. Neither do so-called JFKA "critical experts." I find so-called "JFK assassination researchers" gutless.
  7. I'm taking the piss out of Trump cultists. I need to explain that? The (a) part is voluminous footage turned over to Tucker Carlson.
  8. 99.9% of Dallas visit images show a guy enjoying himself. There was no “aSsAssInaTioN.”
  9. I’m with Tucker on J6. In fact, as far as 11/22 goes, I’ve seen lots of photos and film of Kennedy in Dallas and he looks fine. Shaking hands, smiling and waving. Did the so-called Kennedy “assassination” really happen? Given all the footage of a happy JFK in Dallas it sure looks like Fake News.
  10. Pure unadulterated bullsh-t. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/16/politics/biden-intel-review-covid-origins/index.html Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation
  11. Factually incorrect. It was during the Trump Administration the lab-leak theory was disputed. You just make this garbage up. Musk paid him to compile the Twitter Files. He admitted it. He reported that President Trump attempted to censor Old Twitter, but he doesn't say what material Trump tried to get removed. That's PR, not journalism. Spoken like a true partisan. You don't tell the truth about the Wuhan leak, either.
  12. One Dem called him a "so-called journalist" -- a snarky dig that has all the right wing snowflakes melting down. Taking a rhetorical jab at someone is the same as a call for censorship? Another Dem pointed out that Taibbi is in the employ of Elon Musk, the world's richest man. I will say what the Dems did not -- Matt Taibbi is no longer an independent journalist. If he were, he'd tell us what material President Trump pressured Old Twitter to remove. Punk ass bitch. Ben, your main challenge here is that you don't know what you're talking about. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisadellatto/2023/02/26/timeline-how-the-covid-lab-leak-origin-story-went-from-conspiracy-theory-to-government-debate/?sh=b5352cb37b98 Timeline: How The Covid Lab Leak Origin Story Went From 'Conspiracy Theory' To Government Debate March 7, 2020 A group of scientists sign an open letter condemning the “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin”; this letter is later scrutinized, as one of its signers, Peter Daszak, is the head of EcoHealth Alliance, a group that has does work in China at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which some saw as a conflict of interest. April 18, 2020 Then-President Donald Trump, who frequently refers to Covid-19 as the “China virus,” says “a lot of people are looking” into the possibility of a lab leak, and says the theory “seems to make sense”; Dr. Anthony Fauci, then the government’s leading infectious disease expert, refutes Trump’s claim, citing a study that found the virus’ mutations are “consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.” January 15, 2021 In the final days of Trump’s presidency, the State Department publishes a fact sheet stating the U.S. government believes that some researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology—a biolab whose research into bat viruses had drawn scrutiny—became sick in fall 2019, shortly before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic; in May, it is reported that three researchers were hospitalized before the first coronavirus case was reported. February 9, 2021 A team from the World Health Organization investigating the source of Covid-19 says it is unable to discern its origins, but calls the possibility that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan “extremely unlikely”—though many observers questioned whether China gave the team enough access to reach a firm conclusion, and the new Biden Administration expressed “deep concerns” about the report. February 9, 2021 A paper in the journal Nature reveals a close relative of SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes Covid-19—was found in bats in Thailand, lending credibility to the theory that the virus evolved naturally and was not manipulated in a laboratory. May 14, 2021 A group of scientists publish an open letter in the journal Science, saying “we must take hypotheses about both natural and laboratory spillovers seriously until we have sufficient data,” and arguing the lab leak possibility hasn’t been thoroughly investigated. May 26, 2021 President Joe Biden orders an intelligence review of the two predominant Covid-19 origin theories. June 3, 2021 Fauci, who up until this point has been steadfast that Covid-19 evolved through natural means, says “the most likely origin is from an animal species to a human but I keep an absolutely open mind that there may be other origins,” adding, “it could have been a lab leak.” </q> Emphasis added.
  13. Not drunk. Sleep deprived. The NBA trade deadline was fraught this year.
  14. So what? Every donation to a university has strings attached? Spoken like a true partisan.
  15. But your only proof of grifting is the timing of Chinese donations to a University. It’s the Trump playbook to repeat a phrase over and over no matter how un-moored it is from fact. “Biden Family Grifting” (tm) is a projection of MAGA dishonesty. BFG — there it is again! Rinse and repeat!
  16. And your proof of this grifting is the timing of a Chinese donation soon after the opening of the Biden Center? Proximity always equals causation? The UPenn spokesman said the Biden Center was paid out of University funds. And according to you he’s a l-i-a-r. Biden got paid for having his name in a building — oh my Trump what a scandal! Show us the quid pro quo — what did the Chinese get in return? Repeating every Trump talking point on a daily basis is the work of a die-hard partisan.
