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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. So imagine my surprise when I converted both versions (Z and the WC reenactment) to the proper aspect ratio of 1.33/1, scaled the reenactment frame to fit and then compared the Stemmons sign post to each other. I only had to enlarge the Z frame 150% to get the posts the same width. Or, a different way to look at it would be to enlarge 18mm to 27mm. Get the picture. No pun intended.
  2. I believe in photography, the closer you are to an object, the larger it appears in the photo/frame. Or you can use some type of zoom lens.
  3. Added on Edit: The following is not my quote or research: "Zapruder purchased his camera from the Peacock Jewelry Company on Elm St. in 1962 – Serial Number AS13486. It was a top of the line Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera with a Varamat 9-27mm F1.8 lens. Zapruder had a 9-27mm telephoto lens (a description which is very much a stretch compared to today) at his disposal when he recorded his infamous film, but it could also be set to wide angle or “normal” Think of 9mm as wide angle, 18mm as normal and 27mm as full zoom. Note the common object in all three.
  4. The raw WC re-enactment film I've been using has an aspect ratio of 1.292/1 A 3% increase in width or 3% reduction in height, gives it the 8mm (Z camera) aspect ratio of 1.33/1 Probably cropped off the sides slightly. Look closely. What camera do you think Shaneyfelt is filming with? He is not the person in the white shirt. https://drive.google.com/file/d/119BBjJIoanJ3HA2kyYQ6vHXJg_ZbGxe0/view?usp=sharing
  5. Parsing Hickey's statements provides invaluable support for your well thought out synopsis.
  6. If it's hard to comprehend the shoulder enigma, here's an (optical printer/matte) analogy created 10 years prior to the zfilm funnies. https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=ABBOTT+%26+COSTELLO+MEET+DR+JECKYL+AND+MR+HYDE&cat=web&pl=ext-ff&language=english&extVersion=1.3.0
  7. The extant zframe 212 splice was supposedly a combination of two frames. The bottom half being z212 and the top half being z208. If you align the objects within the two frames you’ll get an idea of the offset between the sprocket holes for a four frame span reflecting Zapruder’s panning speed. The two frames that follow are extant z194 and z205 = 11 frames The panning distance is approx (blue vertical lines) the same distance as z208-z212. Plotting JFK’s head within the limo(landmarks) from extant z196.5-z207 = 7.5ft 7.5ft/10.5frames = .714ft per frame x 18.3 = 13.07ft per sec / 1.47 = 8.89mph The limo is slowing down. Why? Because a shot has occurred and Greer is reacting to it by slowing the vehicle down. Sound familiar at other parts of the extant film? Assigning the same amount of frames for panning distance removes approx 7 frames from the z208-z212 span. If you add 7 missing frames back to the 7.5ft plotted distance you have a 7.5ft/17.5 frames = 5.33mph From extant z184-z196.5 (12 frames) the limo is traveling at 12.45mph. The average limo speed from extant z184-207 = 12.45 + 8.89mph / 2 = 21.34/2 = 10.67mph (using actual ft/frames = 10.82mph/2 = 5.41mph which is close enough) 10.67mph/2 = 5.335mph 5.335mph removing alternating frames = 10.67mph The limo didn’t stop at this point, but the limo slowing(among other alterations) had to be removed in order for the Single BS Theory to work with JFK’s reaction we see at extant z224. Not enough time between shots for one shooter.
  8. The difference being, these dual shoulders are in the same zfilm frame, as opposed to separate frames. This next gif might help by reducing the animated shoulders to a similar size as the base shoulders. Once applied, we can add the "hands to the throat" gentleman back in, using Ready's white handkerchief for alignment. Notice what area the "hands to the throat" gentlemen occupies, in relationship to the base film. Altered is an understatement.
  9. #1 and #3 are the same frame showing the natural spread/magnification between the sprocket holes. #2 is the sprocket hole area without the natural spread/magnification. #4 I increased the frame size 5%
  10. An invalid argument. Asked and answered previously. Bronson and Z do not match each other. Glover's steps and Jackie's hand give it away. Look for common actions in both. Count frames, divide by frame rates and you can figure out the unmatched frame totals in the gif.
  11. Magnification incidences between the sprocket holes is usually 5%. In this example, it does not cause the addition of a judge's robe to Agent Ready's right side. On his left side, he has just removed his right arm from the handhold which means he either didn't have his left arm/hand holding onto the handhold or he was gripping something else. The two flesh tones at Ready's immediate left could be two human heads (lower head looking down and inward with white collar-the upper looking towards Z) but the size compared to the agent in the back seat furthest away, is wrong.
