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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=22511&page=16 Starts about post #228 if interested. Post #254 also. The rest is up to you. chris
  2. From Tom P. via Robert West: The 163.65ft flatline distance would equate to JFK's physical location(Station#3+71.1) within the limo at extant zframe 207. Sorry, back or throat I'm not concerned with at this time. chris More support for Robert West's Time/Life documentation.
  3. At 3.27ft above the street, which is what the WC determined JFK's head height to be for all CE884 entries, this converts quite closely to an Elm St elevation change of 61ft. 61ft /18.3 (1ft vert. per 18.3ft horizontal) = 3.33ft vs 3.27ft I will introduce the slight WC adjustment between the two a little later.
  4. Chris, We talked about this briefly before, but as far as I know we never fully agreed upon an interpretation. I didn't push my interpretation because I had nothing prepared to back it up. I do recall that you showed me that Baker began by running toward the TSBD. And of course I agreed with you. But I don't recall your saying that Truly changed Baker's trajectory. What do you mean by that? And which one is Truly? It is only now that I am able to present what I believe to be a very strong case. I believe the evidence here shows that Baker had no intention of entering the TSBD. Not early on, that is. The evidence shows that Baker's intention was to run in the direction of the Dal-Tex building. For what reason I can only imagine. Notice in the foreground, the gentleman with the cowboy hat, Truly comes out from under it. Truly then proceeds to turn towards the TSBD after Baker passes. Truly is the only obstacle between Baker and the stairs as Baker crosses the street. If you watch Baker's left elbow/arm before he reaches Truly and after, you will see the angle/trajectory change. chris
  5. Sandy, I think we've discussed this before. Truly changes the trajectory of Baker's run. See gif. He does appear to be running past the steps (could have been a split second decision). If he was going to run up the stairs initially, he more than likely would have entered on the left side of the handrail where the others are moving through. The right side is much too congested. chris
  6. Michael, Let's rephrase the last part of your quote: "It may be hard to believe but not every single piece of evidence needed to be forged in this case. One piece of evidence I do believe was faked was the back yardPHOTOS, and there was quite a bit of faking on the mail order of the rifle. But the Z film was simply withheld from the public while at the same time the disinformation campaignSTARTED about it soon after (like Rather saying the president's head fell forward at Z313)." to: Rather was part of the disinformation campaign, (saying the presidents head fell forward), which started after the zfilm was withheld from the public. My immediate question to you was: How can Rather's disinformation start when it equates to existing events within the extant zfilm, which you believe to be unaltered?" If anybody comprehended your original quote differently, I'm all ears. Added on edit: ( )
  7. The original quote from Michael: "It may be hard to believe but not every single piece of evidence needed to be forged in this case. One piece of evidence I do believe was faked was the back yardPHOTOS, and there was quite a bit of faking on the mail order of the rifle. But the Z film was simply withheld from the public while at the same time the disinformation campaignSTARTED about it soon after (like Rather saying the president's head fell forward at Z313)." My response: "It appears you've created a conundrum for yourself. According to the extant Zfilm, JFK's head does fall forward at z313. How can Rather's disinformation start when it equates to existing events within the extant zfilm, which you believe to be unaltered?" Yet, you didn't include this " "Yes, [xxxx], he says it falls forward and it does. But what speaks much, much louder is what he did NOT say - that his head is then thrown violently backward. As a reporter reporting, his obligation to his audience was to report *everything.* Thus, the disinformation campaign [between the government and the media] had begun at that point." with this (like Rather saying the president's head fell forward at Z313)." originally, did you?
  8. 8.8ft + 21.34ft + 30.86ft Previously described and put into context. Combined, look back up Elm St.
  9. Taken from post #11and applied to post#5: The limo travels 2.4ft in 5frames according to the extant zfilm. 18.3/5 =3.66 x 2.4 = 8.78 ft per sec = 5.98mph 8.8 vs 8.78 Close enough for gubermint work. P.S. The exact distance between JFK and JBC was 2.41ft. If you want to use this for exacting purposes. In this instance: 3.66 x 2.41 = 8.82ft /1.2596 ft per frame (15.68mph) = 7.002 frames. See previous post.
  10. Not to pour it on too much, but if one wants to compare the two CE884's from post #4, the entry for Station# 3.29.2 = Z161 in one chart, and z168 for the other. The 8.8ft Shaneyfelt adjustment, incorporated into a limo moving at 15.68mph = 23.05ft per sec = 1.2596ft per frame @ 18.3fps = 8.8/1.2596 = 6.986 frames = frame difference between Z161 and z168 or as they say " close enough for government work".