  17. No, Ben, I want to be accurate. When you say that the Chinese funded the Biden Center you are acting like a partisan.
  18. And what is your proof any of that money went to the Biden Center? And when the spokesman for UPenn said no Chinese anonymous money went to the Biden Center, and they don’t solicit money for the Biden Center, he was lying — according to you. What proof do you have he was lying? Ben continued: Yes, money is fungible commodity. It does look like Biden got a $900,000 finder's fee from UPenn for doing nothing. It looks like China money was laundered through UPenn and handed to Biden. No Ben, that’s just the hyper-partisan spin you put on everything Donk.
  19. Recent skepticism of the FBI from the left peaked when James Comey reopened the Hillary e-mail investigation 11 days before the 2016 election. The CIA was sitting on the Steele Dossier at that time, and if they had wanted to flood the cable news cycles with the pee tape they were certainly capable. Trump enjoyed a very short honeymoon with the FBI and CIA because he quickly hired Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, sending off alarm bells thru the National Security State. All Institutions are subject to subversion by Trumpism, which demands unfaltering loyalty to the man, not the country.
  20. Are you sure that ain’t your upper lip? https://nypost.com/2022/04/09/54m-in-chinese-gifts-donated-to-upenn-home-of-biden-center/ A University of Pennsylvania spokesman denied any anonymous Chinese money had gone to the center. “The Penn Biden Center has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity. In fact, the University has never solicited any gifts for the Center,” Stephen MacCarthy said. </q> The Chinese contributed to UPenn — what’s your proof any of that money went to the Biden Center? Biden paid off the Chinese by sticking a shiv in their semi-conductor industry. https://scheerpost.com/2022/11/07/the-us-chips-and-science-act-of-2022-and-its-impacts-on-chinas-semiconductor-industry/
  21. On page 1 Hunt wrote: [M]y research indicates that the difference between the impact point of a "smoothly oriented" jacket shot and a "bunched up" jacket shot is little more than two inches. The reader is invited to contact me via e-mail if he or she is curious as to how I arrived at the aforementioned figure. That essay, explaining in detail my methodology, is not yet finished. </q> There is no “case for a bunched jacket” or else Hunt would have included it. Right? What do you call an article declaring “a case” where you have to e-mail the author for the actual case which “is not yet finished.” In his analysis of Willis 4 Hunt observes the high visibility of JFK’s shirt collar. That’s possible only if the jacket collar was in a normal position adjacent to the base of the neck. Hunt claimed 2+” of shirt and 2+” of jacket were elevated above a wound at the top of JFK’s back without pushing up on the jacket collar just above the base of the neck. Isn’t the idiocy obvious?
  22. From the Charles Cabell wiki “Charles P. Cabell was born in Dallas, Texas on October 11, 1903, the son of Ben E. (son of Confederate general William L. Cabell) and Sadie E. (Pearre) Cabell. He attended Oak Cliff High School in Dallas, Texas, and graduated from West Point in 1925. He was initially commissioned as an artillery lieutenant and served in the field artilleryuntil 1931, when he went to flying school, and was transferred to the Air Corps.” Textbook Cowboy From the Richard Bissell wiki ”Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. was the son of Richard Bissell, the president of Hartford Fire Insurance. He was born in the Mark Twain House in Hartford, Connecticut, and went to Groton School in Groton, Massachusetts. Two of his fellow pupils at Groton were Joseph Alsop and Tracy Barnes. He studied history at Yale University, turning down membership in Skull and Bones, and graduating in 1932, then studied at the London School of Economics. He returned to Yale where he obtained a Ph.D. in economics in 1939. His brother, William, also attended Yale and became a member of Skull and Bones[citation needed].” Textbook Yankee I think it’s a mistake to assume these two had the same agenda during the BOP. Robert Lovett (Skull & Bones) and Joe Kennedy tried to get Dulles fired throughout Ike’s second term. Think the murder of Lumumba slackened that desire? I don’t. Do I suspect McGeorge Bundy (Skull & Bones) and Richard Bissell (Skull & Bones adjacent) sabotaged the BOP so Kennedy had a reason to fire Dulles? Yes, I do.
  23. Not intentionally. But the fact that JFK had two soft-tissue wounds with no exits is routinely ignored by the JFK Critical Expert Class — just like the USG and the MSM. The night of the autopsy with the body in front of them Humes, Boswell , and Finck seriously considered the possibility he was hit with a high-tech weapon, of the kind developed for the CIA in Project MKNAOMI, which leaves no trace in the body. One would never know that listening to JFKA Experts — the Gang That Couldn’t Research Straight.
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