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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. No, Phil Willis had a bald spot. Just like we see in Martin. You know, right before the limo appears. As for your floating guy, well, perspective is not in your vocabulary.
  2. Willis' run completely possible, and more than likely probable.
  3. Willis runs across the plaza and towards Elm St where Hughes captures him. Willis had to run 192.5ft 200ft to his location on Elm St and the limo had to travel 229.8ft 219.8ft from Willis' last photo. This is measured to z133(Station 2+99.0) since this is the first frame we see Willis in Z. Since the limo is just rounding the corner of the TSBD, Willis is the larger figure viewed first (red box) than the latter (red box) seen down the stairs. imo The time equals 17.84 seconds discounting any delay(missing frames) created by the Towner and Z133 splice. 192.5ft/17.84 sec = 7.34mph 200ft/17.84 sec = 7.62 mph 229.8/17.84sec = 8.76 mph 219.8ft/17.84 sec = 8.38mph Added on Edit: The limo started turning from the crosswalk not the County Records Building corner. This is a difference of 10 ft reflected in the corrected distance above. Added on 2nd Edit: Bald spot man is not Willis. Phil was approx 7.5ft closer to the Main/Houston St corner. Willis is the latter (red box) and bald spot man is in the former (red box).
  4. Willis in the inset (red arrows) taking his picture of the limo.
  5. Willis crossing in front of Muchmore filming, after taking his picture of the limo on Main St.
  6. Your guesses for distances and times belong in the waste basket. Try basing your information on plotted positions. What path do you think Willis refers to when speaking of "running across the plaza and racing over to Elm St"? Study the plat wisely. When you're done with that, I'm sure you'll have a guess for how many feet the limo travels in the Towner film including the Elm St turn. The red line represents Muchmore's filming position via the Sprague/Cutler plat. The actual plat in the gif is West/Drommer. The limo was traveling approx 9.3mph at this point with (10 Muchmore frames / 7.5ft) farther down Houston St to go before Willis takes his picture. This puts Willis (see frame of Willis in Muchmore) a little closer to the limo than Muchmore.
  7. Sandy, That would seem somewhat logical, but in this instance I would not. The lens' focal length was not correct compared to the info I provided earlier about the lens I believe was used originally. I will try to remedy this and retake the photos with a comparable lens. The end result might be the same, but I would wait to draw any conclusions. Yes, that hat is tight fitting so it did not add but a minimal difference, if any, to her height.
  8. Perspective and comprehension. I wonder if there is a deceptive gif to follow with someone on the run as the limo turns onto Elm St. hmmm Credit to Robin for the photos.
  9. Losing focus, No Realized a mistake and admitted it, Yes. Your life's perspective for me is about as valuable as the perspective you use to maneuver through Dealy Plaza via the extant films. Worthless. Have you figured out where the signs are Butler?
  10. Paul, That clip is the MPI version which includes the splice. If you add in the missing frames from the Groden version, this is what it would look like. btw, it's a hat not a newspaper.
  11. You might look closely at the women next to Willis. There are other ways to show film manipulation.
  12. If it was me, I would think differently and realize I now have a sync point between two films and use that to show there are problems with the Z film. But, I'm not holding my breath that you will heed the advice, so I did it myself years ago. You were offered advice by others to go back and research some of this stuff. Oh well!!!!!
  14. You supply us with a photo and an arrow pointing to one of two men in close proximity to a woman who appears in both films. You are then shown two men in Z, in close proximity to the same woman. Yes, let others decide. Then you want to move to the SW corner where it is even more densely populated and complain you can't find two reporters. Where's Waldo?
  15. Used in previous gif. My wife is 5'10" tall without shoes. She is 6' tall with those shoes on. All steps rise 7 inches.
  16. I'll reserve my comments for now. Added on Edit: REMOVED GIF
  17. Thanks David. Nice Recap. Willis stabilized. How is JB ever going to prove Willis's leg is extra long/wide when a gif like this appears and someone says he's stepping backwards up on the curb. Think differently about proving the extant Zfilm is alteration filled.
  18. A disinformation rant just for you: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25659-mass-hysteria-in-dealey-plaza/?do=findComment&comment=398394 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25532-then-went-outside-to-watch-the-p-parade/?do=findComment&comment=395724 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25532-then-went-outside-to-watch-the-p-parade/?do=findComment&comment=395702 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25532-then-went-outside-to-watch-the-p-parade/?do=findComment&comment=395611http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25532-then-went-outside-to-watch-the-p-parade/?do=findComment&comment=395623
  19. Andrej, I tried to take the photographic frame out of the equation by recommending the correct aspect ratio and angle to horizon adjustment. Camera information and trigonometry for the rest. The only height that's known is Fraziers. Body proportions are all variables just as in the head height graphic you supplied previously. I never said I found your "one foot on a lower step theory" unreasonable. If I had, I would never had try to reproduce it with my own experiment. Although that turned out to be worthless in this instance. We don't agree on the object/hand being in or out of shadow. So you're not going to convince me about other shadows. If there is an egregious mistake with my math/information then someone will correct it and maybe I'll change my opinion. Present your case to those that are more knowledgeable in Photogrammetry than I am. I've spent more time than I anticipated on this. Break time!!!
  20. As I remain gender neutral on the identity of Prayer Person/s, I'm just not willing to exclude everyone but Oswald. Do I believe Oswald was shooting from the 6th floor, no, never have, as my research has always dictated. This doesn't therefore mean if Oswald isn't Prayer Person, it proves he was shooting. There are other people that appeared similar in profile to Oswald near the confines of the TBSD. If I made an error in the math, I will stand corrected. As of now, I'm convinced by the math that the Prayer Person figure in Darnell is 63 inches tall.
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