  12. Adding more pieces to a puzzle. Do you think Robert West viewed a frame that showed JFK grabbing his throat above the Stemmons sign, which enabled him to plot a shot circa extant z207?
  13. Let's throw that onto a 35MM frame. btw, the frames retain their proper aspect ratios.
  14. My comparison frame, shot with a B/H 414, full zoom on the same Z pedestal. There were obvious alteration problems which were rectified.
  15. When you're dealing with multiple layers and you do not want some of those underlying layered elements to appear, you can try blurring them. As an example, the real curbline in relationship to Zapruder's filming location at Jackie's head, among other items. When you do decide to start altering layered frames there are other positioning problems that arise. Most obvious in this instance, is the person grabbing his throat who is hanging/levitating over the correctly positioned Elm St south curb. There is a mathematical way to resolve the number of frames excised from this part of the film, but I think the visual is much easier for most folks. The extant zfilm has been heavily edited/altered at this point to hide JFK's reaction, among others, to a shot that occurred at the physical location provided by Robert West. Enjoy!!!!!
  16. The general public's disposition according to the WC investigation:
  17. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you're experiencing the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGVi_zrH38o
  18. Fortunately, the WC did create a comparable reenactment. They just made it quite difficult to obtain. Perspective and Perception. Whatever "FLOATS" your boat, among other imperfections. Enjoy!!!!!
  19. The WC does there part by trying to convince you with their expert testimony. Let’s see what they were up to in relationship to the altered frames previously described. The SBT street location was plotted at Station# 3+81.3(approx extant z218+) Extant Z207 was plotted at Station# 3+71.1 The difference between those two locations is 10.2ft. See previous posting for importance. Frazier testifies that a 6.7inch “lead” from a shooter 175ft away was necessary to hit the intended target. Please note that the shooter’s distance (hypotenuse) at extant z207 is 175ft, not the flat line distance. Why would Frazier do this when supposedly the SBT shot was 10.2ft farther down Elm. Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the lead would amount to shooting over the target at 175 feet, a distance of 6.7 inches, and the decimal on that figure is not an accurate decimal because this figure relates to an average velocity of ammunition of this type, and is concerned with a speed of a vehicle which is also estimated, and a distance which may or may not be exactly accurate. But at a ground speed of 11 miles an hour, it would be necessary to shoot over or lead a target 6.7 inches for the bullet to hit the intended spot on the target At 265 feet the lead would be .51 feet, or 6.1 inches. Just using simple Elm St elevation conversions will expose the lie. 10.2 ft /18.3ft(=1ft vertical drop on Elm St at 3.13°) = .557ft elevation difference. See CE560 .557 x 12” = 6.68” = “lead” figure from Frazier. See CE560 If you enter Frazier’s “lead” figure into a ballistics calculator using the carcano attributes, the 6.7” entry is representative of a vehicle traveling 28.6mph. If you read his testimony you’ll discover Frazier said he based that “lead” height on the limo traveling at 11.3mph. Oops!!! The SBT BS meter just registered off the chart. Why does Frazier come up with a 6.7” lead? He is trying to meld two shots into one. Where does he come up with 28.6mph, look no further than CE884(non public version) where the entry between extant z207-z208 = 2.3ft. Simple conversion for 2.3ft in one frame over one sec = 2.3ft x 18.3frames = 42.09ft per sec /1.47 = 28.63mph. The true “lead” for a car traveling at 11.3mph is approx 2.7inches using the same specs mentioned above. https://content.invisioncic.com/r16296/post-5057-0-21834300-1461827922.jpg
  20. Along with the altered animated frames, more documentation for that shot before the extant z207 splice. Read the middle box for pertinent information provided by Tom Purvis via conversation with Robert West. If you understand that this shot location was approx 10.2ft before the WC determined Single BS Theory, you'll understand the need to alter the film at this point. Plat: 1"=10ft
  21. Besides having trouble matching Ready's suit color(see above/below red box top border)and shoulder alignment, they also had troubles with his left arm extending onto the hand grab. This next gif uses the same frame on the right hand side as the gif above, but a different zframe on the left. The layered side at left, starting from the hand grab, follow the object back to Ready's left shoulder line.
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