  11. What else does 8.8ft indicate? 8.8ft /.48ft per frame(see previous post) = 18.33 frames = 1sec from a 18.3fps film 8.8ft / .18ft per frame (CE884 speed of limo z161-166) = 48.8 frames = 1sec from a 48fps film By the way: 48.8/48 = 1.01666…. x 18fps = 18.3fps Just putting this comparison into the context of whole frames, as I don't know of any frames that consist of .3 images. Well, maybe some that were artificially created.
  12. Referring back to post#7. 1.259666…. ft per frame x 18.3 - Frames per sec = 23.05ftTRAVELED in 1 second @ 18.3 frames per sec divide 48 frames per sec true camera speed at this point = .48 ft per frame 48fps/18.3fps = 2.62/1 ratio In keeping with this fps ratio: 8.8ft x 2.62 = 23.05ft Which pretty much leads to this excerpt from post #12: The speed of the limo from z154-z166 is (23.05ft per sec) 15.68mph. Keep building the blocks!!!
  13. Be aware of the differences Shaneyfelt adjusting down the street. 39.66ft - 30.86ft (distance between z313 and Altgens shot) = 8.8ft.
  14. The length of the limo is 21.34ft. Altgen's said he was approximately 15ft away at the last shot. Elm St. lanes were how wide? I'll let you figure that out. Since Altgens is somewhat behind the curb, at extant z352, add that to the lane width and compare with Altgens estimation. chris The distance between the extant z313 headshot and the Altgens headshot is exactly 30.86ft. This next attachment is from Tom Purvis. My input is the red boxes and the conversion to 39.66ft.
  15. Michael, It appears you've created a conundrum for yourself. According to the extant Zfilm, JFK's head does fall forward at z313. How can Rather's disinformation start when it equates to existing events within the extant zfilm, which you believe to be unaltered? Please, I ask again, start a new topic on the unaltered zfilm. My topic is Math. If you have a problem with the Math, feel free to point it out. P.S Just one of the many gifs I've created using the extant zfilm, frame by frame.
  16. Referring back to the previous post, I can just imagine the conversation among Shaneyfelt and Robert West at this point. Shaneyfelt: Robert, if you don't plot these two frame numbers here, my synchronization masterpiece will become invalid. West: Shaneyfelt, why did you guys hire me in the first place, you have the surveying well under control. More puzzle pieces coming.
  17. I prefer the WC jigsaw puzzle. Pieces provided via CE884 and video. When did the limo travel 3.74 mph? Simple Math 18.3fps/3frames = 6.1 x.9ft = 5.49ft per sec = 3.734 mph
  18. Michael, Frames missing? In a jogging clip that has absolutely nothing to do with the Zapruder film? There's simply no comparison between the two. And yet, you brought up RM Willis running smoothly in the extant film You keep parroting your belief. It is well known by now. I don't need to argue the validity of the film. I gave an example of the zfilm with 3x the frame total for a particular span. That's good enough. Refer back to post #21 and compare it to this, which now possess' 1/3 of those original frames. Move on from this topic, start your own on the merits of the extant zfilm being unaltered. Math doesn't reach, but the eyes are prone to deception.
  19. If interested, you can refer back to post #7 in which this is used: = 23.05ftTRAVELED in 1 second @ 18.3 frames per sec divide 48 frames per sec true camera speed at this point = .48 ft per frame x 5 frames (z161-166) = 2.4ft = distance between JFK and Connally in limo. Let's get rid of the distance (z161-z166- 2.4ft-true distance between JFK and Connally) in terms of a 48fps film. This leaves us with a matching distance of 20.65ft.
  20. Michael, Starting with: A splice at 133. A splice at 157. A splice at 207. Michael quote: "I just made a GIF of frames 154-166. All you have to do is watch the little girlRUNNING in the upper right corner (I think her name is Rosemary). She runs very smoothly in this GIF - no jumps...no hidden or missing frames...no stutters. The car is basically gliding down Elm Street at a constant speed, again, smoothly and like it should. Also, look at the guy taking pictures and he has one leg on the street and thenSTEPS back onto the curb (near the girl). Again, smooth motion. Once again, how many frames are missing from this segment???
  21. JFK's head height above street at extant z313 = 3.27ft = 39.24 inches JFK's head height above street = 4.398ft= 52.78 inches DIFFERENCE = 13.54 VERTICAL INCHES
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