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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Thanks for the fantastic photo, Robin! I had never seen it before. It clears up many things, like the firetruck and white ambulance (?). It gives precise locations of some things like the tall fluorescent lamp post seen in Hughes, the entire side of the sheriff building, etc. This is great! Jack The tall lamp pole in the middle of the block is seen the the Hughes film against windows of the TSBD. By drawing a line from the pole to the windows it intersects, Hughes exact line of sight can be determined on the line extended to the Main intersection. Jack Robin and Jack, Jack has made a great observation. I was going to say that the man in the intersection looks correct n/s but needed to go a little further west. Using the lamp per Jack's suggestion places Hughes just where I thought he should go. As Martin has already clarified, I think the photographers and crowd were off the southwest curb and in an arc in the intersection itself. Jerry The only one I could find that comes remotely close to that area. Robin, another photographer for you (red arrow). chris
  2. John, Just for my orientation, the box (left side photo) with the patch I have squared off in red, where would that be in the right side photo? thanks chris
  3. Thanks for that clarification, Pat. John, As you have brought up, would this be the same area? I don't know, but thought it was interesting. Both from Alyea I believe. chris
  4. Did you miss the post above? Surely being the expert photographer you claim to be, this is not beyond your ken. So what WAS the guide number of the flash in your photo Jack? Was it a thyristor flash or a flashbulb? Can you adjust the power of the flash? What was the shutter speed? What was the film speed? Answer the questions and I'll then tell you exactly why. I spent several weeks studying Studebaker's photos early last year while researching a still-unfinished and unpublished chapter of my webpage. I started out convinced the Studebaker photos were taken at night. It simply made no sense to me that the view out the window would be black during daytime. I later realized that the photos used by the WC were copies of copies etc, and that in the earliest generation prints you could see the County Records building across the street. I also realized that you could see shadows on the floor from the window frame, and that the shadows corresponded to photos taken in the afternoon. I still think there are problems with the photos, but it's no longer clear to me they were taken at night. As far as my earlier question regarding the boxes in the window...I did a quick experiment and am pretty sure Craig is right. I placed the right edge of my son's baby chair behind a railing in our house, half the width of the chair behind the rail. As I moved to the right, at roughly 45 degrees, I was able to see the entire width of the chair to the right of the rail. This leads me to suspect that the boxes to the west of the window frame in Dillard would indeed appear to the east of the window frame in Powell, provided Powell was taken from somewhere around the southeast corner of Houston and Elm. This is confirmed by Studebaker B, which shows the closest boxes to be far west of the window frame, and the approximate corner of Houston and Elm out the window. I'm still not entirely sold, however. If anyone has any objections based upon the shape of the boxes in Powell, which appear to be fairly rectangular even though they've supposedly been photographed from a severe angle, I would be most interested. Well, we know from Tom Alyea's statements that whatever photos Studebaker took of the sniper's nest, they were AFTER Capt. Fritz picked up the shells and after at least two boxes were moved, so what good are they at all? It's also hard to believe that the HSCA photo panel experts would not take parallax perspective into consideration of their analysis. The film Alyea took of the sniper's nest before anyone touched anything - assuming Luke Mooney didn't, is the only accurate version of the area. Someone has posted one photo from Alyea, can someone view the YouTube of his film and freeze frame some shots of the sniper's nest? And what ever became of Alyea's film, and the excerpts that he claimed he shot but are no longer in existence? Thanks, BK Bill, as stated, I spent a lot of time on this while putting together a still unfinished chapter for my webpage. Unfortunately, the Alyea film was cut to bits by his editors, and there is no intact version of it available. Some good chunks of it were broadcast on WFAA on the 22nd, and Groden has a pretty good version of it, but I've seen additional snippets appear in a number of documentaries that were not broadcast on the 22nd and are not seen in Groden. There are several interesting shots that support that the nest was reconstructed. One of these shows Capt. Fritz kneeling down by where one of the shells was supposedly found. Sure enough it looks like he picks something up to show the detective at his right. This may very well be the moment Alyea remembered as Fritz showing HIM the shells. If Fritz picked this shell up, it follows that the placement of either this shell or another back onto the floor for the Studebaker photos was a re-construction. There is also a long shot of a number of detectives standing in the far corner, by the sniper's nest. In this image, it appears as though Fritz himself is standing in the corner, within a few feet of where the "paper bag" was supposedly found. If so, then it is most interesting that he claimed to have never seen the "bag" and indicated that it must have been found after he left. P.S. One should also note that in this last image the highest box in the row of boxes by the window appears to be on the west, when in the Dillard and Powell photos it is on the east. Even if it is on the second box from the west, as indicated by the image of the window already posted by Chris, the Powell photo shows two boxes to the west of the highest box. It follows then that the sniper's nest boxes were moved before they could be photographed by the DPD. From Alyea "Paper Bag" possibly? chris
  5. Bernice, The 3 frames starting from left to right were extracted from: A. MPI's "Image of an Assassination" B. History Channel's "Death in Dealy Plaza" C. Groden's "Assassination Films" I'm pretty sure there is one more of her in front of the TSBD, but don't remember where I saw it. chris
  6. John, This one might be a little bit easier on the eyes (stabilization wise) that is. Watch the 3 vertical light flashes that appear for one frame, near where you pointed out, someone might be tracking the limo. This occurs 2 frames before the head shot A few frames after the light flash, their appears to be a blue (smoke flash) tint which shows up a little higher than the light flashes. I can slow it down, but for now, this is what I get chris
  7. John, Something like this I presume. chris
