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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Holt also said he was told that Harrelson had a stake in the gunshop of John Masen. Before the assassination Holt and partners (they had gun modification shop for the CIA in Goleta) were sent a number of Carcano's to test plus ammunition to reload for them. They had to return all to Masen in Dallas. Interesting , isn't it? Wim
  2. Judyth is okay, should I forward your message? Wim
  3. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6079549485274438615
  4. No, I think that is right. Wasn't that why Harrelson called Chauncey a certified xxxx? Because the ATF didn't exist in 1963? Harrelson is only half correct. It didn't exist as an autonomous agency, but it did as a divison of the IRS. Wim
  5. Gibson presentation on the three tramps, video now online http://jfkmurdersolved.com/lois1.htm
  6. William, Licavoli made it available to him at the Grace Ranch. I guess he owned it, but I am not sure. Wim http://witheet.zattevrienden.be/index.php/...me_not_for_you/
  7. SPOOKS, HOODS & THE HIDDEN ELITE A chilling account of top secret "black operations' conducted during the Cold War at the behest of the Secret Government. This provocative new release unveils the true face of the hidden elite and their excise of power from behind the shadows. CIA contract agent and underworld figure ,Chauncey Holt, takes you inside the deadly world of "black ops." Holt exposes the means by which the Secret Government uses the intelligence community and organized crime as cover for their nefarious control over U.S. policy while maintaining plausible deniability for themselves. This DVD also chronicles an assassination paper trail: private correspondence between agents and assets of the Secret Government regarding the logistics of removing President John F. Kennedy from office in 1963. This is the story that was never meant to see the light of day...as told by one who was in Dealey Plaza on the day that JFK was assassinated....
  8. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/spooks.htm There's a few members here who have expressed their doubts about Chauncey Holt. I say: With this DVD you will adjust your opinions (unless you're not honest) I say too: This is the most significant evidence for the conspiracy that has surfaced in 44 years. Now, if you don't want to see it, your opinions on Holt cannot be taken seriously, for they will be ill informed. To those who have already ordered it: thank you! You won't regret it , and please let us know what you think. Wim DVD Spooks, Hoods & The Hidden Elite Chauncey Marvin Holt The testimony of Chauncey Marvin Holt The story of a participant in the JFK assassination. This is the documentary film presenting the never before published video interview (2 hours) with Chauncey Marvin Holt, recorded in 1997, just eight days before he died. It provides the strongest evidence ever, directly from an insider, for the plot to kill the 35th president of the United States of America ... and take over his Government. It includes all the documentary proof any researcher would dream of. You will hear names you have never heard of. In short, if this won't convince you, nothing will. But if you want to spread the truth about JFK's murder, all you need to do is spread the link of this webpage. Below you can watch the first 15 minutes + the epilogue: Or watch it directly on Google video For broadcast or distribution rights contact info@JFKmurdersolved.com To order, you can transfer 30 USD or 25 EURO to the Paypal account info@jfkmurdersolved.com. In order to do this you have to go to www.paypal.com and transfer the money to the email account. If you are not a Paypal user, you can become one. Registration is free, easy and safe. Of course you can also pay a friend to get it for you with your shipping address. You can also order without registration. On the paypal website you can just click on "If you do not currently have a PayPal account Click Here" button. If you don't want to use paypal, you can also transfer to Rabobank (Netherlands) account 1799 86 392 of W.J. Dankbaar, or mail a check or money order to: BulletProof Film, Inc. 1741 N. Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60647 United States This will include international shipping costs. Include your shipping address. To order this DVD for 30 USD click the button below: To order this special for 25 euro click the button below: To see the other products click here. Dear audience, My name is Wim Dankbaar. I am 45 and from the Netherlands. I have been interested in the JFK assassination since 1988 and I have learned a lot since then. The last 5 years I have been actively involved in a quest to unearth the truth of the JFK assassination. I have spent lots of time, energy and money on what I believe is an intriguing and noble cause. I could not have achieved this without the help and sacrifices of hundreds of others, building on their work and knowledge. I have authored a book and produced films on people with inside knowledge on the coup that changed history and America, and probably the world. I have found that the people and their heirs, who seized power by killing Kennedy and covering up the truth, are still in power today. I have found these forces control corporate mass media channels to a certain degree. I have found they have assets to discredit the truth or prevent it from being shown through our so called free media. So what is in fact the big challenge to get the truth known? It is not to learn the truth, buth rather to present that truth to the public at large. This is the first 15 minutes + epilogue of a brand new, full fledged documentary of 2 hours that presents the most powerful (yet unknown) evidence you have ever seen for the plot to kill John F. Kennedy, and take over his government. JFK was one of the most loved presidents in history, representing hope for freedom and democracy. The man telling the story, Chauncey Marvin Holt, is dead now and was a self admitted career criminal. But in some ways, at least in my view, he was also a good man. For having a conscience and for sharing his story. He knew he was going to die shortly. In fact he died 8 days after this recording. This was the last thing he wanted to do. For YOU and your children. Just one of the startling revelations in this film, is that the cuban exile militants, Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles, who are now being protected by the Bush administration (just google their names), were on Dealey Plaza when Kennedy was killed. You will further learn how Government Agencies and Organized Crime worked together. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/spooks.htm
  9. Interesting documentary on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0cC9gfUSpQ
  10. http://narcosphere.narconews.com/story/2007/1/13/144539/967 http://witheet.zattevrienden.be/index.php/...ed_with_lying2/
  11. After the dust of JFK's murder had settled, Chauncey Holt shopped around for a new assignment. Paul Helliwell gave it to him. He was sent to Brazil to assist in the coup: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB118/index.htm Wim
  12. For what it is worth: Robert Groden claims he knows where the brain is. He says he 's going to reveal it in his new book. Wim
  13. http://witheet.zattevrienden.be/index.php/..._bay_of_pigs_2/ http://witheet.zattevrienden.be/index.php/...m_gerald_ford1/
  14. Ashton, Just saw your PM. If you want to get me quicker, just email me at info@jfkmurdersolved.com I have been busy with some other research, plus other matters over the last few weeks, so I haven't dropped in for quite a while. Also now, I came here to pick up a photo. Email me with specific questions you may have. Wim
  15. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/haslam1.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/lewis.htm
  16. He clearly demonstrates that the whole official story of the wounds is a total farce and fraud. That has been done before, but I never saw it visualised so well and with unknown footage. I hope Pat will put this on youtube and google video. Wim
  17. In terms of proof there is Ruby's own statements and Judyth Baker's background knowledge, plus the fact that he contracted cancer which proved fatal within a month from diagnosis. This is uncommon. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/rubycancer.jpg
  18. I believe the Marilyn Monroe murder played a part in that. Let's assume for a while that The Kennedy's and Giancana had a hand in that. Wouldn't that be a great trumph card to keep Bobby silent about his brother's death? Wim
  19. http://www.noisivision.com/JFK.htm I don't know if this has been posted before , but that's really great stuff Wim
  20. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/rubycancer.jpg There was only a month time between his getting ill and his death. That's galloping cancer. It was injected. Judyth explains that a test on a unwitting volunteer prisoner took 28 days for the patient to die. Ruby knew about this cancer project. That's why he tried to convince his guards. Of course he failed. Wim
  21. Ruby was injected with a cancer causing virus, just like he said he was. Wim
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