  8. Hi Bernice, How about a comparison to this stabilized Nix. chris
  9. Was he wearing a hat while filming the assassination? chris
  10. Great catch, Chris! I saw that while watching in a smaller size a frame at a time, but thought it part of the shadow. In your bigger and clearer frame grab, it looks very anomalous! Jack Jack, That's two different Bell films in my opinion. chris Chris, At least on my copy of Groden's Bell the two photos you've posted are from the same film. On the left is the limousine and on the right is the SS car. I believe you were correct, and Chris Scally mistaken, the first (left) frame does show the limousine. However, I think there's a good possibility that your three figures are Hill and the two flipped up visors with spaces between them. Best to you, Jerry Jerry, I'm inclined to agree with you on this. I had forgotten Hill was somewhat slumped over at this point, which lowers his height. Looks like Chris S. got help with his question also. I''ll keep searching, Jack. thanks chris
  11. Great catch, Chris! I saw that while watching in a smaller size a frame at a time, but thought it part of the shadow. In your bigger and clearer frame grab, it looks very anomalous! Jack Jack, That's two different Bell films in my opinion. chris
  12. Hi Chris, The frame I previously supplied is one of the first few in Groden's version of Bell. I thought maybe he had arranged Bell's filming sequence out of order. I don't think so. Take a look at these 2 frames. The left side is what I supplied earlier, the right side is another frame from the same Groden film. Notice the car position in relation to the people in the red box. There appears to be a big problem here. chris
  13. Jack, According to the Bell film as we see it in Groden's version, that should be the limo. But my next question would be: What are the three figures protruding above the limo, at that point in time? I was under the impression that Hill would be the only one standing up at this time. chris
  14. Does it slow down in Z before the headshot? chris
  15. Chris, it slowed down before the headshot. No doubt. Are you sure all frames in your Gif running at same speed and in realtime? Thank you Martin Hi Martin, Process used: Photoshop Layered Used wall and steps for stabilization Set for 0 delay between all frames. Converted to gif in Photoshop. chris
  16. Does it slow down in Nix? chris
  17. Jerry and all, Does the limo slowdown before the headshot? thanks chris
  18. Hi Martin, If you can, show the entire Muchmore segment. I believe it shows, the limo slows down before the headshot. Something like this. chris
  19. Do the words perspective, parallax and camera height mean anything to you? Inquiring minds really want to knpw.... Craig, Sure they do. Here's a little of all 3. I thought these were both taken from the same pedestal. Now, how much farther to the left does Zapruder have to move? Remember they're on that huge pedestal. How much taller is the SS cameraman? Remember, we're talking about human's. Is that Hudson we are still seeing over the wall. chris Hello Chris, Height, up/down looks all right to me - check the No Standing sign vs. the curb. Left/right would be easier if you used the zoomed reconstruction film for your comparison. Is there any reason you're using the version that wasn't set at or near Zapruder's zoom selection? Best to you, Jerry Jerry, I'm just using what was supplied. If you have a frame which is closer in size, please post it and I'll create another comparison. thanks, chris Chris, I didn't realize you don't have the full reconstruction film. You can get it on DVD from Amazon for $10. I'd love to see what you could do with it. I've attached a single frame from the more zoomed version, compare the visible branch structure to Z400 - it looks like the same branches to me, but the camera is obviously in a different location. Best regards, Jerry Thanks Jerry, I do have the reconstruction film, but it's a Utube copy and the quality was lacking. The new frame you provided was very helpful. Here is the branch match on the left, with a little photo alignment on the right. This clears it up. I was wrong again. Much appreciated, chris
  20. Do the words perspective, parallax and camera height mean anything to you? Inquiring minds really want to knpw.... Craig, Sure they do. Here's a little of all 3. I thought these were both taken from the same pedestal. Now, how much farther to the left does Zapruder have to move? Remember they're on that huge pedestal. How much taller is the SS cameraman? Remember, we're talking about human's. Is that Hudson we are still seeing over the wall. chris Hello Chris, Height, up/down looks all right to me - check the No Standing sign vs. the curb. Left/right would be easier if you used the zoomed reconstruction film for your comparison. Is there any reason you're using the version that wasn't set at or near Zapruder's zoom selection? Best to you, Jerry Jerry, I'm just using what was supplied. If you have a frame which is closer in size, please post it and I'll create another comparison. thanks, chris
  21. Do the words perspective, parallax and camera height mean anything to you? Inquiring minds really want to knpw.... Craig, Sure they do. Here's a little of all 3. I thought these were both taken from the same pedestal. Now, how much farther to the left does Zapruder have to move? Remember they're on that huge pedestal. How much taller is the SS cameraman? Remember, we're talking about human's. Is that Hudson we are still seeing over the wall. chris And all of this has exactly what to do with this statement? "Might want to check the branch height in relation to the sign/post in each photo and figure out where the tallest part of the bush actually is." Oh yea NOTHING, aside from the obvious fact that you can't do what you first suggested because of parallax, perspective and camera height. Gotta remember this is super photo sleuth Davidson we are talking about. Why don't you check with the midget shadow boy, maybe he can help you. Craig, Once again, how much farther to the left on the pedestal was Zapruder than the SS cameraman? Where does the initial branches of the bush show up in each. The sewer may help you. Where is the bush at it's highest points? How wide was the pedestal again, here's a little refresher for you. chris
  22. Do the words perspective, parallax and camera height mean anything to you? Inquiring minds really want to knpw.... Craig, Sure they do. Here's a little of all 3. I thought these were both taken from the same pedestal. Now, how much farther to the left does Zapruder have to move? Remember they're on that huge pedestal. How much taller is the SS cameraman? Remember, we're talking about human's. Is that Hudson we are still seeing over the wall. chris
  23. Might want to check the branch height in relation to the sign/post in each photo and figure out where the tallest part of the bush actually is. chris
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